Scientific and methodological support for the development of inclusive competence of vocational education specialists under martial law

Modeling the system of inclusive competence development of specialists in professional and technical education and the implementation of this model in the digital educational ecosystem of the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.07.2024
Размер файла 57,5 K

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The development of mental selfregulation as a factor in the successful educational activity of education seekers

- update and systematization of knowledge regarding the development of mental self-regulation of employees of vocational education institutions;

- increasing the level of mental self-regulation of teachers of vocational education institutions, the development of the ability to mental self-regulation in educational activities;

- designing the educational process in vocational education institutions using relaxation exercises to achieve internal harmony and balance

The content of the scientific and methodological support of continuous professional development of teachers in the inter-course period is aimed at the acquisition by specialists of vocational and technical education of additional professional competences that meet the social and personal needs and challenges of today.

To meet the professional requests and needs of specialists of vocational and technical education regarding the implementation of modern technologies of inclusive education, the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Education has developed and implemented a system of short-term thematic courses (Table 2). Forms of training on short-term courses: distance, face-to-face, face-to-face distance. The number of training hours is 30 (15), depending on the requests and needs of vocational education specialists.

An important means of assimilating the content of advanced training programs for teachers of vocational and theoretical training, masters of industrial training, senior masters of vocational and technical education institutions is independent educational activity, which is organized and comprehensively provided for any form of education, at all stages of advanced training.

Table 2

Short-term thematic courses BTICPE

Name of the course

Knowledge, understanding, skills, competences

Inclusive education in a professional education

institution. Technologies for supporting students with special educational needs

Knowledge, understanding:

- categorization of persons with special educational needs;

- the content and features of the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for students with special educational needs;

- technologies for creating an inclusive educational environment taking into account the principles of Universal Design and Smart Adaptation;


- apply of technologies in inclusive education to the educational process of vocational education institutions;

- to design the educational and cognitive activities of students with special educational needs using the technologies of inclusive education;

- comply with the requirements for the organization of an inclusive educational environment, taking into account the principles of Universal Design and reasonable accommodation

Methods of inclusive education of students with different nosologies

- the ability to plan and organize the educational process taking into account the structure and peculiarities of violations of the psychophysical development of the students;

- the ability to implement educational technologies in working with students with special educational needs;

- the ability to comply with the requirements for the organization of an inclusive environment;

- the ability to build harmonious relationships with persons with psychophysical developmental disabilities and their families

Implementation of an inclusive environment in a professional education


- knowledge of regulatory and legal provision of an inclusive educational in a professional education institution;

- understanding the principles, forms, methods and essence of the organization of inclusive education in a professional education institution;

- the ability to form an individual development program and an individual educational plan for a student with special educational needs in accordance with the level of support determined by the inclusive resource center

Support for students with special educational needs and their parents in emergency situations

- the ability to plan and organize the educational process taking into account the specifics of violations of the psychophysical development of students;

- the ability to implement educational technologies in working with students with special educational needs;

- the ability to comply with the requirements for organizing an inclusive educational environment

Innovative forms and methods of correctional work with teenagers with deviant behavior

- the ability to use modern educational technologies in a professional education institution;

- the ability to manage one's emotional state and create a favorable atmosphere for cooperation;

- to understand the influence of favorable organizational conditions on the effectiveness of the educational process, to design preventive educational activities in the vocational education institution;

- the ability to apply innovative forms and methods of correction of deviant behavior of students in preventive pedagogy

Health-saving technologies in the educational process

the ability to use health-preserving techniques to strengthen one's own health and the health of students;

of a teacher of professional education

the ability to select modern techniques to support the health of teachers and students during wartime

Psychological well-being of participants in the educational process

- self-regulation (control of impulses and management of emotions, expression of emotions, blocking of negative emotional states);

- regulation of mutual relations (social skills, ability to build relationships with others);

- reflection (self-awareness, rational understanding of emotions, identification of own motives)

Reflective management: opportunities for

development and

protection of participants in the educational process

- the ability to plan and organize the educational process taking into account reflexive influences;

- the ability to effectively and adequately carry out process of development and selfdevelopment, contribute to a creative approach to the professional activity of teachers of an educational institution;

- the ability to improve the methods of corrective work for the development of the teacher's potential;

- the ability to develop cognitive skills and use opportunities to protect against manipulation

Graduation work is one of the forms of independent creative educational activity of pedagogical workers. It encourages the study of scientific and methodological literature, normative documents and advanced pedagogical experience, promotes the formation of competences in working with literature, teaches to analyze theoretical and factual data of practical experience.

Graduation work is not only a certain stage in the acquisition of scientific knowledge, but also involves mastering the skills of research work using the acquired knowledge. Completion of the final graduation thesis is a mandatory component of the independent work of students of advanced training courses of the Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Professional Education, which determines the level of development of competence in inclusive education during the period of advanced training, as well as the skills of scientific research, methodical or managerial work.

BTICPE departments have developed practical advisors for teachers of professional and theoretical training, masters of industrial training, senior masters for the completion of graduation theses. Approximate topics and content of works on issues of inclusive education of students with special educational needs in a professional education institution are presented in the Table 3.

Table 3

Approximate topics and content of graduation theses on inclusive education of students with special educational needs

The topic of the work

Approximate content

Psychological and pedagogical support and support for students with special educational needs

І. Theoretical part. Theoretical aspects of psychological and pedagogical support and support for students with special educational needs (according to nosologies) in vocational education institutions

1. Regulatory and legal provision of psychological and pedagogical support and support for students with special educational needs. Terminological definitions

2. The essence and content of pedagogical support for students with special educational needs in the conditions of professional education

3. Principles and features of the organization of training of students with special needs (according to nosologies)

ІІ. The practical part. Practical aspects of implementing pedagogical support for students with special educational needs.

2.1. Prepare general recommendations for teachers on pedagogical support of students with special needs (by nosologies). Recommendations should be drawn up in the form of a table.

Use of modifications and adaptations in work with students with special educational needs

І. Theoretical part. Theoretical aspects of adaptation and modification in the conditions of vocational education

1. Regulatory and legal provision of inclusive education of persons with special educational needs in the conditions of a professional education institution. Categorical definitions

2. The essence, principles and tasks of modification and adaptation

3. Psychological and pedagogical adaptations and modifications in the conditions of professional education

4. Modifications and adaptations of the content of the educational program (integrated course)

5. Environmental adaptations. Use of special equipment

ІІ. The practical part. Practical aspects of the use of adaptation and modification in a professional education institution

2.1. Develop adaptations and (or, if necessary) modifications of the curriculum (integrated course) for a specific student. What are the challenges and risks of using adaptation and modification for vocational education? Why is it necessary to approach the implementation of adaptation and modification in vocational education institutions with extreme caution? Give a detailed, reasoned answer.

Development and evaluation of an inclusive environment. Universal design

І. Theoretical part. Theoretical aspects of the development of an inclusive environment in a professional education institution

1. Modern regulatory and legal provision of inclusive education in the conditions of a professional education institution. Principles of equal opportunities and accessibility

2. Basic terminological definitions and features of the organization of an inclusive environment in an educational institution

3. Barriers in education

4. Principles and strategies of universal design and smart adaptation

5. Adaptations and modifications as a condition for the development of an inclusive environment

6. Evaluation of the inclusive environment. Index of inclusion

ІІ. The practical part. Practical aspects of development and evaluation of an inclusive educational environment in a professional education institution.

2.1. Give and justify examples of barriers that prevent the creation of a safe and inclusive educational environment in a professional education institution: physical, informational, institutional, mental. How can universal design technology overcome these barriers? Give and justify examples.

2.2. Give examples of the use of adaptation and modification to remove barriers to learning for students with special educational needs.

2.3. Based on the Inclusion Index methodology, draw up an evaluation plan and evaluate the level of development of the inclusive environment of your institution.

Graduation work can be presented in the form of: creative work; description of own experience; author's project; presentation of own sites or blogs with analysis of the materials contained in them, which relate to the problem of the courses.

BTICPE has created a single educational-digital ecosystem that combines the intellectual, scientific, professional, educational, technological potential of subjects of the network educational-digital environment, provides for the use of digital, andragogic and interactive technologies in the virtual educational space.

The single educational and digital ecosystem of BTICPE includes: LMS «Profosvita» (, more than 8000 registered participants), the Microsoft Teams cloud service of the Office 365 platform (more than 4000 registered), the School of Pedagogical Coaching and its digital counterpart - Virtual School of Pedagogical Coaching, Consulting Center, online consultation center «Latest production technologies», informational and analytical resource «Methodical Treasury», online psychological support center «ReVita», online Academy of Digital Technologies, BTICPE digital library, digital training courses, digital software and methodical complexes, personal web resources of teachers, BTICPE's own website (https://, own YouTube channel (, Telegram channel (, virtual sections on the BTICPE website for informal education and professional development specialists.

The Consulting Center «Newest Pedagogical and Production Technologies» was established at BTICPE to train and improve the qualifications of specialists in the conditions of mixed education. The activity of the Center provides scientific and methodological support for the continuous professional development of teachers in the conditions of informal and informal education and the provision of advisory, facilitative assistance, the dissemination of the best educational practices. The content of consulting assistance includes: presentation of the results of the implementation of the latest pedagogical and production technologies in the practice of professional education institutions; presentation of materials of pedagogical experience and best educational practices; familiarization with modern equipment, machinery, tools and technologies (based on the materials of specialized exhibitions).

In order to provide scientific and methodological support for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers, providing them with methodical, organizational and advisory assistance regarding the implementation of pedagogical innovations, summarizing prospective pedagogical experience, and mastering the latest production technologies, the information and analytical resource «Methodical Treasury» was created.

The online psychological support center «ReVita» provides solutions to specific personal problems in situations of uncertainty, related to the preservation of mental health in crisis conditions and conditions of martial law.


The structural and functional model of the development of the inclusive competence of vocational education specialists as a component of the Unified educational and digital ecosystem BTICPE ensures the organic integrity of the content of teacher training in the course (attestation) period, scientific and methodological support in the inter-course period, independent, research activities, aimed at the development of inclusive professional competence of vocational education specialists and the implementation of inclusive education technologies for students with special educational needs.

The structural-functional model of the development of inclusive competence of vocational education specialists combines the intellectual, scientific, professional, educational, technological potential of the subjects of the network educational and digital environment, provides for the use of digital, andragogic and interactive technologies in the virtual space of BTICPE.

Educational classes at the advanced training courses of Bila Tserkva Institute of Continuous Education are aimed at developing the teacher's readiness to implement practical ideas of inclusion, the use of inclusive education technologies for students with special educational needs, and the formation of a safe and inclusive environment. The content of training classes is differentiated according to the content and specifics of the pedagogical activity of vocational education specialists.

To meet the professional requests and needs of vocational education specialists regarding the introduction of modern technologies of inclusive education, BTICPE has developed and implemented scientific and methodological support for the continuous professional development of teachers in the inter-course period. Content-oriented and targeted scientific and methodological support for teachers of vocational education is provided by the implementation of short-term thematic courses.

Continuous professional development of vocational education specialists in the inter-course period takes place through a complex of scientific and methodological activities: scientific and practical seminars, Internet conferences, educational trainings, forums, festivals, interactive communication of temporary creative teams. Pedagogical workers of vocational and technical education are included in the network space of the Unified BTICPE ecosystem, which provides for the provision of advisory, advisory and facilitative assistance, the study and dissemination of the best educational practices of the organization of inclusive education in vocational and technical education.


1. Boichuk, Y. (2014). Inkliuzyvna kompetentnist maibutnoho vchytelia osnov zdorovia: teoretyko-metodychni aspekty [Inclusive competence of the future teacher of the basics of health: theoretical and methodological aspects]. Kharkiv, Ukraine. [in Ukrainian].

2. Kucherak, I. (2022). Inkliuzyvna kompetentnist uchytelia yak skladova pedahohichnoi maisternosti [Inclusive competence of the teacher as a component of pedagogical mastery]. Rozvytok pedahohichnoi maisternosti maibutnoho pedahoha v umovakh osvitnikh transformatsii: materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovopraktychnoi konferentsii - Development of pedagogical skills of the future teacher in the context of educational transformations: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. Hlukhivskyi NPU im. O. Dovzhenka. Hlukhiv, 156-158 [in Ukrainian].

3. Hladush V. (2021). Retrospektyva pidhotovky pedahohichnykh kadriv v Ukraini dlia formuvannia osvitnikh posluh v umovakh spetsialnoi osvity. Tendentsii ta problemy upravlinnia zakladamy osvity: vyklyky ХХІ stolittia. [Retrospective of the training of teaching staff in Ukraine for the formation of educational services in the conditions of special education. Trends and problems of management of educational institutions: challenges of the XXI century]. Kyiv, Ukraine. [in Ukrainian].

Список використаної літератури

1. Бойчук Ю. Д. Інклюзивна компетентність майбутнього вчителя основ здоров'я: теоретико-методичні аспекти. Харків: ХНПУ імені Г. С. Сковороди, 2014. 197 с.

2. Кучерак І. В. Інклюзивна компетентність учителя як складова педагогічної майстерності. Розвиток педагогічної майстерності майбутнього педагога в умовах освітніх трансформацій: матеріали всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції (13 травня 2022 р.) / Глухівський НПУ ім. О. Довженка. Глухів, 2022. С.156-158.

3. Гладуш В. А. Ретроспектива підготовки педагогічних кадрів в Україні для формування освітніх послуг в умовах спеціальної освіти. Тенденції та проблеми управління закладами освіти: виклики ХХІ століття. Київ, 2021. С. 242-251.

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