Socio-philosophical context of the history of the cultural and anthropological paradigm

Consideration of the state of anthropology in the modern scientific environment. The historical origins of the cultural and anthropological paradigm in the socio-philosophical context are analyzed. New directions of anthropology development are indicated.

Рубрика Философия
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.04.2023
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Cognitive paradigms are changing, characterized by a shift in the focus of research attention on other concepts compared to the previous period. This is how the pluralism of human life (the opposition of mechanism and dualism), the heterogeneity of sociocultural space (its variability and the processes of deconstruction of social systems), the multilayered symbolic objects (the existence of several types of reality with which man interacts), the decentralization of personality are studied. The subject belongs to both cultural and symbolic worlds (each is not homogeneous), there is an internal bifurcation of personality, ambiguous attitude to moral imperatives (none, even the generally accepted moral code, does not provide a basis for the existence of social solidarity).

Sociocultural reality and its dynamic characteristics are studied within the framework of postmodernism; previously, the aspects of human relations with their environment were not studied in classical cultural and anthropological models.


Modern anthropology having emerged as a separate science does not remain where it was. Rather, it can be described as a general anthropology that has a lot of ramifications. Such a modern direction of it focuses on those integration features allowing to present humanity as a whole. This new direction, developing at the junction of philosophy and anthropological science in general, has developed some criteria for scientific synthesis. Today, anthropology seeks to synthesize philosophical and scientific knowledge about man in a single cognitive picture of the world on the basis of general scientific methods, taking into account comprehensive and systematic approaches.

During the period of its scientific formation for more than a century, anthropology has developed its methodology and categorical apparatus. As a science that provoked wide discussions and debates, it repeatedly changed scientific theories, concepts, and visions. The dynamics of this process seems to continue, because humanity is not standing still, new history will bring new concepts, ideas, scientific discoveries and, consequently, cultural paradigms.


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