The philosophy of money in the modern conditions

Offers answers to questions about the role of money in human life. It also clarifies the philosophical meaning of money, how it has developed historically and its features in modern society. Analysis of money as a very great power and responsibility.

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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

The philosophy of money in the modern conditions

V. Kultenko, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy And International Relations,

І. Tokhtarits, Student 'Bachelor' Economics (Business Economics) 2 course, 2 group


How often does money appear in our lives? Each of us has somehow thought about the nature of money, and also thought about the question: "what if money did not exist?" Everyone determines the importance of such a phenomenon as money for himself individually. Some people perceive money as a thing, and for some it is a whole philosophy. Nowadays, people really put money above personality and spirituality. This is a serious anthropological problem of the whole modern society. The article offers answers to questions about the role of money in human life. It also clarifies the philosophical meaning of money, how it has developed historically and its features in modern society.

Keywords: money, philosophy of money, human life, modern society, historical development, economic system.



Як часто в нашому житті з'являються гроші? Кожен з нас так чи інакше замислювався про природу грошей, а також замислювався над питанням: "а якби грошей не існувало?" Кожен визначає важливість такого явища як гроші для себе індивідуально. Хтось сприймає гроші як річ, а для когось це ціла філософія. У наш час люди дійсно ставлять гроші вище особистості та духовності. Це - серйозна антропологічна проблема всього сучасного суспільства. Стаття пропонує варіанти відповідей на питання щодо ролі грошей у житті людини. Також з'ясовується філософський зміст грошей, як він складався історично та його особливості в сучасному суспільстві.

Ключові слова: гроші, філософія грошей, життя людини, сучасне суспільство, історичний розвиток, економічна система.


No one would argue that money can play a key role in our lives. For example, money is a certain measure of all the values that we know. Money usually allows us to estimate the value of goods by setting the prices. Many people believe that money fulfills its purpose only if people which use opportunities for their money in the process of money circulation. Such entities can determine prices, use money in payment and sale processes, and as a means of their own savings. In theory, all objects that perform these functions can be considered money. Money is the offspring of a long historical development. Their appearance is inextricably linked with the exchange of goods. Plato said that a happy life and wealth are not the same thing. He taught “... to pay more attention to moral values and spiritual enrichment without regretting money enrichment”.

Throughout human history, people have used different types of means of payment. The simplest of these were goods that the owners received in exchange for others through the exchange. The emergence of the concept of commodity money is associated with this moment in the development of the economic system. In the everyday life of financiers, concepts such as fiat, credit, secured, full and defective money often appear. These are all types of means of payment used to pay for services, buy groceries, and pay off loans.

The progress of society does not stop. One era is replaced by another, and new means of payment are periodically introduced into economic systems. If you ask the bank about what types of money exist in our time, then the specialist will certainly inform you about metal, paper and credit payment methods. They differ not only in the form of production but also in the concentration of value.

Analysis of the studies and publications.

Money. The Role of Money in the Life of an Ordinary Person. It is worth saying that money is everywhere. They participate in the life of each of us every day. Philosophers such as Karl Marx called the origin of money an objective, spontaneous process of the development of a certain form of production relations. Money is a necessary product and an indispensable condition for the development of commodity production. Arising on the basis of the value commensurability of the products of labor, money serves as an external form for expressing their value proportions. money philosophical society

The purpose of the study. We want to have as much money as possible to satisfy our needs and wishes. In my humble opinion, a person should have enough money to satisfy his natural needs and a little more to become happy.


Some people think that money is the main problem of modern society and I will agree with them. Almost everything comes down to money: our desires and their realization, our dreams, preferences. Everything revolves around money. Today money affects not only the economic, but also the social life of a person, therefore, they are increasingly becoming the subject of research in the social sciences. For instance, understanding money from the point of view of changing their form belongs to the field of research of historical sciences, implying consideration of the evolution of the forms and appearance of money. On the one hand, many people believe that money can create a happy and comfortable life with a big house, proper education, comfortable and expensive car. These things can shape our dreams from childhood. If you have a lot of income, you can travel all over the world and get to know the culture of other countries. Plus, being rich means you can support your family and help other people. You can donate to charities or invest your money in medical research.

There is no doubt that success depends on the amount of money a person has. Still, some people like moral values. I am of the opinion that people don't need big money if there is no one to spend it with. In modern society, money clouds people's eyes, and things like friendship, family, joy, unfortunately, fade into the background. It is also common for modern society to show more respect for those people who earn a lot. Unfortunately, money has a very strong power that negates some moral and ethical principles.

People without money. How to live on? We can endlessly philosophize on the topic of money, but what people can do if they have not money at all? Every state faces a high level of unemployment every year and I must admit that the situation is only getting worse from year to year. Objectively, most of the population of our state does not have financial savings. Subjectively, everyone, being in society, was left alone with their problems and difficulties. There is support, of course, from relatives and friends. But, admittedly, not all. Money really decides the fate of people! A. Schopenhauer has considered the importance of wealth and money in human life in his works. He believed that money is human happiness in the abstract: he, then, who is no longer capable of enjoying human happiness in the concrete devotes himself utterly to money. The rest of people "in a thousand times more bother about the acquisition of wealth than about the education of the mind and spirit ..." People without money have a strong motivation to earn it and this motivation cannot be bought for nothing!

Money as a Subject of Philosophy Research. The Philosophy of Money

K. Marx was one of the first to draw attention to the leading role of money in capitalist society. He was able to show the world a person in economic terms and reveal him. In its turn F. Braudel was of the opinion that "money forms one and the same language in which every society speaks its own way, which any individual must understand"

Money has a different meaning for every person. For some, these are just things or material, but for others, a subject for reflection for the whole evening. Today various industries are popularizing and romanticizing the culture of money. Rich or poor people, devoting themselves to making money, are doomed “to a terrible stagnation of all forces in a person - boredom.” Money can also restrict a person in freedom, or vice versa, support an inner sense of freedom. There are some rich people who live modestly. Why looking at them, it is impossible to guess about their enormous condition. They are convinced that they do not spend money on yachts and other attributes of a rich life. There are those who spend all their newly acquired income on charity, these are real cases. In our modern world, everyone uses money. We all need money! We think about it and work for it. It is difficult to imagine the present life without banknotes and coins, credit cards and cash. Modern technologies have influenced the way of payment: plastic cards are becoming more and more popular today, and they are accepted even abroad. It is very convenient and safe for travelers as there is no need to carry money in a wallet or make currency exchange to make purchases in other countries. Money changes people as well as the world in general!


Authors own thoughts about money. Authors have a rather odd attitude towards money. We sincerely believe that money should work for a person, and not vice versa. Anyone can make money and, with a special desire, make sure that soon the money will "work for him". Authors really respect Adam Smith for his point of view. In his opinion, money should "work" and generate income. Funds invested in materials, machinery, and food contribute to an increase in the wealth and resources of the state. Money has become a measure for us in everything. Authors also respect the point of view of Adam Smith, because he did not put money at the center of society, but a human who, according to him, is the basis of the whole society and builds it himself.

The philosophy of money limits us in many ways, but in order to remove these restrictions, you need to start with yourself and make money for your dream. The structure of the whole society is based on the principle: if you want something, go and earn money for that. Rarely do people get something free of charge. There is no such thing as a free lunch! Money measures absolutely everything in our life. It's not in vain that people spend decades to finally get what they have dreamed of for years.

To summarize, authors want to say, that money is a very great power and responsibility. They can turn loyalty into betrayal, love into hate, hatred into love, virtue into vice, slave into master, master into slave, stupidity into mind, and mind into stupidity. Such a phenomenon as money should not be taken lightly, but one should not put it above self-development and personality.

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