Speaking for Bakhtin: two interpretations of reported speecha response to Goddard and Wierzbicka (2018)

Philosophical foundations: reported speech as a problem of reference, and as grammar of dialogue. Volosinov Bakhtin and dialogism. Positioning Wierzbicka and Goddard among the Fregean and Bakhtinian traditions. Frege and his discontents in 1892.

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Дата добавления 16.03.2021
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40. Recanati, Franзois (2001). Open Quotation. Mind 110 (439): 637--87.

41. Recanati, Franзois (2008). Open Quotation Revisited. Philosophical Perspectives 22: 443--71.

42. Rumsey, Alan (1982). An Intra-Sentence Grammar of Ungarinjin, North-Western Australia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

43. Rumsey, Alan (1990). Wording, Meaning and Linguistic Ideology. American Anthropologist 92 (2): 346--61.

44. Saka, Paul (1998). Quotation and the Use-Mention Distinction. Mind 107 (425): 113--35. https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/107.425.113.

45. Saka, Paul (2006). The Demonstrative and Identity Theories of Quotation. The Journal of Philosophy 103 (9): 452--71.

46. Sandler, Sergeiy (2013). Language and Philosophical Anthropology in the Work of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle. Rivista Italiana Di Filosofia Del Linguaggio, no. 2: 152--65. https://doi.org/10.4396/20130711.

47. Sandler, Sergeiy (2016). Fictive Interaction and the Nature of Linguistic Meaning. In The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction, edited by Esther Pascual and Sergeiy Sandler. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

48. Spronck, Stef (2015a). Refracting Views: How to Construct Complex Perspective in Reported Speech and Thought in Ungarinyin. STUF -- Language Typology and Universals 68 (2): 165--85. Spronck, Stef (2015b). Reported Speech in Ungarinyin: Grammar and Social Cognition in a Language of the Kimberley Region, Western Australia. PhD thesis, The Australian National University. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/733712596.

49. Spronck, Stef (2017). Defenestration: Deconstructing the Frame-in Relation in Ungarinyin. Journal of Pragmatics 114: 104--33.

50. Spronck, Stef, and Tatiana Nikitina (2019). Reported Speech Forms a Dedicated Syntactic Domain. Linguistic Typology 23 (1): 119--59.

51. Vandelanotte, Lieven (2009). Speech and Thought Representation in English: A Cognitive-Functional Approach. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton.

52. Volosinov, Valentin N. (1972). Marksizm I Filosofja Jazyka. The Hague/Paris: Mouton. (Facsimile reprint of the second edition, originally published by Priboj, Leningrad, 1930.)

53. Volosinov, Valentin N. (1973). Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Edited by Ladislav Matejka and I. R. Titunik. New York/London: Seminar Press.

54. Wierzbicka, Anna (1974). The Function of Direct and Indirect Discourse. Papers in Linguistics 7 (3): 267--307.

55. Wierzbicka, Anna (1996). Semantics, Primes and Universals. Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press. Wierzbicka, Anna (2006). English: Meaning and Culture. Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press.

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