Philosophical vector of foreign language training of students of philologists (ending ХХ – beginning XXI century)
The philosophical and cultural principles of foreign language training of philology students as a factor of intercultural communication, which is aimed at ensuring the European integration of Ukraine, are highlighted. Openness of Ukrainian education.
Рубрика | Философия |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.05.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,6 K |
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Philosophical vector of foreign language training of students of philologists (ending ХХ - beginning XXI century)
Mariia Kornienko,
Postgraduate student,
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
The article analyzes the processes that affect the training of future professionals in higher education institutions and highlights the philosophical and cultural principles of foreign language training of students of philology. It is about the conditionality of the issue of foreign language training of students of philology by the tasks of intercultural interaction, international integration and partnership, which is ensured by the balance of material and spiritual factors of development of peoples and nations. Foreign language training is an important factor in intercultural communication, aimed at ensuring the European integration of Ukraine, needs to adapt to appropriate educational conditions. The author calls the openness of Ukrainian education, as well as the priority of national interests in the process of intercultural interaction an important condition for cultural integration; the need for transformations of higher education in both substantive and procedural aspects on the basis of personal values.
It is claimed that the renewal of education is carried out under the condition of revision of its content, its structure, procedural norms and results of mastering the program material and its value characteristics. The purposeful nature of higher education is determined by the social order of the state, which expresses public opinion and the purpose of educational activities, choosing certain competencies as the main categories of educational programs and determining the relevant learning outcomes.
Among the factors of transformation of the higher education system in Ukraine, the scientist mentions the construction of integrated educational programs, development of common criteria for creating comparable qualification requirements, adoption of standards for assessing the quality of training of specialists with higher education which causes changes in the purpose and content of educational activities and, in turn, requires appropriate program and methodological support.
Restructuring of foreign language training of students of philology is associated with the formation of its content, as well as the creation of new educational and methodological complexes designed to ensure this work in higher education institutions.
Key words: cultural integration, transformations, foreign language training, modernization of education, axiological approach, philosophical and cultural principles.
аспірантка Миколаївського національного університету імені В.О. Сухомлинського, м. Миколаїв, Україна
У статті висвітлено філософсько-культурологічні засади іншомовної підготовки студентів-філологів як вагомого чинника міжкультурної комунікації, що орієнтована на забезпечення європейської інтеграції України. Важливою умовою культурної інтеграції в іншомовній підготовці майбутніх фахівців-філологів визначено відкритість української освіти й відповідність її вимогам європейської інтеграції; пріоритетність національних інтересів у процесі міжкультурної взаємодії; необхідність трансформацій вищої освіти у змістовому та процесуальному аспектах на ціннісній особистісній основ.
Доведено, що оновлення освіти відбувається за умови перегляду її змісту, структури, процесуальних норм і результатів засвоєння програмового матеріалу та його ціннісних характеристик. Цілеспрямований характер вищої освіти визначається соціальним замовленням держави, яка виражає суспільну думку й мету освітньої діяльності, обираючи основними категоріями освітніх програм певні компетентності й визначаючи відповідні результати навчання.
Серед чинників трансформації системи вищої освіти в Україні виокремлено конструювання інтегрованих освітніх програм, вироблення єдиних критеріїв для створення порівнюваних кваліфікаційних вимог, прийняття стандартів оцінки якості підготовки спеціалістів із вищою освітою, що зумовлює зміни в меті й змісті освітньої діяльності, а отже, потребує відповідного програмово-методичного забезпечення.
Наголошується, що зміни в іншомовній підготовці студентів-філологів передусім пов'язані із формуванням її змісту, а також створенням нових навчально-методичних комплексів, покликаних забезпечити цю роботу в закладі вищої освіти. philosophical cultural language education
Ключові слова: культурна інтеграція, трансформації, іншомовна підготовка, модернізація освіти, аксіологічний підхід, філософсько-культурологічні засади.
Statement of the problem. Globalization processes, especially in the cultural and technological sphere, taking place in the modern world, do not bypass Ukraine. An important factor in their implementation is intercultural communication, which is implemented at the interpersonal and international levels of interaction of cultural and technological carriers in the interests of individuals and different countries. In the context of intercultural interaction, issues of foreign language education and practice are relevant, which, in fact, provide the opportunity for people to communicate in foreign languages. We agree with V Redko, who explains: "The modern paradigm of school foreign language education is focused on such an organization of learning, which provides communicative and activity nature of the process of mastering a foreign language in integration with intercultural content" (Redko, 2012, p. 8).
Foreign language training provides free communication in foreign languages in a more or less broad society, strengthens cultural and economic ties between people and allows to notice the different spiritual potential of different peoples, which creates conditions not only for cultural interaction but also competitive environment, there are countries that donor cultural values and countries that consume them (Енциклопедія освіти, 2008). These are primarily contradictions of a value nature, especially noticeable in the separation of material goods from the spiritual landmarks of the individual, who always risks getting into a conflict situation between their own interests and social needs and opportunities. V. Ognevyuk points to the need to integrate the spiritual and material heritage of mankind, which is the main indicator of the level of cultural development of the individual and society as a whole: "The creation of spiritual values, in particular the production of new knowledge by science, is put on one "conveyor"; production, application and improvement of means and tools - on another; at the same time, education, translation and assimilation of knowledge is a process alienated from both of the above mentioned" (Ognevyuk, 2003, p. 20).
Thus, the issue of foreign language training of students of philology is determined by the objectives of intercultural interaction, international integration and partnership, which is ensured by the balance of material and spiritual factors of development of peoples and nations, which determines the cultural level of their development.
Analysis of research and publications. The relevance of the problem of foreign language training of future specialists determines the interest of scientists in the methodological foundations of this problem. It is first of all about philosophical and culturological preconditions of didactic support of the content and process of this pedagogical activity in the conditions of globalization processes and realization of the European ambitions of Ukraine. Scholars consider the openness of Ukrainian education to be an important condition for cultural integration. V. Ognevyuk claims "The globalization of economic, political and cultural ties in the world leads to the formation of open educational systems and generally accepted dimensions of education" (Ognevyuk, 2013, p. 43). We explain the openness of education as the ability to change its content and forms under the influence of not only internal but also external factors.
The conditions of interaction of the subjects of integration include borrowing the cultural heritage of the partner, as well as preserving and increasing their own achievements. Revealing the integration horizons of Ukrainian education, V. Ognevyuk considers national interests a priority "Preservation of the historically determined identity of the Ukrainian nation, its non-dissolution in the world of global culture and coexistence with different cultures is one of the most important tasks of modern educational policy" (Ognevyuk, 2013, p. 45). T. Shevchenko once gave good advice in this regard "Learn, read, and learn from others, and do not shy away from your own...".
Globalization processes have had a particularly significant impact on Ukrainian higher education, which is developing in the context of the Bologna Process. Exploring the prospects of domestic higher education, M. Yevtukh puts forward the thesis of preserving cultural identity and draws attention to the competitive opportunities of the Ukrainian educational sphere, which are intensifying in the European intercultural space. The scientist's opinion on the transformation of higher education in accordance with the integration of educational processes on the continent is fundamental. Among the landmarks of the transformation of the higher education system in Ukraine, he names the following a) designing integrated educational programs; b) development of single criteria for the creation of comparable qualification requirements; c) adoption of standards for assessing the quality of training of specialists with higher education, which causes changes in the purpose and content of educational activities and, in turn, requires appropriate programm and methodological support.
Arguing that "we urgently need to modernize the higher education system, transform it in the context of European guidelines", M. Yevtukh also warns against the risks that arise in a competitive environment in a transformational conditions, pointing to the division of higher education institutions into "elite and prestigious", loss of relevance of previously acquired knowledge and skills, insufficient performance of national cultural and creative functions of education due to student mobility, underestimation of national labor market needs, risks of rating system for assessing student achievement, etc. (Yevtukh, 2013, p. 64-66).
As a kind of counteraction to these challenges, scientists advocate the actualization of the value factor of the systemic process and the result of educational activities, as pointed out by philosophers and culturologists. B. Gershunsky, for example, speaks of the four-component composition of the category "education", naming the following components: value, system, process, result (Gershunsky, 2013, p. 118). It is envisaged to transform the authoritarian school into a school of tolerance and partnership of all participants in the pedagogical process on democratic principles of human-centered nature, which corresponds not only to national but also to European values. We share the opinion of V. Lozova, who advocates an axiological approach to education, explaining that it is "aimed at preserving, creative development of humanistic values of pedagogical practice and science, its provisions, principles, requirements, forms, methods that provide mastery of subject "culture, social experience of mankind, the development of its spirituality as the moral essence of the individual, the formation of the need for self-realization, personal self-development, etc." (Lozova, 2013, p. 130).
We consider the thesis of scientists that the modernization of higher education means "radical changes in accordance with modern requirements, a process aimed not only at content and technology, but also at the development of personality, spiritual, moral, creative principles of its development in mass interactions of individuals and the state" (Yakovenko, Pashchenko, 2013, p. 625), so it is not limited by the formation of only students' foreign language competencies.
As the analysis of thematic publications of philosophical and cultural content shows, the leading ideas of transformations of foreign language training of specialists are a) openness of Ukrainian education and compliance with the requirements of European integration; b) the priority of national interests in the process of intercultural interaction; c) the need for transformations of higher education in the semantic and procedural aspects on the basis of personal values.
The aim of research is to determine the philosophical and cultural principles of foreign language training of future specialists in foreign languages.
Presentation of the main study material. Determining the methodology of restructuring processes in the field of education, we take into account that education is a powerful factor in personal formation, providing appropriate standards and results of activity on a new, competency basis, as for the traditional components - knowledge, skills and abilities - adds value indicators: attitude, imagination, motivation, readiness and ability for educational and professional activities in general, which should ensure everyone's realization in the labor market, national or global. Thus, the purpose of education is the development of a knowledgeable and skilled, socially mature person, which is the competence potential and determines its value orientations. An important factor in this development is interpersonal interaction, which multiplies the efforts of people united by common interests.
Communicating in a foreign language is the first means of interpersonal communication, promoting understanding and interaction between subjects of activity. "An important mechanism of such "understanding", - says V Redko, - is a foreign language as an extraordinary means of intercultural communication", which significantly contributes to the integration of the individual into the system of world and national cultures (Redko, 2012, p. 9). In this regard, the phenomenon of "secondary linguistic personality" discovered by I. Khaleeva and spoken of by V. Redko is actualized, meaning "the task of teaching the bearer of the image of the world of one socio-cultural environment to understand the bearer of another linguistic image of the world" (Redko, 2012, p. 10). In this way, communication provides understanding, which leads to conscious relationships and motivated cooperation of subjects of activity.
Readiness for foreign language communication allows a person to expand their horizons, learn not only the language, but also, through it - the cultural heritage of other countries and peoples, to some extent change their views on reality. О. Prokaza argues: "Certain systems of knowledge give rise to certain views of the world, which means that in the human mind are formed certain pictures of this world" (Prokaza, 2013, p. 217), resulting in, in fact, the transformation of consciousness, leading personality traits. Bearing in mind the formation of students a certain image of the world and the means of orientation in it, it is important to determine the content of higher education and the means of its implementation, first of all - program and methodological support of this work.xd.
The competence orientation of the Ukrainian world focuses on personal results, which not only presupposes the ability and readiness of the graduate to communicate in a foreign language, and is designed so that the citizen of Ukraine, having mastered the language and cultural heritage of other peoples, not only will not lose their national identity, but will be much more competent and developed specialist and patriot of his homeland, as it will come significantly closer to understanding one's identity and civic duty based on tolerance for another culture and way of life. Obviously, these should be counter-processes of interplay and interaction on, so to speak, mutually beneficial partnership principles, due to adequate perception of other people's experience and reliance on their own competence, and more broadly - personal potential, relevant primarily in terms of values.
This is a new strategy of personality-oriented education in Ukraine, dictated by globalization processes in all spheres of public life in many developedcountries, including Ukraine, which needs a new person and a new word, close to everyone and understandable to the wider human community. Such a formative strategy requires a radical transformation of the whole educational case.
We associate the concept of transformation with the Latin transformation, which means converting (Dictionary of Foreign Words, 1988, p. 516), we consider it as a process of change that gives the subject of new qualities. Regarding educational transformations, we are talking about purposeful changes in the content and forms of organization and conduct of pedagogical activities in accordance with standardized requirements for components and learning outcomes, as defined in the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2014). Given that the classical model of culture is the trinity of knowledge, regulations and values of personality (Podolskaia, Lykhvar, Ivanova, 2003), the mandatory features of a competent specialist are knowledge, skills and values that constitute his main potential. I. Ziazyun also points to the transformative function of culture, speaking about the informal model of culture of a new type (Ziazyun, 2008, p. 85), the essence of which is the consolidation of information about social processes, technical means of their support and the perceived necessity and expediency of these processes. Appropriate transformations are taking place in all spheres of public life, taking into account the needs of mankind in progressive development. The realization of education of its social function is provided primarily by communication channels, especially powerful of which is the language, both native and foreign.
In the context of changes in the field of national education, the problem of modernizing the training of higher education professionals, which is characterized by greater adaptation in society and fuller professional competence, the level of which increases due to entering the world cultural process. Since one of the tools of such integration is foreign language proficiency, there is a need to restructure foreign language training according to the requirements of the Bologna process. The competence potential of educational programs of this training is provided by the corresponding educational content connected with the corresponding results that causes reorganization not only of the maintenance, but also all methodical support of educational process.
Given the above, we can draw the following conclusions:
Modernization changes in the field of higher education are taking place in the context of Ukraine's European integration and in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process, which determines the transformation of its content and process, the entire strategy for the development of education.
An important factor in intercultural communication, worldview orientation of the individual, is foreign language training, which requires adaptation to European educational conditions.
Restructuring of the national higher education school encourages the transformation of program and methodological support of foreign language training of future foreign language teachers on new values, the key of which is the openness and priority of national education, its personal trajectory and competence basis.
Prospects for further research are opened up in the field of forming the content of foreign language training of philologists, as well as in the creation of new educational and methodological complexes designed to ensure this work. The available methodical materials of foreign authors will give the important help in it that will promote adaptation of domestic experts to the European norms and requirements in the field of higher foreign language education.
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курсовая работа [333,1 K], добавлен 02.07.2014Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.
курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014Description of the basic principles and procedures of used approaches and methods for teaching a second or foreign language. Each approach or method has an articulated theoretical orientation and a collection of strategies and learning activities.
учебное пособие [18,1 K], добавлен 14.04.2014One of determinant national foreign policy priorities is European and Euroatlantic integration. Relationship between Ukraine and NATO was established in 1991, when Ukraine proclaimed sovereignty right after the fall of the USSR and joined the Council.
статья [32,6 K], добавлен 29.12.2009Traditional and modern methods in foreign language teaching and learning. The importance of lesson planning in FLTL. Principles of class modeling. Typology of the basic models of education: classification by J. Harmer, M.I. Makhmutov, Brinton and Holten.
курсовая работа [2,1 M], добавлен 20.05.2015The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015Integration, globalization and economic openness - basical principles in attraction of capital inflows. Macroeconomic considerations. Private investment. Problems of official investment and managing foreign assets liabilities. Positive benefits from capit
курсовая работа [52,4 K], добавлен 25.02.2002Principles of foreign economic activity. Concepts and theories of international trade. Regulation of foreign trade. Evaluation of export potential. Export, import flows of commodities, of services. Main problems and strategy of foreign trade of Ukraine.
курсовая работа [603,8 K], добавлен 07.04.2011