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Slavoj iek's philosophy in the researches of chinese scholars: between marxism and psychoanalysis

Victor Kiktenko DSc (Philosophy), Senior Researcher A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, NAS of Ukraine 4, Hrushevskoho St., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine kiktenko@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-0078-4285

The paper analyzes the history and the present state of the study of Slavoj iek's philosophy in China, which mainly concerns his concept of ideology, criticism of popular culture and contemporary globalized capitalism. It is shown that the beginning of scientific researches of iek's philosophy in China in the late 1990s and early 2000s was associated with the scholar seminars and the first translations of the Slovenian thinker's works into Chinese language (Wang Fengzhen, Ji Guangmao). It is noted that at the present stage, Chinese scholars are focused on the following issues in the study of iek's works: the concept of ideology; the influence of the ideas of G. Hegel, K. Marx and J. Lacan; literary and artistic theory and aesthetic thought; criticism of modern capitalism, science and society. The comparative studies were analyzed in order to determine the ideological origins of the concept of iek's concept of ideology (Zhang Yibing, Zhang Xiuqin, Liu Shiheng, Tang Zhengdong, Xia Ying, Han Zhenjiang, Mo Lei, Wang Yue, Kong Ming'an, Tan Yong). The study of the influence of the late Lacanian psychoanalytic theory on the formation of iek's philosophy is an important direction in the works of Wan Shuhui, Meng Xianli, Cui Zanmei, Yuan Xiaoyun. The author explores the formation of iek's concept of the subject from the standpoint of psychoanalysis in the works of Mo Lei, Han Zhenjiang, Liu Xinting, Kong Ming'an and Shi Liyuan. The particular attention is paid to the study of psychoanalytic literary and artistic theory and aesthetic thought of iek in the works of Yu Qi, Chen Qijia, Chen Xihe, Wan Chuanfa, Liu Xinting, Hu Jihua, Han Zhenjiang, Sun Bai, Yang Hanxu, Ceng Sheng and Nan Ye. The approaches to iek's criticism of modern capitalism, science and society are defined in the works of Zhang Lijun, Zhang Jian, Yu Qi, Sun Liangjie, Liu Mingming, Xia Yinping, Xin Haifeng, Lu Yufeng, Liu Yunshan. It is emphasized that, according to many Chinese scholars, iek's philosophy has great theoretical and practical importance for understanding the contemporary social reality and rethinking the theory of ideology.

Keywords: Marxism, psychoanalysis, theory, criticism, subject, real, science, capitalism, socialism

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