Improving potention of scientific and educational space

The scientific and educational space like an interactively organized environment, the main mechanism of which is the informational and voluntary interaction of subjects. The power - one of the basic holistic multidimensional sociocultural phenomenon.

Рубрика Философия
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Дата добавления 21.07.2018
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Ukraine is a young democratic, law-governed state. The only source of power in Ukraine is the people who, in the conditions of the complex challenges of our time, have demonstrated their active public position on the wave of national upsurge. Modern Ukrainian society puts forward a set of professional and moral- ethical requirements both for individual members of the government and for power relations in general.

In addition, there is a need to develop a scientific basis and training through optimization of the scientific and educational space of qualitatively new management personnel. Particularly for the implementation of a significant range of socio-political reforms with a view to humanizing and optimizing the sphere of social governance in Ukraine, taking into account both the best national and the leading world experience. It should be borne in mind that in the world over the past decades there have been radical changes related to unbridled globalization, informatization and trans-economic transformations of the social space.

Modern society is increasingly declaring itself as a "knowledge society". The cause of this the information potential of society is constantly multiplied both in space and in time, radically changing the nature of natural and social phenomena. The international community today unites efforts in the fields of science and education. Science and education are interconnected. Scientific and educational space becomes a context, a measure and a section of most vectors of social management. In utero of the scientific and educational space an active, responsible, purposeful and creative person is formed, the person which should become the main subject of the system of power relations [6].

The scientific problem of the research is to substantiate the methodological foundations of the definition of power in the context of improving of modern scientific and educational space.

The problem becomes actuality through the prism of the contradictions that exist. On the one hand, social relations in the conditions of the information- communicative and post-industrial society of the scientific and educational space have changed dramatically and there was a need for a new, adequate nature of power and social governance. And on the other hand, the content of power relations in Ukraine for a long period of time remained residual the Soviet signs and the requirements that were determined by the still more industrial society and are currently in need of optimization. Insufficiently researched in social philosophy is the problem of forecasting the deployment of power processes in the scientific and educational space.

The research substantiates the necessity of development of research in this direction; it is proved that in the conditions of global changes in the world this problem acquires not only a special theoretical but also a significant practical value. The reason of this is a fact that education and science in the age of globalization are factors of social stability, economic prosperity of the country, its competitiveness and factors of strengthening national security [1].

The article is performed in the course of a neo-humanistic approach to the study of power as a complex phenomenon, which is actualized in the social and inter subjective space and is the basis for the harmonization of social relations. The philosophical tradition that underlies the author's conception originates from ancient Greece and Rome (Solon, Pericles, Titus Livy, Cicero, Justinian), where the ideological foundations of natural democracy are laid.

In the New Age, G. Grotius, J. Locke, Voltaire, C. Helvetius, D. Diderot, J. Condorce, J. C. Mill, and S. L. Montesquieu, A. de Tocqueville continue this tradition. They introduced the idea of liberalism, natural human rights and the contractual origin of the state for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in a humanistic approach to the consideration of the authorities. We had researched the critical reception of conceptual ideas about the power of Plato, Aristotle, N. Machiavelli, G.V.F. Hegel, A. Schopenhauer, and M. Weber. Furthermore, we had emphasized the theoretical significance of projects of harmonious social management of social relations in the works of I. Kant and P. Sorokin. In the works of Z. Bauman, P. Virilio, E. Gidens, N. Luman, F. Fukuyama the correspondence of power relations with the social reality of the informational-communicative type is investigated [4, 5].

In the Ukrainian philosophical tradition, the author relies on a liberal- humanistic approach to understanding power in the context of national development, where the recognition of the human person is of supreme value and the idea of selfless and honest service of the people in the name of his bright future. The representatives of this tradition (M. Drahomanov, T. Zinkovsky, I. Franko, L. Ukrainka, T. Shevchenko) considered the emancipation of the human person, liberation from social and national oppression, and the establishment of the principles of social justice in the political life as the criterion for actual progress

The power is defined as a holistic multidimensional sociocultural phenomenon, which manifests itself in an ontological plane, as an objective and subjective volition; in the epistemological aspect - as a cognitive orientation to the search for truth; in the existential plan - as a basis for optimizing its own existence, in the axiological sense - as a fundamental sociocultural value; in the sociopolitical aspect - as a social resource, which is actualized in the process of social management, and morally and ethically, as a social responsibility, the degree of which determines the level and quality of government [1].

The mechanisms of actualization in the actual phenomenon of "power" are distinguished: objectification and subjectivation of will. Objection is manifested in the sense of the "alienation of subjectivity" when the multidimensional aspects of being actualize power as action, power as power and power as possession. Because of objectification, the subject, on which the power is directed, partially or completely loses the subject properties, turning into an object of power influence. Subjectification, on the contrary, is a reciprocal mechanism of "giving subjectivity". Subjectivation is activated in the sense of the relation of inter subjective and extrasubjective interdependence, mutual determination and correlation, when the power manifests itself primarily not as an action, but as an interaction aimed at ontological interdependence.

In the context of social management, the structure of power is the subject, the object and subject of power, as well as the integrative system of communication. The object of power mostly has two sides: the primary source of power, which delegates power to a certain power form and object, which undertakes to obey the authority delegated to it, which becomes the subject of power. The subject of power is the direct carrier of power, which organizes the object's behavior by means of power in accordance with the interests of this object. The main pillars of the effective functioning of power are the support of the subject of power by object and the conformity of the organizational and normative-legal foundations of power to the interests of the object of power.

Integrity is the most important for the modern society by the intersubjective quality of the subject of power. The formation of integrity in the context of socio- philosophical analysis is revealed as an existential moral and ethical experience of "power over oneself', deep emotionality and responsibility of "power over others", subjection of "power over speeches", which allows one to look at the phenomenon of power from positions, which arrange anthropological resource and human- dimensionality of the phenomenon of power. Activation of integrity as a fundamental quality of public power requires the basis for its organization - the formation of a conscious subject of justice, which is possible only in the value- oriented scientific and educational space.

Post-industrial socio-cultural development as a mechanism and source of power has a scientific innovation. Innovation as a mechanism for the development of power relations. It is realized through certain principles of power, among which: the release of resources to support those areas that contribute to improving efficiency; the power must be adaptive, continuous and sustainable, in order to be adequate to the constant movement and changes in contemporary socio-cultural reality; modern government is forced to constantly identify and direct a qualitative change in social conditions, which can contribute to the sustainability of society. Modern communicative power combines stability and development, correlating one through another.

The system and process of social management is an integrator of all the resources of society, primarily intellectual-information, social, and largely determines the progress of social development. Social governance should be based on basic social resources: creative potential of the individual, sustainable and adaptive social organization, intellectual property and information. Therefore, in the process of social management analysis, the importance of the scientific and educational environment as a sphere of integration of social traditions and social innovations is updated.

The main mechanisms of organization of power relations in the context of social management in the modern information and communicative society is the subject-subjective information and volitional interaction. On the basis of information interaction, a system of knowledge about the management process is formed, forms are developed and methods for its optimization, planning and forecasting of management activities are carried out. Volitional interaction ensures the realization and implementation of social interest in practice by means of concentration, mobilization of efforts, use of spiritual, physical, energy and material resources aimed at obtaining the corresponding result.

The scientific and educational space is an interactively organized environment, the main mechanism of which is the informational and voluntary interaction of subjects of scientific and educational activity. They are directed by common goals that are socially significant, guided by the common principles of solving scientific and educational problems, but are determined by the possibility of actualization individual creative freedom when choosing means to achieve the goal. The integrity of the scientific and educational space is ensured by the interconnection of its elements and the links between them.

In the context of the scientific and educational space, the following principles of power-management interaction are distinguished: apodictic, integrity, humanism, democracy and decentralization. Effective management practices are persuasion, encouragement and stimulation, that is, those methods that are aimed at actualizing information and volitional interaction. In the modern model of successful social management, especially in the field of education and science, the most important methods of power management should be the incentive for development and a personal example.

Professional management requires modern managers, in addition to professional and personal qualities, and a number of moral and ethical principles. The leader must be honest, responsible, share the principles of tolerance, trust, partnership, and, as a consequence, capable of supporting interpersonal dialogue, producing creative power interactions. Increasing the professional activity of the manager at the creative level will help to overcome corruption both at the organizational and national levels. After all, for a creative person interaction with society is built in the first place with an emphasis not on material satisfaction, but on public recognition. Innovative power interaction is not possible without a dialogue, mutual creativity, realized in the interaction with others as a result of which the leader-innovator is able to receive significant support of the population.

The degree of national development, the culture of the nation and the level of national security depend on the content and axiological orientation of the scientific and educational space. The values of freedom, humanity, human dignity, democracy, social initiative, responsibility and national identity remain the priority values for Ukraine. In the course of historical development in the national scientific space a number of values formed, which formed its axiological basis. First of all, these are the values of innovation and creativity, beyond which the development of science is impossible.

The system of military science and education is specific. The principles and methods of its organization are distinct, which are clearly determined by the normative-legal field of military activity. Management of the military scientific and educational space is defined as a complex socio-bio-technical functional system, which is created for the reliable and effective management of military scientific and educational institutions and organizations, scientific and educational activities of military units, units and connections for the defense of the state. It has functionally related bodies, subjects and objects of management, management tools, and communication system.

Decentralization of management of scientific and educational space is one of the priorities of social development. The principle of decentralization of power involves the formation of a multidimensional, complex system of co-ordination and mutual determinants of managerial subjects, the main mechanism of which is social self-organization. The level of responsibility of each subject of the scientific and educational space for the results of their activities must increase significantly.

The main arguments in favor of reform in Ukraine are: the potential opportunity to achieve greater efficiency in identifying public queries and in using resources in solving current problems in the scientific and educational sphere; the possibility of involving the general public in the process of optimizing the national scientific and educational space; creation of a more efficient modern scientific and educational system at the regional and local levels [1].

Man is the center of actualization of scientific and educational space. The human desire for self-realization is a system-forming factor for the creation of an integrative scientific and educational space. As a possible projection of the formation of multidimensional scientific and educational space, we have developed a convergent model that includes scientific, educational and socio-personal inter subjective space, which reflects the content of each component of space and demonstrates the boundaries of the integrative cross-direction of the orientation of the vector vector within its boundaries. All components, being in a state of communication, are united into a dynamic system, which is coordinated with the help of mechanisms of intersubjective interdependence.

Modern scientific and educational reality is considered by us as a communicative sphere that has a dynamic structure and appears in the instability and continuity of the interaction of different levels of development. Formation of the scientific and educational space is an extremely important, continuous and multidimensional process aimed at creating and developing an integrative educational and scientific environment. This process is formed on the principles of apodicity, integrity, decentralization, democratization and humanity, which fully actualizes the potential of state and social management, the main the mechanism of realization of which is information and volitional interaction regulated by a set of integrative tendencies [1].

The internationalization of the scientific and educational space is defined as an integrative process, the essence of which is to intensify the role of international cooperation in all spheres of activity of scientific, scientific and educational institutions and organizations. It is updated in accordance with the chosen strategy in order to optimize international interaction as a development factor. There is a stable, integrative connection between the processes of globalization and the internationalization of the world of scientific and educational space, which determines the need for a comprehensive management impact on these processes.

Both national and global processes in the world of scientific and educational space require adequate power regulation. There are four levels of power activation in the context of internationalization of management of the world scientific and educational space: international, state, regional and organizational; on each one a certain strategy is implemented, and external and internal factors of influence operate. The activation of power on a humanitarian from levels should be aimed at identifying prospects, long-term and short-term goals and organizing the scientific and educational potential for their achievement, and based on a creative approach, generalization of best practices and implemented innovations.

Finally, strategic management of scientific and educational space is the most important factor in the successful development of science and education in Ukraine in an increasingly complex environment. Improving of the strategy of expanded opportunities in our country's scientific and educational space should be focused both on preserving national scientific potential and on strengthening the institutional capacity for implementation of international strategic communications. The synergy of the efforts of the authorities, scientific and educational institutions, business and civil society ought to increase and optimize the presence of Ukraine in the international academic, cultural and public environment.


scientific educational sociocultural

1. Krymets L.V Philosophy of power and management of scientific and educational space: monograph / Liudmyla Krymets - К Golden Gate, 2016. - 410 p.

2. Krymets L.V. Social interaction in the context of post-industrial society at the present stage of development: monograph / Liudmyla Krymets - Saarbrucken, Germany: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. - 163c.

3. Ukraine: problems of self-organization.: [In 2 t.] / V. Kremen, D. Tabachnyk, V. Tkachenko. К: Beam, 2003 - T.2. Decade of social transformation. - P. 366.4. Fukuyama F.

4. Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity / F. Fukuyama. - New York: Free Press, 1995. -480 p.

5. Giddens A. The Consequences of Modernity / A. Giddens. - Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990. - 188 p.

6. Rosenau J. Governance without Government: Order and Change in World Politics / J. Rosenau, E.O. Czempiel. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992. - 324 p.

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