Problems of educational policy in sports sphere of modern transformational society
Investigated of the basic essence of philosophy of the sport as an educational policy. Identified evaluative nature of sports activity that forms the individuality and that expresses in the harmonization of the physical, mental and spiritual principles.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.01.2019 |
Размер файла | 20,5 K |
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Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Problems of educational policy in sports sphere of modern transformational society
УДК 141.7 [130.2:796]
Bilogur V.E. Ph.D., Associate Professor of the department theory and methods of movement education and sport
Ukraine, Melitopol
У сучасному трансформаційному суспільстві зростає місце і роль філософії спорту, яка дозволяє гармонізувати тіло і душу, дух і чуттєвість, свободу і природу. Досліджено основна сутність філософії спорту як освітньої політики, спрямованої на подолання деструктивних явищ спорту, культивування моральних підстав спорту, зміцнення фізичного здоров'я людини. Виявлено ціннісний характер спортивної діяльності, яка формує особистість і виражається в гармонізації тілесного, духовного і душевного начал. Філософія спорту як підсистема професійної освіти повинна звернути увагу на проблеми спорту, які мають місце не тільки в Україні, а й в інших країнах СНД.
Ключові слова: освітня політика, філософія спорту, особистість, трансформаційне суспільство, безмежні можливості людини
БИЛОГУР В.Е., доктор философских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры теории и методики физического воспитания и спорта, Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого (Украина, Запорожье),
В современном трансформационном обществе возрастает место и роль философии спорта, которая позволяет гармонизировать тело и душу, дух и чувственность, свободу и природу. Исследована основная сущность философии спорта как образовательной политики, направленной на преодоление деструктивных явлений спорта, культивирование моральных оснований спорта, укрепление физического здоровья человека. Выявлен ценностный характер спортивной деятельности, которая формирует личность и выражается в гармонизации телесного, духовного и душевного начал
Ключевые слова: образовательная политика, философия спорта, личность, трансформационное общество, безграничные возможности человека
BILOGUR V.E., Ph.D., associate professor of theory and methodology of physical education and sport of disciplines, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Ukraine, Melitopol),
In today's society increases transformational role and the place of philosophy of sport, which allows harmonizing body and soul, spirit and sensuality, freedom and nature. The basic essence of philosophy of the sport as an educational policy was investigated aimed at overcoming the destructive effects of the sport, cultivating of the moral grounds of the sport, promotion of physical health. Identified evaluative nature of sports activity that forms the individuality and that expresses in the harmonization of the physical, mental and spiritual principles. Philosophy of sport as a subsystem of vocational education should pay attention to the problems of sports that take place not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries in the Union of Independent States: the commercialization of sport, its politicization and monopolisation deviation sports, the market mechanism of the sporting events and activities, low level of public regulation of the sports sector, lack offinancial support from the state; system needs to be improved interaction between government, civil structures and kommertsializatsionnih in sport, to solve the problem associated with the decline of development of children, youth, mass sports, enhance the efficiency of the entire global and national sports system in the context of globalization (the level of development of sports science, sports infrastructure), practical implementation of the doctrine of modern sports
Keywords: educational policy, sports philosophy, individuality, transformational society, human's infinite possibilities
Philosophy of the sport as a subsystem of vocational education and training and one of the current scientific researches of the person and for the person was formed at the intersection of disciplines - philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, pedagogy, valeology. Relevance of the theme is determined by the objective processes that demonstrate, firstly, about the qualitative changes in human life; secondly, the activity of the valuably-pragmatist hike to the definition of the sport as a complex of social and cultural phenomena; Thirdly, the study of current developments in modern sports transformational society - professionalization, commercialization, transformation of the sport into a performance. It is associated with the increase of the sport in society, which becomes the most important indicator of self-organizing of the social and spiritual life; it is possible to restore directly vitality cleaved human nature, as the sport allows harmonizing body and soul, spirit and sensuality, freedom and nature. The place of the sport still does not match its true role in order to achieve a high degree of culture and harmonization of the vectors in modern civilization, which beget a lot of problems of educational policy in the field of sport in modern transformational society.
Under the conditions of crisis and disasters, biological nature of people was powerless against excessive loads of anthropogenic character - psychological, chemical, mutagenic, suggesting that the human body loses in competition with appliances (increasing stress, mental illness, drug addiction). Sport as a socio-valuable spiritual and bodily system - is normal regulatory activity of the people, which is expressed, - firstly, in competitive comparison of physical, technical and mental abilities of the people; secondly, consists of the set of social relations among the people, which appear during pipelines (training); Thirdly, as a result of sports activities (competitions), which generates a lot of problems.
Philosophy of sport as a subsystem of vocational education and training and one of the researching areas brought to life by the fact that in the context of this trend there is expanding the horizon of socio-philosophical understanding of the sport. The semantic field of the term "philosophy of sport" has several vectors of its formation and development: 1) individual (person who goes in for sports); 2) institutional (sporting activities of business entities); 3) organization of free time, which is carrying out various sport competitions. In our opinion, sport science refers, on the one hand, to the social pedagogy, and on the other hands - to the social philosophy which collects socio-communicative and existential-personal dimensions. The main essence of the philosophy of sport - is the socio- philosophical understanding of the sport as the most important background for the formation of the human culture, which is in the context of moral foundations of the sport, philosophy of the healthy lifestyle development, valuable orientations of youth. [1]
From the beginning of the sport development were physical exercises, games, combat sports with athletic character, competition in throwing darts, spears, stones, jumping over obstacles, running harassment, actions that have been associated with livelihood. In modern understanding sport - it's the humans' desire to extend human capabilities, which are realized during sports activities, thanks to the implementation of various physical exercises and participation in competitions. For this research, there is quite significant category of "game", which is inherent into the idea of the competitive nature of the sport, based on the ontology of games as a subject of philosophical reflection, among the authors of which should be unveiled by Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Schiller, I. Heyzingi, E. Finka, H.G. Gadamera, Dzh. Mida, Zh. Bodriyyaara, Mikhail Bakhtin, Jean-M.Broma, Weber, A. Guttmanna, E. Danninga, N. Eliasa. Should allocate works devoted to the opportunities of philosophical approach analyzing the impact of sports activity on the individual and society, analyzing understanding of the phenomena of sports event as philosophical category. These works belong to R. Gryuno, H. Lenka, G. Lyushena, P. Veysa. If in the nineteenth century gymnastics elevated into the rank of educational foundation for the individual in general, the one in HUTTT century (ZH.ZH Rousseau), the theory of "natural education" empowered to heal the evils of his time. In today's transformational society, sport - it's the humans' desire to expand the boundaries of their physical abilities, realized through a system of physical exercise, participation in competitions. On the other hand, in the twentieth century has evolved forming tendency of sport as a social institute, as a part of the structure of the social system of the world in which sport accomplishes certain responsibilities. This trend was analyzed by authors such as Bourdieu, K.L. Stivenson, N. Elias, E. Maynberg etc.
Sport growing out of the spirit of competition, models the situation of human self-determination, which is possible only in a situation of "I-Another" comparison their athletic performance with the performance of the "Other." Sport - a collection of the most effective means and methods of the physical formation of personality traits, one of the main forms preparing the person to the physical labor socio-necessary human activities. At the same time sport - it's one of the important means of ethical and aesthetical education; satisfaction of the spiritual needs of the society, whole the world of emotions generated by the successes and failures in the competition, a complex set of an interpersonal relationships and, finally, a popular spectacle, the social significance of which begins to increase rapidly. Philosophy of sport as a subsystem of vocational education and training has a humanistic orientation only if the sport realized the creative potential of the individual, rather than a narrowly pragmatic goals and interests, if the sport is the fact of culture and enriching the spiritual life of the society in terms of its saturation imagery original "I" [2].
Sport as a socio-valuable and bodily-spiritual system has the ability to self-organizing. Socio-communicative and personal-existential dimension of sport allows aware evaluative nature of sports activity more, expressed in the harmonization of physical, mental, and spiritual principles. The society should be varied in order to realize the harmony of high performance of sport to overcome the attitude to sport only as a mean of commercialization. Today it is necessary to form interpersonal concept of the sport as substantiality and value of an individual, according to which the sporting achievements on the one hand, there is a product of personal development, and, on the other hand, sport - phenomena of a planetary scale. Philosophy of the sport as a subsystem of vocational education and training should pay attention to the problems of the sport that take place not only in Ukraine, but also in other CIS countries: the commercialization of the sport, its politicization and monopolization deviation sports, market mechanism of sporting events and activities, low public regulation level of the sports branches, lack financial support from the state; system needs to be improved interaction between governmental, merchant and civil structures in sport, to solve the problem associated with the fault of the children development, youth, mass sports, enhance the efficiency of the entire global and national sports system in the context of globalization (the level of development of sports science, sports infrastructure), practical implementation of the doctrine of modern sports.
According to the analysis of the contemporary philosophical literature, in crisis and disasters to overwhelm human nature in comparison with excessive technical heaps on the body and soul - psychological, mutation, chemical, extreme, and the crisis factors. Last affect consciousness (subconscious) the person that suggests that the human body loses in comparison with the technique, which led to an increase in stress, mental illness, drug addiction, which led to more and more increasing number of problems in the field of sports.
Sport as a socially-valuable spiritual and bodily system is a streamlined regulatory activities of the people, which is reflected, firstly, in a competitive comparison of physical, technical, intellectual abilities; secondly, it consists of a set of social relations among the people, which are formed in the course of sports activities and sports tests; Thirdly, the implementation of sports activity that takes place in the form of competition, generates a lot of problems for the individuals, and often a coach for the whole society. Therefore, contemporary problematic situation is to explore this complex of social and cultural phenomena that is becoming increasingly valuable for the health of individuals and the formation of the nation as a whole, the formation of valuable orientations that have spiritual and aesthetic dimension. philosophy sport educational
Analysis of the sport in today's transformation of the society shows that the sport is not a place that meets the actual role which it plays in modern world, which might be directed at achieving the high level of culture and holistic development of the individual in a sport that promotes harmony between body and soul, biological and social nature of man.
The semantic field of the term "philosophy of sport" in contemporary educational policy has several vectors of its formation and development: 1) individual (person who plays sports is the object and subject of the sports organization); 2) institutional (sporting activities of business entities); 3) organization of sports activities, which aims at the development of leisure, leisure and sporting performance as a cultural program. In the context of the entire system of the philosophy of the sport unfolds the principle of competitive activity that simulates the situation of people-determination and demonstrates the high and human role of the sport as axiological values. Sport as the realization of human existence associated with the assertiveness own "I" person-as-repeated sports sportsman spirit which unfolds on the verge of the human physical abilities and requires modeling and creative potential of an athlete to achieve the highest goals.
Therefore, educational policy of higher education in the modern transformational conditions, where there is a room for the development of sports and its achievements, should be directed to the formation of personality, capable of achieving the best results and a healthy lifestyle. People- the essence of the philosophy of sport implemented features such as socio-cultural, evaluative- normative, symbolic, humanistic, axiological, integrative, communicative, hedonistic, socio-emotional function of socialization, protection, social mobility and adaptation. Functions aimed at the development of sports not only culture movements, body building, physical and mental health, but also by the improvement of mental and moral sphere, the development of universal spirituality and sensuality.
In our opinion, the educational policy of the sport develops in context, on the one hand, social pedagogy and on the other hands, social philosophy, which collects socio-communicative and existential-personal measures of sports activity. The main essence of philosophy of the sport as an educational policy - is a socio- philosophical understanding of the sport as the most important condition for the formation of the sports culture, aimed at overcoming the destructive effects of sport, cultivation of the moral sports foundations, strengthening physical health of the man and combating various kinds of psychological abnormalities, particularly depressions and neurosis. The last ones affect the human mental disorder associated with the basic human conflicts, do not contribute the formation of the comprehensive man, and accompanied by the natural and social conflicts.
The problem of destructive phenomena was developed U.S. scholar K. Horney, the first in the world has identified the causes of neurotic disorders of the psyche which are applied to the athletes. The main motivation she sees in the emergence of a sense of prosperity, "radical or basal anxiety," which occurs in the man as a result of isolation, helplessness, blocking human aspirations to self-realization of the social influences. All this affects the fact that there is a neurotic conflict or doldrums, resulting in compounded destructive deviations. In regard of this, K. Horney has developed defense mechanisms that may affect the treatment of destructive mental disorders: 1)"movement to the people"; 2) "movement from the people"; 3) "movement against the people," which in one or another way could affect the athletes which are either in a state depression or with mental disorders. [3].
Educational policy in the field of sport's transformational modern society l aims at cultivating such sports that are growing with the spirit of competition, aimed at overcoming various kinds of destructions and possible situations forming holistic "I". Sport - is one of the most efficient both effective ways and effective methods of physical education and training, one of the main ways to cultivate person to physical work and different types of socially-necessary human activity.
Thus, the sport - it's one of the most important ways, the social importance of which begins rising and due to the fact that the sport is a way of ethical and aesthetic education; spiritual needs of the society and the individual; all the world of emotions, experiences, successes and failures born in competitions; complex set of interpersonal relationships that give rise to a conflicts, contradictions, intensity of the struggle. Educational policy in the sphere of philosophy of sport in modern society has transformational humanistic orientation only if the sport realized the creative potential of the individual, if the sport is a fact of culture and enriching the spiritual life of man in terms of saturation of different sports and events that shape the whole person.
Sport as a socio-valuable and bodily-spiritual system has the ability to self-organization. Socio-communicative and existential spiritual sport allow deeply realize the axiological measurement of sports activities such as the shapes personality, expressed in the harmonization of bodily, mental and spiritual principles. Society itself should be differed, it was realized that the ideal high performance of the sport as the harmony between man and society to overcome the sport attitude as type of only commercialization [4].
Educational policy in the sphere of philosophy of the sport in modern transformational society should be directed to the formation of an interpersonal concept of the sport as a substantial value of the individual; to overcome the destructive phenomena in the field of the sport's - commercialization, politicization and monopolization, market-based on sporting events, lack of financial support from the state. Modern politics of the state regulation of the sport have to deliver an effective mechanism for interaction between the government, civil and merchant structures in sports to solve the problems of sports related to further improvement of children, youth, mass, Olympic sports, which should contribute to the development of sports sciences in general.
Draw the conclusion that the educational policy in the field of sports in the transformation of modern society should contribute effectively to the establishment and formation of the cultural values of global society, and this requires not only the information, but also the socio-pedagogical, philosophical and educational activities in this direction: 1) the use of international relations system and sports meetings strengthening the peace, friendship and implementation of integrative functions of sport as a model of humane relationships among the people; 2) the use of samples of sports behavior in the context of the principles of "fair play" and not bribing the judges, development of symbolic values of sport; 3)usage of the sport to address educational problems of pedagogy; 4) activation and deployment within educational activities related to the sport as an important direction of formation and development of peaceful culture, humanistic cultural values of modern sport and Olympic Movements, by the famous Russian philosopher V.I. Stolyarov [5].
In modern conditions, specific meaning obtains the value of physical fitness and sports, formation of the value orientations of an individual and society, spiritual and aesthetic dimension of the sport. Adversarial principle simulates the situation of human self-determination and shows the viability of sports entities direction. Sport as the realization of human existence is connected with the idea of self-affirmation "I" individuality-athlete as a unique creative spirit, leaving the man outside of their creative possibilities that requires the development of philosophy of sport, based on the valuably-active approach. The very process of sport humanization is aimed in forming the personality which would be able to achieve high results and promotion of healthy lifestyles.
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2. Robert A. Metchnikoff, Steven Estes. History and philosophy of the sport and physical upbringing: from ancient civilizations to the modern world. - Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
3. K. Horney Our internal conflicts. Constructive theory of neurosis / / psychol-
4. Scott Kretchma R. Practical philosophy of sport and physical activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2005.
5. Stolyarov V.I. Humanistic cultural value of modern sport and the Olympic movement / / Sport, spiritual values, and culture. MY. Second. Humanistic ideals and ideas of Olympism and the world of modern sports: Sat / Comp. and ed. V.V.Kuzin, V.I.Stolyarov, N.N.Chesnokov. - M.: Humanitarian Center "Sparta" RGAFK, 1998. - P. 141-314.
Список использованных источников
1. Білогур В.Є. Світоглядні орієнтації студентів: тенденції змін у трансформаційному суспільстві: [Монографія] / В.Є.Білогур.- Дніпропетровськ: Пороги, 2011.- 311с.
2. Robert A. Mechikoff, Steven Estes. A history and philosophy of sport and physical education: from ancient civilizations to the modern world.- Boston, Mass. : McGraw-Hill, 2006.
3. К. Наши внутренние конфликты. Конструктивная теория невроза // psychol-
4. Scott Kretchma R. Practical philosophy of sport and physical activity. Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 2005.
5. Столяров В.И. Гуманистическая культурная ценность современного спорта и олимпийского движения // Спорт, духовные ценности, культура. Вып. второй. Гуманистические идеалы, идеи олимпизма и мир современного спорта: Сб./Сост. и ред. В.В. Кузин, В.И. Столяров, Н.Н. Чесноков. - М.: Гуманитарный Центр «СпАрт» РГАФК, 1998. - С. 141-314.
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