Basic strategic technology of intellectual duality of humanity in information technology
Consideration of coding as a dialectical process of the relationship between thought and sign, the translation of thought into sign. Research of strategic technologies in the information space. Analysis of the value and cognitive status of symbolization.
Рубрика | Философия |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.04.2022 |
Размер файла | 37,8 K |
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Undoubtedly, along with coding and symbolization, today digitalization of information enters into a number of strategic technologies for working with it. “Intentions on the new cognitive quality of subject knowledge (and its social significance - O.P., V. V.)represent it as a set of information about the characteristics of objects of phenomena and processes - this is the result of a person's creative activity aimed at spiritual development of reality in the form of cognition "[4, p. 24]. And digitalization has a clear subject of its research as a system of subject knowledge. In addition, the development of digital technologies contains great intellectual potential, as well as innovation as a trend in working on information [14].
Describing digital technologies, researchers mark them as a new way to solve modern problems. So V. Voronkova claims that “new digital technologies have created new revolutionary ways of combining products and services and the various traditional boundaries between industries are disappearing ... Digital technologies and the infrastructure of global interaction are changing the traditional approach to work and remuneration” [2, p. 32].
At the same time, to use digital technologies “training of specialists is first and foremost necessary, which will help them understand complex production ... namely, knowledge of information and digital technologies and the ability to handle them” [7, p. 128]. A strengthened digital technology tool is able to increase the effectiveness of any activity both for a person and for society - both management, education, and the financial sector, and coordination of their various actions.
Today, the approach to digital technologies in working with information is just unfolding. But the achievements of digital television, computerization and the creation of new computers are a vivid expression of the scientific and social significance of these technologies.
In the study of strategic technologies for working on information, the article explains the essence of civilization as a "quantum" of human history, which has always been involved in the production, processing,implementation, transmission and storage of information.
The essence of information in modern anthropocentric studies is explained and information is explicated as a category of modern scientific knowledge. The content of the processes of integration, simplification and minimization of information is characterized.
But the content of the basic technologies for working with information - coding, symbolization and digitalization is disclosed not only from the standpoint of their social significance based on the theory of communication, cybernetics and mathematics, but attention is also paid to their origins, based on the thesis that all civilizations are an information process, they provided the development of information, its implementation, methods of transmission and storage, which allowed it to be left in the extra- hereditary memory of mankind.
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