Development of social and communicative conpetens of adults: psychological and pedagogical conditions for corporate training

Expansion of opportunities for adults to understand their own actions and their "I", the inner world of other people. Application of modern methods and forms of pedagogical influence for the development of general cultural competences of adults.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 28.12.2017
Размер файла 19,5 K

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UDC 316.612-053.8


Vera Yu. Pomyluiko

Ph.D. in Psychology, Doctoral student theoretical

and consulting psychology department,

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,

9 Pirogova Str., 01601, Kiev, Ukraine


The article defines the essence of the concept of «social and communicative competence of adults» as the ability to match aspirations with the interests of other people and social groups through the creation of partnerships and effective communication within socially acceptable behavior. It also clarified the essence of the concept of «psychological and pedagogical conditions» as the means of pedagogical influence on specific process (a phenomenon, quality), taking into account its psychological mechanisms. The author identified and characterized the «psychological and pedagogical conditions» of development of social and communicative competences of adults in the process of corporate training; there are: 1) self-organization of adults, understanding of their own actions and their «I», as well as the inner world of other people; 2) the application of modern methods and forms of pedagogical influence for the development of common cultural competence of adults; 3) mastering the techniques of interpersonal communication, development of interaction skills in a team using the latest innovative technologies; 4) assistance to professionals in identifying subjective creative experience, its analysis, correction and improvement by studying the best practices of colleagues, mentoring.

Key words: conditions, psychological and pedagogical conditions, adult age, corporate training, social and communicative competence, innovative technologies, reflection, and learning strategies.


Вера Помилуйко

кандидат психологических наук, докторант кафедры теоретической и консультативной психологии,

Национальный педагогический университет им. Н.П. Драгоманова

ул. Пирогова 9, г. Киев, 01601, Киев, Украина


В статье выяснена сущность следующих понятий: «социально-коммуникативная компетентность взрослых» как их способность соотносить свои стремления с интересами других людей и социальных групп путем создания партнерских отношений, эффективной коммуникации в пределах общественно приемлемого поведения; «психолого-педагогические условия» как способы педагогического воздействия на конкретный процесс (явление, качество) с учетом его психологических механизмов с целью развития и совершенствования исследуемого феномена. Автором выделены и охарактеризованы психолого-педагогические условия развития социально-коммуникативной компетентности взрослых в процессе корпоративного обучения, а именно: 1) расширение возможностей взрослых по осмыслению собственных действий и своего «Я», внутреннего мира других людей; 2) применение современных методов и форм педагогического воздействия для развития общекультурных компетенций взрослых 3) овладение приемами межличностного общения, развитие навыков взаимодействия в команде с использованием современных инновационных технологий; 4) помощь специалистам в выявлении субъективного творческого опыта, его анализе, коррекции и совершенствовании путем изучения передового опыта коллег, наставничества.

Ключевые слова: условия, психолого-педагогические условия, взрослый возраст, корпоративное обучение, социально-коммуникативная компетентность, инновационные технологии, рефлексия, учебные стратегии.

pedagogical adult cultural competence


Віра Помилуйко

кандидат психологічних наук, докторант кафедри теоретичної і консультативної психології,

Національний педагогічний університет ім. М.П. Драгоманова,

вул. Пирогова 9, 01601, Київ, Україна


У статті з'ясована сутність наступних понять: «соціально-комунікативна компетентність дорослих» як їх здатність співвідносити свої прагнення з інтересами інших людей і соціальних груп шляхом створення партнерських відносин і ефективної комунікації в межах суспільно прийнятної поведінки; «психолого-педагогічні умови» як способи педагогічного впливу на конкретний процес (явище, якість) з урахуванням його психологічних механізмів з метою розвитку та вдосконалення досліджуваного феномену. Автором виділено і охарактеризовано психолого-педагогічні умови розвитку соціально- комунікативної компетентності дорослих у процесі корпоративного навчання, а саме: 1) розширення можливостей дорослих щодо осмислення власних дій і свого «Я», внутрішнього світу інших людей;

застосування сучасних методів і форм педагогічного впливу для розвитку загальнокультурних компетентностей дорослих;

оволодіння прийомами міжособистісного спілкування, розвиток навичок взаємодії у команді з використанням сучасних інноваційних технологій; 4) допомога фахівцям у виявленні суб'єктивного творчого досвіду, його аналізі, корекції й удосконаленні шляхом вивчення передового досвіду колег, наставництва.

Ключові слова: умови, психолого-педагогічні умови, дорослий вік, корпоративне навчання, соціально-комунікативна компетентність, інноваційні технології, рефлексія, навчальні стратегії.

Подано до редакції 24.12.2016 Прорецензовано 04.01.2017 Прийнято до друку 05.01.2017

Formulation of the problem

According to current trends, qualified experts should have a range of communication abilities associated with the need to interact in society (written and oral communication in their native language, knowledge of a second language, ability to communicate with experts from different industries, basic computer skills, ability to work in team, interpersonal relations skills, the ability to generate new ideas, etc.). Using abilities related to social and communicative competence provides individual functional literacy, socialization, potential effectiveness in the professional sphere. One way to update the content of education and its harmonization with current economic needs is focus on the development of adult social and communicative competence by identifying effective psychological and pedagogical conditions.

The essence of social and communicative competence encompasses two concepts (social and communicative competence). Social competence - the ability of the individual to match its aspirations with the interests of others, productively interact with members of social groups to solve common problems, use the resources of other people and social institutions for the task. Communicative competence - willingness to get in the process of communicating the necessary information, willingness to express and defend civilized the point of view during the dialogue and public speaking on the basis of recognition of the diversity of positions and respect the values of others, use communication resources to address emerging problems. Consequently, social-communicative competence of adults - is their ability to match aspirations with the interests of other people and social groups through the creation of partnerships and effective communication within socially acceptable behavior.

One of the most perspective forms of adult learning is «corporate training», which provides internal and external educational activities and training programs of employees in the workplace. Definition of psycho-pedagogical conditions of social and communicative competence of adults in the corporate training includes consideration of psychological and pedagogical aspects. The psychological aspect of this definition involves the examination of the internal characteristics of the phenomenon, modeling phenomena in the internal structures of the individual to make directional impact on them. The pedagogical aspect of this definition connects psychological meaning with the factors and mechanisms that ensure the desired development of processes, phenomena, qualities in the corporate training; create circumstances that ensure the effectiveness of interaction.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

The essence of the concept of «psychological and pedagogical conditions» and their characteristicsrevealed in the works of such contemporary scholars as S. Melnikov and O. Karneeva; Ia. Movchan; K. Oleksandrenko; I. Fedyakova; N. Shamin and others. The development of social and communicative competence of the individual described in the works of such scientists as N. Klimov, O. Kovaleva, N. Lukyanchuk, Iu. Savchenko, A. Smirnov, O. Shumilova and others.

Purpose of the article - to identify and characterize the psychological and pedagogical conditions of social and communicative competence of adults in the corporate training.

Presentation of the basic material

Considering the etymology of such term as «conditions», it means the circumstances that affect something or where something is happening. From the perspective of philosophy, this term refers to the ratio of the object to surrounding phenomena and processes. Another meaning of the term is as a specific environment in which the subject arises, exists and develops. K. Oleksandrenko believes that psychological and pedagogical conditions - are significant circumstances that affect the achievement of professionalism (Oleksandrenko, 2014: 194). I. Fedyakova understand the psychological and pedagogical conditions as specific ways of pedagogical influence, interrelated activities aimed at formation of subjective personality traits (initiative, independence, responsibility) taking into account the psychological characteristics, productive and effective ways and methods of work. The author points to the close relationship of the concept of «psychological and pedagogical conditions» with the term «educational process» as a condition manifested precisely in the educational process and created with a view to optimization (Fedyakova, 2007). Ia. Movchan under psychological and pedagogical conditions realizes response to the psychological structure of the individual during the learning process using teaching methods (Movchan, 2015: 6). Therefore, psychological and pedagogical conditions - are means of pedagogical influence on specific process (a phenomenon quality), taking into account the psychological mechanisms for the development and improvement of the studied phenomenon.

Based on the analysis of contemporary scientific literature and its generalization were identified the following basic psychological and pedagogical conditions of social and communicative competence of adults in the corporate training, such us:

Empowerment of adults thinking about their own actions and «I» and the inner world of others in the corporate training.

The application of modern methods and forms of pedagogical influence, the development of comprehensive adult competencies (understanding the differences between people, respect each other, co-existence with other native cultures, languages and religions, etc.).

Mastering the techniques of interpersonal communication, developing skills of interaction in the team, psychological mobility, and using advanced innovative technologies in corporate training.

Professional help in identifying subjective creative experience, its analysis, correction and improvement by learning excellence colleagues mentoring.

Let us characterize defined psychological and pedagogical conditions of social and communicative competence of adults.

The first psychological and pedagogical condition aimed at developing individual reflective position. Adults considered to know how to take vital decisions, be able to foresee the consequences of their own decisions based on learned social norms and values held for them. Personal development is a continuous process that occurs throughout life and development is not possible without reflection, because adults are constantly in a state of self-knowledge. The feature of the adult is the capacity for reflection, which helps him or her to go beyond specific situations, move the focus from the development of certain mental properties to consolidate and develop own «I».

Reflection provides the ability to detect problematic situations in various activities, arising from the differences between the objectives and results of educational process, analyze their causes and to search for an acceptable solution. Traditionally, there are such manifestations of reflexive processes: critical thinking, the pursuit of evidence to the validity of the position, the desire to put the question to debate and so on.

Reflection is an important element of corporate training because it allows each participant to explain himself usefulness of different skills. Developments of reflection in the corporate training promote group discussions on a given subject. This method provides the possibility to establish communication between the participants of the training, reinforcement of their experience, motivation of the personnel. An effective tool in the practice of corporate training is analysis of practical situations. The development of practical situations may take place in two ways: based on descriptions of the events and actions of the organization, or based on artificially constructed situations. Training Strategy «action learning» (learning by doing) is also used in corporate training to develop personal and interpersonal reflection which involves a combination of regular analysis of the situation and setting goals, steps to compare their achievement with periods of real action, implementation the algorithm of practical activity, studying the experience of colleagues, discuss the results at conferences.

The second psychological and pedagogical condition involves the use of modern methods and forms of pedagogical influence the development of general culture adult competencies in the following aspects: mastering the national and world cultural heritage; adequate analysis and assessment of the major achievements of world, European and national culture; training culture of interpersonal relations; application of technology and intercultural interaction; knowledge of the native and foreign languages; mastering model tolerant behavior and strategies of constructive activity in terms of cultural, linguistic, religious and other differences between nations. To this end, in the system of corporate training, professionals are expected to participate in seminars, reading literature, watching movies etc. Thus, the workshops provide more active listeners and the possibility of twoway communication. Films viewing not only gives to adults the opportunity to relax, but also to meet with famous masterpieces of cinema, discuss in the circle of comrades life events shown in the film. Accordingly, reading literature also provides for a dialogue where people can share their experiences from reading, learn to sympathize, to show tolerance in various specific situations.

The third psychological and pedagogical condition of social and communicative competence of adults involve the use of modern innovative technology in corporate training. The following types of training are the most common in corporate training: practical, psychotherapeutic, social and psychological, business training, etc. Various trainings and coachings make it possible to form in adult new skills, and to create conditions for professional self-development. Also during the training are using various interactive technologies and techniques that increase the activity of adults and are based on knowledge of the psychology of human relationships. S. Sysoieva sais: «We define Interactive technologies of education in adult as that which ensures the inclusion of adults in the learning process through the selection and use of interactive set of forms, methods, techniques, methods, learning tools, allowing to achieve guaranteed results, provide feedback, the right to choice, dual-focus communication, optimal consideration of life and professional experience» (Sysoieva, 2011: 40-41). So, in the application of interactive technologies adults have to interact with each other according to their interests and needs, share information, solve problems together, evaluate their own behavior and actions of colleagues.

Benchmarking and educational outsourcing justifies itself in the practice of corporate training. Benchmarking is technology comparisons based learning organization (according to certain parameters) with the successful functioning structure of opportunities seeking for improvement and identify ways of further development of the organization and its staff. Outsourcing is attraction of foreign institution, consultancy, training center for the preparation, increasing of Qualification and training of personnel.

The fourth psychological and pedagogical condition is aimed at assistance for adult in identifying subjective creative experience, his analysis, correction and improvement by studying the best practices of colleagues and mentors.

Subjective experience is characterized by the activity of the individual in recognizing and using their experience in a wide range of life situations. He consists of experience of life, self-realization and self-reflection, linked to independence, awareness, active of the individual.

T. Khliebnikova identifies three types of subjective experience (cognitive, communicative, creative). Author offers consideration of a number of characteristics for determining the leading type of subjective experience. It is feature perception of the situation; motivation; orientation, personal orientation; constructivism; the ability to control their own actions; verbalization; means of self-expression, self-realization in dynamic learning situation; appropriateness of using of leading type of subjective experience in a specific educational situation; effectiveness of use of experience in educational situations (Khliebnikova, 2002: 31-34).

Creative subjective experience has a specific meaning in every person and is acquiring in the process of creativity. The desire for creativity is realizing in various activities, but professional activity is the largest area of creative expression. Corporate training stimulates the creative expression in the workplace by encouraging the best workers and the study of excellence of the work.

Also, accompaniment of the development of firms and organizations involves the use of mentoring as «Coordinated system of relationships between young and experienced staff in the transfer of knowledge and skills of labor, manifested in the form of individual or collective, formal or informal mentoring that is inextricably linked with training, adaptation of young workers and the development of labor potential» (Prytula, Levchenko, 2013: 114). Mentoring involves the transfer of work experience in the company. For effectiveness of this form of corporate training, mentor and adult student may work together and have a strong interest in outcome and the skill to communicate with each other.


Dedicated psychological and pedagogical conditions of social and communicative competence in adult corporate learning considers level of introspection adults, their reflection, tolerance; use in pedagogical impact of modern methods, forms and techniques (optimization of studying); determining the effectiveness and intensity of its corporate training and opportunities for personal self adults.


1. Movchan Ia.A. (2015). Psykholoho-pedahohichni umovy formuvannia profesiinoi sotsializatsii studentiv inzhenernykh spetsialnostei [Psycho-pedagogical conditions of professional socialization of students of engineering specialities]. Naukovyi ohliad. - Scientific review, 9 (19), 1-8. [in Ukrainian].

2. Oleksandrenko K.V. (2014). Psykholohiia rozvytku inshomovnoi komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn [Psychology of development the foreign language communicative competence in future specialists of international relations] : Doctor's thesis. - Kyiv, 532 s. [in Ukrainian].

3. Prytula VI., Levchenko Z.M. (2013). Systemne nastavnytstvo : upravlinnia korporatyvnymy znanniamy ta navykamy [Systemic coaching : management of corporate knowledge and skills]. Visnyk Vinnytskoho politekhnichnoho instytutu - Bulletin of Vinnitsa Polytechnic Institute, 3, 113-118. [in Ukrainian].

4. Sysoieva S.O. (2011). Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia doroslykh : navchalno- metodychnyi posibnyk [Interactive technologies of education the adults : educational-methodic textbook]. K. : VD «EKMO», 324 s. [in Ukrainian].

5. Fedyakova I.A. (2007). Psihologo-pedagogicheskie usloviya formirovaniya subektnyih svoystv lichnosti mladshego shkolnika [Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation subjective properties of the younger schoolchild's personality] Aspirant i soiskatel. - Postgraduate Student and Applicant, 4 (41), 85-87. [in Russian].

6. Khliebnikova T.M. (2002). Sub'iektnyi dosvid v osobystisno oriientovanomu navchanni [Subjective experience in person oriented education]. Pedahohika ta psykholohiia - Pedagogy and Psychology, 22, 31-34. [in Ukrainian].

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