From the crisis of human consciousness manipulation to a new quality of fundamentality of science and education

The transformation of society in the process of globalization. Introduction of informatization in education. Rethinking human existence in philosophy. Reflection of universal values in culture. Building intersubjective relationships based on pluralism.

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Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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Dniprovsk State Technical University

From the crisis of human consciousness manipulation to a new quality of fundamentality of science and education

Kravtsov Yu., Bogomaz K., Sorokina L.


The fundamentally of modern humanities education is determined not by the translation of fundamental knowledge, through the loss of a universal and unified context of research, but by the focus on the formation of creativity as a fundamental structure of human being, on the conceptualization of activities that have productive theoretical potential. Modern transformation includes components of modernization, post-modernization, traditional retreat. Such combination of seemingly incompatible processes without category “transformation of society” would have looked eclectic, mechanistic if the transformation would be considered regardless of globalization.

The changes taking place in the modern world, the modern socio-cultural situation, require a modern man's mobility and an adequate response to modern requirements of society, put it before the need to revise traditional goals and landmarks. In the work, the authors show that in the pedagogical sense, this means that the main result of education should not be a system of knowledge, skills and skills by itself, but a set of modern key competences in the intellectual, social, legal, communicative, informational spheres.

The processes of informatization of modern education should not be understood solely as the formation of technical means that enhance the external effectiveness of the educational process; they represent those socio-cultural changes that change the tasks and image of humanitarian education in the modern world. The general tendency to change the content of education is connected with the transition from the consideration of the professional as the purpose of training to the consideration of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality as the purpose of education. One of the urgent tasks of philosophy at the present stage is to create ideas and concepts related to the problem of unity, integrity, globalization. The formulations of unity theorists invariably include among the initial and fundamental values of modern European unification the understanding of human rights and freedoms that goes back to the formulations of modern-day philosophers and to the socio-political documents of this era. This undoubtedly proves the effect of philosophical ideas and researches that precede the real process of human history.

Compared to a computer, we can say that philosophy plays the role of software in human society, that is, software, and the technical sciences - hardware, or hard-ware society. What is most expensive and important in a computer is well known: without software, the computer and all the additional devices turn into a pile of iron.So far, there have been two main trends in the field of predicting the future: utopia and dystopia. In the XIX and XX centuries was set a kind of record for the "production" of social utopias. Experience shows that they do not bring benefit to humanity and do not have a "positive" influence on the development of historical events. This is due to the fact that utopias are an escape from reality, they are trying to imagine the future in a cloudless light. One can recall such authors as Utopia, such as T. Campanela, T. More, and S. Fourier.

Presentation of the main material

Each historical era has its own individual characteristics and circumstances that must be taken into account when making a decision. However, according to synergists, the results of the selection of social structures in the process of their development influence the selection factors themselves. Therefore, unlike G. Hegel, synergists believe that participants in the historical process draw lessons from history. In today's futuristic literature, the most common predictions are based on future scenarios. Among the authors of studies of this type can be called E. Tofler, M.M. MS. Huntington, F. Fukuyama.

Huntington sees the causes of the coming conflicts in the civilizational (cultural) differences of peoples. In his book «The Clash of Civilizations» S. Huntington analyzes the world order that has emerged since the end of the Cold War and tries to predict the global trends in its development. Major conflicts of the future will occur between peoples of different cultural identities. S. Huntington even introduces the notion of "Line of fault between civilizations", clearly imitating the geological terminology of plate tectonics: it is precisely within the limits of tectonic faults that the most significant geological events occur. The analogy is reinforced by the fact that "civilizations do not mix with each other and change only on a historical scale of time" - this was the discovery made by M. Danilevsky. He also introduced into science the concept of different civilizations coexisting on the globe, the formation of which is associated with the features of the dominant landscapes [1, p.88].

The achievements of post-classical science in such areas as synergetics and chaotic dynamics allow us to take a fresh look at the process of social development as a natural alternation of order and chaos. The traditional dialectical concept, developed in the works of G. Hegel and K. Marx, is characterized by the idea of development as a process of transition from one order to another. The chaotic stage of development was either not taken into account or regarded as an insignificant moment of development.

All of the above options for further development can be considered as possible stable states of society after the chaotic stage of development. Some researchers believe that the stage of chaotic development has already come, and even called this stage of development: "postmodern". The particular characteristics of postmodernism are indeed consistent with the concept of the chaotic stage of social development.

To align human activity with the capabilities of the biosphere will require new behaviors and relationships of people, a new understanding of the nature and place of man in it. The future of all mankind depends to a great extent on how much we will be able to subordinate our individuality to a certain social need, on what ratio the utilitarian and spiritual components of social ideals will be. Negative phenomena in the environment in the interaction of man with nature occur in the case of neglect or spiritual, or utilitarian ideals.

The formation of a creative, initiative person capable of effective activity, as the main purpose of education determines the content of its target settings. The internal logic of the self-motion of the subject of the educational process, which organizes the educational space, is based on the idea of the model of competence of the person.

The model of competence of the person as the whole of the educational system assumes: social competence, which consists in mastering the rules and norms of basic social practices; awareness of one's own social and cultural identity in the historical and cultural horizon; intellectual and communicative competence, which is the ability to reflect one's own point of view, to critically check it, to change it, to relate it to other points of view, and to use modern methods, forms and technologies of communication; worldview competence, which implies tolerance of values and norms of other cultures, adoption of values of social and cultural initiative, adoption of ethical regulators that underlie responsible action; professional competence.

This model is based on the idea of the humanitarian dimension of the information society and the priorities of modern humanitarian education. In industrial society, priority was given to pragmatic, technocratic education. The peculiarity of the current situation of becoming an information society is that humanitarian dimension and humanitarian education take priority. Unlike the technocratic view, the humanitarian considers the development of the individual and the creation of conditions for his safe and dignified existence as a goal, not as his means [2, p. 18]

M. I. Romanenko, highlighting the characteristics of the post-classical philosophical and educational paradigm, draws attention to the fact that the projective component of education based on synergetic methodology comes first. At the same time, through projectivity, education acquires the traits of aesthetic creativity (a whole new paradigm indicator of the "educational society"). These conclusions are important, first of all, as recognition of the conformity of the general existential-value of modern philosophical and educational paradigm, associated with "anthropocentric restructuring of the educational process and humanization of educational practices socio-cultural reorientation in the interpretation of relationships between human and society, surrounded and ontologized these relationships by recognizing their existential meaning for each individual "[3, p. 198].

An educated person must quickly and effectively solve the tasks that determine the level of his personal competence, on which depends the degree of his cultural productivity, his social quality. Therefore, education can be considered to have taken place only when it involves not only the development of knowledge but also the formation of values. Moreover, the level of functional improvement of a specialist depends on the successful combination of functional knowledge and humanitarian training in his professional education.

The traditional concept of humanitarian education is that it has the task of learning the forms and methods of interaction of social agents, social norms, attitudes and goals, and the task of creating the conditions for the person to understand and understand his place in the social system and in the world as a whole.

Thus, it aims at forming fundamental foundations that will allow a person to solve world-view tasks, make ethical, legal or ideological choices, navigate the current socio-cultural situation.

The emergence of an information society is linked to changes in humanitarian training tasks. In modern conditions, they can be distorted. The distorted image of humanities education in the information society and its implementation in modern education are linked to two extremes in understanding the function and features of humanitarian education. First, humanitarian education is understood as a way of constructing human existence, as a universal means of solving ideological problems. It is seen as a form of manipulation of human consciousness. In the conditions of the information society, this path is dangerous because it will not allow the formation and implementation of the necessary personal competence, since it negates the responsibility and autonomy of a person based on his freedom. Second, the secondary and external character of humanitarian education is approved. This approach is based on the idea of a technocratic society, in which the humanities education does not determine the level and quality of technology development, and therefore does not affect the organization and quality of life and does not constitute the main resource of society development. The consequences of this approach are obvious - the global crisis as a result of the destruction of the form of human existence [2, p. 79].

Therefore, the fundamentality of modern humanities education is determined not by the translation of fundamental knowledge, through the loss of a universal and unified context of research, but by the focus on the formation of creativity as a fundamental structure of human being, on the conceptualization of activities that have productive theoretical potentials.

The dynamism of the society, the openness and uncertainty of the future create the conditions for the deployment of innovative processes, the development of a project culture, which is oriented to forecasting and building a new, purposeful change in social practices.The concept in the project culture system begins to fulfill the function of forming a new type of practice. Project thinking, as opposed to a research approach, is always a practice-oriented mindset aimed not only at widening the theoretical horizon but also at building a new type of practice. Creating models for constructing a social future in terms of value-semantic variability relies on understanding humanity as a new quality of fundamental science and education.

The organization of the space of activity and communication in the conditions of becoming an information society is based on its systematic understanding, which is carried out by conceptualization. It performs both the function of imagination and the function of activity management. Its instrumental character is emphasized by the interaction of theoretical and practical.

Humanitarian education is shaped by the ability to conceptualize as the basis of modern social practices through the development of value-meaning orientations of activity, the development of ways of its reflection, the formation and development of the system of differences and communication agents of social and cultural practices, through the formation of the ability of project concretization of the conceptualization. The focus on problematizing existing approaches, theories, and activities to enhance their effectiveness in fulfilling the humanitarian goals and objectives of the information society distinguishes the design of the humanities education in the information society from the traditional ideas about it, according to which it is limited to the task of transmitting knowledge. , society and their life forms

In these circumstances, humanitarian education has the task of discovering and implementing the fundamental structures of human existence, which serve as a condition for creative development and effective application of modern humanitarian knowledge. This task corresponds to the post-neoclassical image of science. It is about the unity of the human person in his communication, understanding, imagination, self-creation and world-mastery, the parameters and forms of which modern humanities education can set. The implementation of this task affects the structure, form, content and methodology of humanitarian education.

It should be noted that there are favorable conditions for the implementation of the humanitarian approach to education in the current educational situation. In today's dynamic society, value and semantic variability are needed and the impact of the advancing development of education on the formation of social innovations is recognized. The dynamically changing conceptual field of modern educational practices, the aspirations and attempts of humanization and humanization of education, taking into account the realities of the information society, are favorable factors for the creation and implementation of the concept of development of humanitarian education, which allows different ways of realization.

The necessary step-by-step changes in the structure, content, technology of humanitarian education are dictated and reflect the transformation of the forms and content of the humanities, humanitarian knowledge and knowledge.

A change in the study's landmarks, a departure from the position of a neutral observer and a universal theoretical horizon in humanitarian research lead to a change in its character. The poly-paradigm of humanitarian knowledge determines the pluralistic, open-ended nature of humanitarian inquiry. The center-hierarchical system is replaced by the space of additional systems, the communication of which forms visual areas and the content of research [4, p.14].

Humanitarian cognition is interdisciplinary, the principle of additionality determines the way in which different disciplines interact. The complex nature determines the effectiveness, theoretical productivity and direction of research. The humanities are developed by the emergence of specializations, the emergence of related fields of study, which are considered in the context of updating the fundamental structures of human existence. The information processes and structures that provide them change not only the technical, instrumental aspects of research, forms and ways of working with humanitarian material, but also themselves become an essential and necessary subject of research and a factor that determines the notion of humanitarian research and its thematic sphere. They orient contemporary humanitarian research to a sociocultural context that defines the pragmatic and projective nature of humanitarian knowledge.

Updating and expanding environmental topics, implementation of environmental projects is a necessary form of realization of the outlook set up within the framework of modern humanitarian research. The requirements of environmental safety and the results of the study of the ecological level of human existence define as a priority regulatory rather than consumer attitude to nature as a condition of harmonious human existence and sustainable development. As part of the formation of the outlook setting, a synthesis of humanitarian and natural- scientific knowledge as necessary and additional forms and levels of development of the world is carried out.

The changes taking place and the current level of humanitarian research determine the vector of transformation of humanitarian education in the conditions of formation of information society.

The development of humanitarian education, taking into account the objectives and trends of the development of education and humanitarian knowledge, involves the implementation of the principle of openness of humanitarian education to social practices and the principle of its accessibility without limiting age and geographical location. Humanitarian education in the information society involves the formation of an intention for continuing education and the ability to educate itself by creating structures, forms and technologies that provide them. A special role in the solution of this problem belongs to distance education.

The development of a liberal arts education in the information society is aimed at implementing a multidisciplinary approach, that is, assuming a multilevel and comprehensive analysis of the humanitarian phenomenon and its holistic comprehension in terms of alternative interpretative strategies that represent diverse cultural positions. This approach should ensure the effectiveness of the development and application of humanitarian knowledge and form a conscious responsible choice in terms of diversity of cultural values, cultural selfdetermination. At the level of organization of educational practice, the variability of the content of humanitarian education is assumed.

The development of a liberal arts education in an information society environment is directed towards its integration with science education. It provides the rigor and accuracy of the methodological and technical aspects of the humanities education, which largely determines its objectivity and effectiveness. It is carried out on the basis of a synthesis of theoretical and practical activities, humanitarian education is pragmatic. A form of such synthesis within humanities education is project education. The method of projects allows to reveal practically oriented character of the humanities education and to offer a pragmatic criterion of the humanities education. In this way, it is possible to involve in the educational process the social environment, which is a prerequisite for the formation of social and regional competence, the capacity for effective social action.

Summary Increasing the effectiveness of education through the achievement of the clarity and accuracy of humanitarian cognition, wherever it is possible to process a large amount of information, all this is ensured by the use of mathematical apparatus and information technology tools. However, computer science is not only of secondary importance, but also becomes a humanitarian discipline. A special place in the field of humanitarian education is given to language, rhetorical preparation, aimed at assimilation, presentation and creation of new cultural models, dialogue and polylogue of cultures.

The attempt to construct a model of social processes, which claims to be "objectivity" in the sense of not burdening any point of view, on the path of direct appeal to social phenomena, as history shows, inevitably ends with ideology. On the other hand, any social phenomenon is usually considered in any aspect, is understood within a limited set of prerequisites, and any further interpretation is carried out by private rules ("horizon of knowledge"). This means that there is no state of affairs in social life that is not affected by interpretation; moreover, the social phenomenon is never fully disclosed.

Law as one of the main guidelines for the creation of social competence of the person

One of the most important problems of modern humanitarian knowledge is the problem of answering the question: "Who am I?". This is the problem of finding an identity by an individual, a group, a society that satisfies the need for safety and protection, the need to belong to a certain group or community, the need for an individual to be recognized by others.

As noted by the famous English sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, today the study of identity is becoming an independent branch of knowledge, it is becoming a prism through which most important features of modern life are considered, evaluated and studied. At the end of the 20th century the thesis about the value of human individuality was supplemented by the statement about the importance of recognition of one or another identity by society.

The destruction of the Soviet system of values and ideals, which began with the collapse of the USSR and the contradictory emergence of a market economy, led to a loss of identification both at the individual and group level, and in society as a whole. For a long time, the totalitarian Soviet society focused on maintaining stability and order, and all innovations were considered potentially dangerous. Based on the fact that the Soviet ideology equated society and the state, it can be argued that the social identity of the Soviet people was statist as well.

It is clear that the collapse of the usual social order, the inability to adapt to rapid social changes not only objectively, but also psychologically, caused a certain "spiritual vacuum", the loss of moral guidelines and led to an acute crisis of identity, which forces people to seek and obtain new identity. Modern social transformations determine the fragmentation of social reality and the life of a specific person.

The uncertainty of human existence is a characteristic feature of today, quoting P. Bourdieu: it is present everywhere today. Modern society is not characterized by the replacement of some traditions and habits by others, as stable, reliable and rational, but a state of constant doubt, multiplicity of sources of knowledge, which makes the self more changeable and demanding constant reflection. (E. Giddens, Z. Bauman).

Flexibility, "plasticity" became the slogan of the day. Spatial mobility increased sharply. Human self-identity turns out to be fragmentary and multiple.The role of law, which is both a form of identification and a system of correct life norms-references, grows to a large extent in these conditions.

The formation of identity as a person's conformity to a certain characteristic or the role he performs in the life space is carried out in the process of socialization, interaction with others and rethinking of his own "I". Legal identity in this regard has a special character due to the contradiction of the law itself, the peculiarities of the legal consciousness and legal culture of citizens depending on the nature of the development of society, the relationship in the current legislation of the basic norms of natural and positive law.

Legal identification really depends not on the amount of knowledge, but on whether a person masters the law and its elements in such a way that they make sense to him. Law must be part of his own system of norms, values, ideas about the world. One of the main guidelines is the creation of a person's social competence, which cannot be determined only by the sum of visual knowledge and skills, since a significant role in its manifestation belongs to circumstances An important characteristic of the legal space is the set of available types of activity and the possibility of inclusion in it. It is this that forms not only the operational, but also the motivational and value structure of a person.

People can and should create their own legal space, which consists of a set of conditions that allow forming a certain system of life of an institution, school, student organizations. And this is the first experience school students get when they accept, for example, the Charter of School Life, openly declaring their rights to adults for the first time. A modern graduate needs to have "critical" thinking, the ability to act in real social conditions, to build his own life trajectory, to have experience of independent activity and personal responsibility.

Today, in our opinion, intersubjectivity becomes a formative factor of communicative situations in the process of establishing legal reality. Modern society is characterized not by the replacement of some traditions and habits by others, which are equally stable, reliable and rational, but by a state of constant doubt, multiplicity of sources of knowledge, which makes the self more changeable and in need of constant reflection / E. Giddens.Z. Bauman/. The slogan of the day was flexibility, "plasticity". Spatial mobility has increased dramatically. Human self-identity turns out to be fragmentary and multiple. To a large extent, under these conditions, the role of law, which is both a form of identification and a system of correct life norms, is growing.

The formation of identity as a person's correspondence to a certain characteristic or the role he performs in the life space is carried out in the process of socialization, interaction with others and reinterpretation of his own "I". Legal identity in this regard has a special character due to the contradiction of the law itself, the peculiarities of the legal awareness and legal culture of citizens depending on the nature of the development of society, the relationship in the current legislation of the basic norms of natural and positive law.

Legal identification really depends not on the amount of knowledge, but on whether a person learns the law and its elements in such a way that they make sense to him. The law must enter into his own system of norms, values, ideas about the world. One of the main guidelines is the development of the social competence of an individual, which cannot be determined only by the sum of subject knowledge and skills, since a significant role in its manifestation belongs to the circumstances. globalization philosophy society culture

An important characteristic of the legal space is the set of available types of activity and the possibility of inclusion in it. It is this that forms not only the operational, but also the motivational and value structure of the individual.

The ultimate goal of knowledge of any phenomenon of the surrounding reality is objectivity, which can be achieved only by focusing on the process of knowledge, and not on the external features of the object. It is this approach that makes it possible to draw a conclusion about reduction as the main method of phenomenology, the essence of which consists in "taking the world in parentheses", that is, refraining from judgments about its real existence. This method allows one to move away from the very obviousness of the phenomena of the surrounding reality, which misleads him, and acquires the possibility of objective, transcendental knowledge.

However, modern realities require not only a rethinking of certain provisions of the theory of sources of law, but also a philosophical study of legal phenomenology, which tries to determine the essence of law from its own positions, applying the acquisition of the philosophy of law in practice, through the construction of intersubjective relations of social communication of individuals, the main forms of which are conflict and cooperation.

Scientific developments related to the stated problems represent serious theoretical assets that need to be systematized starting from the origins of phenomenology and ending with its constituent part - legal phenomenology.

In revealing the identification of one's own life trajectory, acquiring experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of a person of law today has a special place.

People can and should create their own legal space, consisting of a set of conditions that allow forming a certain way of life of an institution, school, student organization. And the students of the school get such a first experience by accepting, for example, the Charter of School Life, when children openly declare their rights to adults for the first time.

A modern graduate needs to have "critical" thinking, the ability to act in real social conditions, to build his own life trajectory, to have experience of independent activity and personal responsibility.

Situations in the legal space are determined by the position of the actor himself, his identity. Acquaintance with legal situations as situations of choice, analysis of the position and actions of the person who is their subject, creates conditions for personal self-determination - for finding an answer to the question "Who am I, what do I want?" A person acting in society is the subject of many types of legal relations - civil, administrative, labor, family, etc. The use of appropriate legal material in education contributes to the formation of a complex multidimensional self-image, the flow of the identification process. The need to act taking into account the position of other people, taking into account legal norms, becomes a condition for the development of the "I" of a person, as a complex organization in relation to the "I" of other people.


The universal value horizon, perceptions of universal values are not reflected in contemporary cultural practices. On the one hand, culture becomes value-oriented, its phenomena become the object of appreciation, values and structure and organization, on the other hand, value pluralism, polyparadigmality, relativism and irreducibility of values are apparent to one another.


1. Kivlyuk O. P. (2011) Informatization and information and civilization: social and philosophical aspect [Electronic resource] / O. P. Kivlyuk.-Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

2. Lotman lu. M.(1988) Text and audience structury. - Riga. Daugava [in Latvian].

3. Romanenko M.I.(2003) Social and paradigm-cognitive determinants ofdevelopment of modern education. Doctors tesis. Dnepr.[in Ukrainian]

4. Chernavskyj D. S.(2000) The problem of the origin of life in thinking from the point of view of modern physics/ Uspekhy fyzycheskykh nauk. T. 170(2) (157-183) [in Ukrainian].


От кризиса манипулирования человеческим сознанием к новому качеству фундаментальности науки и образования

Фундаментальность современного гуманитарного образования определяется не трансляцией фундаментальных знаний через утрату универсального и унифицированного контекста исследований, а ориентацией на формирование креативности как фундаментальной структуры человеческого бытия, на концептуализацию видов деятельности, обладающих продуктивным теоретическим потенциалом. Современная трансформация включает в себя компоненты модернизации, постмодернизма, традиционного отступления. Такое сочетание, казалось бы, несовместимых процессов без категории “трансформация общества” выглядело бы эклектичным, механистичным, если бы трансформация рассматривалась независимо от глобализации.

Изменения, происходящие в современном мире, современная социокультурная ситуация, требуют от современного человека мобильности и адекватного реагирования на современные требования общества, ставят его перед необходимостью пересмотра традиционных целей и ориентиров. В работе авторы показывают, что в педагогическом смысле это означает, что главным результатом образования должна быть не система знаний, умений и навыков сама по себе, а набор современных ключевых компетенций в интеллектуальной, социальной, правовой, коммуникативной, информационной сферах.

Процессы информатизации современного образования не следует понимать исключительно как формирование технических средств, повышающих внешнюю эффективность образовательного процесса; они представляют собой те социокультурные изменения, которые меняют задачи и имидж гуманитарного образования в современном мире. Общая тенденция к изменению содержания образования связана с переходом от рассмотрения профессионала как цели обучения к рассмотрению всесторонне и гармонично развитой личности как цели образования. Одной из актуальных задач философии на современном этапе является создание идей и концепций, связанных с проблемой единства, целостности, глобализации. Формулировки теоретиков единства неизменно включают в число исходных и фундаментальных ценностей современного европейского объединения понимание прав и свобод человека, восходящее к формулировкам современных философов и социально-политическим документам той эпохи. Это, несомненно, доказывает влияние философских идей и исследований, которые предшествуют реальному процессу человеческой истории.

По сравнению с компьютером мы можем сказать, что философия играет в человеческом обществе роль программного обеспечения, то есть софта, а технические науки - аппаратного обеспечения, или hardware-ware society. Что самое дорогое и важное в компьютере, хорошо известно: без программного обеспечения компьютер и все дополнительные устройства превращаются в груду железа. До сих пор в области предсказания будущего было два основных направления: утопия и антиутопия. В XIX и XX веках был установлен своеобразный рекорд по "производству" социальных утопий. Опыт показывает, что они не приносят пользы человечеству и не оказывают "положительного" влияния на развитие исторических событий. Это связано с тем, что утопии - это бегство от реальности, попытка представить будущее в безоблачном свете. Можно вспомнить таких авторов "Утопии", как Т. Кампанела, Т. Мор и С. Фурье.

Конечной целью познания любого явления окружающей действительности является объективность, которая может быть достигнута только путем сосредоточения внимания на процессе познания, а не на внешних признаках объекта. Именно такой подход позволяет сделать вывод о редукции как основном методе феноменологии, суть которого заключается в том, чтобы "взять мир за скобки", то есть воздержаться от суждений о его реальном существовании. Этот метод позволяет человеку отойти от самой очевидности явлений окружающей действительности, которая вводит его в заблуждение, и приобретает возможность объективного, трансцендентального познания.

Однако современные реалии требуют не только переосмысления отдельных положений теории источников права, но и философского изучения юридической феноменологии, которая пытается определить сущность права со своих собственных позиций, применяя приобретения философии права на практике, посредством построения интерсубъективных отношений права, социальная коммуникация индивидов, основными формами которой являются конфликт и сотрудничество.

Вывод: Общечеловеческий ценностный горизонт, восприятие общечеловеческих ценностей не находят отражения в современных культурных практиках. С одной стороны, культура становится ценностно-ориентированной, ее явления становятся объектом оценки, ценности приобретают структуру и организованность, с другой стороны, очевидны ценностный плюрализм, полипарадигмальность, релятивизм и несводимость ценностей друг к другу.

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