Robo-revolution: a marxist approach to social uprising in the high-tech age

Using the modeling method to analyze the automation process using classical Marxism. Problems of the robo-revolution and the possibility of social uprising in the era of high technologies. Formation of new social groups and revision of the class agenda.

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Future studies are frequently associated with predictions and normativity: “futurists aim to explore not only possible and probable futures but also preferable futures, to determine the features of the good society” (Wendell, 1996, p. 46). Forecasting is also the central element of the post-industrial polite-economy, built on the aspirations of market- oriented risk management (Beck, 1992) and of enthusiastic projects facilitating “technological singularity” (Goertzel, Goertzel, 2015a). In this context, academic and public discussions on the role of artificial agents in society need to reflexively account for the fact that prophecies are potentially “self-altering” (Henshel, in Ibid.: 45), and the value orientations underlying the dominant discourse on the future may eventually fashion it.


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