Artistic personality and its activity as an object of scientific research

The artistic personality and multi-vector activity as an object of scientific research require in-depth reflection and forecasting in the context of communication theories. The particular state of social relations and the culture of the social community.

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Artistic personality and its activity as an object of scientific research

Shmarenkova Nataliya,

postgraduate student of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, member of the Creative Union «Association of Pop Art Persons of Ukraine»

(Шмаренкова Наталія Вікторівна (сценічний псевдонім КАМАЛІЯ), аспірантка Київського національного університету фізичного виховання і спорту України, член Творчої спілки «АДЕМ України»,

заслужена артистка України, Місіс Світу)

The artistic personality and its multi-vector activity as an object of scientific research require in-depth reflection and forecasting in the context of modern communication theories. Thus, the conclusions of scientific developments of domestic and British scientists made it possible to objectively determine the role and place of the phenomenon of artistic personality and cultural development, primarily in mass-media and cultural-educational, artistic and artistic time space. Methodology developed in the framework of structuralism and semiotic analysis by R.Bart, W.Eco, allowed to reveal the mechanisms of the formation and reproduction of semiotic space in order to form a professional artistic personality, a highly skilled specialist and, accordingly, socio-cultural time space, environment, communicative interrelations, etc. [1, 265-268].

At the same time, it should be noted that historical and cultural methods have allowed the study of the multiplicity of relations of artistic personality in the system of cultural values and professional artistic education, in particular. Philosophical and cultural analysis enabled to comprehend the processes of aesthetization of the modern human environment, professional formation of the individual, which is capable of updating the professional environment [2, 350355]. The system approach enables to reveal the integrity and specificity of the phenomenon of artistic personality in the system of cultural, artistic and educational and educational priorities, as well as to identify the relationship between their structural elements, due to interdisciplinary and communicative interrelations.

Particular attention should be paid to the ontological and socio-cultural determinants of the artistic personality in the system of humanization processes and professional artistic education, above all. Thus, the problem of relationships, the mutual influence of social and cultural determinants in the interpretation of artistic personality is closely linked to the problem of personality formation (as one of the main components of the formation of a highly professional specialist), and therefore becomes more relevant. In modern conditions, the main, the most important reason for this is the global problem of humanizing the process of social development, humanistic human development, the philosophy of personality, political culture and culture in general [5, 189194]. Most contemporary philosophers, political scientists, cultural scientists, art critics and educators believe that the very comprehensive humanistic development of the individual is the one that will lead humanity to the solution of all existing global problems, will create conditions for further civilized development of society on the principles of national culture, education taking into account the theory of the development of the humanities in the present, first of all, in the field of artistic education.

It is no coincidence, since the 30-ies of XX-th century. The problem of the influence of various factors (determinant) on the problem of the formation of artistic personality and personality culture is devoted to many scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers. Even in the 1930's, according to the modern researcher A.O.Belik, in culture science a new direction «self- organization-culture-and-personality» appeared, which displaced the emphasis in the study of various cultures [7, 167-174]. In all previous directions, the main object of analysis was culture, its structure, types, etc. An exception was the psychological study of culture, in which a person is an individual, and the main emphasis is on the unconscious element of his psyche, while the cultural identity of man, personality, people, nation, and nation [4, 105; 6, 15-19] must be clearly demonstrated. The central issue of the «culture-and-personality» direction, especially at the first stage of its development, was the study of incultation, the analysis of the value of childhood for the peculiarities of the functioning of an adult. Significant role played by the thesis about the specific type of personality, which determines the nature of a particular culture. The emergence is directly associated with the advent of works by R.Benedict Configuration of Cultures in North America (1932) and «Models of Cultures» (1934). From the mid 50's of the XX-th century. The direction of «selforganization of the individual» by means of culture was directed at the development of generalizing cultural theories. The realization of this goal served as the works of L.Spier, I.Hallowell and S.Newton; K.Clackon and G.Murray, J.Dollard and N.Miller; J.M.Wything and I.Child; J.Honigman, F.Hsiu, J.Wallace, V.Barnov, E.Burginion and many others.

In the scheme and content of the overall structure of research of psychological anthropology, certain changes and additions have been made since the 80's of the XX-th century. Dzh.G.Meid (use as the theoretical orientation of his interactive concept and his approach to the analysis of «I»), as well as the use of general principles of the cultural-historical school M.Vygotsky-Leontiev in the comparative analysis of the influence (or lack thereof) on the psychological dimensions of personality, institutionalized forms of education in different cultures.

Notable were the shifts concerning the consideration of the problems of socio-cultural determination of the formation of personality, carried out by philosophers, culturologists, art critics and educators of Russia and Ukraine in the 90's of XX-th century. The most significant are the works of n scientists: V.S.Barulina, A.O.Belika, P.S.Gurevich, M.S.Kagana, V.M.Rosina; Ukrainian scientists: V.P.Andrushchenko, Y.K.Bystritsky, I.V.Bojchenlo, L.I.Gorenko, I.F.Nadolnyk, M.I.Mikhalchenko, V.G.Tabachkivsky, L.V.Sohan. In particular, the authors of the monograph «Culture. Ideology. Personality: Methodological and Worldview Analysis» (K., 2002) so appreciate the interaction of social and cultural determinants of artistic personality: «This interaction is carried out not in the abstract spatial-temporal environment, but in the activities and communication of people in society [2, 351-355; 3, 213-215; 4, 125]. The activity appears as a reality of culture. Without activity culture loses historical rational-sensory contours, social meaning, separates from the earth's foundation and turns into an illusion, the sources of which can be found far from always» [2, 359-360].

The analysis of the scientific problems of the aforementioned directions, schools and individual scientists regarding the sociocultural influences on the personality and the formation of a specialist testifies to significant achievements in this area of scientific activity. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the systematic consideration of the dialectic of the mutual influence of social and cultural determinants in the process of formation of the individual. This problem is still very poorly covered in scientific and educational-methodical literature, in particular, in the pedagogical aspect, taking into account the newest tasks of the artistic education of Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI-th century.

The process of mutual influence of socio-cultural and artistic and educational determinants of personality development can be considered both on the historical and cultural background, and in view of the current state of sociocultural relations and their impact on the individual. Without rejecting the need to take into account certain historical socio-cultural circumstances, we will pay more attention to the dialectics of such interpenetration in modern conditions [4, 123-125; 7, 234-255]. Bearing in mind that socio-cultural determinants - these are the social and cultural relations (in the broad sense of the term) that are being implemented, manifest themselves in the process of socio-cultural activities, which includes a certain system of elements (individual determinants), as well as the fact that cultural determinants may defined the following: the state of education, education, spiritual (cultural creativity); level of mastering a certain branch of knowledge; culture of labor, behavior; culture of the national, religious and linguistic environment (all these elements and the content of the concept of «culture of society»), it can be argued that it is precisely in the interaction of these, as well as geopolitical, biological and cultural factors, that a person is born as a phenomenon of this socio-cultural space.

Both social and cultural determinants develop objectively for certain internal, inherent reasons and according to their own laws and laws. That is, there is no unambiguous dependence or full correspondence between the state of social relations (or activities) in society and the state, level of its culture. At the same time, it is obvious that both social and cultural determinants mutually influence each other and aspire to develop in their development towards the state of their further development. Concerning a specific society, social community or individual, their state of development depends on a concrete historical situation, on the particular state of social relations and the culture of the social community in which they are located. Accordingly, if there is a need to find out the state and prospects of personality development in a particular society, then it is necessary to analyze the whole complex of geopolitical, economic and social relations in this society (or environment) and the state of culture in them. And only under such conditions it is possible to objectively determine the socio-cultural and spiritual level, the state of personality. At the same time, it makes sense to agree with those researchers who reject the unconditional socio-cultural determination of the development of each individual, which is very important in the context of the European integration processes in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI-th century.

artistic personality multi vector activity

Використані джерела

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