Tolerance in the discurse practices of european society and business

Examines tolerance as a complex social, cultural and economic phenomenon, a principle, an idea, an ideology, a concept necessary for the proper functioning of pluralistic democracy and modern civil society. Essential problems of human communication.

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It is important to be tolerant of others and encourage your team members to accept differences. To be tolerant, you must consciously demonstrate understanding and empathy - the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and see things from their point of view. Caring and tolerance are essential in the increasingly diverse and globalized workplaces of the 21st century. Companies that embrace this diversity are more likely to succeed than those that are more homogenous. But diversity alone is not enough. To succeed, people must accept and welcome a range of perspectives, ideas, and character traits and encourage their colleagues to do the same. Teams that do not embrace diversity can be unstable, unhappy and unproductive. Kindness in business is the main thing (Cherep, et al.,2022b).

The economic model of any sector of activity is schematically based on three key pillars, which are standards, beliefs and values:

1) standards, laws and regulations that regulate the market;

2) beliefs related to the perception of the interested parties of the product and the ideas it conveys:

3) values reflecting the basic ideological infrastructure that supports the industry's business model.

Therefore, you should:

2) determine the norms, beliefs and values that support the business model of this industry;

3) identify all employees who concretely embody these values. We are talking about all persons, groups and institutions, which by their activities seek to destroy or, on the contrary, consolidate existing norms, beliefs and values (fashion industry, political parties, scientists, etc.);

4) Identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities that could lead to a possible scope reduction factor (for example, a strategic norm that increasingly diverges from the level of tolerance of stakeholders);

5) identify all events and contexts that can activate the phenomenon of reduction: a health incident, new medical innovations, etc. The tolerance zone is like a grid of interdependent systems and subsystems. Monitoring of all actors and events can affect the tolerance zone.

This step requires a clear understanding of the ecosystem to be able to identify any weak signal indicating a possible contraction phenomenon (for example, a new orientation in the regulatory body or a change in consumer attitudes and behavior). Consolidate and expand the company's tolerance zone, working to limit the appearance of reduction factors and strengthen important components of each line of activity. The purpose of the NCV model is therefore to facilitate the diagnosis of impact issues and the identification of objectives, which can then be communicated to those responsible for strategy, marketing, communication and lobbying for the relevant company or professional group (Porter Michael, 2019).

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the richness and diversity of our world's cultures, ways of self-expression and ways of expressing our human quality, it is a virtue that makes peace possible and helps to replace the culture of war with a culture of peace; it is an active position animated by the recognition of universal human rights and the fundamental freedoms of others. Under no circumstances should tolerance be invoked to justify attacks on these fundamental values. Education for tolerance should aim to counter influences that lead to fear and alienation of others, and should help young people develop their ability to exercise independent judgement, think critically and reason ethically.


The educative humanization requires the involvement of humanitarian disciplines that operate with such approaches as synergistic, which allows the individual to assert himself in his synergistic position; and linguistic and cultural, which makes it possible to research cultural and historical values in verbal form. In addition, the linguistic and cultural approach operates with concepts such as concept, stereotype, cultural universals, linguistic and cultural competence. The possession of linguistic and cultural competence, including intercultural communicative tolerance, is a time requirement and is connected with foreign language research, which are a good platform for the development of socially significant qualities. However, it is necessary to define a set of qualities that need to be developed. In order to define and better understanding the terminological "tolerance" concept, it is necessary to analyze in the different cultural context. There are certain difficulties in defining the components of the very "term" concept, since the terminology in field of knowledge does not have precise and unambiguous definitions, from the point of cognitive terminological view, the term is presented as dynamic. Research is being conducted at the neurological level, where connections between brain physiology, function, and perception of ambiguous stimuli are becoming increasingly apparent. The tolerant measurement has a long history and has been reviewed by scholars including Rydel, Budner, Rosen, Macdonald, Norton and McLain.

A further need for measurement research arises from advances in the understanding of brain function. These advances suggest the need to develop measures that are aware of an individual's neurological response to ambiguity. There are many fields investigating the tolerant problem, such as social and psychological sciences. They range from the impact of the cross-cultural environment, to managerial implications, the health care service sphere and education.

Ambiguity tolerance can moderate the effects of marketing information on consumer confusion and choice behavior). A large amount of information presents an ambiguity that can be confusing, but also provides an opportunity to explore relatively nonthreatening ambiguity through the voluntariness of choice and how it shapes consumer choice behavior. Thus, at the beginning of the modern era, political tolerance is formulated as a virtue that expands the possibilities of democratic citizenship. Atheists and the non-religious have historically and theoretically been the vanguard of those who argued for the freedom to philosophize - not only for themselves, but for everyone in society (Cherep, et al., 2022d).

Valuing pluralism, they have formed a worldview according to which religious beliefs are equally accepted by all in a democratic state. Here, atheists and the non-religious have been shown to display a high level of quality for pluralism, and therefore a high tolerant in social level. Tolerance is necessary because it protects the minimalist "modus vivendi". There are internal limits to tolerance that need to be recognized: tolerance includes attitudes and reasons that go beyond minimalism and include a retreat to more demanding moral foundations; tolerance must be underpinned by more demanding principles and virtues to be a stable and reliable system in practice; tolerance requires an active policy of equal opportunities and inclusiveness; the state should lead the implementation of equality as multicultural recognition, which is a civic idea.

The state must offer constructive intervention in solving complex problems (such as development, state fragility, poverty, doing business, corruption, democracy and diversity management, sustainable development, governance, human well-being or competitiveness), drive change, including convictions about moral consequences different social outcomes, connections between actions and outcomes, beliefs and actions of other subjects.

Tolerance is seen as a moderator of the relationships between situational information and cognitive and behavioral responses. According to Reina and Brainerd's formulation of the theory, ambiguity is not an obstacle to decision making in ambiguous situations. It is considered as a tolerance to influence the conformity degree of a person's attitude to work with those perceived by colleagues; tolerant ambiguity may play a role in the phenomena that these and other theories that depend on the situational ambiguity assumption attempt to explain.

Список використаних джерел

1. Andriukaitene, R., Cherep, A. V., Voronkova, V. H. Level of corporate social responsibility: the case of tourism. Управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіонів і держави: збірник матеріалів XVI Міжнародної науково- практичної конференції / за ред. А.В. Череп. Запоріжжя: Запорізький національний університет, 2022. С. 183-186.

2. Воронкова, В. Г., Череп, А.В., Череп, О.Г. Європейська візія пізнання людини як найвищої цінності гуманізму. Modern trends in science and practice. Volume 2 : collective monograph / Compiled by V Shpak; Chairman of the Editorial Board S. Tabachnikov. Sherman Oaks, California : GS Publishing. Services, 2022. C. 71-80

3. Воронкова, В.Г., Череп, А.В., Череп, О.Г. Гуманістичні концепції "регенеративної економіки" та "спільного блага" як ефективний чинник управління людськими ресурсами. Theoretical and practical aspects of modern scientific research:collective monograch ("Теоретичні та практичні аспекти сучасних наукових досліджень"). Compiled by V. Shpak; Chairman of the Editorial Board S. Tabachnikov. Sherman Oaks, California : GS Publishing. Services, 2022. р.27-40.

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12. Череп, А.В., Воронкова, В.Г., Череп, О.Г. Трансформаційні зміни в управлінні організаціями та людськими ресурсами у цифрову епоху. Стратегічні пріоритети розвитку підприємництва, торгівлі та біржової діяльності: матеріали ІП-ої Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, Запоріжжя, 11-12 травня 2022 року. Запоріжжя: НУ "Запорізька політехніка", 2022. С. 393-395.

13. Череп, А.В., Воронкова, В.Г. Вплив ІКТ на розвиток трендів глобальної трансформації бізнесу. Економіко- правові та соціально-технічні напрями еволюції цифрового суспільства: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції: у 2 т. Том 2. Дніпро: Університет митної справи та фінансів, 2022. С. 454-458.

14. Череп, А.В., Воронкова, В.Г., Череп, О.Г. Систематизація дослідження цифрової трансформації нових бізнес- моделей. Економіко-правові та соціально-технічні напрями еволюції цифрового суспільства: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції: у 2 т. Том 2. Дніпро: Університет митної справи та фінансів, 2022. С. 331-332.

15. References

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