Training preschool teachers in fundamentals of ecology and valeology
The problem of organization of valeological education of children of senior preschool age. The valeological education of preschoolers is a multifaceted process of pedagogical interaction of children, teaching staff of preschool education and parents.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 31,9 K |
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
We consider the mastery of the following competencies by preschool children to be important criteria for the effectiveness of an educator's work in a preschool institution:
the senior preschooler knows the structure of his own body and the functions of its parts; has practical skills of personal hygiene and culture of food consumption; the child uses personal hygiene items as intended, takes care of their cleanliness;
properly cares for their own clothes and shoes;
respects and imitates the hygienic traditions of Ukrainians;
is aware of the importance of physical activity and hardening procedures;
adheres to diet, sleep, physical activity;
is responsible for taking care of their own health;
knows the basic components of a healthy lifestyle;
adheres to basic preventive measures;
understands the impact of the sanitary condition of the premises on the state of health;
in the process of joint games does not show aggression [6, p. 14].
Joyful emotions, feelings of freedom in the bosom of nature, pleasure from activity in interaction with the environment, the possibility of self-expression through specific actions of research content, etc. occupy a special place in the ecological education of preschoolers.
The nature should open up to the child not only as a living laboratory where one can observe and study the lives of its inhabitants, but also a school where one can successfully master the basic rules of behavior, skills of rational use of nature, multiplication and protection of its riches.
Environmental education involves tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. The task of natural content must be solved in unity with the education of children's feelings of patriotism and citizenship. Preschool knowledge systems about animal protective devices are being actively developed; the possibilities of children's assimilation of knowledge about seasonal changes in plant life, etc. are studied. The following games can be used: "Bird of gratitude", "World of nature", "Our faithful friends", "What flowers are proud of', "Good rain", "Kindness flower", "Hospitable flowers", "Sunny gifts", "Who shines on people "," Flower of Reconciliation "[20-23].
The basics of environmental education are especially intensively formed in the process of labor activity. For example, during manual work on making toys from natural and secondary material, children not only enrich, strengthen skills and abilities, learn basic labor operations, but also deepen their knowledge about the properties of natural material (acorns, cones, seeds), their importance in human life, learn about their need in the diet of animals and birds that feed on the gifts of the forest in autumn and winter. Children realize how important it is to keep them.
Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of the ecological worldview of man, which involves the creation of preconditions for humane interaction with the natural environment. The content of educational work in this direction is to reveal to children the diversity of nature. Ecological education of children involves solving the following tasks:
development of children's aesthetic sense of the world;
formation of preschool culture of behavior in the environment;
stimulating curiosity and interest in learning about nature;
education of love for nature, desire to take care of it, negative attitude to its destruction;
creating ideas about causation in nature [30].
Topics of environmental classes include the following
problems: combating pollution of water, air, soil; rules of conduct in nature; water droplet travel; flowers-barometers, flowers-hours; the relationship of animals, birds with nature; protection of rare species of plants and animals, etc.
One of the most common and accessible means for children to motivate them to learn are problem questions, which stimulate the development of productive thinking by solving problems, problems and give a new cognitive result. By creating problematic situations, it is possible to stimulate children's curiosity, encouraging them to find the answer in practice, to understand the causal connections and dependencies. At the same time to teach children to substantiate their judgments, assumptions, to formulate independent conclusions, to use methods of comparison, comparison of new knowledge with existing ones [33].
Environmental education of preschoolers aims not only to acquire certain knowledge. One of its main tasks is to arouse children's emotional response to various phenomena and objects of nature, to instill in them a desire to admire and enjoy it.
To form the ecological culture of the individual means the formation of the ecological sphere, the development of aesthetic sense and love for nature, which is the basis of ecological education of preschoolers.
An active means of forming the ecological culture of the individual is the research activities of children, the structural components of which are: observation, step-by-step recording of results, comparing the results of research and control material using different methods and techniques.
With the help of elementary experiments it is possible to show children such phenomena of inanimate nature as freezing of water, formation of a rainbow, formation of a wave, transformation of snow and ice into water. Through experiments, children realize the importance of clean water, clean air for all living things on earth, learn to conserve water, purify it.
A full-fledged environmental education requires close communication with parents, which includes such forms of work as: consultations, questionnaires, environmental actions, conversations.
A person can be happy only when he is healthy. Health should be taken care of from an early age to raise a healthy person from an early age, in which the main natural instincts are embedded - self-preservation and procreation, preservation of the environment, creation of beauty on earth with their own hands. Health is the most important value not only of an individual, but of society as a whole. In Ukraine, there is a reduction in life expectancy, so preschool education is the first link in valeology as an important integrative course, which includes conversations ("There was I", "A bird is small, but it also has a heart", "Healthy teeth"); games ("Flower of Health", "Train of magic pills", "Sensitive mother's hands", "Warm heart"); entertainment ("Journey to the country of health", "Kingdom of purity", "People's platform of health"); game situations, health lessons, didactic games, dramatizations, reading fiction, problem situations [39].
All these areas of work provide opportunities for valeological education in an interesting and accessible form both in the classroom and in everyday life, effectively using a variety of tools: music, art, choreography, sports, technical and more.
It is very important to develop children's interest in physical culture at preschool age, as this is one of the prerequisites for good health. It is necessary to create such conditions and situations for children, under which the motives of motor activity would develop naturally, taking into account the already acquired motor experience, individual character traits.
In order for a person to be able to take care of his health and physical development, he must consciously regard life as the most important gift of nature, as well as understand the priority of health and a healthy lifestyle.
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