Rosenzweig and Bakhtin. Hermeneutics of language and verbal art in the system of the philosophy of dialogue

Hermeneutics of language and verbal creativity in the system of dialogue philosophy of Rosenzweig and Bakhtin. The desire to create a new philosophical system, radically rethinking the very subject of philosophy. Fundamentality of language and literature.

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Attitude to Ontology

As we have noted, the departure from traditional ontology in the philosophical teachings of Rosenzweig and Bakhtin does not imply a rejection of the problem of being. From the basis of philosophy, as it has been since Parmenides, being is transformed into the subject of research. Overall, the critique of ontology within the philosophy of dialog can be seen as a transition from static to dynamics. The word dialogue has the same root as ontology. Dialog denotes the transition or movement of thought-language activity. Instead of binding the logos to being, dialogue involves its dynamic transformation. This dynamism of the logos is explored variously by different philosophers. Rosenzweig considers it from more general universal positions and composes it in the concept's framework of dynamic gestalt. In Bakhtin, being is understood as a joint interpersonal process. In both philosophers, the linguistic verbal dynamics seem to hover above being. The criticism of Rosenzweig's ontology is taken up by Levinas, who adds important points to the understanding of interpersonal dynamics and brings a new ethical dimension to philosophy [32].

The Place of Language and Verbal Art

When speaking of the linguistic turn in 20th-century philosophy, one primarily refers to analytic philosophy. Meanwhile, the turn to language and literature in the philosophy of Rosenzweig and Bakhtin is much more fundamental and profound. For these authors, it is not simply a question of a change in the orientation of cognition and its focus on the clarification of language, but a radical transformation of the entire system of thought, a change in the philosophical paradigm that affects all areas of culture. While Rosenzweig and Bakhtin understand the centrality of language and verbalism in the philosophical system, there is a significant difference in their positions. Rosenzweig focuses on a radical revision of the philosophy of language, as expressed in his concept of the grammatical organon. Bakhtin is concerned with the study of literature as a holistic phenomenon, which leads him to an entirely new theory of literature. Given the intrinsic kinship of these two approaches, they exhibit a surprising mutual complementarity. Rosenzweig's linguistics and Bakhtin's literary studies combine well and provide excellent preconditions for the development of a philosophy of dialogue.

Rosenzweig and Bakhtin in Philosophy of the Dialogue in the Future

We have already noted that the term philosophy of the dialogue is less appropriate for the teachings of Rosenzweig and Bakhtin than for, say, Buber's philosophy. It is these authors who have contributed fundamental and profound ideas to the philosophy of dialogue. They approach this field from different angles and the correlation of their approaches is extremely fruitful for philosophical research. For all these reasons, Rosenzweig and Bakhtin can be seen as crucial sources for the philosophy of dialogue of the future.


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[18] Dvorkin I. The Concept of Grammatical Organon in the Star of Redemption by Rosenzweig. Religions. 2021;12(945):1--13.

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[23] Kant I. Critique of Pure Reason. Guyer P and Wood AW (tr.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1998.

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[25] Cohen H. Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism. Kaplan S (tr.). New York: F. Ungar; 1972.

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[32] Gibbs R. Jurisprudence is the Organon of Ethics: Kant and Cohen on Ethics, Law, and Religion. In: Hermann Cohen's Critical idealism. Munk R, editor. Dordrecht: Springer; 2005. p. 193--230.

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