Scientific and methodological support for the development of inclusive competence of vocational education specialists under martial law

Modeling the system of inclusive competence development of specialists in professional and technical education and the implementation of this model in the digital educational ecosystem of the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.07.2024
Размер файла 57,5 K

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Размещено на

Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education of the State Higher Educational Institution «University of Educational Management»


Kossova-Silina Halyna PHD, Associate Professor at the Department of Learning Technologies, Labor Protection and Design Kravchenko Hanna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Learning Technologies, Labor Protection and Design


inclusive competence education model

The article presents the results of modeling the system of inclusive competence development of specialists in professional and technical education and practical aspects of the implementation of this model in the digital educational ecosystem of the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education. In particular, the following aspects are highlighted: the content of specialist training for inclusive education of students with special educational needs in the course (attestation) period; the features of scientific methodical support of continuous professional development of teachers in the inter-course (inter-test) period; the possibilities of using the resources of the digital educational ecosystem of the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education to study and spread the best educational practices of organizing inclusive education for students with special educational needs.

Key words: competence, inclusive competence, inclusive education, education seekers with special educational needs.



Коссова-Сіліна Галина Олександрівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри технологій навчання, охорони праці та дизайну Білоцерківський інститут неперервної професійної освіти ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти»

Кравченко Ганна Юріївна доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри технологій навчання, охорони праці та дизайну Білоцерківський інститут неперервної професійної освіти ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти»

Проблема. Зважаючи на аналіз наукової літератури та практичні аспекти впровадження інклюзії в роботу закладів професійної (професійно-технічної освіти), доводиться констатувати потребу в додатковому вивченні питання змісту та організації науково-методичного супроводу неперервного професійного розвитку фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О, насамперед, беручи до уваги оновлення нормативно-правового забезпечення інклюзивного навчання, актуальні виклики сьогодення, обумовлені воєнними діями та станом невизначеності.

Мета. У статті обґрунтовано напрями та зміст науково-методичного супроводу розвитку інклюзивної компетентності фахівців професійної (професійно-технічної освіти) в умовах воєнного стану.

Основні результати дослідження. Розвиток готовності фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О до інклюзивного навчання здобувачів освіти з особливими освітніми потребами може стати важливим фактором розвитку особистої професійної компетентності та підвищення якості освіти, якщо: знання і вміння щодо роботи із здобувачами освіти з особливими освітніми потребами будуть чітко визначеними та науково обґрунтованими як необхідна складова спеціальної (фахової) компетентності; підготовка фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О до інклюзивного навчання здобувачів освіти з особливими освітніми потребами буде функціонувати як цілісна система, яка охоплює підвищення кваліфікації в курсовий (атестаційний) період, науково-методичний супровід безперервного професійного розвитку педагогів у міжкурсовий (міжатестаційний) період; педагогічні працівники ЗП(ПТ)О будуть включені до мережевого освітньоцифрового простору, який передбачає надання дорадницької консультативної фасилітативної допомоги.

Наукова новизна результатів дослідження. Структурно-функціональна модель розвитку інклюзивної компетентності фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О є складовою єдиної освітньо -цифрової екосистеми, створеної у БІНПО. Представлена модель забезпечує органічну цілісність змісту підвищення кваліфікації педагогів ЗП(ПТ)О в курсовий (атестаційний) період, науково-методичного супроводу в міжкурсовий (міжатестаційний) період, самостійної, дослідницької діяльності, спрямованої на розвиток інклюзивної професійної компетентності фахівців та впровадження технологій інклюзивного навчання здобувачів освіти з особливими освітніми потребами. Структурно-функціональна модель розвитку інклюзивної компетентності фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О поєднує інтелектуальний, науковий, професійний, освітній, технологічний потенціал суб'єктів мережевого освітньо-цифрового середовища БІНПО, передбачає використання цифрових, андрагогічних та інтерактивних технологій у віртуальному просторі БІНПО.

Висновки та конкретні пропозиції автора. Навчальні заняття на курсах підвищення кваліфікації Білоцерківського інституту неперервної професійної освіти спрямовано на розвиток готовності педагога до втілення практичних ідей інклюзії, застосування технологій інклюзивного навчання здобувачів освіти з особливими освітніми потребами, формування безпечного та інклюзивного освітнього середовища. Зміст навчальних занять є диференційованим відповідно до змісту та специфіки педагогічної діяльності фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О. Для задоволення професійних запитів та потреб фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О стосовно впровадження сучасних технологій інклюзивного навчання БІНПО розроблено та впроваджено науково -методичний супровід безперервного професійного розвитку педагогів у міжкурсовий (міжатестаційний) період. Змістовна та адресна науково-методична підтримка педагогічним працівникам ЗП(ПТ)О забезпечується впровадженням короткострокових тематичних курсів. Безперервний професійний розвиток фахівців ЗП(ПТ)О у міжкурсовий (міжатестаційний) період відбувається через комплекс науково-методичних заходів: науково-практичні семінари, Інтернет-конференції (чати, вебінари), навчальні тренінги, форуми, фестивалі, інтерактивні спілкування тимчасових творчих колективів. Педагогічні працівники ЗП(ПТ)О включені до мережевого простору Єдиної екосистеми БІНПО, що передбачає надання дорадницької консультативної фасилітативної допомоги, вивчення й поширення кращих освітніх практик організації інклюзивного навчання в ЗП(ПТ)О.

Ключові слова: компетентність, інклюзивна компетентність, інклюзивна освіта, здобувачі освіти з особливими освітніми потребами.


With the beginning of the large-scale war unleashed by the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine, the topic of inclusive education of students with special educational needs faces special relevance and new challenges. Today, the Vocational Education system is under extreme stress due to factors such as migration, dynamic economic changes caused by the war, and lack of funding, exacerbated by the country's defense needs.

Personnel of the Vocational Education in practice are faced with the need to provide psychological and pedagogical support for young apprentices affected by military actions (internally displaced persons; persons who have survived violence or a psychotraumatic situation; lost loved ones; have a stressful reaction to events in the country, various psychological injuries, etc.). Personnel of Vocational Education also need to develop their own skills of endurance and stress resistance, this is a necessary condition for them to fulfill their professional duties in conditions of war and uncertainty.

Institutions of continuing professional education play a decisive role in the development of the inclusive competence of personnel of Vocational Education. The system of continuous professional education should make possible, firstly, to overcome the gap between the professional training of teachers in higher education institutions, which until recently did not provide for the training of inclusive knowledge and skills; secondly, to form and develop the skills of endurance and stress resistance of personnel of Vocational Education, which is a necessary condition for maintaining mental health and quality performance of their official functions.

The study of the problem of the development of inclusive competence of vocational education specialists in the conditions of martial law is carried out by the Department of Educational Technologies, Occupational Safety and Design of the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education of the State Higher Educational Institution «University of Educational Management» of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (further -BTICPE) within the framework of the general theme of the research work of BTICPE «Trendwatching of the labor market in the system of training and professional development of specialists in the conditions of the postwar recovery of Ukraine» (№ 0122U202007), which was approved by the protocol of the Academic Council of the Higher Educational Institution «University of educational management» No. 12 of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine dated December 21, 2022 and the protocol of the Academic Council meeting No. 10 Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Education of State Higher Educational Institution «University of Educational Management» of Educational Sciences of Ukraine from 21.12. 2022.

Recent studies review

Theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of the development of inclusive competence of pedagogical workers as a component of their special (professional) competence served as the subject of many studies. Among them are the works of scientists such as O. Kazachiner, N. Figol, Y. Boychuk, O. Borodina, I. Kalinichenko, I. Kucherak, O. Mykytyuk, O. Savytska, Z. Udovych and others.

Inclusive competence is interpreted by them as the level of knowledge and skills necessary to perform professional functions in the conditions of inclusive education; as the necessary amount of knowledge and skills embodied in the ability to perform professional functions, taking into account the special needs of students with special educational needs, to integrate them into the environment of an educational institution, creating conditions for development and self-development; as an integral characteristic of a pedagogue (teacher, assistant), which affects the ability to solve professional tasks in the conditions of an inclusive approach to educational activity [1, 3, 5].

Y. Boychuk defines inclusive competence of a teacher as «an integrative and personal education that conditions the ability to perform professional functions in the process of inclusive education, taking into account the various educational needs of students with special educational needs, ensuring their inclusion in the educational environment, creating conditions for their development and self-development, full socialization» [1]. Thus, the inclusive competence of teachers belongs to the group of special (professional) competences.

However, taking into account the scientific literature and the practical aspects of the implementation of inclusion in the work of educational institutions, it is still necessary to state the need for additional study of this issue. It is especially important due to the updating of the regulatory support of inclusive education, the current challenges of today caused by military actions, and the uncertainty.


The article presents the justification of directions and content of scientific and methodical support for the development of inclusive competence of Personnel of Vocational Education in the conditions of martial law.

The article presents the justification of directions and content of scientific and methodical support for the development of inclusive competence of personnel of Vocational Education in the conditions of martial law.


Improved readiness of personnel of Vocational Education for the inclusive education of students with special educational needs can become an important factor in the development of personal professional competence and the improvement of the quality of education, if: knowledge and skills in working with students with special educational needs are clearly defined and scientifically substantiated as a necessary component of special (professional) competence; the preparation of Personnel of Vocational Education for the inclusive education of students with special educational needs functions as a holistic system that includes professional development during the course (attestation) period, scientific and methodological support of continuous professional development of teachers in the inter-course period; teaching staff of the Vocational Education are included in the network educational digital space, which supports the provision of advisory and facilitative assistance.

The structural and functional model of the development of the inclusive competence of Personnel of Vocational Education is a component of the single educational and digital ecosystem created at BTICPE. The model ensures the organic integrity of the content of Personnel of Vocational Education training during the course (attestation) period, scientific and methodological support during the inter-course period, independent, research activities aimed at the development of inclusive professional competence of specialists and the implementation of inclusive education technologies for students with special educational needs.

The structural-functional model of the development of inclusive competence of the teaching staff of the Vocational Education combines the intellectual, scientific, professional, educational, technological potential of the subjects of the BTICPE network educational and digital environment, provides for the use of digital, andragogic and interactive technologies in the BTICPE virtual space.

Fundamental to the methodological reorientation of the content of advanced training of vocational training specialists are the Laws of Ukraine «On Education» (2017), «On Vocational and Technical Education» (1998), Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 636 of July 10, 2019 «On approval of the Procedure for the organization of inclusive education in vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions», No. 957 of September 15, 2021 «On approval of the Procedure for the organization of inclusive education in general secondary education institutions», No. 800 dated August 21, 2019 «Some issues of improving the qualifications of teaching and research-pedagogical workers» and others.

In particular, we are talking about the features and main areas of professional development of the teaching staff of the Vocational Education: the formation of knowledge among students about the creation of a safe and inclusive educational environment, understanding the features (specificities) of inclusive education, providing additional support in the educational process of students with special educational needs; development of inclusive competence.

It should be noted that Personnel of Vocational Education, who have a general pedagogical education, should not duplicate the content of the training of special education teachers, because inclusive education is primarily provided by correctional (special) teachers. At the same time, vocational education specialists are members of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of persons with special needs studying in an educational institution, and this requires the formation of a corresponding component of their professional competence.

The preparation of Personnel of Vocational Education (masters of industrial training, senior masters, teachers of professional and theoretical training) for the implementation of inclusive education is a complex system of interaction of subjects of the educational process of professional development, aimed at the acquisition by students of special knowledge, abilities and skills in the theory and practice of inclusive education education, among which: regulatory and legal support for the organization of inclusive education in vocational education institutions, principles, tasks and modern technologies of inclusive education for students with special educational needs, technologies for creating a safe and inclusive educational environment; development of personal, professionally important qualities that will have a positive impact on various categories of students involved in inclusive education (tolerance, empathy, support, assistance, cooperation, teamwork skills, etc.).

The content of electronic training courses (ETC) (Table 1) is aimed at mastering the Personnel of Vocational Education of various organizational forms of inclusive education, developing practical skills regarding the order and algorithm of organizing inclusive education in vocational education institutions, providing psychological and pedagogical support for students with special educational needs, technologies for creating an inclusive educational environment, principles of universal design and smart adaptation.

Electronic training courses are offered for students of advanced training courses on issues of prevention of professional and emotional burnout, self-regulation of the mental state, the basics of conflict theory, etc.

Separate resources have been opened in the Electronic Library of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine: Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Education of State Higher Educational Institution «University of Educational Management» [].

Table 1

BTICPE e-learning courses on inclusive education

Name ETC


Creating a safe and inclusive educational environment in a professional education institution

Inclusive education. Work with students with special educational needs

Provision of additional support in the educational process of applicants with special educational needs

- formation of a conscious understanding of the main provisions and conceptual foundations of inclusive education;

- increasing the level of professional competence of teachers of vocational education institutions regarding the use of inclusive education technologies in educational activities;

- development and improvement of practical abilities and skills of working with students with special educational needs;

- awareness of the need for the growth of pedagogical skills, the formation of one's own inclusive competence.

Socio-pedagogical work with students in vocational and technical education institutions

- update and systematization of knowledge about negative socio-pedagogical phenomena in vocational and technical education institutions;

- increasing the level of professional competence of pedagogical workers of vocational and technical education institutions regarding the diagnosis and prevention of negative socio-pedagogical phenomena

Prevention of professional and emotional burnout of teaching staff of vocational and technical education institutions

- update and systematization of knowledge regarding professional and emotional burnout of teaching staff of vocational and technical education institutions;

- increasing the level of professional competence of pedagogical workers of vocational and technical education institutions regarding the diagnosis and prevention of professional and emotional burnout


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