Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse
Acquaintance with the evolution and further development of the real world in the context of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Features of the use of cognitive methodology and the methodology of cultural creativity.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.04.2022 |
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Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse
Nikitenko Vоtalina
Engineering educational and scientific Institute, Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)
Engineering educational and scientific Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University
Эволюция и дальнейшее развитие реального мира в условиях технологических изменений в контексте социально-философского дискурса
Никитенко В.А. - кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента организаций и управления проектами, Инженерный учебно-научный институт Запорожского национального университета (Запорожье, Украина) Актуальность исследования в том, что философия в значительной мере повлияла на развитие реального мира - Вселенной, культуры, экономики, технологий, ума, личности, образования, правительства, религии, денег, Интернета. На их эволюцию повлияли Четвертая промышленная революция (INDUSTRY 4.0), технологическое развитие мира, глобализация.
Термин «эволюция» имеют много особенностей и имеют много других смыслов, связанных с развертыванием всего, что происходит вокруг нас. Эти изменения происходят изнутри и не являются управляемыми извне. Цель статьи - концептуализация новых знаний о развитии реального мира в условиях технологических изменений в контексте социально-философского дискурса. Задания исследования: 1) проанализировать понятие «эволюции» в контексте современных условий, которые свидетельствуют о всеобъемлющих изменениях, в осонове которых динамика всех процессов, - экономических, политических, геополитических, социальных, культурных, что способствует эволюции во всех сферах от Вселенной, сознания, образования, жизни, популяции, религии - к технологиям, экономике, деньгам, Интернету, будущему; 2) осуществить анализ динамики культурных процессов как выявление последующего развития реального мира; 3) выяснить сущность культурной диффузии и ее влияния на развитие инновационно-информационной культуры; 4) показать развитие инновационно информационной культуры и инновационного лидерства в условиях технологических изменений. Методология - использование когнитивной методологии и методологии культуротворчества, которые способствуют формированию радикально новых подходов, которые в корне изменяют способ взаимодействия и сотрудничества отдельных людей и институций и регламентирует познавательный процесс с точки зрения эффективности методов, подходов и принципов, способных утверждать инновации, инновационную деятельность, внедрять разнообразные формы инновационно информационной культуры как способа освоения действительности. Результат исследования. Сформирована концепция эволюции реального мира за счет динамики культурных процессов и процессов культурной диффузии, которые привели к формированию новой инновационно-информационной культуры как фактора развития технологического прогресса.
Ключевые слова: эволюция реального мира, технологические изменения, динамика культурных процессов, культурная диффузия, инновационно-информационная культура, уверенное творчество
real world methodology
Еволюція і подальший розвиток реального світу в умовах технологічних змін у контексті соціально-філософського дискурсу
Нікітенко В.О. - кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менджменту організацій та управління проектами, Інженерний навчально-науковий інститут Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, Україна)
Актуальність дослідження у тому, що філософія у значній мірі вплинула на розвиток реального світу - Всесвіту, культури, економіки, технологій, розуму, особистості, освіти, уряду, релігії, грошей, інтернету, що сприяли розвитку інноваційно-інформаційної культури. На їх еволюцію вплинули Четверта промислова революція (INDUSTRY 4.0), технологічний розвиток світу, глобалізація. Термін «еволюція» має багато особливостей і має багато інших смислів, пов'язаних з розгортанням всього, що відбувається навколо нас.
Ці зімни відбуваються зсередини і не є керованими ззовні. Мета статті - концептуалізація нових знань про розвиток реального світу в умовах технологічних змін в контексті соціально-філософського дискурсу. Завдання дослідження: 1) проаналізувати поняття «еволюції» у контексті сучасних умов, що свідчать про всеосяжні зміни, в основі яких динаміка всіх процесів - економічних, політичних, геополітичних, соціальних, культурних, що сприяють еволюції в усіх сферах від Всесвіту, свідомості, освіти, життя, популяції, релігії до технологій, економіки, грошей, Інтернету, майбутнього; 2) здійснити аналіз динаміки культурних процесів як виявлення подальшого розвитку реального світу; 3) з'ясувати сутність культурної дифузії та її вплив на розвиток інноваційно-інформаційної культури; 4) показати розвиток інноваційно-інформаційної культури та інноваційного лідерства в умовах технологічних змін. Методологія - використання когнітивної методології і методології культуротворчості, яка сприяє формуванню радикально нових підходів, що докорінно змінюють спосіб взаємодії і співпраці окремих людей та інституцій та регламентують пізнавальний процес з точки зору ефективності методів, підходів та принципів, здатних утверджувати інновації, інноваційну діяльність, упроваджувати різноманітні форми інноваційно-інформаційної культури як способів освоєння дійсності. Результат дослідження. Сформовано концепцію еволюції реального світу за рахунок динаміки культурних процесів і процесів культурної дифузії, що привели до формування нової інноваційно-інформаційної культури як чинника розвитку технологічного прогресу.
Ключові слова: еволюція реального світу, технологічні зміни, динамка культурних процесів, культурна дифузія, інноваційно-інформаційна культура, впевнена творчість
The relevance of the study is that philosophy has significantly influenced the development of the real world - the universe, culture, economy, technology, mind, personality, education, government, religion, money, the Internet, which contributed to the development of innovation and information culture. Their evolution was influenced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (INDUSTRY 4.0), technological development of the world, globalization. The term "evolution" has many features and has many other meanings associated with the unfolding of everything that happens around us. These winters occur from within and are not controlled from the outside. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize new knowledge about the development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Objectives of the study: 1) to analyze the concept of "evolution" in the context of modern conditions, indicating comprehensive changes, based on the dynamics of all processes - economic, political, geopolitical, social, cultural, contributing to evolution in all areas of the universe, consciousness, education , life, population, religion to technology, economy, money, Internet, future; 2) to analyze the dynamics of cultural processes as a detection of further development of the real world; 3) to find out the essence of cultural diffusion and its influence on the development of innovation and information culture; 4) show the development of innovation and information culture and innovation leadership in terms of technological change. Methodology - the use of cognitive methodology and methodology of cultural creativity, which contributes to the formation of radically new approaches that radically change the way of interaction and cooperation of individuals and institutions and regulate the cognitive process in terms of effectiveness of methods, approaches and principles capable of promoting innovation, innovation, forms of innovation and information culture as ways of mastering reality. The result of the study. The concept of the evolution of the real world due to the dynamics of cultural processes and processes of cultural diffusion, which led to the formation of a new innovation and information culture as a factor in the development of technological progress.
Keywords: evolution of the real world, technological changes, dynamics of cultural processes, cultural diffusion, innovation and information culture, confident creativity.
Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks
Relevance of the research topic
The relevance of the study is that philosophy has significantly influenced the development of the real world - the universe, culture, economy, technology, reason, personality, education, government, religion, money, the Internet, which contributed to the development of innovation and information culture. Their evolution was influenced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (INDUSTRY 4.0), technological development of the world, globalization [1]. The term "evolution" has many features and has many other meanings associated with the unfolding of everything that happens around us. These winters occur from within and are not controlled from the outside. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize new knowledge about the development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio- philosophical discourse [2].
Socio-philosophical discourse is high-level and high-order thinking to determine the truth or reality of things, taking into account the limitations of human thought and feeling and their impact on our actions. As William James noted in his work Pragmatism, philosophers want to believe that they will be impartial and accurate systems that must explain action and the universe. What is reality? What does it mean to be human? What is the meaning of life? Philosophy is the only real "metadiscipline" that considers a set of things, says Nietzsche. The purpose of philosophy is to define effective concepts and laws that can be used to interpret science that can incorporate raw data and scientific theories into a broader socio-philosophical discourse.
The Oxford English Dictionary interprets philosophy "as a personal rule of life" that affects everything we do. The greatness of philosophy is that, despite its lack of objectivity, it still has the ability to send "bright rays of light" into the world, allowing us to look at things in a new way. Philosophy not only gives us a basis for considering all other knowledge, on a personal level it offers us fresh and time then revolutionary ways of thinking, being and acting. First of all, we are thinking beings, consciousness is our essence, thanks to which we are aware of ourselves. "I think, therefore, I exist." Philosophy is associated with the desire for self-knowledge, a detailed understanding of its own mechanics and to contribute to the achievement of inner integrity. In "Experiments", Michel Montaigne carried out an analytical examination of his own personality and came to the conclusion that his own identity is a mystery. Human knowledge is so limited that we know too little about ourselves, let alone the world at large
Our ability to think logically makes us unique in the animal world, which requires the formation of new knowledge about the further development of the real world in the context of technological change in the context of socio-philosophical discourse [5].
An analysis of recent research and publications that have led to the solution of this problem and on which the author relies.
We rely on the work of Al-Khalili, Jim “What's next ?”, “All that science knows about our future”, 2018; Butler-Bowdon, Tom. 50 outstanding works. Philosophy, 2019; Brian, Christian, Griffiths, Tom. Life by algorithms. How to make a rational choice, 2020; Weinberg, Steven. Explaining the world: History of modern science, 2019; Griffiths, Chris, Kostya, Melina. A guide to creative thinking. Your step-by-step business assistant, 2020; Diamond, Jared. Collapse: why some societies are declining and others are developing successfully, 2019; Two, Carol. Tune in to change. New Psychology of Success, 2017; Yorisha, Avi, 2019. Let innovation be with you. How Israeli ingenuity saves the world, 2019; Kelly, Tom, Kelly, David. Creative confidence. How to unleash your potential, 2020; Levitina, Daniela. Structured thinking. Clear Mind in Information Chaos, 2020; Christian, David. The Great History of Everything, 2019; Nichols, Tom. Sofa experts. How unlimited access to information makes us duller, 2019; O'Neill, Kate. BIG DATA. Weapons of mathematical destruction. How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy, 2020; O'Reilly, Tim. Who knows what the future will be like, 2018; Pinker, Stephen. Enlightenment today. Arguments in favor of reason, science and progress, 2019; Ridley, Matt. Evolution of everything, 2019; Swaba, Dick. Our Creative Brain, 2019; Florida, Richard. Homo creatives. As a new class conquers the world, 2019. These works present the evolution of the modern world, which is developing through information and communication and computer technology, BIG DATA, algorithmic thinking, contributing to the formation of innovation and information culture, through technological change, the dynamics of cultural processes, cultural diffusion, confident creativity [6].
The purpose of the article is to conceptualize new knowledge, evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical analysis.
Objectives of the study: 1) to analyze the concept of "evolution" in the context of modern conditions, indicating comprehensive changes, based on the dynamics of all processes - economic, political, geopolitical, social, cultural, contributing to evolution in all areas of the universe, consciousness, education , life, population, religion to technology, economy, money, Internet, future; 2) to analyze the dynamics of cultural processes as a detection of further development of the real world; 3) to find out the essence of cultural diffusion and its influence on the development of innovation and information culture; 4) show the development of innovation and information culture and innovation leadership in terms of technological change [7].
Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted
At the heart of the study - the main philosophical reflections on existence, freedom of will and independence, self-realization and self-improvement of man, self-improvement of technology and technology [8]. Voltaire ridiculed Leibniz on the assumption that the world we live in is "the best of all possible worlds". the essence of his words was much deeper. Human beings are guided by their mercantile interests and do not realize that everything that happens has good results. We look at the situation in the context of cause and effect, but our ability to assess the relationship between them is naturally limited. Only a higher being has a general idea of how everything is intertwined, Leibniz argued, and our role is to believe in this benevolence of intention. Partial imperfection of the world may be necessary for greater perfection in general. Sartre's answer was "in original life" - the ability to choose one's own destiny, instead of blindly accepting the rules of society or moral laws "of today. Man is doomed to be free because, thrown out into the world, he is responsible for everything he does [9].
Presentation of the main material of the research with substantiation of the obtained scientific results
This philosophical view of life assumes that we are independent beings with free will. According to Heidegger, a person enters the world in a specific place, at a specific time and in a specific situation of his choice, and life is to find the meaning of his "getting" in this place and at this time. A good life is a life when we realize what opportunities we have, and in some way use them - in the form of our consciousness and the environment [10].
1. The concept of "evolution".
The urgency of the research topic that in modern conditions there are comprehensive changes, based on the dynamics of all processes - economic, political, geopolitical, social, cultural, contributing to evolution in all areas from the universe, consciousness, education, life, population, religion to technology, economy, money, the Internet, the future ... Changes in social institutions, products created by people, and habits are gradual and inevitable [11]. They consistently go from one stage to another, occur slowly and due to their own natural impulse, not on the team from the outside, have no goal or planned result, are often carried out through trial and error - a kind of version of natural selection. In every sense, evolution is much more influential than most people admit. It is not limited to biological systems due to the influence on the genetic apparatus, but explains the way to change almost all aspects of human culture: from morality to technology, from money to religion [12]. Changes in these components of human culture are gradual, step-by-step, undirected, evolutionary, occurring through natural selection among competing ideas. Cultural evolution produces functional and innovative solutions to problems - what biologists call adaptation [13].
2. Analysis of the dynamics of cultural processes as a detection of further development of the real world
Dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world, representing:
1) the field of theory-practice of culture, which develops in models that cognite economic, political and other processes of cultural transformation, determined by factors and patterns of development of innovation and information culture, which leads to innovation and evolutionary processes that confirm its creative beginning and contributes to the transformation of its phenomena in all spheres of development of society - education, tourism, personal development, etc . [14];
2) the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world should be explained as phenomena of interaction and correlation of cultures - economic, political, environmental, spiritual, technological, innovation and information, algorithmic, which should be explained in their totality, determined by scientific and technological progress. -computer and communication technologies [15];
3) the term "dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world" is constantly correlated with the term "innovation and information culture", which enhances the dynamic processes of innovation and information processes with dynamic matrices of cultural modernization, which are not always holistic [16].;
4) multimodels of innovation and information processes should be considered in additivity with polymodels of information and cybernetic order, communication theories, computer science concepts within the synergetic outline to generalize the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world [17];
5) the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world should be considered in the context of changes in polyfunctions at different stages, stages, cycles of inversion- dynamic cultural process that would affect all spheres of society, overcoming periods of stagnation, trampling, lack of modernization , and promoting cultural relaxation, which would affect the economy, the development of machinery and technology, technological development of the world as a whole[18];
6) the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world occurs when cultural traditions prevail over innovations and changes, transformations in society, contributing to the modernization of all spheres of activity due to the priority of culture, but while culture will play the last role in society. meager funds, such a culture, using the term "rhizome" as a chaotic extrapolation will not be able to lead to an innovative information type of culture and society, but only to the eclecticization of the dynamic type of cultural movement, trampling in one place [19];
7) the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world is characterized by correlations - cyclical, multicomponent, relevance, evolution, isomorphism, successiveness, reformation, assimilation, integrativeness in additivity with factors - economic, social, cultural [20];
8) at the heart of the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of further development of the real world - socio-cultural activity, which should be interpreted in conjunction with intercultural-invariant interaction of sociosystems and sociomodels that can transform society, culture, art, domestic ontological processes;
9) in the context of the evolution of theories of the dynamics of cultural processes as a manifestation of the further development of the real world, beginning with the theory of activity from above man (F. Nietzsche); passion (L. Gumilev); evolutionary and creative breakthroughs in the evolution of the universe, man, life, mind; socio-ontological multimodels (T. Parsons); theories of the digital revolution, which undermines the power of Leviathan at every turn [21].
3. The essence of socio-cultural diffusion and its impact on the development of innovation and information culture Sociocultural diffusion is:
1) historical system-model of
ontological, historical, cultural, social functions, which can be considered as cultural anthropological, culturological, cultural ethnographic interpretations of the dynamics of cultural processes in the context of identifying the further development of the real world [22];
2) identifying the essence of cultural diffusion in the context of extrapolation of currents such as structuralism, neostructuralism, psychoanalysis, neopsychoanalysis, semiotics, hermeneutics, existentialism, modernism-avantgarde, in correlation with geographical and regional continuums, representing cultural representations [23];
3) understanding the essence of socio-cultural diffusion, which is based on migratory-spatial commutations, extrapolation of culture and its components in the constellation with everyday- ontological outline-order [24];
4) the concept of "cultural circle" in order to identify provincial "cultural circles" that progressively evolve in society, time, geographical space in a state with other "socio¬cultural circles", ie culture is transferred to other ecological and natural conditions and other cultures;
5) culture is transmuted and as a result there is a transformation of culture due to cultural diffusion and joins the components of another culture due to the components of regional circles, resulting in the formation of "cultural layers", which unfold socio-cultural, historical, ontological processes [25];
6) in the context of cultural diffusion, constructs of innovation and information culture are formed, determined by the creativity of the subject as a creator of reality, "cultural layers" of which distinguish creativity, innovation, creativity, leading to rethinking the place and role of values in this process [32].
7) development of a multi-vector strategy of innovation and information culture, based on the use of data analytics and control of data algorithms and machine learning, artificial intelligence, the impact of automation on all areas of work, talent management in the digital age, their training and development, which led to efficiency innovation and information culture[26];
8) formation of innovation and information culture with its codes, algorithmic content of culture, creative resources that transform the initial successes in the field of innovation into structured methodologies used at all levels of the organization, consumer orientation, embedded in the genetic code of the organization, use of creative tools , which is becoming a common practice of problem solving and the formation of confident creativity at the organizational level and its diffusion to all other levels, so that employees understand how to shape culture and nurture change[27];
9) formation of components of confident creativity, which is important for encouraging a culture of innovation in any organization and the development of social ecology, fueled by new ideas and promoting the diffusion of creative atmosphere, using various brainstorming to develop innovation processes, forming a team of innovators from engineers, anthropologists , business architects, designers, in which everyone is ready to work on finding a common solution and understand who would be responsible for the result that will be achieved by joint efforts, as it is possible to combine the efforts of people with different life experiences and views, resulting there is a creative tension, which allows the emergence of innovative and interesting ideas [28].
4. Development of innovation and information culture and innovation leadership in terms of technological change
The development of innovation and information culture was influenced by Moore's Law, which in 1965 drew a small graph of the number of components of an integrated circuit on a silicon carrier depending on time. Based on only five data points, he concluded that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every year and a half [29]. Since then, advances in computer technology have followed Moore's Law, and with very little deviation, Moore's Law is not the only law of its kind that has emerged in the computer age. Under Crider's law, the volume of a hard drive increases exponentially to the price of a computer, by 40% per year. It seems that technology itself controls its own progress [33]. The first laptop was developed in 1982, when computers finally became small enough to support their knees. Brian Arthur has published a book, The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Develops, in which he concludes that new technologies are created by combining existing technologies, which in turn create new technologies, that is, technology creates itself [30]. The history of technology contributes to the history of innovation, the development of innovation and information culture. For the development of innovation and information culture and innovative leadership, certain rules should be followed: add flexibility where it is needed; to adapt the premises to the mode of interaction; create an atmosphere that encourages experimentation; do not be afraid of scale when designing workspace; not to forget about diplomacy; look for ways not to stagnate; design the space so that it encourages flexibility; instill an innovative culture and innovative leadership that is conducive to creativity and innovation [31].
1. A variety of ways to instill an innovation and information culture require a large number of top management:
leaders cannot dictate culture, they can nurture it, they can create conditions conducive to creativity and innovation; they can provide light, heat, moisture and nutrients for the crop to flourish and grow; they can focus the efforts of talented professionals on recruiting innovative and successful teams; they must be able to identify and activate the potential of their employees - intelligence, which set difficult goals and help subordinates increase their potential; to attract and retain the most talented and creative people and help them to reveal themselves fully; motivate people to expand their capabilities.
2. Innovation and information culture in the context of technological change is a socio-cultural phenomenon that includes:
1) a set of ideas, principles, concepts of cognitive-scientific, cultural, technological, educational, organizational, financial, which means the cultivation of new knowledge that is developing and necessary to solve the problems of society;
2) a new solution to problems in the field of economics and culture as the main element of technical innovation and in all areas of human development, especially in science and technology, aimed at introducing innovations and their introduction into innovation;
3) the use of information and BIG DATA for the implementation of innovations in all areas of social development, which is developing and improving, generating innovation as a stimulus for innovation, which is a source of greater economic growth;
4) resource support in the field of management, marketing, financial support, which also take into account the knowledge, intellectual, technological, humanitarian, organizational and managerial component, which should provide a large mass of people to take advantage of scientific advances and evolutionary-innovative wave of economic opportunities to promote technological progress. prosperity in a huge and global
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6. Воронкова, В. Г., Фурсін, О. О., Сапа, Н.В., 2011. Соціально-орієнтоване державне управління.: монографія. Запоріжжя: РВВ ЗДІА. 256.
7. Воронкова, В. Г., Романенко, Т. П. Андрюкайтене, Регіна, 2016. Концепція розвитку проектно-орієнтованого бізнесу в умовах цифрової трансформації до smart- суспільствa. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. Вип.67. 13-27.
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20. О'Ніл, Кейт, 2020. BIG DATA. Зброя математичного знищення. Як великі дані збільшують нерівність і загрожують демократії / пер. з англ. О.Калініної. Київ: Форс Україна. 336 с.
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26. Рижова, І. С., 2009. Дизайн в технічних вузах. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. 37.87-95.
27. Соснін, О. В., Воронкова, В. Г., Ажажа, М. А, 2016.. Філософія гуманістичного менеджменту (соціально-політичні, соціально-економічні, соціально-антропологічні виміри) : навч. посіб. Запоріжжя : Дике поле. 356.
28. Пінкер, Стівен, 2019. Просвітництво сьогодні. Аргументи на користь розуму, науки та прогресу. Київ : Наш формат. 560.
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30. Свааб, Дік, 2019. Наш творчий мозок / пер. з нім. Святослава Зубченка. Харків : Клуб сімейного дозвілля. 463.
31. Філліпс, Том, 2019. Людство. Стисло про те, як ми все про-али / пер. з англ. Н. Гриценко. Київ : КМ- Букс. 288.
32. Флорида, Річард, 2018. Homo creatives. Як новий клас завойовує світ / пер. з англ. Максим Яковлєв. К. : Наш формат. 432.
33. Череп, Алла, Воронкова, Валентина, Луай, Файсал Муц, Фурсін, Олександр, 2019. Інформаційно-інноваційні технології як чинник підвищення ефективності цифрової економки і бізнесу в умовах глобалізації 4.0. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporizhzhrn: ZNU. 1 (78). 170-181.
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3. Brayan, Kristian, HriffiTs, Tom, 2020. Zhyttya za alhorytmamy. Yak zrobyty ratsional'nyy vybir / pereklad. vid anhliys'koyi Catherine Disa. K .: Nash format. 376.
4. Weinberg, Steven, 2019. Poyasnennya svitu: istoriya suchasnoyi nauky / per. z anhliys'koyi ZH. Lebedenko. Kharkiv: Klub simeynoho dozvillya. 351.
5. Volkov, O.H., Zemlyans'kyy, A.M., Oleksenko, R.I., Ryabenko, YE.M., 2017. Filosofiya: pidruchnyk. Moskovs'kyy derzhavnyy pedahohichnyy universytet imeni Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho. Melitopol'.
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7. Voronkova, V. H., Romanenko, T. P. Andryukaytene, Rehina, 2016. Kontseptsiya rozvytku proektiv, oriyentovanykh na proekty, v konteksti tsyfrovoyi transformatsiyi do rozumnoho suspil'stva. Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi. 67. 13-27.
8. Griffiths, Chris, Bones, Melina, 2020. Posibnyk z kreatyvnoho myslennya. Vash pokrokovyy pomichnyk dlya vyrishennya problem u biznesi / trans. z anhliys'koyi V. Kurhanova. Kharkiv: Vydavnytstvo Ranok: Fabula. 288.
9. Diamant, Dzhared, 2019. Z-hornutys': chomu deyaki suspil'stva zanepadayut', a inshi uspishno rozvyvayut'sya / trans. z anhliys'koyi V. Horbatka; Nauka. red. T. Tsehla. Kyyiv: KM-Knyhy. 688.
10. Dweck, Carol, 2017. Nalashtuysya na zminy. Nova psykholohiya uspikhu / per. z anhliys'koyi Yuliya Kuz'menko. K .: Nash format. 288.
11. Zhuravel', Kristina, 2019. Kontseptsiya hnuchkoho upravlinnya na pidpryyemstvi v umovakh otsyfruvannya ta postupovykh vyrobnychykh umov. Humanitarni doslidzhennya: Zbirnyk naukovykhprats'. Zaporizhzhia: ZNU. 1 (78). 98-107.
12. Yorish, Avi, 2019. Nekhay novovvedennya budut' z toboyu. Yak izrayil's'ka vynakhidlyvist' ryatuye svit / trans. vid anhliys'koyi Z. Timmerman. Kyyiv: Vydavnytstvo Yakaboo. 272.
13. Kelli, Tom, Kelli, Devid, 2020. Tvorcha vpevnenist'. Yak rozkryty sviy potentsial / trans. z anhliys'koyi O. Lyubars'ka. K .: Osnovy. 296
14. Levitin, Daniel', 2020. Strukturovane myslennya. Yasnyy rozum v informatsiynomu khaosi / perekl. vid anhliys'koyi Roman Shyyan. K .: Nash format. 456.
15. Kristian, Davyd, 2019. Velyka istoriya vsikh / per. z anhliys'koyi I. Yemel'yanov. Kyyiv: Nash format. 336.
16. Nikols, Tom, 2019. Fakhivtsi z dyvaniv. Naskil'ky neobmezhenyy dostup do informatsiyi zmushuye nas nudyty / perevodyty. z anhliys'koyi Yevhen Kuznyetsov. K .: Nash format. 240.
17. Maksymenyuk, M. YU., Nikitenko, V. O., Informatsiyno-komunikatsiyne suspil'stvo yak riznovyd skladnoyi sotsial'noyi systemy ta vzayemodiyi. Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi: [zb.nauk.pr.] Zaporizhzhia: Vydavnytstvo ZDIA. 66. 266-278.
18. Mytnyk, Kevin, Vemosi, Robert, 2019. Mystetstvo zalyshatysya nepomichenym. Khto shche chytaye vashi elektronni lysty? / per. z anhliys'koyi Oleksandr Astashov. K: Nash format. 280.
19. Nikitenko, V. O., Problemne pole heokul'turnoho yavyshcha: naukovi pidkhody. Hile (Naukovyy visnyk): Kol. Nauk. Pr.: Vydavnytstvo SCIENCELLCNVP. 71. 500-504.
20. O'Neill, Keyt, 2020. VELYKI DANI. Zbroya matematychnoho ruynuvannya. Naskil'ky velyki dani zbil'shuyut' nerivnist' ta zahrozhuyut' demokratiyi / trans. z anhliys'koyi O. Kalinina. Kyyiv: Syla Ukrayina. 336.
21. O"Reilly, Tim, 2018. Khto znaye, yakym bude maybutnye / pereklad. z anhliys'koyi Yuliya Kuz'menko. K .: Nash format. 448.
22. Oleksenko, R.I., 2015. Vplyv komunikatsiy na tsinnosti indyvidual'noho Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi. Zaporizhzhia: ZDIA, 62. 65-73.
23. Popovych, Myroslav, 2019. Chervone stolittya / Za red. 3-y, dod. Kyiv: ArtEk. 888: rys.
24. Punchenko, O. P., 2013. Tsyvylyzatsyonnoe yzmerenye ystoryy chelovechestva : monohrafyya. Odessa : Astroprynt, 2013. 448.
25. Ryzhova, I. S., 2009. Stanovlennya i rozvytok dyzaynu yak dukhovno-praktychnoho fenomena v informatsiyno-kul'turnomu prostori. Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi. 36. 211-224.
26. Ryzhova, I. S., 2009. Dyzayn v tekhnichnykh vuzakh. Humanitarnyy visnyk Zaporiz'koyi derzhavnoyi inzhenernoyi akademiyi. 37. 87-95.
27. Sosnin, O. V., Voronkova, V. H., Azhazha, M. A, 2016.. Filosofiya humanistychnoho menedzhmentu (sotsial'no-politychni, sotsial'no-ekonomichni, sotsial'no-antropolohichni vymiry) : navch. posib. Zaporizhzhya : Dyke pole. 356.
28. Pinker, Stiven, 2019. Prosvitnytstvo s'ohodni. Arhumenty na koryst' rozumu, nauky ta prohresu. Kyyiv : Nash format. 560.
29. Riddli, Mett, 2019. Evolyutsiya vs'oho / per. z anhl. M.Soldatkinoyi. Kyiv: Vydavnycha hrupa KM-BUKS. 336.
30. Svaab, Dik, 2019. Nash tvorchyy mozok / per. z nim. Svyatoslava Zubchenka. Kharkiv : Klub simeynoho dozvillya. 463.
31. Fillips, Tom, 2019. Lyudstvo. Styslo pro te, yak my vse pro-aly / per. z anhl. N. Hrytsenko. Kyiv : KM- Buks. 288.
32. Floryda, Richard, 2018. Homo creatives. Yak novyy klas zavoyovuye svit / per. z anhl. Maksym Yakovlyev. K. : Nash format. 432.
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