Training preschool teachers in fundamentals of ecology and valeology

The problem of organization of valeological education of children of senior preschool age. The valeological education of preschoolers is a multifaceted process of pedagogical interaction of children, teaching staff of preschool education and parents.

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Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University in Drohobych

Training preschool teachers in fundamentals of ecology and valeology

Kalichak Y.L.

In the time of radical changes that are taking place in the Ukrainian society nowadays, the problem of revising the moral values that are directly related to the valeo-ecological education of young people, including preschool children, has become acute. The younger generation is increasingly focused on indirect interaction with the natural environment, while a large number of young people are not interested in such issues as a healthy lifestyle, toughening, exercise, nutrition, etc. Due to these and other reasons, children and young people live in an artificial, virtual world, without knowing the basis of their lives in its rational direction. As a result, the situation in the country is unstable in terms of morbidity, hypokinesia, unhealthy diet, etc.

In Ukraine, the problem of valeological education of children and the younger generation is regulated at the legislative level by such important documents as the Concept of Health Development of Ukraine, the National Strategy for Physical Activity in Ukraine until 2025 "Physical activity - healthy lifestyle - healthy nation ”Etc. [1, p. 22].

The content of normative documents of preschool education in Ukraine - the Basic component and the current governmental comprehensive programs - fully reflects the basic approaches to providing preschool children with the necessary knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle, and ways to avoid diseases.

In recent years, the number of studies on the organization of valeological education of older preschool children has increased. The main approaches to the formation of health competencies of senior preschoolers are covered in the works by T. Andriushchenko, N. Denysenko, O. Dubohai, L. Lokhvytska, O. Savchenko and others. [1; 4; 18; 32]

However, as defined by the current practice of organizing valeological education in preschools, there are still some contradictions that are related to the fact that:

there is a need to introduce the latest principles and technologies of valeological and health preserving work and traditional attitudes to this area of the pedagogical process in preschools;

there is a discrepancy between the level of competence of educators in the organization of comprehensive valeological work with children and modern requirements of preschool education programs in this regard [7].

In view of the above, the improvement of old and the search for new organizational and methodological approaches to valeological education of children has become important. It is especially relevant in the period of older preschool childhood, when on the eve of a child's entry into school it is important to lay the foundations of health (all its types), form the necessary skills to maintain and strengthen health, accustom to a scientifically sound daily schedule.

The analysis of the scientific literature testifies to the expediency of further development of the problem of organization of valeological education of children of senior preschool age in its theoretical part [8; 17; 26; 27; 37; 40].

Reorientation of the content of preschool education to universal values and involvement of preschoolers in the principles of a healthy lifestyle affect the revision of the basics of valeological education. The current valeological situation in Ukraine, due to the impact of adverse economic, social, demographic and other influences, does not contribute to the success of this process.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the infectious diseases incidence of children, which occur as a result of parents' refusal to vaccinate them. A decreased quality of children's nutrition has a negative effect on the body's resistance to disease, significantly reduces the ability to strengthen the relevant types of immunity [5, p. 2].

For decades, scientific research has been carried out in the field of valeology - the science of a healthy lifestyle, which is associated primarily with the key concept of "health". The term suggested by I. Brekhman in the preamble of the 1948 Statute of the World Health Organization, is the most acceptable for the scientific definition of the above concept. According to him, health was considered as a state of well-being (namely - physical, emotional, spiritual and others), and not just the absence of disease and physical defects "[2, p. 11].

The need to develop methodological principles for the protection and promotion of the health of almost healthy people is directly related to the field of preschool age.

The state of health of a preschool child is determined by the functionality of the body, its dynamic state of preservation and strengthening of physiological, biological and mental functions, determining the resource of mental and physical performance and activity in the society, as well as the body's ability to maximize life expectancy [35]. That is why health is not only the goal, objective, but also a certain result of the process of providing optimal conditions for physical, emotional, mental, and social development of a person [11, p. 30].

For a long time, the concept of "health" was considered in its definitions for various categories of adults, physical exercises, sports, leisure, and so on.

Pedagogy also formed its definition of "health", which by the logic of interpretation was more related to the influence of the manifestation of psychophysical qualities of an individual, their socialization, behavior, and the nature of communication with other people, etc. [11, p. 32].

Closely related to health is a concept such as a "healthy lifestyle" or a certain way of organizing one's own life, which involves the purposeful improvement and strengthening of human health, improving the resources and potential of a person's body. This will allow them to successfully perform their professional and social functions.

For a long time, scientific studies in the field of healthy lifestyle of preschoolers were closely linked with the introduction of the principles of physical culture, strengthening children's health during hardening procedures, educational work on hygiene and sanitation, cultural and hygienic skills and basic rules of personal hygiene, the basics of proper nutrition.

However, the most thorough work has been done in the field of physical education of preschool children. In the works of scholars T. Osokina, A. Keneman, D. Khukhlaeva, E. Vilchkovsky and others, the basic approaches to physical education of children of early and preschool age have been defined, which have been a basis of valeology of the preschool childhood.

Presenting main material. Valeology, as a science, must be in a synthetic unity with such sciences as medicine, pediatrics, hygiene, ecology, biology, pedagogy, physiology, etc.

A characteristic feature of valeology is that it captures previous and current achievements of many humanities (philosophy, psychology, medicine, pedagogy, etc.) and organically synthesizes these achievements in the process of systematic study of problems of formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of health for different age groups.

Valeology as a relatively independent branch of education solves one of the most important tasks for society, transforming new scientific knowledge about human health from a theoretical and systemic form into an educational and informational form for preschool children in order to apply this knowledge in everyday life [28, p. 3].

The upbringing of children in modern society is conducted in the conditions of economic changes that have led to social stratification and lower living standards. There is a further disorganization of life, the destruction of stable moral and ethical norms and traditions of family upbringing. All this leads to an increase in social orphanhood and an increase in forms of antisocial behavior. It significantly deteriorates the health of children, increasing the number of childhood neuroses, stresses, and aggression [3].

The child as a subject of valeological education in the preschool is recognized as a full and active participant in the pedagogical process. The main characteristics of a preschooler that affect the effectiveness of the valeological process are the age, the initial level of valeological knowledge and skills, the duration of stay in preschool, the objective state of health.

It should be noted that in preschool institutions, work with children is carried out mainly with the use of appropriate technologies and techniques, which are more aimed at mental education of children.

In recent years, the scientists increased their attention to the problem of a person's health, to the manifestation of the negative impact on their condition, which are due to man-made, environmental, social, economic and other factors. A large number of studies in this regard were carried out by Ukrainian scientists T. Andriushchenko, G. Belenka, O. Bohinich, E. Vilchkovsky, N. Denysenko, O. Dubohai, O. Kurk, L. Lokhvytska, M. Mashovets, S. Petrenko, O. Potuzhniy, V. Orzhekhovska and others. [1; 4; 24].

The peculiarity of valeological work, which is related to such medical areas as hygiene, physical culture and basics of sports, nutrition, psychotherapy, etc. requires the expansion of forms and methods of valeo-educational work, as well as basic, age-appropriate children studies that explain the principles of the basic systems of the body, etc.

In the works of Ukrainian researchers in recent decades, the principles of valeopedagogy, a special branch of pedagogy dedicated to health, taking into account the age category of those who join it, are increasingly outlined. Valeopedagogy is aimed at supporting a positive, optimistic worldview, defining the limits and capabilities of the individual to learn about the resources of their own body, support its functioning, timely diagnosis, treatment and more.

The valeology of preschool childhood has close connections with two fields of science - the humanities (preschool pedagogy, child psychology, etc.), and the natural sciences (general valeology, physiology, pediatrics, anatomy, etc.).

An important aspect of maintaining a child's health is to form the foundations of spiritual and mental health. In this regard, T. Andriushchenko points to the need to develop such skills of the child as self-awareness and self-esteem, successful achievement of the goal, self-control, decision-making and analysis of problems [1].

The valeological education of preschoolers is a multifaceted process of pedagogical interaction of children, teaching staff of preschool education and parents, which is carried out in order to master the need for children to maintain and strengthen health, hygiene skills, ideas and knowledge about healthy living [10]. valeological education preschooler

In preschool education, a healthy lifestyle provides awareness of the norms and rules of health-preserving behavior, strong beliefs are formed in the need to maintain and strengthen health, the dependence of health on lifestyle, and so on. Under the influence of pedagogical actions, children begin to pay more attention to the proposed information about a healthy lifestyle. At this age, the volume and depth of knowledge increase, more effectively formed the concept of the impact of negative factors on the human body.

Great importance is now attached to strengthening the interaction between family and preschool education. A child's healthy lifestyle is largely determined by the role of the family, the participation and example of parents in its formation. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Preschool Education" [25, p. 19], conditions for physical development and strengthening the health of preschool children, the formation of hygienic skills and other principles of a healthy lifestyle should be provided by educational institutions in close cooperation with the family. Therefore, the tasks of valeological upbringing of children in the family are extremely important and require their specific solution by parents, relatives and close people around preschoolers.

Many questions are raised by the problem of valeological literacy of parents, including their awareness of physical development, compliance with the body weight of the preschooler, mental characteristics (activity, excitability, balance) of the child's health, and so on. Parents have a leading role in forming a stereotype of a healthy lifestyle with preschool children through personal example. Among the main factors influencing the morbidity of young and preschool children are the cultural level and education of parents, living in difficult housing and financial conditions, incomplete family, negative psychological climate, the presence of conflict situations, poor nutrition, bad habits of parents etc.

All this presupposes the need for educators to carry out educational work with parents to ensure valeological work, because it is on them that the health of children during preschool childhood largely depends, and it is they who organize and ensure the life of their own children.

G. Belenka notes that along with internal family factors, the conditions created in preschool institutions are of great importance for the child's health, in particular, a properly organized system of physical education of preschool children, creating a healthy atmosphere in kindergarten and family, observance of a balanced daily routine, rational nutrition, appropriate use of natural health factors, proper hygienic care, purposeful education of cultural and hygienic skills [4, p. 29].

The valeological education of preschool children is a component of valeology. Its foundations are related to the sciences of the natural cycle. Valeology of preschool age to a great extent covers the basics of teaching preschoolers the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.

Valeological education in a preschool institution has its own specifics regarding the organization. First of all, it is a question of the organization of the corresponding valeological environment in which this process can occur effectively enough. It is a necessary component of the valeo-pedagogical process of a modern preschool institution. The development environment consists of several centers, the use of which allows the teaching staff of the kindergarten to fully work on the formation of children's knowledge and ideas of a healthy lifestyle, train them in various valeological and sports skills, support children's interest in valeological work.

The main object of this process is a preschool child who attends the institution, participates in the relevant forms of valeological work, as well as included in the conduct of physical culture and health work in its various forms. Of great importance in this regard are various forms of leisure work, such as: valeological holidays, entertainment, health days, sports competitions, etc.

The main specialists in the organization of the valeological process are educators, nurses (doctor or nurse), physical education instructor. Educators should be singled out from the above category, because they are in constant contact with children and parents. It is teachers who have special requirements for the upbringing of children, including valeological.

An extremely important role in the valeological upbringing of children belongs to medical and physical education workers, who, in accordance with their job responsibilities, carry out health care, physical culture and health, medical, valeo- educational and hygienic activities. The usefulness of this work is enhanced by a fairly thorough amount of educational work with children and adults.

The support staff of the preschool institution also plays an important role in the above-mentioned work, first of all, regarding the organization of a proper sanitary regime. In this regard, an important role is played by the hygienic culture of technical staff's behavior, neatness in their workplaces. The tutor's assistants spend a lot of time with the children, helping them to acquire personal hygiene skills, during various regime moments.

A practical psychologist, a social worker of a kindergarten has a great influence on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a preschooler through early diagnosis, correction of the state of his mental development, elucidation of factors influencing mental, emotional and social health. These workers carry out measures to correct the behavior of the baby, taking into account all the positive or negative factors of influence of the family of the pupils.

The organization of valeological education in a preschool institution can be most effectively implemented using the following measures:

increasing the level of valeological competence of all its subjects;

expanding the scope of practical skills in the field of health care;

avoiding bad habits and providing the necessary (prehospital) care;

generalization of knowledge of preschool children about a healthy lifestyle through the integration of educational and practical activities;

combining educational efforts of all participants in the educational process to form a healthy lifestyle of preschoolers: educators, psychologists, parents, health professionals, physical education instructor, methodologist and other employees of preschool education [19, p. 103].

Thus, the organization of the process of valeological education of preschool children can be implemented in three

areas: work with parents, children and employees of preschool education.

Working with parents dictates a systematic way to increase the level of their knowledge and practical skills in the field of healthy living as a basis for valeological competence; their participation in activities carried out by kindergarten staff, as well as the acquisition of positive health habits as an example in raising children. In turn, the pedagogical process of preschool education should ensure, in addition to the selection of effective forms and methods of working with parents, the compliance of the level of pedagogical support with the latest approaches to raising a healthy child, the requirements of modern software [28].

Teacher training involves the implementation of activities in the following areas:

systematic increase of the level of knowledge and professional skills in the field of healthy lifestyle;

improving the content of the valeological component of the organization of the educational process in each age group;

finding ways of effective and non-traditional forms of educational work with parents;

organization of research work of preschoolers;

professional support of an integrative approach to the education of preschoolers in the basics of a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the requirements of modern preschool education [10, p. 35].

The inclusion of other employees of the preschool institution (methodologist, doctor, nurse, psychologist and physical education instructor of the preschool institution) in the process of valeological education of preschool children is an extremely necessary component of its effective organization.

The specificity of the organization of valeological education in the preschool institution is determined by the fact that this process includes all employees of the institution, whose activities determine the direct or indirect impact on the

involvement of children in a healthy lifestyle. Cooperation with the families of the pupils plays an important role in determining the effectiveness of the valeological process. The motivation of children for this process and their active participation in it depends on the effective approach of parents to the upbringing of children in the direction of a healthy lifestyle.

Preschool childhood is a unique period of human life, when the basic functional and morphological structure of the organism is formed, which, in turn, affects the further development of the organism. This age is also important in shaping the foundation of physical and mental health.

By the end of the sixth year of life a person covers a huge path of his development, which is not repeated in subsequent years. It is during this period that opportunities for human development (physical, spiritual, social, personal) of a person are determined. In childhood, the individual carries out more complex and intense (compared to adulthood) work on selfknowledge, self-reflection, self-regulation and self-control.

As T. Andryushchenko notes, "modern conditions require the formation of children's ability to maintain health on the basis of innovative approaches." Given the fact that the competence approach is increasingly being introduced in education, it is on its basis that the process of involving children in a healthy lifestyle should be organized, i.e. the valeological process [1, p. 45].

The effectiveness of solving the problem of valeological education depends on providing preschoolers with knowledge about the content and methods of maintaining health, taking into account the age characteristics of children of different ages when choosing forms and methods of valeological education and involving preschoolers in this process.

The organization of valeological education in preschool education institutions is currently limited mainly to individual activities. Valeological content is used in the educational process sporadically and unsystematically, which does not contribute to its awareness and generalization.

One of the significant disadvantages of valeological education of preschoolers is mostly conducting classes with the whole group of children as the main form of acquiring knowledge of valeology and the use of reproductive methods in the educational process.

In the practice of preschool education, problem-finding methods and organization of practical research activities of children are insufficiently used, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of valeological education. The work of educators is complicated by the lack of visual material and methodological support.

Valeological education is defined as a mandatory component of the organization of the educational process of a modern preschool institution. Valeological education is characterized by a systematic purposeful nature of the activities of all staff to form in each pupil of kindergarten knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of valeological education of preschoolers is to make each child aware of its individual needs and peculiarities of development in order to form their own approach to an individualized version of a healthy lifestyle. Its implementation is made possible by the introduction of a well-thought-out, reasonable combination of psychological and pedagogical, medical, environmental education and training. Hence - the basis for the implementation of this work should be classes in preschool education in valeology, physical education, acquaintance of children with nature and more. One should not ignore the great potential of children's play activities, search, research, educational work, etc. [3, p. 12].

The means of forming the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children are:

games, including mobile, didactic, story-role, strategy games, etc.;

creative actions (theatrical, artistic and aesthetic), which are the basis of various activities and contribute to the mental health of children;

measures to support the social health of children, closely related to the forms of mental and emotional support;

activities that promote the formation of the child's skills of group work;

cooperation with parents to master the latest methods of correcting the lifestyle of children and strengthening their health [16, p. 32].

In addition to these tools, you can use such as: fiction, nature, example of an adult, audio and video materials, folklore, paintings, books, theatrical activities, technologies to preserve and promote health, and more.

Exercises are an effective and efficient means of valeological education of children. With the help of this tool, the child is involved in active movement, and his health is strengthened. Movements promote the inclusion of children in various forms of physical activity throughout the year. Hypodynamia has a negative effect on the physical development of preschoolers (growth retardation, some children gain weight), reduced resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Solving the problem of valeological education in the practice of preschool education requires comprehensive, systematic and integrative approaches. The problem of valeologization of the pedagogical process requires coordinated action from all staff of the kindergarten. The responsibilities of all its employees include conducting direct health and valeological work with children, as well as creating conditions that help maintain the physical, mental and other health of preschoolers.

The valeological competence of preschool educators is determined by the level of their knowledge in the field of healthy living, which they apply in direct work with children, their parents and other employees. The organization of the valeological process depends to the greatest extent on the level of valeological competence of preschool teachers.

Peculiarities of valeological upbringing of preschool children are determined by the need to take into account the natural development of the child and his defects, age features of anthropometry, psychological development, etc. The choice of the necessary forms, methods and techniques should be carried out using valeological innovations and the preservation of the game as a leading activity in this age period [16].

The cooperation of the kindergarten with parents on the valeological upbringing of children is an important condition for the effectiveness of the organization of this process, based on the interaction of its main actors, including the family of the preschool child.

The areas of work of educators with parents on valeological education are as follows:

Study of the level of valeological knowledge of parents, lifestyle in the family.

Providing theoretical assistance (conversations, open days; oral and handwritten methodical journals, conferences, lectures).

Providing systematic practical assistance (daily consultations, discussions, debates, dialogues, practical classes with parents to solve problems related to the health of the child) [27].

The level of pedagogical valeological culture of parents depends on such conditions as the level of education, orientation of the individual, his individual characteristics, qualities, life experience and more. The most important component of parents' pedagogical culture is their pedagogical readiness. This is a certain amount of psychological and pedagogical, physiological knowledge, as well as skills and abilities developed in the process of practice to form in children the habits of a healthy lifestyle. The system of work to improve the pedagogical culture of parents on the basis of a healthy lifestyle is carried out through collective and individual; verbal, practical and visual forms of work. These include conversations, consultations, family visits, inviting parents to kindergarten, individual reminders, tips, newsletters, parent meetings, group consultations, pedagogical knowledge lectures, schools for young parents, workshops, parent conferences, practical recommendations for parents with healthy lifestyle issues.

In improving the pedagogical culture of the parent community, the leading place should be occupied by forms of promoting a healthy lifestyle: the issuance of campaign and warning posters, thematic stands, work of counseling centers, parent pedagogical studios on this issue, family bridges, clubs and more.

The most effective way to increase the interaction of preschool education and the family is the use of non-traditional forms and means of working with parents to form a healthy lifestyle of preschoolers (functioning of counseling centers on valeological education, parents' conference optimal nutrition, workshops on the revival of national traditions of valeological content in families, etc.). Meetings of discussion clubs provide a variety of topics and forms of work, including: lectureconsultation "Folk pedagogy on a healthy lifestyle", discussion "The role of parents in shaping and strengthening the health of children", evening of questions and answers Methods of valeological education: principles and approaches”, parent festival“ Healthy family - healthy country ”, round table“ Let's understand together what prevents our children from being healthy ”, family portrait“ Healthy lifestyle in our family ”, conversation“ Responsibility of parents for maintaining physical and mental children's health ”. It is appropriate to conduct such a form of work as "Family Tree", where generations meet, discuss approaches to strengthening the health of children, appeal to folk pedagogy [16, p. 55].

Such a form of work as a meeting in a family circle is effective, where individual assistance to families is provided through valeological consultations, demonstrations, meetings with doctors and psychologists. Practical tasks help parents to form and develop pedagogical skills and abilities, to apply them in specific situations of raising children in the family. These can be the study of specific conditions of children's upbringing, the study of the causes of shortcomings in education, and the development on this basis of measures to improve the educational process. Performing such tasks, parents individually or collectively analyze the literature on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of children, discuss pedagogical situations, suggest ways and means to improve the valeological education of children.

The steady negative trend of deteriorating health, declining birth rates, and unhealthy lifestyle of the vast majority of children in Ukraine dictate increased attention to the valeological direction of modern education in higher pedagogical institutions, as well as valeology as a subject, a structural component of preschool training. profile.

At present we can state positive changes related to the personal development of preschoolers related to valeology, in particular: emphasis is placed on the ability to coexist harmoniously with the environment, to be in harmony with themselves, optimistic about life, flexibility in different conditions; formation of faith in one's own abilities, development of the ability to help oneself in difficult situations, to rely on oneself, to promote one's development, to avoid the action of harmful factors. Attention is paid to the balance of the child's aspirations for self-realization, self-development and selfpreservation [2, p. 7].

Preservation and formation of physical, mental, moral and spiritual health of a child is one of the obligatory requirements for a preschool institution.

It is clear that valeological training should begin in preschool education to address two issues: the formation of initial forms of valeological culture of children, a conscious attitude to their body, the development of initial practical skills to control and preserve their health and the development of valeological consciousness, valeological culture of adults. educators who sometimes have little or no knowledge of the culture of health.

The valeological training of teachers, aimed at preparing for the education of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children, was initiated in institutions of higher pedagogical education at the end of the last century.

At the same time, the health of Ukraine's children is of growing concern to teachers and health professionals. When entering school, the vast majority of preschool children have health problems. Although the health rating on the scale of values is high, the level of valeological skills and abilities of students is usually insufficient.

In the process of studying in a higher pedagogical education institution, the educator must receive some preparation for valeological education of children, which involves both the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge, practical experience and the formation of an appropriate attitude to the issues of valeological education. The content and direction of higher pedagogical education determines the level of training of future specialists in this area.

Consider the main functions of higher pedagogical education in preparing teachers for valeological education of children.

The value-orientation function determines the formation of general norms, principles of behavior, values in terms of the health of the child; provides focus on the result of achieving good health in this period of life and maintaining it throughout life. The implementation of the value-orientation function forms

tolerance for other people's worldviews regarding health, independence in decision-making, focus on finding and attracting all possible resources to preserve and strengthen both individual health and the health of others.

The program content function satisfies the need to gain experience in program-content understanding and solving problems of valeological education of children, the content of which is based on the ideological basis of awareness of concepts such as health and its components, human-nature interaction, human-society interaction. In the process of studying in an institution of higher pedagogical education, the future professional must master the program content of the knowledge he needs, both didactic and methodological plan, for the implementation of valeological education of preschool children. The specificity of this knowledge is that the valeological pedagogical process is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the cognitive, emotional-motivational, activity spheres of the child.

The process of purposeful and organized assimilation of the norms of preservation and improvement of individual health by preschool children is based on certain methodological principles. They involve the formation of their own concept of a healthy person, constant awareness of the educator about the health of their students and knowledge of their backup capabilities.

The information and didactic function contributes to the effective process of assimilation of valeological knowledge by students, the use of which will contribute to the educational impact on the consciousness and behavior of children, to form in them a culture of individual health.

A detailed analysis of the methodological literature allows us to confidently state that valeological education involves the education of a whole system of personality qualities, such as caution (safety in winter, safety of fire behavior, careful handling of medicines, household items and appliances, safety on the street, compliance traffic rules for pedestrians, safety of rest in the forest, rest on water); tidiness (neatness of clothes and personal hygiene, occupational hygiene, food hygiene); discipline (daily routine, work and rest); responsibility (rights and responsibilities of the child at home and in kindergarten); friendliness (positive and negative emotions, their importance for health); spirituality (spiritual component of health), etc.

Due to the implementation of the information and didactic function in the process of valeological education, a number of concepts and ideas are formed, which cover a range of problems related to understanding the nature of health, the peculiarities of human growth and development.

Organizational and activity function is the basis for involving students in valeological activities, gaining practical experience, solving urgent problems of preserving and strengthening the health of children. Valeological education involves the use of a clear system of methods, the effectiveness of which determines the mastery of children of those qualities that will ensure their individual health [2; 8].

Organizational and activity function involves the separation of such forms of valeological education as: information and communication, health and motor, diagnostic and preventive, training and advocacy.

The most appropriate methods in preparing future educators for valeological education of children are stories, conversations, examples, exercises, games, educational situations, competitions, the effectiveness of which depends on their appropriate use and subordination of purpose.

Of course, only an interested educator, who has learned from his own experience the value of a healthy lifestyle, purposeful work on their health, can fully pass valeological knowledge to children and create a healthy environment and appropriate learning conditions in preschool education.

Ecological education is a pedagogically oriented process. The task of the educator is to help the little researcher to understand the variety of objects and phenomena of the natural environment, to arouse interest in him, to learn to see spiritual nobility, mercy and on this basis to cultivate beauty in himself, love for all living things, desire to protect and multiply rich native land [6, p. 12].

Nowadays, nature protection is the most important business of the state, the people. It is time to be guided by the rules of ecological humanism, the main idea of which is man - a part of a planetary family with a new ecological ethic, which is based on respect for all living beings on Earth. And the task of teachers is to bring the study of the subject as close as possible to an invaluable source of knowledge - native nature.

The main requirements for educators that will increase its effectiveness are as follows:

a sufficient knowledge of the natural world;

demonstrating a positive example of behavior in the ecological environment;

taking into account the age capabilities of children in the process of activity;

focusing on the moral and intellectual orientation of children during the work;

using the latest research by scientists;

taking into account the existing experience of preschoolers;

basing the work on a systematic approach, using calendar-long-term planning;

clearly formulating and defining program tasks (which object is chosen, what it gets acquainted with, what it learns, consolidates, develops, educates, etc.);

paying special attention to the paramount importance of the surrounding world and the role of man in its preservation;

basing the educational process on a direct perception of the natural environment;

when selecting information, taking into account psychological stimuli that contribute to the better assimilation of natural knowledge by children (to begin acquaintance with something interesting, important, which attracts the child's attention - behavior, manner of movement, external sign);

seek to provide information about living beings, drawing parallels with humans: nesting, caring for cubs, etc .;

diversification of the work with active forms and methods of acquaintance with nature;

introducinge into practice such effective forms of organization of work with the child as: thematic days, ecological projects, ecological paths;

creative use of the best environmental experience in environmental education;

establishing a systematic environmental education of parents of pupils;

promoting environmental education among the general public through their activities [12-15].

One of the directions of joint work of preschool and family is the organization of work of children in nature and through it the decision of problems of ecological education.

Preschool children are inquisitive, they are interested in what happens in nature, but, unfortunately, parents are often concerned and do not have time for long walks and conversations with children, they also lack basic knowledge of environmental education. Because many preschoolers spend their weekends and summer in the countryside with their grandparents, they have the opportunity to watch their pets and help their elders take care of them. The same applies to work in the garden and in the garden. Parents of preschoolers are generally concerned about environmental issues, but they are not ready to change anything in their behavior and lifestyle.

The need to connect the family to environmental education is due to the fact that the family has a universal family communication, where in the first place is the selfless love of parents for their children; family upbringing is more emotional, and this is important for environmental upbringing.

The second reason for the need to connect the family to environmental education is that the family is still not enough work on environmental education of children, and therefore in kindergarten it is necessary to correct all the negative things that affect the child in the family and use the positive. But this requires unity in the work of preschool education and the family, which provides a full understanding of the tasks of environmental education by educators and parents, unity of purpose, requirements, coordination of actions [29-31].

Thus, the preschool institution faces the following tasks:

mastering the necessary knowledge about the relationships and dependencies in nature;

understanding of the multifaceted value and necessity of nature for man;

mastering the rules of proper behavior in the natural environment:

development of the need to communicate with nature and the ability to assess the state of the environment;

intensification of activities to improve the natural environment.

The solution of these problems is aimed at forming a culture of attitude to nature, to overcome environmental illiteracy.

Consider how you can implement the first task of environmental education, namely: the acquisition of the necessary knowledge about the relationships and dependencies on nature. In order to solve this problem, children must have a clear idea of what animate and inanimate nature is; wildlife needs food, air; all living things grow and develop. All this is very easy to show children during observations or work in a corner of nature or in the garden. For example, in the garden you

can plant seeds and stones in the ground and observe the development of seeds and lack of life in the stone. Further work with children should be carried out in the form of observations, during which children can easily be convinced that plants without water, air and light can die. The educator's stories about the life of various animals and plants will help to bring children to the formation of generalized ideas about the existence of such needs in all living things. All this knowledge should also carry information about the need to care for living objects of nature and care for them [36, p. 20].

The acquisition by children of knowledge about the relationships between the life of natural objects and the satisfaction of their vital needs allows the educator to get acquainted with the dependencies that exist in the environment of animals and plants. This includes the dependence of the life of natural objects on the temperature of air, water and land. These components, affecting the plant world, lead to changes in the animal world, which have their own distinctive features at each time of year and are accessible to children. It is possible to acquaint children with such dependences during observations and work in nature at different times of the year. In autumn, when feeding birds, children's attention should be focused not only on changes in the appearance of plants, on changes in the behavior of birds, but also on understanding the reasons for such changes.

The ecological crisis, which today has become global, poses a real threat to human survival. It seems that there is no place on the planet that would be environmentally friendly. Therefore, the determining factor for the development of modern environmental problems is the formation of environmental awareness, responsibility. This pedagogical task can be realized only through the educational system on the basis of fundamentally new than before, ideas, methods, approaches that would take into account the structure of environmental knowledge, social functions of modern ecology, traditions, customs, historical experience of the Ukrainian people to understand themselves, their place in nature, the connection between nature and the universe.

Environmental education and upbringing is one of the urgent tasks of today and ways to solve it should be sought immediately. Ecological education involves, first of all, the formation of a child's emotional, caring attitude to natural objects, the ability to see their beauty, rather than detailed biological knowledge of the characteristics of each species of plants and animals [38].

Of fundamental importance in pedagogy and psychology is the provision that the attitude to nature acquires the features of responsibility only if the comprehensive environmental education of the individual from preschool age to old age.

In the institution of preschool education the first ideas about the world around, about animate and inanimate nature, about the relation to the nature which is shown in concrete behavior on an emotional level are formed.

The task of ecological education is to promote the accumulation of ecological knowledge, to cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect, multiply it, to form skills and abilities of activity in nature. It is environmental education and upbringing that aim to radically change the psychological characteristics of man in relation to his relationship with nature, transforming them from consumer to environmentally responsible, personally significant [39, p. 32].

Thus, in the environmental education of preschoolers it is necessary to abandon many stereotypes that were formed in previous years. Nature should not be viewed only from a utilitarian point of view. First of all, it is necessary to show children its uniqueness, beauty and universality (nature is the living environment of all beings, including man; the object of knowledge, satisfaction of its ethical and aesthetic needs; and only then - the object of human consumption). We must protect nature not only because it gives us something, but also because it is valuable.

Today we can say that the ecological worldview is formed in the process of mastering the ecological culture of society, which reflects the experience of interaction between man and nature. Assimilating elements of ecological culture, the individual becomes ecologically educated. This is a new quality of personality, which is manifested in the system of personal formations, in consciousness, activity, in emotions and feelings.

The time has come when the main goal of environmental education should be seen in promoting the formation of an appropriate culture of behavior in the environment and public responsibility for its preservation, as well as the ability to make the right decisions and solve environmental problems.

Thus, the formation of environmental responsibility in preschoolers is primarily a teaching of environmental culture, which we define as a form of adaptation of the ethnic group to the natural conditions of their environment. Thus, environmental education is a continuous process of learning values and concepts aimed at developing the skills needed to understand and evaluate the relationships between people, their culture and the environment. It involves the formation of skills to make environmentally responsible decisions.

The main condition for the implementation of environmental education is the creation of ecological and developmental subject environment, which contributes to the formation of preschool environmental education, which involves acquiring ideas about the value and uniqueness of the components of nature, manifestation of humane feelings for living beings. behave in the environment, know the rules of safe behavior in nature.

That is why the urgent problem today is the training of teachers who will be able to teach children to care about their health, to form a culture of health in them. Only by teaching children how to maintain and strengthen health on their own, maintain high efficiency, avoid stressful situations, adhere to safe living conditions, it is possible to correct the critical situation of deteriorating health of the nation.

To ensure the effectiveness of their own pedagogical activities, it is important for educators to master the most important theoretical valeo-ecological problems and cover methodological aspects of working with preschool children, which will help learn to choose appropriate tools, methods and forms of working with children, use modern technologies.

As a result of training, they should know: the technology of valeological education of preschool children; to gain experience in the problem of maintaining health and the psychological basis of the mechanisms of a healthy lifestyle; know the purpose, objectives, content of the Basic component of preschool education, current programs and documents on current issues of modern preschool education; program requirements for valeological knowledge and skills of children; features of formation of physical, mental, moral health and social wellbeing, traditions of the Ukrainian people in practice of valeological education of children of preschool age; features of work with children of different preschool age; requirements for conducting various types and types of classes that implement the tasks of the educational line "Personality of the child", defined in the Basic component of preschool education [3].

Students must master the following skills and abilities: to carry out long-term and calendar planning for valeological education of children, to determine the purpose and leading tasks in the classroom and in everyday life, taking into account modern requirements for the formation of preschool personality, this direction; to make and select the necessary didactic material; to implement in practice various forms and methods of valeological education of children, to implement an integrated approach to the implementation of the tasks of valeological education of preschoolers; to exercise pedagogical control and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of children [39, p. 32].


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