Problems and prospects for the development of dual education for the post-war recovery of Ukraine

The aim is to summarize the experience of the dual form of education in Ukraine, to identify the reasons for its inhibition and promising directions of its development for the post-war recovery of Ukraine. Accelerate the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Problems and prospects for the development of dual education for the post-war recovery of Ukraine

Ruslan Savchuk

Graduate Student of the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, deputy head of the Automation Department and Electronic Technologies PJSC ZHZOK


The relevance of the article is determined by the need to identify the most effective mechanisms for using the experience of introducing the dual form of education to improve the professional training of future specialists and accelerate the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

The aim is to summarize the experience of the dual form of education in Ukraine, to identify the reasons for its inhibition and promising directions of its development for the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

Methods: study of scientific sources, legislative, regulatory and legal documents, empirical data to determine the state of functioning of the dual form of education in Ukraine; theoretical analysis and synthesis, generalization of scientific views on the problem under study in order to identify the causes of inhibition and promising directions for the development of dual education for the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

Results: the experience of pilot projects for the introduction of dual education in educational institutions of different levels is analyzed; scientific publications of domestic researchers are summarized; the reasons for inhibition and promising directions for the development of dual education are identified; the importance of dual education and its compliance with the main goals of the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Society and Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine are substantiated; dual education is characterized as an element of a new worldview paradigm that is being formed under martial law.

Conclusions: the main reasons that hindered its development and reduced the effectiveness of dual education (quarantine restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic; military operations; increased migration flows caused by the war; reduction in the number of students, workload for teachers and, accordingly, reduction in staff at the departments; destruction, relocation, closure of many enterprises participating in the training of specialists in the dual form of education; low level of awareness of the benefits of dual education among students, teachers and employers; promising areas of its development are outlined (strengthening career guidance and information campaigns on dual education opportunities; reducing the level of bureaucratization of the educational process in educational institutions; providing state support for those educational institutions that will implement full-fledged dual education to retain teaching staff and encourage them to update and modernize educational programs to meet the needs of dual education; improving the training of heads of educational institutions for the development of public-private partnerships, and future teachers - for pedagogical activities in the context of dual education); the dual form of education is presented as an element of a new worldview paradigm, which in times of military aggression continues to transform in three main vectors (the development vector, which focuses domestic scientists and teachers on studying the European experience of implementing dual education; the security vector, which directs the national education and science system to implement this experience to protect Ukraine's national interests; the responsibility vector, which demonstrates the commitment of the post-war educational paradigm to strengthening employers' responsibility for the quality of training and strengthening their influence on the content of educational programs).

Keywords: dual education, prospects for the development of dual education, experience in implementing dual education, employers, post-war recovery.



Руслан Савчук

аспірант Інституту педагогічної освіти і освіти дорослих імені Івана Зязюна НАПН України, заступник начальника відділу автоматизації і електронних технологій ПрАТ ЖЗОК

Актуальність статті визначається необхідністю виявлення найбільш ефективних механізмів використання досвіду упровадження дуальної форми здобуття освіти для вдосконалення професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців і прискорення повоєнного відновлення України.

Мета: узагальнити досвід реалізації в Україні дуальної форми здобуття освіти, виявити причини гальмування та перспективні напрями її розвитку для повоєнного відновлення України.

Методи: вивчення наукових джерел, законодавчих, нормативно-правових документів, емпіричних даних - для з'ясування стану функціонування в Україні дуальної форми здобуття освіти; теоретичний аналіз і синтез, узагальнення наукових поглядів на досліджувану проблему з метою виявлення причин гальмування та перспективних напрямів розвитку дуальної освіти для повоєнного відновлення України.

Результати: проаналізовано досвід пілотних проєктів запровадження дуальної освіти в закладах освіти різних рівнів; узагальнено наукові публікації вітчизняних дослідників; виявлено причини гальмування та перспективні напрями розвитку дуальної освіти; обґрунтовано важливість дуальної освіти та її відповідність основним цілям Стратегії сталого розвитку суспільства та повоєнного відновлення України; охарактеризовано дуальну освіту як елемент нової світоглядної парадигми, що формується в умовах воєнного стану. dual education post war ukraine

Висновки: виявлено основні причини, що гальмували її розвиток і знижували ефективність дуальної освіти (карантинні обмеження; воєнні дії; зумовлені війною міграційні потоки; зниження контингенту студентів; скорочення педагогів; руйнація, закриття чи релокація багатьох підприємств - стейкхолдерів дуальної форми здобуття освіти; низький рівень обізнаності студентів, педагогів і роботодавців щодо переваг дуальної форми здобуття освіти); окреслено перспективні напрями її розвитку (удосконалення профорієнтації, посилення інформаційної кампанії щодо навчання за дуальною формою здобуття освіти; спрощення процедури впровадження елементів дуальної освіти; посилення державної підтримки закладів освіти для впровадження повноцінної дуальної освіти; підготовка й заохочення педагогічних кадрів до оновлення й модернізації освітніх програм з урахуванням потреб дуальної освіти; удосконалення підготовки майбутніх педагогів до педагогічної діяльності в умовах дуальної освіти, розвиток готовності керівників закладів освіти до розвитку державноприватного партнерства, а); дуальну форму освіти представлено як елемент нової світоглядної парадигми, що в час воєнної агресії продовжує трансформуватися у трьох основних векторах (вектор розвитку, що орієнтує вітчизняних науковців і педагогів на вивчення європейського досвіду впровадження дуальної освіти; вектор безпеки, що спрямовує вітчизняну систему освіти і науки на імплементацію цього досвіду для захисту національних інтересів України; вектор відповідальності, що засвідчує прихильність повоєнної освітньої парадигми до посилення відповідальності роботодавців за якість підготовки фахівців, зміцнення їх упливу на зміст освітніх програм).

Ключові слова: дуальна форма здобуття освіти, перспективи розвитку дуальної освіти, досвід упровадження дуальної освіти, роботодавці, повоєнне відновлення.


The dual education system in Ukraine is one of the aspects of educational reform on which the Ukrainian society pins high hopes for accelerating the recovery of the war-torn economy. The war against Ukraine has exposed the major problems of the domestic economy, which significantly hinder the country's development and implementation of a sustainable (balanced) development strategy. Primarily, this is linked to the long-standing dominance of raw material export orientation, resource- and energy-intensive industries and technologies, the unbalanced distribution of production (particularly its concentration in industrial regions), and the lag in education relative to technological development and labor market needs. Additionally, attention to the development of dual education is also connected to pressing tasks for Ukraine such as improving education quality, refining educational management, optimizing education costs, strengthening the ties between education and business (Buhaychuk et al., 2023, p. 7), and enhancing efforts to adapt the best European practices of implementing dual education into the national system (Buhaychuk et al., 2022, p. 39). This highlights the need to improve the training of specialists for post-war reconstruction and ensure the further sustainable development of Ukraine. On the other hand, it directs researchers' focus on studying the experience, opportunities, and further prospects of dual education development at various levels in Ukraine. This form has proven its effectiveness in many European Union countries, demonstrating successful training of specialists taking into account global socio-economic trends, national interests of the respective country, and national and regional labor market needs.


The importance of implementing full-fledged dual education is reflected in numerous national documents: Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Higher Education," the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "On Implementing Elements of the Dual System of Training Qualified Workers" (2015), the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approving the Concept of Training Specialists through Dual Education" (2018), the Medium-Term Priority Action Plan of the Government for the period 2017-2020, the Plan of Measures for the Implementation of the Concept of Training Specialists through Dual Education (2019), the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032 (2022), and the Regulations on the Dual Form of Obtaining Professional, Vocational Pre-higher, and Higher Education (2023).

Development in Ukraine of the dual form of education for future qualified workers has been the subject of research by several national scholars. Foreign experience in implementing dual education in EU countries (Savchenko, 2015; Kyrychuk, 2022), Austria (Zelenykh, 2022), and Germany (Dudus, 2022; Zmiyova, 2022) was studied.

In 2019-2022, the first domestic experience of introducing dual education in Ukrainian educational institutions was highlighted. For instance, the development of dual education in higher education institutions such as Zhytomyr National Agroecologi- cal University (Skydan & Buhaychuk, 2019); Tavria State Agrotechnological University (Lomeyko, 2019) ; Hlukhiv Agricultural Technical Institute named after S.A. Kovpak of Sumy NAU (Lytvynenko, 2019); National University of Water and Environmental Management (Zayets & Oksenyuk, 2020), KhNUMG named after O.M. Beketov (Roslavtsev & Havrylyuk, 2020), Communal Institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy" of Kharkiv Regional Council (Kashuba, 2022) , Mykolaiv NAU (Bilichenko, 2022), and the implementation of dual education elements in institutions of professional pre-higher education such as the Ecological College of Lviv NAU (Panyura, Borutska & Rybak, 2019), VSP "Berezovorudsky Professional College PDAA" (Kulkovets, 2020), State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv Energy College" (Kovalenko, 2020), Verkhniodniprovsk College DDAEU (Zeleny, 2020), VSP "Berdiansky Professional College of Tavria State Agrotechnological University named after Dmitry Motorny" (Shyshkina & Kuz, 2020) , VSP "Ladyzhyn Professional College VNAU" (Hudz, 2022), etc.

Significant attention has been paid to studying the methodological foundations for implementing dual education for future skilled workers by researchers at the Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kulalaieva et al., 2019; Kulalaieva, ed., 2023), where textbooks for the implementation of the educational process in dual education have been developed (Haiduk et al., 2020; Haiduk et al., 2021; Gomeniuk et al., 2021).

From 2020 to 2023, the experience of implementing dual education in domestic institutions of professional higher education was summarized (Davlikanova, Ishchenko, & Chaikovska, 2020; Buchynska et al., 2022). Sources on the experience of implementing dual education in Ukraine have been systematically presented on the website of the "Ukrainian Center for Dual Education" (2024).

The purpose of this article is to summarize the experience of implementing dual education in Ukraine, identify the reasons for its hindrance, and outline the promising directions for its development for post-war recovery in Ukraine.

Methods: studying scientific sources, legislative and normative-legal documents, empirical data - to determine the state of functioning of dual education in Ukraine; theoretical analysis and synthesis, generalization of scientific views on the researched problem to identify the causes of hindrance and promising directions for the development of dual education for the post-war recovery of Ukraine.

Results and discussion

Initial initiatives to implement and popularize dual education in Ukraine began in 2013. This allowed us to identify the strong potential of this new form of education. In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved a pilot project that envisaged the introduction of elements of dual education in institutions of professional higher and higher education. Thanks to this project, improvements were made: regulatory and legal support for dual education, including the introduction of practice for signing tripartite agreements (institution, student, employer) and making corresponding changes to the Regulations on the organization of the educational process in institutions of professional higher and higher education; selection of students for the new form of education by business entities; mechanisms for control over the creation and maintenance of safe conditions for education; monitoring the implementation of dual education. The involvement of the State Institution "Scientific-Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Higher Education" en-abled proper scientific and methodological support for the implementation of dual education (conducting seminars, master classes, training, etc.).

For the development of dual professional education in Ukraine, experiments of a nationwide level were conducted at VPU №33 Kyiv, the higher professional artistic school of Lviv, VPU of machine-building in Zaporizhzhia. The Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine conducted regional-level experiments: "Designing the educational-production environment of an institution of professional (vocational- technical) education under dual education conditions" (Zaporizhzhia region, 2019); "Development of training tools for professional training of skilled workers in professions 'Wide profile machine operator', 'Cook', 'Confectioner' under dual education conditions" (Donetsk region, 2020).

The "Dual Education for Ukraine" project, implemented in partnership with the NGO "Ukrainian Association of Marketing" and with the support of USAID's "Economic Support for Ukraine," has en-abled the preparation of methodological recommendations for implementing dual education, which sig-nificantly strengthened practical assistance to educational institutions, education seekers, and business entities. The methodological recommendations elucidate the prerequisites for implementing dual educa-tion in Ukraine, analyze the experience gained in the project, present bi- and tripartite agreements con-cluded among the participants of dual education, highlight the peculiarities of individual and group learning, introduce certain methodological provisions for the new form of education, and illuminate the contribution of employers to the ongoing and final control of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities; they also illustrate the specifics of scholarship provision and financial motivation for the entities implementing dual education.

The implemented project has demonstrated that two models of dual education are applied in Ukraine: one integrated with professional activity and the other with integrated practical training. The first model is aimed at those who have already obtained professional or higher education and are employed at a company wanting to continue education in a field demanded by their employer. This model involves a combination of education at higher educational institutions and on-site at the company. The second model pertains to the organization of education for those obtaining their first higher or professional education, both at an educational institution and on-site at a company. It has been shown that educational institutions mostly use the model with integrated practical training. The transition to dual education typically occurs in the 3rd or 4th year of undergraduate studies or - in the first year of master's programs. Changes in the organization of the educational process at the educa-tional institution and the company are determined by specific schedules and depend on the specialty of the future professional and the needs of the employercompany.

When selecting an educational institution for organizing dual education, business entities primarily consider criteria such as the proximity of the educational institution, the existence of experience in im-plementing educational processes in a dual form, and the presence of relevant departments. Special attention in the project was given to studying the motivation problems of dual education participants, which can be reflected in the content of tripartite agreements between the educational institution, the learner, and the employer. It has been proven that motivation is significantly enhanced by: paying future professionals wages for performing specific work functions during their studies; awarding the most successful students with motivational scholarships; and covering the cost of education on a contractual basis (Dual Education at Higher and Professional Education Institutions through the Eyes of Employers, 2020).

Special attention was given to improving the mechanisms for selecting education seekers for their further transition to a dual form of education. Typically, in the selection of education seekers, enter-prises are guided by the recommendations of the educational institutions where they are studying. In addition, employers participate in the work of qualification commissions and are involved in the defense of coursework and thesis projects. From the first years of their education, education seekers have the opportunity to visit enterprises as bases for their future practice.

It has been found that the greatest motivation for employers to participate in the training of special-ists under a dual education system includes: a shortage of qualified personnel in regional labor markets; the need to create a talent reserve for enterprises; the desire of future specialists and employers to shorten the adaptation period of graduates to professional activities; and the willingness of enterprises to participate in shaping not only the variable component of specialist training but also the mandatory component (Dual Education, 2021, p. 5).

Dual education aligns with the guiding principles of the Sustainable Development Strategy. In the context of the principles of human rights protection and the rule of law, dual education advocates for the protection of the rights of education seekers through the conclusion of tripartite agreements among them, educational institutions, and employers. According to the principles of public participation, business representatives, and social partners in the sustainable development of society, dual education requires well- developed mechanisms of public-private partnership. The principle of integration of policy and management in dual education is implemented through the importance of developing legal and regulatory bases to introduce a comprehensive dual education system in place of using only its elements. The principle of solidarity within and between generations is realized through the unique opportunities of dual education to form mutually respectful relationships among all participants in the educational process. The principles of prevention and payment for pollution are included in the very essence of dual education, which unites the interests of the individual, society, state, and acts as a guarantor of environmental and human health protection during the training stage of a specialist.

Dual education is an important tool for achieving many Sustainable Development Goals. Dual education not only provides quality education but also guarantees employment, which contributes to achieving Goal 1 "Eradication of Poverty." Education obtained through the dual form is more production- oriented, better takes into account the specifics of regional labor markets, is more quickly modernized, and thus, is of higher quality, contributing to the realization of Goal 4 "Quality Education." Dual education allows for the formation of relevant skills, faster adaptation to the profession, better career trajectory building, and professional success, helping to approach the realization of Goal 8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth." The dual form of education, with its high level of employer participation in the training process, financially protects the education seeker and their family, enables talented youth to conveniently build their individual educational trajectory, thus contributing to achieving Goal 10 "Reduced Inequalities." The implementation of a full-fledged dual education system can strengthen each of its participants (educational institutions increase the scientific content, employers guarantee relevant professional skills, education seekers feel bilateral care of their professional growth, civil society gains motivated effective professionals), overall facilitating the achievement of Goal 16 "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions." The relationships among the participants of the educational process, involved in the organization of training through the dual form of education, are characterized by a high level of partner participation and responsibility, which approaches the realization of Goal 17 "Partnership for Sustainable Development."

Following the onset of full-scale war, the dual education system suffered significant losses due to weakened ties between educational institutions and business partners. This was due to the mass relocation of business enterprises and their inability to fulfill their partnership obligations as stakeholders in educational programs for training specialists in dual education. However, the years of the pandemic and fullscale armed conflict forced the education system to adapt to operating under instability, to reestablish partnerships with employers, and to apply innovative approaches to organizing the educational process. Additionally, it should be acknowledged that there is a steady public interest in obtaining a profession through dual education. Evidence of this can be seen in the increase in the number of dual-students who, despite the war, participated in the "Dual Education" project by DTEK Networks (Diya.Business, 2023). Over five years, the project has trained 88 students, providing them with salaries and full social packages. Most of the project's graduates (51) are employed at this company. Despite the war, 19 young energy professionals secured their first job at DTEK Networks (Tereshchuk, 2023).

The dual education form has been revitalized in the western regions of Ukraine, where many edu-cational institutions from temporarily occupied territories have been relocated. It is worth acknowledging that, so far, only elements of dual education are applied in all educational institutions. However, even this form of implementation of dual education has positive results. In particular, the ties between educational institutions and business partners are significantly strengthened, which in turn better integrates into the process of addressing urgent educational problems and become active stakeholders influencing the content of professional training and the modernization of educational infrastructure. For example, the implementation of dual education at the Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka has not only allowed organizing the study of individual educational components directly at the production with salaries or personal scholarships but also creating joint laboratories - an IT laboratory (a result of cooperation with the company "InternetDevels"), a cyber-security and information protection laboratory (together with "SOC Prime"), and a "STEAM laboratory" (in cooperation with the Volyn Regional Minor Academy of Sciences) (Tsiost, 2024).

The war has critically changed Ukraine's demography, the staff composition of educational insti-tutions, and the contingent of education seekers. If in the first year of the war virtually all forced Ukrainian migrants continued their studies online at Ukrainian educational institutions, by 2023 their numbers began to decrease due to the significant complexity of studying at multiple institutions (native and foreign). The war ceased to be perceived as a temporary phenomenon, and as a result, many Ukrainians abroad started considering life beyond their homeland, while many sectors within the country experienced a noticeable "staff hunger." Under such conditions, dual education becomes particularly important in terms of preventing the exacerbation of staffing problems, as it is capable of creating a staffing reserve from education seekers who study under tripartite agreements within the framework of dual education.

Consequently, military actions on Ukrainian territory, business relocation, and the forced migration of students abroad have become significant obstacles to the development of dual education. However, they have simultaneously stimulated interest among citizens, educational institutions, and businesses in this form of learning, as it allows for the saving of time and financial resources for students and can positively impact addressing the workforce "hunger" in many sectors of the national economy.


The dual education model has been tested in Ukraine at all levels of future specialists' training--professional, specialized secondary, and higher education. Scholars refute the possibility and advisability of implementing mass dual education, yet this form carries high social expectations for accelerating post-war economic recovery, satisfying the increasing demand for highly qualified personnel in strategically important areas of activity (agriculture, construction, energy, environment, machinery manufacturing), digitalization, and Ukraine's integration into the EU.

The study of the experience of dual education in Ukraine has identified the main reasons that hin-dered its development and reduced its effectiveness: the COVID-19 pandemic and related quarantine re-strictions; military actions and increased migration flows; reduction in the number of students and de-crease in teaching staff; destruction, closure, and relocation of many enterprises involved in dual educa-tion training; poor awareness of students, educators, and employers about the benefits of dual education.

For the development of dual education in Ukraine, promising areas remain: enhancing career guidance for youth, improving the information campaign on the benefits of studying in the dual education system; simplifying the mechanisms for implementing dual learning in educational institutions; enhancing government support for educational institutions ready to implement full dual education, training teaching staff, updating and modernizing educational programs accordingly; developing management competencies of education institution leaders to increase the effectiveness of public-private partnerships; preparing future teachers for pedagogical activity in dual education settings; motivating employers, harmonizing government support and grassroots initiatives (employers and educational institutions).

Post-war recovery in Ukraine will require a revision of priority directions for training specialists and a list of strategically important professions, creation of corresponding professional and educational standards, more active involvement of employers and civil society representatives, and implementation of more effective models of public-private partnership. Overall, this should enhance the motivation of enterprises and organizations regarding their participation in the training of future specialists and the implementation of full dual education.

The dual form of education represents for the scientific-pedagogical community and other stake-holders at various levels of national education--an element of a new worldview paradigm, which, in the time of military aggression, continues to transform along three main vectors. The development vector directs national scholars and educators to study the European experience of implementing dual education. The security vector directs the national education and science system to implement this experience to protect Ukraine's national interests (e.g., for the development of strategically important directions and professions for Ukraine's recovery). The responsibility vector attests to the post-war educational paradigm's commitment to enhancing employers' responsibility for the quality of training, strengthening their influence on the content of educational programs.

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