Information resources on philosophy in Azerbaijan

After our country regained its independence, as a result of successive reforms carried out in all spheres of social life the creation of qualitatively new conditions in the education system led to the emergence of a new perspective on philosophy teaching.

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Information resources on philosophy in Azerbaijan

Islamov Islam

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.,

Yusifova Gulnare

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.,

Ismayilov Nadir

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.,

Baku State University (Baku, Azerbaijan)


After our country regained its independence, as a result of successive reforms carried out in all spheres of social life, the creation of qualitatively new conditions in the education system led to the emergence of a new perspective on the issues of philosophy research and teaching. One of the important tasks ahead in the fundamental scientific-research works created in this field is, first of all, to restore the lost connections of philosophy with real life, to strengthen the empirical base of this science without being limited to general, theoretical concepts, and to reconcile the theory with reality, which is the main line of the development of philosophy. Currently, in the conditions of dynamic processes such as market relations based on free competition, the formation of a legal state and civil society, the strengthening of economic and cultural integration of Azerbaijan with the world community, the issue of philosophical interpretation and generalization of all these events has come to the fore. From this point of view, the issue of writing articles on the science of philosophy and showing solutions to existing problems in this field is of great importance in terms of forming a correct and complete worldview in young people. Philosophy is a system of theoretical knowledge. He solves worldview issues in a consistent, deliberate manner, relying on solid evidence. Therefore, only by studying philosophy, people can eliminate the superficiality and errors in their spontaneously formed ideas about the world, and get thoughtful, systematic and accurate information about the world. At one time, Descartes showed that "only philosophy distinguishes us from savages and barbarians. The level of citizenship and education of any nation depends on its good philosophizing" (Pashayev, 1999). Philosophy literally means life. Therefore, true philosophical thinking is incompatible with abstract schemes and stereotypes. It is not by chance that it is called "spiritual substance of the era", "self-awareness of the era".philosophy social life

Keywords: document flow, philosophy, analytical and continental philosophy, information resources, epistemology

Інформаційні ресурси з філософії в Азербайджані

Ісламов Іслам, Юсіфова Гульнаре, Ісмайлов Надір

Бакинський державний університет (Баку, Азербайджан)


Після здобуття нашою державою незалежності в результаті послідовних реформ, проведених у всіх сферах суспільного життя, створення якісно нових умов у системі освіти призвело до появи нового погляду на проблеми дослідження та викладання філософії. Одним із важливих завдань, які стоять перед фундаментальними науково-дослідницькими роботами, що створюються в цій галузі, є, насамперед, відновлення втрачених зв'язків філософії з реальним життям, зміцнення емпіричної бази цієї науки, не обмежуючись загальними, теоретичними поняттями, і узгодити теорію з дійсністю, що є магістральною лінією розвитку філософії. В даний час в умовах динамічних процесів, таких як ринкові відносини, засновані на вільній конкуренції, формування правової держави і громадянського суспільства, зміцнення економічної і культурної інтеграції Азербайджану в світове співтовариство, постає питання філософського тлумачення і узагальнення - всі ці події вийшли на перший план. З цієї точки зору питання написання статей з філософської науки та показ шляхів вирішення існуючих проблем у цій галузі має велике значення з точки зору формування правильного і повного світогляду у молоді. Філософія - це система теоретичних знань. Вона вирішує світоглядні питання послідовно, виважено, спираючись на вагомі докази. Тому лише вивчаючи філософію, люди можуть усунути поверховість і помилки у своїх спонтанно сформованих уявленнях про світ, отримати продуману, систематизовану і точну інформацію про світ. Свого часу Декарт показав, що «тільки філософія відрізняє нас від дикунів і варварів. Рівень громадянськості й освіченості будь-якої нації залежить від її доброго філософствування» (Pashayev, 1999). Філософія буквально означає життя. Тому справжнє філософське мислення несумісне з абстрактними схемами та стереотипами. Не випадково його називають «духовною субстанцією епохи», «самосвідомістю епохи».

Ключові слова: документообіг, філософія, аналітична та континентальна філософія, інформаційні ресурси, епістемологія


The word "philosophy" was used for the first time by the Greek thinker Pythagoras (6th century BC) and called himself a philosopher. Etymologically, "philosophy" is derived from the combination of the Greek words "phileo" - "love" and "sopia" - "wisdom", and its meaning is "to love wisdom" (Hajiyev, 2012). Apparently, the word wisdom gives the key to understanding the meaning of philosophy. The famous Azerbaijani philosopher and scientist Nasreddin Tusi explains the meaning of wisdom in his famous work "Ethical - Nasiri": "Among the enlightened, doing everything as it is is called wisdom; as a result of this, a person's spirituality should improve as much as possible and rise to the desired level". Pirani people who love wisdom, know it and preach it, are usually called wise (Imanov, 2010). The formation of philosophy is directly related to wisdom. The majestic image of Athena, the goddess of wisdom of the ancient Greeks, was the image of an awesome owl (Nazarova, 2014).

Research methods of the article.

The article includes analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, statistics, etc. such scientific methods are taken as a basis. The comparative statistical method was used in the research process.


The study of document-information resources on philosophy is the most important condition for evaluating the current situation, trends and development prospects in this field. The scientific information obtained with the help of the conducted research is successfully applied in various assessment processes, which in turn allows to accurately determine the development of the scientific direction in philosophy. Studying the flow of documents in the field of philosophy has had a positive effect on the elimination of problems in this field in the future.

During the investigation of the works of local and foreign authors, we found out that philosophical topics are closely related to people's real life. In this sense, the importance of philosophy is expressed in the following:

it creates an emotional-volitional mood that is important for practical activity;

shows how well the subject corresponds to the relevant type of creativity;

shapes people's life activity types;

ensures that they are tested and that the possible becomes a reality;

gives a person a program for self-realization;

determines the citizenship position, meaning and practice of his life.

The creation of primary document-informational resources on philosophy in Azerbaijan is connected with the name of Abulhasan Bahmanyar al-Azerbaijani (993-1066). He had a number of valuable works ("Book of Education", "Book of Ornaments on Logic", "Book of Beauty and Happiness", "Treatise on the Subject of Metaphysics", "Floors of Existence"). "Education book" has a special place among them. It was one of the important sources for studying logic, metaphysics and nature during the Middle Ages (Mammadov, 2006).

From the beginning of the 14th century to the 2nd half of the 19th century, the themes that exist in Azerbaijani literature can be considered either lyrical or mystical- philosophical. The Shia theme in Azerbaijani literature was mystical-philosophical in the early days, benefiting from the wide range of themes of various Shia sects and Sufi associations. In the poems of the Azerbaijani poet Habibi, who lived at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century, the contents related to hurufism found their place. He wrote philosophical poems on the themes of love and Sufism with clear and vivid metaphors (Allahyarova, 2005).

As a result of the establishment of the Safavid empire at the beginning of the 16th century and the recapture of Shirvan and Iranian Azerbaijan by Shah I Abbas after the short-term Ottoman rule at the beginning of the 17th century, Sunni Persian, Azerbaijani and Kurdish scientists moved to the Ottoman Empire (Bagirov, 2009). This event led to the increase of interest in philosophical sciences in the Ottoman Empire and the development of document-information resources in this field during this period. These scholars who escaped from the Safavid Empire brought with them new scientific works in the field of logical sciences to the Ottoman Empire and gained fame as skilled teachers (Philosophy, 1999). Shamseddin Samarkandi's work "Al-Risala fi adab al-baht" was studied together with the commentary of Masud Shirvani in the Ottoman Empire. One of the works of the famous scholar of his time Mammad Amin Sadruddin Shirvanizadeh was Mammad Farnari's treatise dedicated to the interpretation of Asiruddin Abhari's "Isaguji", which is considered one of the fundamental documents related to philosophy at that time (Philosophy, 1997).

In the 19th century, with the accession of Azerbaijan to Russia, the ideology of enlightenment was born, which wanted the country to be westernized. Enlighteners criticized the country's lagging behind Europe and religious ignorance (Taghiyev, 2012). Although the Azerbaijani scientist Abbasgulu Agha Bakikhanov thought that people would get rid of being left behind through science and learning, he believed in harmony between science and religion. In "Education of Morals" he discussed Islamic teachings and compared them with Greek philosophy and Western values. Bakikhanov's "Book of Advice" has many similarities with the work "Kutadgu-bilik" from the Karakhanid era in terms of its message. Mirza Fatali Akhundov expressed his philosophical views in his works such as "Letters with Kemaluddov", "On the topic of Mollayi-Rumin and his classification", "The answer to the doctor-English Yuma", "About one word". He criticized the foundations of Islam, the despotic feudal state, and the aristocratic class ruling in Iran in his "Letters of Kemaluddev". In the 19th century, the legacy of the Islamic ideologist Jamaleddin Afghani played an important role in social and philosophical thought in Azerbaijan (Farhadoglu, 2006).

The modern era.

Ali Bey Huseynzade, one of the founders of the philosophy of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which existed in 1918-1920, was persecuted for the concepts of "National Azerbaijan", "Renaissance on the scale of the Islamic region" and "Turan". He considered the synthesis of Eastern and Western culture to be important in the development of the Turkish people, and promoted the necessity of Turkism, Islamism, and Europeanization. Muhammad Amin Rasulzadeh, one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, is one of the founders of the national independent Azerbaijan idea and state concept. In 1920, after the occupation of Azerbaijan by the Red Army, the Department of Dialectical and Historical Materialism was opened, where Marxism was studied and taught. During this period, philosophy was institutionalized under the auspices of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the works of Western philosophy were translated into Azerbaijani, the study and systematization of Azerbaijani philosophy was ensured, and the philosophical views of Rene Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel were studied. Eddin Shakirzade's work dedicated to the Ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus was famous. During this period, research was conducted on the philosophical views of prominent thinkers of Azerbaijan, such as Imadaddin Nasimi and Muhammad Fuzuli. In the last years of the USSR, the ideology of Turkism, competing with pan- Iranism, gained popularity. In addition, Zakir Mammadov (1936-2008) had a great role in the systematization and research of Azerbaijani philosophy (Shukurov, 2008).

The works of the following philosophers were also important in the creation of document-information resources on philosophy in Azerbaijan. Among them, we can mention: Heydar Najaf oglu Huseynov, Jamil Teymur oglu Ahmadli, Hamid Rza oglu Imanov, Firudin Gasim oglu Kocharli, Salahaddin Sadreddin oglu Khalilov, Aziz Bashir oglu Mammadov, Fuad Feyzulla oglu Gasimzade.

Heydar Najaf oghlu Huseynov's first philosophical work entitled "Dialectical Materialism", written together with Ahmadaga Kazimov and published in 1935, was the first successful step taken by the future philosopher in science. H. Huseynov's book "From the History of Social and Philosophical Thought of the 19th Century Azerbaijan", which occupies an important place in his work, was written in Russian. For this fundamental work, he was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1950.

"Problems of Scientific and Philosophical Understanding" by Jamil Teymur oghlu Ahmadli, "Basics of Philosophy" by Hamid Rza oghlu Imanov. F. Kocherlin's studies were published in separate books and monographs, and were included in the book "History of Philosophy in the USSR" published in Moscow.

Salahaddin Sadreddin oglu Khalilov's "Israqiism and modern philosophical teachings", "Education, training, education", "Dialogue between civilizations", Aziz Bashir oglu Mammadov's "Philosophical view of modern physics", "New interdisciplinary direction: (Synergetics)", "Dialectical cognition" and general scientific methods of scientific research", his works are worthy of appreciation (Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, 2024).

Fuad Feyzulla oglu Gasimzadeh, one of the research scientists in this field, published 30 books and more than 500 scientific articles during his scientific career. F. Gasimzadeh's main field of research was Azerbaijani philosophical and social thought, social philosophy, ontology and cognitive theory, aesthetics. In 1968, his monograph "Caravan of Sorrow" or "Light in the Darkness" was published, and in 1970 his work "Sports, Beauty and Aesthetics" was published (Rustamov, 2007).

In Zakir Mammadov's book "Azerbaijani Philosophy History", he broadly commented on the intervening periods, starting from "Azerbaijani Philosophical Thought in the Ancient and Early Middle Ages" and including "XIX Century Azerbaijani Philosophy" (Mammadov, 2006).

Western and Eastern philosophy is one of the main attention-grabbing issues in the document-information resources compiled in this field in modern times. In principle, it can be argued that the philosophy of the West and the East are fundamentally different from each other, and that the process of the clash of cultures and civilizations is underway. Apparently, these are true thoughts, but not the complete truth. It should be noted that in our philosophical opinion, it is generally recognized that Western thought should be studied and known in order for the competition and exchange of ideas to lead to the development of new ideas, currents and trends (Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, 2024).

In order to give a broad explanation of the issue in the article, we consider it more appropriate to explain on the basis of the example of document-informational resources on philosophy in the fund of two libraries (National Library of Azerbaijan named after M. F. Akhundov and Library of the Office of the President of the Re blic of Azerbaijan) (Mammadov, 2006).

on philosophy in the collection of the National Library named after M.F. Akhundov by format for 2010-2019. Documents in the form of audio books are a minority (Digital catalogue, 2024).

Statistics of information resources on philosophy in the collection of the National Library of Azerbaijan named after M.F. Akhundov by language for 2010-2019

Picture 1. Electronic catalog of the Azerbaijan National Library named after M. F. Akhundov

Picture 2. Electronic catalog of the Library of the Affairs Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Table 1.

Statistics of information resources on philosophy in the fund of the Azerbaijan National Library named after M. F. Akhundov


Number of documents





















Source: Compiled by the author based on the funds of the National Library of Azerbaijan named after M. F. Akhundov

As can be seen from the table above, as can be seen from the statistics of information resources on philosophy in the fund of the National Library named after M.F. Akhundov for the years 2010-2019, fewer documents on philosophy are observed in 2019, and more documents in 2018 (Presidential Library, 2024).

As can be seen from the above table, books are more dominant in the grouping of information resources

Table 2.

Statistics of information resources on philosophy in the collection of M. F. Akhundov National Library of Azerbaijan for the years 2010-2019 by format


of document-information resources

Number of documents





Electronic resources


Book article








Source: Compiled by the author based on the funds of the National Library of Azerbaijan named after M. F. Akhundov

As can be seen from the diagram above, in the grouping of information resources on philosophy in the fund of the National Library named after M.F. Akhundov by languages, documents on the Azerbaijani language are more dominant. Documents related to the Belarusian language are a minority (Digital catalogue, 2024).

More than 200 documents and information resources on philosophy are reflected in the Library of the Affairs Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On philosophy in the library fund: "Problems of scientific and philosophical awareness", "Philosophy and its categories", "Azerbaijani-Turkish philosophy and history of public opinion", "History of ancient philosophy", "Turkish Sufism philosophy", "Ethics", "Philosophy", "Philosophy: history and modernity", "Azerbaijani philosophy history", "From the history of 19th century social and philosophical thought in Azerbaijan", etc. document-information resources with different names have been reflected, and readers can fully familiarize themselves with their pdf versions as well (Presidential Library, 2024).

Online search for this area.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) (ISSN 2161-0002) was founded in 1995 to provide open access to detailed, scholarly, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The Encyclopedia receives no funding, and it operates through the volunteer work of the editors, authors, volunteers, and technical advisers. The Encyclopedia is free of charge and available to all users of the Internet worldwide. The staff of 30 editors and approximately 300 authors hold doctorate degrees and are professors at universities around the world. There are over 8.2 million unique visitors every year (unique in the sense that someone who views three article one day, and two articles the next month, is counted as one visitor).

The purpose of the IEP is to provide detailed, scholarly, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of academic philosophy. The Encyclopedia's articles are written with the intention that most of the article can be understood by advanced undergraduates majoring in philosophy and by other scholars who are not working in the field covered by that article. The IEP articles are written by experts but not for experts in analogy to the way the Scientific American magazine is written by scientific experts but not primarily for scientific experts.


One of the main points of attention during the compilation of document-information resources on philosophy in modern times is the creation of topics from the "Problems of Modern Philosophy" aspect. Articles of this type apply to the application of modern philosophical concepts and paradigms in the analysis of classical, non-classical and post-non-classical forms of cognition, moral, socio-cultural and political processes of states and societies in the transition stage during globalization, information revolution and postmodernism within the framework of the interaction of Eastern and Western values specific to Azerbaijan. and aimed at preparation. Philosophical problems of synergetics, gender, interdisciplinary studies, convergence of sciences, culture of peace, "living history" and other modern cognitive directions form the fundamental base of the created document- informational resources on philosophy.

In order to eliminate the gaps in the mentioned field of science in modern times, the professor-teacher staff of the "Philosophy" department of Baku State University, which is the first among higher education institutions, creates fundamental scientific research works.


Allahyarova, T. (2005). Synergetics-I. Synergetic ontology: Self-organization of nature in unity. Baku.

Azerbaijan National Academy of Science. (2024). Retrieved from Bagirov, Z. (2009). Philosophy (in schemes). Textbook (for bachelor training). Baku.

Digital catalogue. (2024). Retrieved from kataloq

Farhadoglu, M. (2006). Basics of philosophy (teaching material). Baku.

Hajiyev, Z. (2012). Philosophy (textbook for higher schools). Baku.

Imanov, H. (2010). The basics of philosophy. Baku.

Mammadov, Z. (2006). History of Azerbaijani philosophy. Baku: "Sharq-Garb".

Nazarova, A. (2014). Explanatory dictionary of philosophical terms. Baku.

Pashayev, V (1999). Philosophy. Baku.

Philosophy. (1997). Encyclopedic dictionary. Baku.

Philosophy. (1999). (Textbook for higher schools). Baku,

Presidential Library. (2024). Retrieved from Rustamov, Y. (2007). Basics of philosophy (teaching material). Baku.

Shukurov, A. (1996). Philosophy - its place and role in society. Baku.

Shukurov, A. (2008). Philosophy (textbook for higher schools). Revised and improved second edition. Baku.

Taghiyev, A. (2012). Philosophy. Baku.

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