Digital ethics in philosophical dimension
The article interprets digital ethics in a philosophical context as a science of morality in its structural and functional aspect. The authors explain the background of the studied phenomenon at the theoretical, normative and practical-applied levels.
Рубрика | Философия |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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Digital ethics in philosophical dimension
M. Dmytrenko
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
T. Chubina
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Faculty of Civil Protection, Department of Social Sciences Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chernobyl of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine
Dmytrenko M., Chubina T. Digital ethics in philosophical dimension. - Article.
The article interprets digital ethics in a philosophical context as a science of morality in its structural and functional aspect. The authors explain the background of the studied phenomenon at the theoretical, normative and practical-applied levels. Addressing the issues of digital ethics is emphasized as essential to developing trust, responsibility and ethical behavior in our increasingly digital and interconnected world. It is proven that the main principles of digital ethics are closely related to the general trends of the development of society, which makes it necessary for people to develop such qualities as critical thinking, flexibility, quick decision-making and adaptation to new situations. The importance of developing ethical knowledge and analytics in general is also emphasized. The social reasons for the relevance of the development of digital ethics, which include such phenomena as data privacy, digital citizenship, artificial intelligence and automation, and disinformation, are studied and analyzed. Examples of aspects of digital ethics that affect our daily interactions with technology at the individual, organizational, and societal levels are described. The relationship between digital ethics and communicative behavior is considered. Barriers to the development of digital ethics are highlighted, namely the novelty of the digital landscape, unintended consequences, competing values, power and responsibility, cultural differences. The authors conclude that the application of the principles of digital ethics contributes to the creation of a more responsible, inclusive and safe digital environment for all. In general, digital ethics is a philosophical discipline that helps navigate the moral issues of the digital world. It encourages awareness of ethical aspects, reflection and responsible actions in the conditions of complex moral dilemmas of the modern digital age.
Key words: digital ethics, philosophy, values, culture, communication, society. digital ethics philosophical
Дмитренко М., Чубіна Т. Цифрова етика у філософському вимірі. - Стаття.
Стаття інтерпретує цифрову етику у філософському контексті як науку про мораль у її структурно-функціональному аспекті. Автори викладають підґрунтя досліджуваного явища на теоретичному, нормативному і практично-прикладному рівнях. Наголошено, що вирішення питань цифрової етики є необхідним для розвитку довіри, відповідальності та етичної поведінки у нашому все більш цифровому та взаємопов'язаному світі. Доведено, що основні принципи цифрової етики тісно пов'язані з загальними тенденціями розвитку суспільства, що викликає необхідність розвитку у людей таких якостей, як критичне мислення, гнучкість, швидке прийняття рішень та адаптація до нових ситуацій. Також підкреслюється важливість розвитку етичних знань та аналітики загалом. Досліджено та проаналізовано соціальні причини актуальності розвитку цифрової етики, до який належать такі явища як конфіденційність даних, цифрове громадянство, штучний інтелект та автоматизація, дезінформація. Описано прикладі аспекти цифрової етики, які впливають на нашу щоденну взаємодію з технологіями на індивідуальному, організаційному та суспільному рівнях. Висвітлено тему взаємозв'язку цифрової етики та комунікативної поведінки. Виокремлено перешкоди для розвитку цифрової етики, а саме новизна цифрового ландшафту, непередбачувані наслідки, конфлікт цінностей, влада та відповідальність, культурні відмінності. Автори доходять висновку, що застосування принципів цифрової етики сприяє створенню більш відповідального, інклюзивного та безпечного цифрового середовища для всіх. Загалом, цифрова етика є філософською дисципліною, що допомагає орієнтуватися у моральних питаннях цифрового світу. Вона заохочує до усвідомлення етичних аспектів, роздумів та відповідальних дій в умовах складних моральних дилем сучасної цифрової епохи.
Ключові слова: цифрова етика, філософія, цінності, культура, комунікація, суспільство.
Problem statement and its connection with important research or practical tasks. Having penetrated into all spheres of human activity digital technologies have moved the society into a new digital reality. The emerged reality is unique and has no analogues in the surrounding world. Digitization of society in political, economic, moral, legal and other spheres evokes the need to investigate social and humanitarian knowledge that will enable improving and updating mechanisms regulating and controlling human behavioral stereotypes. The subject of philosophical understanding shifts to the processes that influence the formation of values of the highest humanistic potential and thus raise the general level of culture.
Currently, the issue of digital ethics is relevant due to several reasons. They can be grouped into such categories as data privacy, digital citizenship, artificial intelligence and automation, misinformation and disinformation and cybersecurity. Let us have a closer look at each of them.
Data Privacy. With the increasing amount of personal data being collected, stored, and shared online, there are concerns about how this information is being used and protected.
Digital Citizenship. As technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is important to educate individuals about responsible online behavior, including how to navigate digital spaces ethically and respectfully.
Artificial Intelligence and Automation. Advances in AI and automation raise questions about the ethical implications of algorithms and decisionmaking processes, including issues related to bias, discrimination, and accountability.
Misinformation and Disinformation. The spread of false or misleading information online can have significant societal consequences, such as influencing public opinion, undermining trust in institutions, and even posing threats to democracy.
Cybersecurity. Ethical considerations are crucial in the realm of cybersecurity, where individuals and organizations must balance the need for protecting sensitive information with respecting individual privacy rights.
Overall, addressing digital ethics is essential for promoting trust, accountability, and responsible behavior in our increasingly digital and interconnected world.
Nowadays, in terms of philosophical analysis, the focus is on the social changes that encourage an individual to perform independent practical activity, combined with creativity, fast decision-making, behavior choice making in non-standard situations, the ability to predict social processes and personal future. At the same time, current social conditions are impressive in their complexity and speed of changes present in almost all spheres of social life. The processes that dominate the information- integrated society force an individual to be critical, flexible, able to adapt to any new situation, thanks to a change in the strategy of their behavior, to improve their own moral and psychological qualities to act for the benefit of oneself and the loved ones, the human community as a whole. In this regard, there is an increasing demand to expand ethical knowledge and ethical analytics in general.
Latest publications. The representatives of various fields of socio-humanitarian knowledge research the issue of defining new horizons in the existence of the modern state of ethics knowledge: philosophers, sociologists, economists, psychologists, linguists. Philosophers debate whether existing ethical frameworks can be applied to the digital world, or if new principles are needed for this unique landscape. We mean the information ethics, which emphasizes moral and legal requirements to behavior of people in a situation of unlimited information space. There are studies of digital ethics in the field of international politics, which is based on common moral values and ethical strategies [1, 2]. We cannot but mention the researchers that consider the problems of digital ethics, its concepts, functions and improvement of digital culture in general [3]. The modern understanding of the studies phenomenon is not complete without the exploration of its origin and roots [4]. It has become a sign of the present to address the problems of the culture of behavior in its modern form, which is called digital etiquette in both theoretical and practical terms [5].
Characterizing the degree of development of the issues of digital ethics and representation of personality in the network space, it should be noted that there are publications in which various philosophical aspects of digital culture are highlighted. However, it is necessary to emphasize that much remains debatable and uncertain.
The purpose of the research. Our research is aimed to explore the conceptual framework of digital ethics as part of philosophy highlighting its features and barriers.
Main body. We understand the concept of digital ethics as the scientific direction that investigates modern moral problems of the society of global communications, focusing on the impact of information on human relationships and spiritual life.
The study of digital ethics and its influence on the representation of an individual in network space is based on a number of principles of scientific knowledge. They include systematicity, the unity of the historical and logical, the descent from the abstract to specific, main provisions of dialectics (general connection and development), as well as synergetics (the ratio of order and chaos in systems that are organized independently). The basis of the study is the use of generalizations phenomenology, hermeneutics, structural and functional analysis, as well as methods of scientific and theoretical ethical knowledge: dialogicity, additionality and contextuality.
When investigating digital ethics, we have highlighted its main features: transparency, privacy, accuracy, fairness, accountability, informed consent, cultural and social context, access, ownership, digital citizenship and justice. It is essential to be transparent about how information is collected, used, and shared. This includes disclosing data practices, algorithms, and potential biases to users to promote trust and accountability. Respecting individuals' privacy rights and ensuring that personal information is collected and handled in a secure and ethical manner so that it is protected from unauthorized access or misuse. Ensuring that information is accurate, reliable, and factually correct involves verifying sources and avoiding the dissemination of false or misleading information. Fairness means treating all individuals fairly and avoiding discrimination or bias in the collection, analysis, and use of data. Holding individuals and organizations accountable for their actions and decisions regarding information ethics includes establishing mechanisms for oversight, transparency, and redress in cases of misconduct. Obtaining informed consent from individuals before collecting their personal information or using it for specific purposes involves providing clear and understandable information about data practices and giving individuals the choice to opt-in or opt- out. Recognizing that ethical considerations may vary across different cultures and societies. It is essential to consider the cultural and social norms, values, and perspectives of diverse communities when addressing information ethics issues. There are ethical considerations surrounding access to information, including issues of digital divide and information inequality. Individuals, organizations, and societies have rights and responsibilities regarding intellectual property and data ownership. Ethical norms and behaviors guide individuals' interactions in digital spaces, including issues of online civility, respect, and responsibility. Digital ethics promotes social justice, equity, and inclusion in the distribution and use of information resources.
Digital ethics also grapples with the ethical implications of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and surveillance systems. It seeks to anticipate and address ethical challenges arising from technological advancements and to promote ethical decision-making in the design, development, and deployment of information systems.
Long-term Implications: Considering the longterm consequences of information practices and technologies on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. This includes anticipating potential risks and unintended consequences and taking proactive measures to mitigate them.
By addressing these crucial aspects, one can promote ethical behavior, trust, and integrity in handling and use of information in various contexts.
Digital ethics, as a subset of philosophy, is the branch of philosophical inquiry that examines the ethical implications of the creation, dissemination, storage, and use of information. It addresses questions concerning the moral responsibilities, values, and principles that should govern individuals, organizations, and societies in their interactions with information and communication technologies.
At its core, digital ethics seeks to:
Analyze Ethical Dilemmas: Digital ethics examines complex ethical dilemmas that arise in the digital age, such as issues of privacy, intellectual property, censorship, surveillance, and access to information. It seeks to identify underlying moral principles and values that can guide ethical decisionmaking in these contexts.
Establish Ethical Guidelines: Digital ethics aims to develop ethical guidelines, standards, and frameworks to promote responsible behavior in the handling and use of information. This includes principles such as transparency, accountability, fairness, and respect for individuals' rights and autonomy.
Address Emerging Technologies: Digital ethics evaluates the ethical implications of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, biometrics, and surveillance technologies. It examines how these technologies influence individuals, communities, and society as a whole, and seeks to anticipate and address potential ethical challenges.
Promote Social Justice: Digital ethics advocates for social justice, equity, and inclusion in the distribution and access to information resources. It considers how information technologies can either reinforce or challenge existing power structures and seeks to promote greater fairness and equality in the digital realm.
Engage in Ethical Reflection: Digital ethics encourages individuals and organizations to engage in ethical reflection and critical inquiry about their information practices and technologies. It encourages stakeholders to consider the broader ethical implications of their actions and decisions and to strive for ethical excellence in their conduct.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy concerned with what is morally right. It studies moral principles on both a societal and individual level, including how people develop ethical behavior and the impact of their actions. It also examines the connection between morality and personal character as expressed in communication.
Ethical knowledge is built on a foundation of core human values like kindness, fairness, and responsibility. These values are interpreted and applied differently throughout history and cultures. The connection between ethical theory and real- life actions is why ethics is considered practical philosophy. Aristotle, an early ethical thinker, emphasized that ethics isn't just about abstract good, but about achieving good things in concrete ways.
Morality is a social activity where people make value judgments based on reason. According to Kant, morality involves following universal moral laws, even if they are self-imposed.
Ethics also has a normative aspect, which focuses on the positive potential of morality. This involves justifying moral principles and putting them into practice through good deeds and behavior. Normative ethics defines acceptable behavior and establishes standards for moral conduct, ultimately shaping an ideal of what it means to be a good person.
Digital ethics goes beyond philosophical discussions. Practical ethics emerged from the need to apply moral principles in real-world activities. It focuses on creating typical examples of ethical behavior for different situations. This is particularly important in fields that have become more complex recently, such as manufacturing, government work, professions, and areas like management, trade, finance, and so on. In these areas, clear guidelines for ethical conduct are especially valuable.
It has applications that affect our daily interactions with technology. Digital ethics translates into practical actions at an individual, organizational and societal level.
At an individual level, privacy settings, critical thinking, digital footprint cybersecurity and communication are meant. Being mindful of your privacy settings on social media platforms and apps allows you to control who sees your information and how it is used. Developing the skill to evaluate information critically, you encounter online includes questioning sources, checking for bias, and verifying facts before sharing. Considering the impact of your online content and being mindful of what you post and share can help you maintain a positive digital reputation. Practicing good cybersecurity habits to protect yourself from online threats like phishing attacks and malware includes using strong passwords and being cautious about clicking on suspicious links. Treating others with respect online, even in anonymous environments, avoiding spreading misinformation and engaging in civil discussions make digital communication ethical.
The organizational level covers data security, algorithmic bias and digital accessibility. It makes up an additional and essential branch of corporate culture. Organizations have a responsibility to protect user data by implementing robust security measures. This includes being transparent about data collection practices and obtaining user consent. Being aware of potential biases in algorithms used for things like content recommendation or job applications, companies should strive to develop fair and unbiased algorithms. Designing technology that is inclusive and accessible for everyone, regardless of ability is an important goal of any organization.
Societal level deals with digital divide, content moderation, regulation of AI. Addressing the gap in access to technology and digital literacy skills between different populations can help ensure everyone can participate in the digital world. Having open discussions about online content moderation and finding the balance between free speech and addressing harmful content is vital. It is expedient to work out ethical frameworks for the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence.
By incorporating these practical aspects of digital ethics, we can create a more responsible, inclusive, and secure digital environment for everyone.
As we can wee from the above, digital ethics and communicative behavior are deeply intertwined. Qualitative characteristics of the communicative behavior of representatives of a certain community are determined by their communicative consciousness. Depending on the subject of consciousness (an individual or a community of people) communicative consciousness can be individual or social, which have multiple realizations according to anthropological or social characteristics of the bearers of consciousness, for example gender, age, professional, etc. [6]
The online world can offer a cloak of anonymity, which can sometimes lead to a decline in civility and a rise in rude or offensive behavior. Digital ethics asks us to consider how to maintain respectful communication even when hidden by a screen. The ease of sharing information online can be a double-edged sword. Digital ethics emphasizes the importance of evaluating information critically and communicating responsibly to avoid spreading misinformation and bias. Words can have a powerful impact online, even more so due to the potential for messages to go viral. Digital ethics encourages mindful communication, considering the potential consequences of our words before hitting send. Communicating ethically online goes hand in hand with being a good digital citizen. This means being responsible for the content we share, being aware of our digital footprint, and engaging with others constructively.
Digital ethics helps us understand the nuances of communication in different online environments. For example, the expectations of a professional email might differ greatly from a casual conversation on social media.
In the digital space of modern culture, moral reflexivity the individual acquires special importance, first of all, in the choice of value guidelines, following personal priorities. It should be taken into account that value orientations can be both real and imaginary. They motivate behavior and also directly influence the forms of deeds and actions, broadcasting both virtue and vice. Digital space includes the possibility of both the formation and maintenance of moral culture, and becomes a condition for its decline and even destruction. Ethical principles in these processes are able to predict and anticipate promising changes in morale atmosphere of society in general and their role in digital communications in particular. It testifies to the protective function of ethical normativity due to mechanisms of conscious restriction of varying degrees of severity in order to prevent destruction of the digital personality. Thus, ethical principles are transformed into moral qualities and activities of users with a positive effectiveness, which produces benefits in the universal form of goodness, truth and beauty.
From a philosophical perspective, developing digital ethics faces several key barriers:
Novelty of the Digital Landscape: Philosophy grapples with established concepts and principles. The digital world, with its constant evolution, presents new situations and challenges that traditional ethical frameworks may not fully encompass.
Unintended Consequences: Predicting the longterm effects of new technologies can be difficult. Ethical dilemmas may arise from unforeseen applications or unintended consequences of technological advancements.
Competing Values: The digital world often presents conflicts between different ethical principles. For example, privacy may conflict with security, or freedom of speech may clash with the need to combat online harassment.
Power and Responsibility: Digital technologies are often concentrated in the hands of a few powerful companies. Philosophers debate how to distribute responsibility for the impact of these technologies ethically.
Global Scope vs. Cultural Differences: Digital ethics needs to address global issues, but cultural norms and values regarding technology can vary widely. Finding a universal framework that respects these differences can be challenging.
By being mindful of the investigated factors, we can foster more ethical and positive communication practices in the digital age.
Overall, digital ethics as part of philosophy provides a theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding and addressing the ethical dimensions of information in contemporary society. It emphasizes the importance of ethical awareness, deliberation, and action in navigating the complex moral terrain of the digital age.
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Rashica V. The Benefits and Risks of Digital
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Floridi L., Cath C., Taddeo M. Digital Ethics: Its Nature and Scope URL: publication/336430656_Digital_Ethics_Its_Nature_ and_Scope
Muller, Vincent C., History of digital ethics. Oxford handbook of digital ethics URL: archive/MLLHODv2
Mangkhang C. & Kaewpanya N. The Digital Etiquette Enhancing to Global Citizenship of Social Studies Teachers in a New Normal Society URL:
Іванова І. Засвоєння комунікативних моделей поведінки у процесі співвивчення мов і культур як основа розвитку полікультурної особистості. Наукові записки Ніжинського державного університету ім. М. Гоголя. Психологопедагогічні науки. 2013. № 3. С. 107-110.
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