A philosophical view on the psychodynamic cognition of the subject's psyche
A psychodynamic approach to understanding the psyche. The interrelationships of the substructures of the psyche in their conscious and unconscious manifestations, on the research possibilities of the "Active Social Psychological Cognition" method.
Ðóáðèêà | Ôèëîñîôèÿ |
Âèä | ñòàòüÿ |
ßçûê | àíãëèéñêèé |
Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ | 15.01.2024 |
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà | 201,6 K |
Îòïðàâèòü ñâîþ õîðîøóþ ðàáîòó â áàçó çíàíèé ïðîñòî. Èñïîëüçóéòå ôîðìó, ðàñïîëîæåííóþ íèæå
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Ukrainian State Dragomanov University
A philosophical view on the psychodynamic cognition of the subject's psyche
Yatsenko Tamara Academician of the NAPS of Ukraine, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology
Andruschenko Viktor Academician of the NAPS of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Ukrainian
psychodynamic psyche ñognition social
The article reveals a psychodynamic approach to understanding the psyche in its entirety (“conscious/unconscious”). We emphasize on the interrelationships of the substructures of the psyche in their conscious and unconscious manifestations, as well as on the research possibilities of the “Active Social Psychological Cognition” method (ASPC). The specified method plays the role of both a search and research procedure in the in-depth cognition of the psyche, and practical perspectives of providing assistance to future psychologists in their personal psychocorrection.
The palette of psychological and philosophical problems, which are not covered by academic psychology, is specified. The work clarifies the essence of psychological defenses of the psyche in their situational and basal manifestations (“vertical” and “horizontal”). The problem of the applicability of the methods of the psyche cognition in its integrity (“conscious/unconscious”) is also outlined, as well as the form and content of training of future practical psychologists.
For the first time, the “Super-Id” substructure is introduced into the “Model of the Internal Dynamics of the Psyche”, which reflects the archaic influence on the psyche of the pre-Oedipal period of human development in its psychological parameters, which remain effective to this day. A comparative analysis of the methodology of traditional and psychodynamic approaches to understanding the psyche is carried out, which affects the specifics of training the future psychologist for their professional activity.
Keywords: archetype, inseparability of the conscious and the unconscious, metacognitive, extra-experiential, psychological defenses, integrity of the mental
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The main text
The subject of psychology and philosophy is a human being, in particular the formation of the spiritual world in the process of preparation for life, in its broadest sense, based on the development of their psychological culture. At the same time, the question how and on what common interests the organic union of philosophy and psychology is carried out, in the synthesis of the functional revival of spirituality, which is based on the harmonization of the inner world of the individual, remains relevant.
The cognition of the truth is based on the “attitude towards every thing as the essence of this thing requires” (K. Marx). The specificity of the functional reality of the mental lies in the unity of the conscious and unconscious spheres. Philosophy claims that the human mind integrates all forms of the human spirit [1]. That is why the cognitive processes of the subject's psyche are at the forefront of in-depth cognition, which can be deformed by distortions of social -perceptual reality, which are masked by automated defenses of the idealized “Self”. The article reveals the inner structural and dynamic essence of the mental and outlines the ways of its in - depth cognition, which contributes to the weakening and leveling of deviations from socio-perceptual reality. This paper proves that the practice of the diagnosticcorrective process according to the active social-psychological cognition method (hereinafter ASPC), is subject to the law of “positive disintegration of the psyche and its secondary integration at a higher level of the subject's mental development” [12]. This law is comparable to the philosophical law “denial - denial”.
We want to note that the study of one's own socio-perceptive reality in the “subject-subject” system catalyzes the dynamics of a person's personal growth, their self-actualization as a prerequisite for the development of internal harmonization of the psyche. The fact that the academic psychology ignores the problems of researching the psyche in its integrity, which should also include the unconscious sphere of the psyche, definitely slows down the progress of psychology as such. The natural approach to the cognition of the phenomenon of the mental is based on the generalization of conscious behavior and quantitative processing of empirical material, which creates an illusory scientific nature of the research results. Due to the above this approach lacks an applicable toolkit for researching the functional features of the psyche in situations of uncertainty of the subject's behavior, which is essential both for communication and for education. This type of phenomenon has a unique and at the same time multi-value semantics, which goes beyond the possibilities of quantitative mediation. The lack of demarcation of these two approaches - academic and in-depth - gives rise to many misunderstandings of a discrediting nature (for indepth cognition), which slow down the development of scientific psychology as a science. It is for these reasons that the subject's personal problems (stabilized internal contradictions) remain on the sidelines of traditional academic research due to th e inconsistency, or even the lack of scientific, methodological and instrumental support for the “anatomization” of the process of the cognition of the mental in its conscious and unconscious manifestations.
Classical science mainly asks the question: “How?”, “Why?”. Orientation towards the “root cause” and “meaning of activity” prevails in in-depth psychology. The cognition of the psyche in its integrity is characterized by a focus on revealing the implicit (hidden) essence of the subject's spontaneous act ivity, catalyzed by the unconscious in mutually inseparable functional unity with the conscious. Therefore, the problem of the accuracy of the procedural diagnosis of the semantic essence of the mental remains unsolved. Under the conditions of creating a method that catalyzes the deepening of the subject's self-awareness, it opens up prospects for them to reconstruct their own established positions and views on themselves, on people, and on the objective world.
Understanding the experience of in-depth cognition in the parameters of the psychodynamic methodology, which we have been developing for over forty years, gives grounds for formulating a number of leading theses, important for the study of the psyche in its integrity. Let us define these theses:
• the essence of the mental lies in the unity of the conscious and the unconscious under the condition of preserving their autonomy and contradictory relationships, in particular “antagonism and antinomy”;
• the autonomy of the functioning of the conscious and unconscious spheres is relative, not absolute; it is given by the genesis of the process of socialization of the subject's psyche, but it is not given a priori;
• the conscious, like the unconscious, has differences in its functional organization, namely: discreteness of the conscious and the simultaneity of the unconscious as well as their structural asymmetry;
• system of psychological defense functions in two varieties: basal (archaic) and situational (ontogenetic);
• the psyche in its entirety is affected by two types of contradictions: antagonism (“vertical”) and antinomy (“horizontal”), which are masked from the consciousness by situational defenses that create deviations from reality;
• the mental is always at the intersection of vertical and horizontal parameters, therefore, is both conscious and unconscious are present in any activity of the subject, which has a certain energy priority, hidden by defenses;
• cognition of the mental in a psychodynamic format involves the provision of procedural diagnostics based on the professionalism of dialogue interaction between the psychologist and the respondent;
• the mental is functionally characterized by duality, namely “conscious and unconscious”, which gives rise to structural differences, such as: “isomorphism - homomorphism”; “similarity - difference”; “unambiguity - polysemy”, etc.;
• structural and functional parameters of the unconscious system do not depend on “gender, space and time” while preserving the emotionality of the person's infantile values, generated by their Oedipal dependence;
• meaning of the unconscious is reflected in the iterativeness (repetition) of individual characteristics that objectify themselves under the conditions of behavior spontaneity, under the influence of the law “repetition compulsion”, which creates the phenomena of a “vicious circle”, object relations, defense mechanisms (projection, transfer, substitution, etc.);
• harmony of the mental is not only in the balance of the Id drives with the needs and possibilities of the “Self”, but also in the priority of prosocial tendencies, which are manifested in: the integration of the “principle of pleasure” with the “principle of reality”, the weakening of the imperative of infantile (in -depth) values with the automation of psychological defenses (which preserve the expectations of the idealized “Self”), the mitigation of the internal stabilized contradiction between the “logic of the conscious” and the “logic of the unconscious” (“different logic”) in the process of in-depth psychocorrection;
• the conscious is incorporated into the surrounding, prosocial world, while the unconscious is assimilated by in-depth interests, which are marked by the desire for realization in the subject's everyday behavior;
• the integration link between the sphere of the conscious and the unconscious is the system of psychological defenses, which is characterized by distortions of reality, which catalyzes the subjective integration of the psyche. The problem is in the illusory nature (subjectivism) of this integration, which manifests itself in indicators of objective disintegration of the mental, which is what we pay attention to in our indepth psychocorrection practice. Under the specified conditions, we encounter a situation of internally defined dualism: objective disintegration of the psyche and its subjective integration, which is catalyzed by the activity of the tendencies of the “idealized Self”. The latter is manifested in the following mental indicators: “discretion - simultaneity”; “symmetry - asymmetry”; “antagonism - antinomy”; “isomorphism - homomorphism”, etc.
Academic studies do not take into account the above-mentioned features either in theory or in practice. Moreover, there is an established priority of research attention to the sphere of the conscious while ignoring the functioning of the unconscious. In classical (academic) research, quantitative data reflecting linear interdependencies in the dynamic structure of the mental - “conscious/unconscious” are brought to an absolute.
In the psychoanalytical format of research, to which our method “Active social-psychological cognition” is close, we deal with adults in the framework of mental health (studying or working). Most of them are future psychologists who are studying and preparing for practical work with other people. Sessions are held in ASPC groups [0], which function on the basis of pro-humanist principles of interaction implementation, namely: valuelessness of self-reflection as well as mutual reflections of each other, absence of criticism, instructions, advice “what's better”, strengthening of life-affirming positions, etc. Feedback in the ASPC group is given both verbally and indirectly, contextually, using metaphorical expressions with the use of objectified, auxiliary means of self-presentation (thematic psychodrawings). Academic psychology focuses on the so-called “pure material”, which is obtained through mathematical calculations, ignoring the phenomenological individuality of the psyche of each person. The psychodynamic format of cognition is based on the analysis and identification of associative and logical relationships in spontaneous behavioral material. The spontaneity of the subject's activity is of interest, which demonstrates the repeatability (iterative nature), immutability (invariance) of the semantic parameters of spontaneous activity against the background of the plot - visualized self-representation, which is an integral prerequisite for the efficiency of the implementation of the analytical procedure of in -depth cognition of the psyche in ASPC groups.
Theoretical analysis of the problem of the integrity of cognition of the mental. The problem of direct cognition of the peculiarities of the functioning of the psyche, along with the opposition of the mental (ideal) to the physical, remains at the center of philosophical discussions to this day. For a long time, only the term “soul” (spirit) was used in philosophy, the concept of “psyche” aro se only at the end of the 19th century. Each school of psychology took into account the integrity of the mental, but at the same time decided which part of it it would deal with. In-depth psychology, in our understanding of it, has a starting position: no matter how “psychic” is divided into parts, the functioning of the psyche is always integral. Therefore, this paper highlights the problem of cognition of the mental in its integrity (“conscious/unconscious”), which contributes both to the adequate disclos ure of the functional features of the unconscious, and to the objectification of the relationships between the conscious and the unconscious. We adhere to the position that “cognition is a search and finding a balance between a number of contradictory positions that complement each other” [9, p. 659].
Philosophical understanding of the category of cognition is opposed by conceptual positions: realism - instrumentalism, fundamentalism - phenomenalism, substantialism - functionalism, dogmatism - relativism. We will limit the presentation of generally contradictory positions to two platforms: fundamentalism (essentialism) ^ functionalism (phenomenalism).
Research hypothesis: cognition of the mental is complicated by the dependence of the traditional-naturalist approach to the psyche, as to the conscious sphere while ignoring the unconscious, which for many years established a one-sided view of the psychologists on the this phenomenon through the prism of the category of “conscious”.
Attention is focused on the objectivity of the determinants of the unconscious, which gives rise to the subjectivism of the consciousness, which is not taken into account by academic psychology. We raised the problem not only of the integrity and systematic nature of the mental, but also of its logical orderliness, which is expressed by the “logic of the conscious” and the “logic of the unconscious” (“different logic”). For philosophy, the logic of the mental is “part of the theory of cognition and in particular of “psychodynamic cognition” [10, p. 548].
The analysis of the stated problem of in-depth cognition of the psyche does not coincide with the position of those researchers who identify the unconscious with a physiological process. The mental is not a purely spiritual phenomenon, separated from brain processes. A philosophical opinion exists that mental reflection is “determined” by the properties and relations of the objective world to which it is subordinated. It is also important that philosophers, like classical psychologists, associate the phenomenon of reflecting the world with the emergence of consciousness, the formation of which was subordinated to social relations. Our longterm practice of in-depth cognition of the psyche convinces us that “the unconscious is a special sphere of the psyche (a system of processes), qualitatively different from consciousness” [10, p. 52].
We agree with S. Freud in his discovery of the unconscious, especi ally in the part of understanding of “its autonomous independence from the consciousness, which preserves the impersonal primal basis of the human soul” [10, p. 95]. The unconscious exists “beyond gender, space and time”, which gave K. Jung a reason to focus attention on its collective and archetypal-archaic foundations, which are manifested in a person's ability to visualize their own psyche. This indicates the relevance of the problem raised by us: cognition of the mental in its integrity with the inseparability of the “conscious” and “unconscious” spheres.
The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary notes that consciousness does not exhaust the mental: “A person has unconscious mental phenomena and processes in which they cannot control themselves, which are hidden from their self-observation” [9, p. 547]. At the same time, in this edition, scientists represent the category of the “unconscious” in a rather diverse way, in particular as anamnesis (Plato), physiological processes occurring outside consciousness (R. Descartes), a lower form of mental activity beyond the threshold of consciousness (H. Leibniz), activity of the nervous system (D. Hartley), intuition, sensory cognition (a priori synthesis) (I. Kant), in-depth source of creativity (representatives of romanticism), irrationalism (A. Schopenhauer), irrationalism as a universal principle of the basis of being and the world (N. Hartman), etc.
In the context of the psychodynamic theory we are developing, the position of Y. Herbart (1824), who introduced a dynamic characteristic of the unconscious, which meant the following, is interesting. incompatible ideas can come into conflict, “while the energetically weaker ones are pushed out of the consciousness without losing their dynamic properties, so they cont inue to influence it” [9, p. 52]. At the same time, it is important to point out that the problem of the “unconscious” found its polysemantic and dominant meaning only thanks to the works and practical achievements of S. Freud, who presented the unconscious not as a lower form of the psychic, compared to the main form - consciousness, but as an energetic a more powerful (than conscious) force that antagonistically confronts it. Only the technique of psychoanalysis, according to S. Freud, can weaken this opp osition and bring the human psyche closer to integrity.
The merit of K. Jung, S. Freud's student, lies in the introduction of the category of “collective unconscious” (“archetype”) as a unifying instance of a person's actual experience with their past. In the above-mentioned questions about the nature of the psyche, the scientific achievements of S. Freud, as well as the results of his psychoanalytic practice, are undoubtedly the most significant. For the genius analyst himself, the most important, in the early days, was the problem of the cognition of the unconscious, which he solved miraculously - through the analysis of some secondary (and partly imperceptible) events in a person's life, namely: slips of tongue, slips of pen, forgetfulness, dreams, etc., which contextually (unconsciously) objectify the meanings of certain nuances of the psyche, which, as S. Freud believed, latently affect the subject's consciousness with a set of energy that involuntarily and spontaneously conditions their activity. The merit of S. Freud was that he significantly changed the very approach to scientific cognition and understanding of the unconscious, which archaically possesses the universality of the laws of the functioning of the psyche, which are common to both mentally healthy people and neurotics, the differences are in energy accents. S. Freud's psychoanalytical practice proved the importance of self-flowing, spontaneous behavior of a person for the cognition of the psyche and its adequate understanding. We speak about the subject's spontaneous and involuntary activity, which is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of cognition of their psyche in its entirety.
The formation of the methodology of the cognition of the psyche in its integrity and functional inseparability of the conscious and the unconscious, which is the central problem of psychology. Even the representatives of the activity approach noted that it is important to take into account both the external task of the subject's activity and the internal, motivational and unconscious factors. In particular, O. Leontiev, the founder of activity theory, wrote: “Unlike the goal, motives are not actually realized by the subject: performing certain actions we usually do not report to ourselves about the motives that motivate them... it is not difficult for us to determine their motivation, but motivation does not always contain a hint of the true source of the motive” [9, p. 201]. O. Leontiev's ideas in many aspects are close to our understanding of the importance of studying the unconscious mental activity in the formation of the subject's personality.
An example of taking into account the unconscious in the educational process is the experience of A. Makarenko in his “explosion theory”. The latter led to the use of a “public rite”: burning personal characteristics and clothes of homeless people; cleaning and arranging the rooms where they were accommodated. Such actions impressed them and indirectly (imperceptibly) caused personal changes and progressive development. Being in clean rooms and in new, neat clothes is an unusual experience for them, which could not but affect their behavior in terms of energy and motivation. It is important to take into account such a type of the unconscious that has a straightforward determination, for example, formation of skills, habits, and distinguish the type of the unconscious that is contextually determined. The latter requires psychological sensitivity to the “strings of the soul” of a person, which was inherent in the educational methods of the great teacher - A. Makarenko.
Our research is aimed at the unconscious, which is conditioned in the psyche of the subject by the mechanisms of repression, which set the objectification of “free” (not connected) energy, which is integrated with the archaic heritage. The procedure of cognition of the unconscious content of the psyche is contextually dependent on the researcher. An assistant in the professionalism of the in -depth psychologist is the ability to adequately carry out the diagnostic and corrective process based on the visualization of the thematic self-representation of the subject's psyche. The process of objectification of the psyche, which is an important motivator for approaching an adequate knowledge of the psyche in its integrity is a common feature for the experience of A. Makarenko and ASPC groups: conscious (verbum) ^ unconscious (pictorial self-representation of the psyche). The above ensures the activity of the subject in its self-flowing continuity (expansiveness) and individualization. The practice of ASPC groups revealed the ability of each person for thematic selfvisualization of the psyche, moreover, with a high level of motivation and the ability to organize self-representations (determining the sequence of their analysi s). The latter, as L. Levy-Bruhl pointed out, is archaically given - “blind skill of the hand”. The dialogue provided by the psychologist is actually a way of managing the ASPC process (with final interpretations). When asking questions to the respondent, the leader of the ASPC group relies on reading the meanings of the behavioral material, which synthesize the interests of the conscious and the unconscious of a person. The professionalism of asking questions by the psychologist to the respondent immanently provides opportunities for managing the ASPC process [0; 0]. The professionalism of the interpretation of the received verbal / non -verbal material by the specialist is important in the management of the diagnostic and corrective ASPC process. Interpretation contributes to the definition of logical relationships and contradictions between the behavioral material perceived by the subject and its latent meanings in the dialogue material.
The psychologist does not ignore the functional differences of the conscious and unconscious spheres, which are marked not only by interdependence, but also by functional asymmetry. The languages of the conscious and the unconscious differ significantly. The unconscious is revealed in figurative, metaphorical-archetypal and symbolic-polyvalent self-representations. The language of the conscious is discrete, symbolic and is characterized by ambiguity and specifics. The conscious implies linear causal determinism of the respondent's statements [15, p. 211-212].
Psychodynamic methodology focuses attention on the preconscious, which is formed as a result of the displacement of the impulses of the Id. The synthesis of displacements is latently determined by the tendency to transit into unconscious, in - depth needs. The Id instance has not a direct, but an indirect influence on the formation of preconsciousness, which preserves the imperative of the energy potential of repressed impulses. In other words, the epiphenomenon of repression is the process of “socialization” of Id drives with the concealment of the fact of their opposition to the normative requirements of the Super-Ego. The mutual independence of certain displacements and their primary temporality (spread in time) is leveled by the synthesis of “traces” at the latent level. The latter results in the logical ordering of the psyche system with the priority of the emotional component of displacements, which are manifested in energetically potent residues.
The physiological aspect of the stated problem is related to the irradiation of “residual energies” and their interference. Therefore, in the process of in-depth cognition of the psyche, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the affective parameters of behavior, but also to the analytical and synthetic meanings of cognitive formations. It is about such a construct of the unconscious, which is abstracted from the direct experience of the subject, therefore it is qualified as “extra-experiential”, “pre-reflective”, not controlled by the person. It is this con struct that determines the “cognitive” nature of the “basic forms of psychological defenses” in their direction towards the realization of the infantile interests of the “Self”. The peripheral (situational) form of psychological defense has a pro-social and adaptive goal to form the ideal “Self”. Basal defenses carry an archaic-semantic load that determines the meaning and orderliness of the subject's internal activity, which is determined by factors that are energetically catalyzed by the “unfinished busin ess of childhood” of the person.
Long-term experience of in-depth correction in accordance with the main provisions of the psychodynamic theory and methodology developed by us proves that the semantic aspect of the basal forms of psychological defense is determined by the subject's Oedipal dependence, the energy impulses of which not only affect the effectiveness of repressions, but also their integration with the dominance of the implicit structuring of the psyche in its integrity “conscious/unconscious” Although the unconscious does not fall under the direct control of the consciousness, and is not subject to its direct influence, its “human” meaning is manifested in the everyday epiphenomenology of life emotions (jealousy, envy, feelings of guilt and inferiority, ambivalence of feelings towards close people, etc.).
We take into account the fact that the “psyche” system is characterized by the priority of prosocial values, which gain dominance in the process of incorporation into the surrounding world with an archetypal-semantic load. The psyche, having received a “lesson of prosocial wisdom” (under the influence of automatisms of displacements of Id impulses from consciousness), gained experience in actualizing the adaptive alignment of the interests of the Self with society. The “extraexperiential” in the format of its own, implicitly inherent logic, affects the direction of a person's involuntary behavior, given by the leading trends of its activity. We take into account that the energy priorities of the psyche spontaneity are dependent on Oedipal factors.
In view of the above, the problem of adequate understanding of the essence of psychological defenses of the psyche arises. In psychodynamic theory, we identified two important types of defenses that functionally correspond to the features of the conscious and unconscious spheres, namely: situational and basal forms of defenses. Situational defenses are subordinated to the prosocial interests of the “Self”, and basal defenses are built on the energy of displacements. The basal initiatives of the psyche are synthesized with the archaic heritage of the humanity (Oedipal dependencies, feeling of guilt, slave ownership and subjugation, suffering, which is synthesized with masochistic-sadistic tendencies).
The system of psychological defenses contributes to the incorporation of the energy of the unconscious into the prosocial activity of the subject, connected by subjective integration processes, which automatically lead to deviations and distortions of socio-perceptual reality. Hence we can draw a conclusion: the system of psychological defenses of the “Self” of a person envisages the correlation of its two forms: basal and situational defenses, which are implemented “horizontally” and “vertically”, respectively. It is the peripheral (behavioral) “vertical” of defenses of the “Self” that carries the mission of reconciling the multidirectional tendencies of the psyche, and this is precisely what requires retreats from reality. The latter explains the importance for the psychologist to study and understand the automatisms of the subject's defense system, which, frequently, only creates the illusion of the “Self” defense by hyperbolizing the feeling of its superiority, infallibility and strength. So the irrationality of the unconscious tries to synthesize with the rationality of the conscious. This arrangement is carried out thanks to the activity of the mechanisms of subjective integration of the psyche, relying on “conditional values” [8]. At the same time, the in-depth motive has the prospect of partial realization due to conditional values that mask infantile interest as a component of the activity of the “Self”.
The integrative capacity of the system of psychological defenses is inextricably linked with deviations from reality, which it itself conditions due to the process of feedback deformation for the affirmation of the “Idealized Self”. The above causes dysfunctions of the psyche, which increase maladaptation of the personality. Automated forms of psychological defenses are dependent on the mechanisms of idealization of the “Self”, which can maladapt the psyche with the illusion of “the power of the Self”. The latter is expressed in the phenomenon of a “vicious circle”, when the desired result acquires a trigger effect for a new round of a person's defense activity. This leads to the multi-layered defenses that burden the human psyche and form its “thick skin”, which is undesirable for a psychologist. Under the conditions of mental illusions produced by “psychological defenses”, the “pleasure principle” may become dominant, which may contradict the “reality principle”. The above actualizes the need for a future psychologist to undergo in-depth psychocorrection, which contributes to the synthesis of both conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche. It is important for every person who aspires to the profession of a psychologist to understand that the “defense system of the psyche” carries out the integration of the psyche, but on imaginary and illusory grounds ( supporting the illusion of the “highness of the Self”), which causes disintegrative processes due to the actualization of deviations from reality, stimulated by the need to maintain the idealization of one's own “Self”.
The problem of deviations from socio-perceptual reality is generated by psychological defenses and is one of the most important problems of in -depth correction methodology. Therefore, the basis of ASPC is drawings material in group psychoanalytic work, in which the combination of drawing with dialogue interaction in “Psychologist ^ Respondent” system is important. This kind of work can actualize both the language of the unconscious (visualized plot images) and the language of the conscious, which is provided by the psychologist's dialogue with the respondent. Dialogue interaction is a prerequisite for the diagnostic-corrective result, which is based on the diagnostic-corrective process at both verbal (conscious language) and non-verbal (unconscious language) levels.
Philosophical and psychological format of the ASPC cognitive-corrective procedure. The methodology of the ASPC diagnostic-corrective process is aimed at optimizing the psyche, therefore it cannot ignore the detection of false, distorted positions in the phenomenon of the psyche, which primarily affect the subject's personal self-perception, which weakens the strength of their “Self”, due to the process of psyche disintegration. The subject's personal problem is an internally stabilized contradiction of the psyche, which is masked from the consciousness by psychological defenses in order to preserve the “idealized Self”. Completion of in - depth correction course is important for the future “psychologist specialist”, because under other conditions there may be complications in the adequacy of the mental reality reflection (both one's own and another person's). In general, a person's personal maladaptation contradicts the self-preservation instinct, which is professionally undesirable for a future psychologist. In -depth cognition helps to identify objective disintegration factors in the psyche of ASPC participants, which are objectified in the contradiction of behavior that needs psychocorrection. The entire psyche cognition process in ASPC groups is subject to the laws of its positive disinlegralion and secondary integration at a higher level of the subject's mental development. The specified law disciplines the optimality of the in-depth cognition process in the search for adequate and instrumental means to catalyze unconscious factors, the awareness of which contributes to the expansion and strengthening of the subject's self-awareness. Deviations from reality are objectified in discrepancies between the intentions and real actions of the person subject to psychocorrection.
The psychodynamic paradigm provides for the leveling of distortions by the psyche of the subject of socio-perceptive reality, which are characterized by fixedness in the person's psyche and individualization. The latter is consistent with the position of the Austro-English philosopher Karl Raymond Popper, the creator of the original methodological concept, which received the name “falsifiability” [7]. The falsifiability principle, i.e. refutation of (personal) scientific beliefs with the help of experience, was laid by K. Popper as the basis of the psyche cognition concept. K. Popper introduced the criterion of refutation of beliefs as a necessary prerequisite for progress towards truth. He did not trust any criterion other than practice by which the truth of certain propositions could be determined. K. Popper refused any absolutely reliable basis for the validity of knowledge, emphasizing his own appreciation of the scientific and practical significance of identifying errors, false positions, distorted “truths” that practice can reveal. He writes: “By gradually discovering and rejecting false information, we can thereby get closer to the truth” [9, p. 666]. It is difficult to disagree with K. Popper that mental phenomena are too complex, and the tip of the iceberg accessible to research attention is not its comprehensive essence. We are close to K. Popper's position already in that the entire ASPC procedure is subject to the law we discovered: “positive disintegration of the psyche and its secondary integration at the higher level of the psychological development of a subject”. It is the mechanisms of positive disintegration of the psyche that contribute to the cognition of the truth and expand the prospects of weakening false positions that set an illusory platform thanks to the subject's psychological defenses. At the same time, the emphasis falls on ensuring the positivity of the subject's psyche disintegration processes, while their integration dynamics is carried out according to the immanent and natural necessity of integration. An important role in ASPC belongs to the accuracy of diagnosing the inconsistency of the psyche, masked by psychological defenses that contribute to the establishment of false “Self” positions. Weakening of thes e positions catalyzes the processes of internal restructuring of the psyche in its integrity, which culminates in integration on a more realistic basis. This strengthens the adaptive capabilities of a person.
In the psychodynamic approach, implemented by the ASPC method, the direct experience of the subject, obtained “here and now”, in a situation characterized by the inseparability of diagnosis and psychocorrection, is put first. Detection of deviations from reality and their leveling actualizes the self-preservation of a person, which leads to self-changes, thanks to the detection of infantile-basal dysfunctions of the psyche (no one wants to be deceived, even by themselves). The detection of false positions of the subject due to the facilitating effectiveness of the psychologist catalyzes the manifestation of hidden in-depth determinants, which opens up prospects for personal growth of each participant of the in-depth cognition. Empirical evidence proves that the solution of the subject's personal problem invariably requires a positive disintegration of their psyche interconnected with its secondary integration at a higher level of the subject's mental development. The illusory fact of the psyche, which is set by the deviations from reality, acquires realism due to the subject's cognition of their own system of psychological defenses, in their ability to distort. Therefore, the psyche of the future psychologist specialist needs psychocorrection, and their own and professional interests coincide in this.
The efficiency of in-depth cognition assumes the unity of diagnosis and correction, carried out by a psychologist in the process of diagnostic and corrective dialogue with the subject of cognition. The effectiveness of the above-mentioned dialogue process depends on the professionalism of the psychologist asking questions, which are always aimed at actualizing information related to the subject's unconscious personal problems. To ask informative questions, it is important for the psychologist to be able to read the meanings based on the synthesis of the respondent's behavioral pictorial self-representation. We mean both verbal and visualized aspects of interaction in the Psychologist ^ Respondent system (hereinafter “P ^ R”). The “reliability” phenomenon is important both for the scientific cognition of the psyche and to ensure the efficiency of live interaction in the “P ^ R” system, which creates the basis for the psychologist's interpretive conclusions. The tasks of diagnosis and correction are combined, in particular, the reliability of interpretive conclusions addressed to the respondent increases the probability of their adequate acceptance of information that catalyzes psychocorrection. The continuity and comprehensiveness of the dialogue interaction, which contributes to the objectification of the logic of both conscious and unconscious activity (“other logic”), is of great importance for the researcher. Therefore, it is especially important that the dialogue awakens the involuntary initiative of the respondent's spontaneous activity, which weakens and neutralizes their resistances. Diagnostics in ASPC groups has a procedural nature and is based on the in-depth psychologist's knowledge of the functional features of the unconscious sphere of the psyche interrelated with the sphere of the conscious. Indepth cognition, as well as the ASPC correction effect, depends on the diagnostic and professional ability of the psychologist to provide psychological and professional interpretation of the behavioral material. The interpretation must take into account the systemic logic of relationships, the iterative nature of individual characteristics of behavior, their invariance, the divergence (multidirectionality) of the logic of the conscious and the logic of the unconsc ious (“different logic”), repeatability of trends, etc.
It is important not to bypass the internal stabilized contradictions of a person, which cause “energy scissors” that “cut” the strength of their”Self”. The persuasiveness and diagnostic accuracy of the analysis of the respondent's behavioral facts awakens in them the desire to change catalyzed by the self-preservation instinct. Many years of experience convinces that the study of the in -depth determinism of behavior brings results only under the conditions of its spontaneity and involuntary nature, and psychoanalysis is able to catalyze personal self-changes in behavior. The persuasiveness of psychoanalytic interpretations is determined by both their transparency and visual evidence. The diagnostic-corrective process is characterized by multilevel and multiple behavioral facts, which contributes to the expansion of the subject's self-awareness, the development of their sensitivity in understanding their own deviations from socio-perceptual realities.
Background of ASPC methodology formation during future psychologist training. Georgian scientists under the guidance of D. Uznadze tried to fill the gap in the methodology, as well as in the methods of research and cognition of the psyche in its integrity, back in the 1970s. They reduced the explanation of the unconscious sphere to the category of presets. In our opinion, the research platform of D. Uznadze's set theory is related to potentially realizable processes that have no relation to the truly unconscious, which is protected by resistances and deprived of the chance of direct manifestation in the conscious. This position is confirmed by the works of O. Tikhomirov, who notes: “We should remember that the concept of the unconscious is broader than the psychological attitude concept, which means that it is inappropriate to identify the theory of the unconscious with the theory of psychological set, just as it would be a serious methodological mistake to outline the indicated phenomenon with manifestations in its general, psychological and philosophical sense, a kind of reductionism” [4, p. 29]. We think that D. Uznadze's approach to cognition of the unconscious has not overcome the dependence on the classical view both on the direct determination of the psych e, and on its determination by the activity specifics. The set theory envisages the formation of a certain activity of the respondent a priori programmed by the researcher. The activity approach is based on the controlled determinism of the mental phenomen on, ignores concept “extra-experiential”, which is formed on the basis of a latent synthesis of traces (cells) of displacements, which cannot be set in a straightforward manner.
An in-depth approach to the cognition of the integral psyche opens up the prospects for studying the leading tendencies of behavior in their contradictory essence as latently synthesized developments. Considering the unconscious, the tendencies of the psyche are deprived of the possibility of being directly determined by the researcher. At the same time, they depend on latent processes, which are dominated by the displacements energy, which is determined by the importance of factors due to their vitality, and not by artificial determination, as it was in the studies of D. Uznadze during the formation of the set. Therefore, cognition of the unconscious sphere cannot be fully covered by the theory of set, which does not take into account the immanent orderliness, which affects the rigor of the logic of the unconscious, which is reflected in the category “pre-reflective” and “extraexperiential”. The issue of the availability of cognition of the inner experience of a person is relevant both for methodology and for psychodynamic theory, which contributes to the success of the diagnostic and correction process in ASPC groups.
Based on many years of experience of in-depth correction, we consider it appropriate to qualify “extra-experiential” as “super-experiential” or “metaexperiential”, focusing on its abstract nature as a superstructure over the respondent's immediate experience. Semantic parameters of intellectual processing of experience stimulate its transition into “meta-experiential”, subject to latent laws. Mental - operational processing of information is immanently characteristic of the psyche due to the processes of abstraction, systematization, classification, structuring, which contribute to the formation of “meta-experiential”, which is a cognitive construct that does not relate directly to research-activity (aware) aspects of the subject's activity. The above makes it possible to outline the difference between the psychoanalytic approach to the psyche cognition and the set theory developed in the format of the activity approach. The “meta-experiential” category in psychodynamic aspect of its study is based on the immanently inherent psyche, the in-depth “interests” of the mental phenomenon, which preserve the focus on self-realization, which catalyzes subject's spontaneous activity.
In view of the above, we draw the conclusion that the activity format of understanding the category of “psychic” brings irrational formations beyond the “cognition frame” that influence in-depth motivation of a person's behavior. Irrational always has a chance to become rational (conscious) in psychodynamic cognition due to the deciphering of its hidden motivational meaning. S. Freud wrote about this: “... cognizance, the only sign of the psychic processes, is given to us directly and immediately, but it cannot in any way become a criterion of difference between the systems”. And then he continues: “Striving for meta-psychological understanding of the psyche, we should not give special meaning to the symptom of “cognizance”[5, p. 489] Therefore, the founder of psychoanalysis stressed the importance of understanding the differences in the functioning of the two systems (“conscious/unconscious”), and the existence of the metapsychic, which is synthesized with the category of “collective unconscious”, which was discovered by his student K. Jung, which we attribute to the archaic unconscious [0].
Violation of the objectivity of the psyche in its reflective function is determined by the system of psychological defenses. All psychological problems of a person to some extent are associated with deviations from reality, which determines the adequacy of the subject's interaction with the surrounding world. S. Freud's view on defining a number of mechanisms of a subject's psychological defense was close to the biological view of a person as a part of nature, influenced by civilization, culture, history, traditions, upbringing. At the same time, he demarcated academicism in the approach to knowledge and understanding the secrets of a person's inner world, as well as pointed to a functional failure in the psyche in the form of a symptom. Understanding of “psychological defenses” in in-depth psychological form convinces about their dispositional-systemic structuring. We managed to distinguish two categories of the psyche defense system, in particular: “vertical” (situational, peripheral defenses) and “horizontal” (basal, archaically set defenses).
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