The psychological research of dominant characteristics of types of organizational culture: perceived by students
Relevance of theoretical and empirical study of psychological characteristics of student’s perception of their own organizational culture of the university. Strategic goals of functioning and development of state institutions of higher education.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 01.12.2017 |
Размер файла | 73,9 K |
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The psychological research of dominant characteristics of types of organizational culture: perceived by students
O.V. Ishchuk
Ishchuk O. V. The Psychological Research Of Dominant Characteristics Of Types Of Organizational Culture: Perceived By Students. The article highlights the relevance of theoretical and empirical study of psychological characteristics of student's perception of their own organizational culture of the university, presented a methodology for evaluating of organizational culture and analysis of diagnosis. Revealed the essence of the organizational culture of the university, are features of student's perception of public institutions of higher education and of private institutions of higher education of the organizational culture of their own university. The article explains that, in public institutions of higher education the dominant types of organizational culture were the clan and market cultures. The private institutions of higher education had mainly clan culture. This example demonstrates the inconsistency of student's perception of organizational culture of institution of higher education. Detailed analysis of real student's vision by dominant type of organizational culture in their own university. Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument - ОСАІ allows to estimate six key parameters of organizational culture, which include: 1) the major differences; 2) the overall style of leadership; 3) HR (human resources); 4) essential communications (connection nature); 5) the strategic objectives of the operation and development; 6) the criteria for success. The psychological analysis features and provides guidance regarding the inconsistency of student's perception about the dominant type of organizational culture. This article describes the prospects for further study of the problem of the organizational culture of institution of higher education. The article states, that the research findings can be used in psychological counseling of managers and students as well as organizational culture training courses.
Keywords: organizational culture, students, state ownership, private ownership, institution of higher education, organizational culture assessment methodology, consistency ideas of students.
Іщук О. В. Психологічне дослідження домінуючих характеристик типів організаційної культури: бачення студентів. У статті висвітлено актуальність психологічного аналізу теоретичних та емпіричних проблем особливостей організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу з точки зору сприйняття її студентами. Запропоновано обґрунтування застосування методики «Оцінки організаційної культури» К. Камерона та Р. Куїнна, а також аналіз результатів діагностики. Висвітлено сутність організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу, проаналізовано особливості сприйняття студентами державних вищих навчальних закладів та приватних вищих навчальних закладів організаційної культури власних університетів. Розкрито сутність організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу, здійснено аналіз особливостей організаційної культури вишів різних форм власності за даними діагностики сприйняття студентами власного університету, проаналізовано отримані діагностичні показники. Пояснено, що в державних закладах вищої освіти домінуючими типами організаційної культури виступають кланова і ринкова культури. Приватні виші мають в основному за домінуючий тип кланову культуру. Продемонстровано суперечливість сприйняття студентською молоддю організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу. Методика «Оцінки організаційної культури» К. Камерона та Р. Куїнна (ОСАІ) дозволяє оцінити шість ключових параметрів організаційної культури, що включає в себе: 1) основні відмінності; 2) загальний стиль керівництва; 3) HR (людські ресурси); 4) сутнісний зв'язок; 5) стратегічні цілі функціонування і розвитку; 6) критерії успіху. Рекомендовано психологічну тренінгову роботу з неузгодженістю уявлень студентської молоді щодо домінуючих типів організаційної культури. У статті йдеться про те, що результати дослідження можуть бути використані в психологічному консультуванні менеджерів та студентів, а також як матеріали до навчальних курсів з організаційної культури.
Ключові слова: організаційна культура, студенти, державна форма власності, приватна форма власності, вищий навчальний заклад, методика оцінки організаційної культури, узгодженість уявлень студентів.
psychological student organizational culture
Ищук О. В. Психологическое исследование доминирующих характеристик типов организационной культуры: восприятие студентов. В статье освещена актуальность психологического анализа теоретических и эмпирических проблем исследования особенностей организационной культуры высшего учебного заведения с точки зрения восприятия ее студентами. Предложено обоснование применения методики «Оценки организационной культуры» К. Камерона и Р. Куинна, а также анализ результатов психологической диагностики. Представлена сущность организационной культуры высшего учебного заведения, проанализированы особенности восприятия студентами государственных высших учебных заведений и частных высших учебных заведений организационной культуры собственных университетов. Раскрыта сущность организационной культуры высшего учебного заведения, осуществлен анализ особенностей организационной культуры ВУЗов различных форм собственности по данным диагностики восприятия студентами собственного университета, проанализированы полученные диагностические показатели. Объяснено, что в государственных высших учебных учреждениях доминирующими типами организационной культуры выступают клановая и рыночная культуры. Частные ВУЗы имеют, в основном, клановую культуру как доминирующий тип. Продемонстрировано противоречивость восприятия студенческой молодежью организационной культуры высшего учебного заведения. Методика «Оценки организационной культуры» К. Камерона и Р. Куинна (ОСАІ) позволяет оценить шесть ключевых параметров организационной культуры, включающих в себя: 1) основные различия; 2) общий стиль руководства; 3) HR (человеческие ресурсы) 4) сущностную связь; 5) стратегические цели функционирования и развития; 6) критерии успеха. Рекомендовано психологическую тренинговую работу с несогласованностью представлений студенческой молодежи относительно доминирующих типов организационной культуры. В статье говорится о том, что результаты исследования могут быть использованы в психологическом консультировании менеджеров и студентов, а также как материалы к учебным курсам по организационной культуре.
Ключевые слова: организационная культура, студенты, государственная форма собственности, частная форма собственности, высшее учебное заведение, методика оценки организационной культуры, согласованность представлений студентов.
Problem statement. The effectiveness of university training depends on a number of factors among which universities' organizational culture sometimes plays a leading role.
Topical areas of research in modern conditions in Ukraine are improving the effective functioning of institutions of higher education. In turn, the effectiveness of modern institutions of higher education caused by many factors, among which the most important are organizational and psychological factors, such as organizational culture. In an effort to meet the standards of successful educational establishment, universities should pay careful attention to formation of the organizational culture and the correct perception of students and professors.
Analysis of the research. So, many scientists all over the world engaged in research of organizational culture in general [1; 3; 4; 5]. But despite the significant contribution of researchers in scientific elaboration of problems of organizational culture, theoretical, methodological and empirical data are insufficiently.
Therefore, we are considering organizational culture of the institution of higher education as a combination of cognitive schemes that forms certain persuasion of employees and students, determines the way of interaction with the surrounding environment, including a system of values, expectations, observances, behavior patterns, etc., which are taken and are transmitted to new members of the organization. Based on this definition we were constructed our empirical research.
Objective: to analyze the characteristics of students' perceptions of the dominant types of organizational culture of their universities.
Methods. The investigation was done on a sample of 619 students of universities of different ownership forms in different regions of Ukraine using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) by K.Cameron and R.Quinn [2; 90]. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 17,0 [6].
The main material and research results. The study was conducted in institutions of higher education of different ownership forms (private and public institutions) in different regions of Ukraine, the total sample of 619 students of junior and senior years. Students were age from 16 to 31 years old.
A comprehensive indicator of relative age of the respondents in the two institutions of higher education - public institutions and private institutions - can be offered here.
Table 1 Interrelation between age indicators of students and institutions of higher education
Age respondents |
Indicator |
Universities |
Total |
Public institutions |
Private institutions |
16 |
Frequency |
11 |
11 |
% |
4,5 |
1,8 |
17 |
Frequency |
64 |
49 |
113 |
% |
17,2 |
19,9 |
18,3 |
18 |
Frequency |
66 |
43 |
109 |
% |
17,7 |
17,5 |
17,6 |
19 |
Frequency |
34 |
9 |
43 |
% |
9,1 |
3,7 |
6,9 |
20 |
Frequency |
89 |
50 |
139 |
% |
23,9 |
20,3 |
22,5 |
21 |
Frequency |
93 |
59 |
152 |
% |
24,9 |
24,0 |
24,6 |
22 |
Frequency |
20 |
18 |
38 |
% |
5,4 |
7,3 |
6,1 |
23 |
Frequency |
3 |
5 |
8 |
% |
0,8 |
2,0 |
1,3 |
24 |
Frequency |
2 |
1 |
3 |
% |
0,5 |
0,4 |
0,5 |
26 |
Frequency |
1 |
1 |
% |
0,4 |
0,2 |
29 |
Frequency |
1 |
1 |
% |
0,3 |
0,2 |
31 |
Frequency |
1 |
1 |
% |
0,3 |
0,2 |
Total |
Frequency |
373 |
246 |
619 |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
General characteristics of the studied groups based on sex showed that among the respondents there were more women - 63.2%, than men - 36.8%.
Distribution of students according to the tape of university and year of study is demonstrated in Table 2. According to this table, the majority of subjects were in the 1st and 4th year students, correspondently 44.1% and 28.9%.
Table 2 Interrelation between the course and institutions of higher education
The course |
Indicator |
Universities |
Total |
Public institutions |
Private institutions |
1 |
Frequency |
158 |
115 |
273 |
% |
25,5 |
18,6 |
44,1 |
2 |
Frequency |
81 |
35 |
116 |
% |
13,1 |
5,7 |
18,7 |
4 |
Frequency |
111 |
68 |
179 |
% |
17,9 |
11,0 |
28,9 |
5 |
Frequency |
23 |
28 |
51 |
% |
3,7 |
4,5 |
8,3 |
Total |
Frequency |
373 |
246 |
619 |
% |
60,3 |
39,7 |
100 |
So, completing a diagnostics of students' perception on the dominant type of organizational culture and having carried out some statistical and mathematical calculations, we have four quadrants - clan type, adhokracy type, market type, hierarchic (bureaucratic) type of organizational culture, each of which represents a clear set of indicators of organizational culture. As noted K. Cameron and R. Quinn [8, p. 66] "four groups of criteria defining core values that determine opinions about the organization."
Therefore, were calculated the total score responses of all respondents by type of organizational culture of institution of higher education.
Results revealed:
In public institutions of higher education in the opinion of students the dominant types of organizational culture were the clan (38.3 %) and market (32.2 %) types of organizational culture.
The empirical data only illustrate the variety of distributions of benefits detected for each of four types of organizational culture.
That is to say about a certain contradiction in perceptions of students regarding the dominant type of culture, because the clan type aims at collegiality, perception of the university as a single integrated facility where university resembles a large family, and market type, however, professes strict competition, requirements, the desire to win and be the first among the competitors is being brought up in the students and so on.
Instead, the private institutions of higher education, for the personal opinion of the students who studying out there, have mainly clan culture (70.3%) which cultivates collegiality, a sense of "we", the perception of the university as an indivisible object, organization similar to a large family, encouragement to care for each other, teamwork and so on.
It was established that the conceptions of public institution among the students of junior and senior years of study differ significantly in terms of diagnostic types of organizational culture of institutions of higher education. Junior students give preference to the concept of clan-type culture (42.1%), then the opinions are divided between the market (28.7%), hierarchic (23.9%) and adhocracy (5.3%) types of culture. The views of senior students are distributed among the market (36.6%) and clan (33.5%) culture, hierarchic (25%) and adhocracy (4.9%) types. It means that students of public institutions have some problems with the definition of dominant type of culture both in the senior and the junior years. There is a tendency to change perceptions of dominant type of organizational culture in public universities with the growth of course.
Investigation of the distribution according to the dominant type of organizational culture in line with the year at the university shows that the perception of junior students in the public institutions clearly focuses on the clan type of OC (42.1%), and for the older ones this distribution is almost the same: 33.5% clan culture and 36.6% market culture (Table 3).
Table 3 The ratio between the dominant type OC and course of study of university students of various ownership
Universities |
Type OC |
The course |
young |
older |
Public institutions |
clan (A) |
42,1 |
33,5 |
adhocracy (B) |
5,3 |
4,9 |
market (C) |
28,7 |
36,6 |
hierarchic (D) |
23,9 |
25 |
Total % |
100 |
100 |
Private institutions |
clan (A) |
72,3 |
68,1 |
adhocracy (B) |
3,8 |
5,2 |
market (C) |
14,6 |
13,8 |
hierarchic (D) |
9,2 |
12,9 |
Total % |
100 |
100 |
There is a tendency to change perceptions of the dominant organizational culture in public institutions in the course of study.
In the private institutions students both in junior and senior years recognize the benefits of the clan type of OC, respectively 72.3% and 68.1%.
Therefore, the data shows that junior students favour perceptions of organizational culture as clan culture (42.1%), then there goes the market type (28.7%), the hierarchic type (23, 9%) and the type adhocracy (5.3%) of culture. But senior students are divided almost equally according to their views on the dominance of market (36.6%) and clan (33.5%) cultures, then hierarchic (25%) and adhocracy (4.9%) culture.
We can assume that these differences depend on the current process of internalization of the organizational culture by the students at various stages of training. In the first and second years these processes begin, but already in the upper division years (fourth, fifth) they are coming to an end. That is, perceptions regarding the type of culture appear to be clearer for undergraduate students than for junior ones. Another hypothesis to explain the results obtained through the diagnosis of culture in public institutes are OC attitudes. The authorities of the university do not pay enough attention to the phenomenon of culture, do not study in depth the problem of detecting and especially correcting organizational culture and perceive culture only as the phenomenon which can be stated, but cannot be interacted with. It is this passivity that can explain the attitude of students to the organizational culture of the public university.
In the private universities when dividing the respondents into junior and senior years it was found that students' preferences related to the types of organizational culture institution of higher education were distributed in the following way - clan (72.3% of junior students vs. 68.1% of senior year), market (14.6% vs. 13.8%), hierarchic (9.2% vs. 12.9%) and adhocracy (3.8% vs. 5.2%). Therefore, students of private universities unanimously accept the dominant type of culture.
In the result we can see the consensus of opinion of respondents of all years of education - from the first to the fifth. It appears that it can also be explained through the position in relation to the organizational culture of the university. One can be certain that the management of private universities sees culture as a phenomenon which can be actively interacted with, constructed, developed and, if necessary, modified.
For a more detailed analysis of the existing vision by students of the dominant type of organizational culture in their own higher education institution, consider each question individually. OCAI assessment tool allows to estimate six key parameters of organizational culture. These include: 1) the major differences; 2) overall management type; 3) HR management (human resources); 4) key ties (binding nature); 5) strategic objectives; 6) efficiency criteria [7, p. 106]. Singling out key parameters correspond to the numbers of question in diagnostic technique of organizational culture, which has been offered to students. We have summary data table (Table. 4) with results of diagnostic.
Table 4 The ratio of key positions of organizational culture in public institutions
№ |
Type of OC |
clan |
adhocracy |
market |
hierarchic |
1 |
25,0 |
16,5 |
37,5 |
21,0 |
2 |
31,2 |
14,1 |
28,0 |
26,7 |
3 |
23,7 |
20,5 |
31,7 |
24,0 |
4 |
27,8 |
22,7 |
19,2 |
30,4 |
5 |
26,9 |
23,1 |
24,3 |
25,7 |
6 |
30,1 |
16,8 |
25,2 |
27,9 |
As concerns the first parameter of organizational culture - the major differences - students of public institutions described their universities as such that primarily responsible the market type (37.5%), second - clan type of culture (25%), third - bureaucratic type (21%) and the last fourth place was adhokracy type of culture (16.5%).
Thus, in perceptions of students is dominated the view that their institution focused primarily on the achievement of a certain results. The main purpose of the organization as a whole - to achieve the task. Management of University, Management of Faculty, professors and, finally, students focused on competition and achievement.
Next position - overall management type - also reflected insignificant differences between the dominant clan (31.2%), market (28%), bureaucratic (26.7%) type of culture, and adhokratcy type of culture occupies the last position - 14.1% all elections. The results illustrate the differences between existing leadership styles within 3%, which indicate about inability by researchers to point out a single strategy among the students' perceptions. 31.2% of students believe that the general style of the existing leaders at university is an example of monitoring, the desire to help or teach. 28% perceive leadership style due to the market type of organizational culture, which demonstration of efficiency, aggressiveness and steady focus on achieving results. And 26.7% of respondents believe that the overall style of leadership at the university is an example of coordination, clear organization and smooth doing business in line with profitability. 14.1% of students' election indicates dominance tendency to entrepreneurship, the ability to anticipate, willingness to take risks and focus on the future. So, again we observe the ambiguity of students' election among which a few points ahead of clan culture - 31.2%.
HR management (human resources) as the next key position is dominated in a market variant (31.7%) students' representations. They believe that the overall style of HR management in public institution is highly exactingness, tough pursuit of competitiveness. Thus, the management strongly encourages employees and students and for possible achievements. The outlined characteristics correspond to market type of culture.
A key position called key ties seems to students in the dominance (30.4%) of bureaucratic type of culture, and market type takes last place at all (19.2%). Thus, the connecting essence in public institution according to 30.4% of students surveyed have formal rules and official policy of the university. In this type of culture, bureaucratic, it is important to maintain the level of the course of the university.
Among the strategic objectives functioning and development is not found an unambiguous dominance, because percentage differences within the limits about 1.5%. Therefore the strategic objectives of functioning and development are conceived by students, that percentage is 26.9% of all elections, in humane development, support atmosphere of high trust, openness and mutual assistance which corresponding clan type of organizational culture.
And the last key position - the efficiency criteria, finds itself in the dominance of clan (30.1%), hierarchical or bureaucratic (27.9%) and market (25.2%) culture. Thus, 30.1% of students believe that the leadership of state-owned university defines success on the basis of the development of human resources, teamwork, employees' enthusiasm. So, in the end, divergent views don't define clearly the dominant type of organizational culture.
Results. The study found that 38.3% and 32.2% of the students from state-owned universities viewed the clan and market types of organizational culture respectively to be dominant in their universities. However the clan type of organizational culture was shown to be dominant in 70.3% of private universities.
The students from the state-owned universities in contrast to those from the private ones had inconsistent ideas about the key elements of organizational culture that included management type, HR management, strategic objectives, efficiency criteria, and key ties.
Empirical research suggests that in public institutions of higher education the dominant types of organizational culture were the clan (38.3 %) and market (32.2 %) cultures. The private institutions of higher education had mainly clan culture (70.3 %). It was established that students of public institutions demonstrate inconsistent ideas of key arguments of organizational culture (the most important differences, the overall style of leadership, human resources, essential communications, strategic objectives operation and development, the criteria of successful performance). Students of private universities with respect to the key parameters of the organizational culture showed consistency in preferring one type of culture.
The inconsistency of students' ideas about the key elements of organizational culture has negative effects on students' understanding of their role in the development of universities and on students' organizational behaviors in general. The investigation findings can be helpful in counseling university heads and students as well as in training courses on matters of organizational culture.
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