Criteria for an evaluating the process effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress

The objective criteria for an adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress at the social level. The psychological aspect of social adaptation of a personality. A comparison of the degree of a social adaptation of the studied categories of people.

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Дата добавления 06.03.2018
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Criteria for an evaluating the process effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress

Zavatsky V. Yu.

The article describes the objective criteria for an adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress at the social level and the subjective criteria that meet the psychological aspect of social adaptation of a personality in the period ofpost-traumatic stress. A comparison of the degree of a social adaptation (maladaptation) of the studied categories of people (in the period of post-traumatic stress with the aim to develop psychologically preventive and psycho assistance programs.

Key words: personality, social adaptation, post-traumatic stress, psychosocial work.

At the current stage of the psychology, there are many approaches to diagnose the conditions of social exclusion identity [3, 4, 6, 7]. Particular the differentiation degree of social adaptation problem occurs acutely in developing of the psychological diagnosis programs, psychological prophylaxis and correction of adaptive personality disorders [8, 9]. Considering the degree of the differentiation of the social inclusion it should be emphasized that the selection criteria is mainly determined by the theoretical concept of adaptation in which this assessment is carried out. Thus, a criterion for inclusion of the individual in the process of social relations is used the most often, this fact, in our opinion, is not a reliable indicator in determining the effectiveness and sustainability of adaptation [1, 2, 5]. Although a sense of satisfaction that is experienced subjectively by an individual, the nature of this relationship and possibly objectively recorded outward manifestations of such satisfaction, of course, are the most important criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to look at the adaptation as at the systematic process. In this regard, it is necessary to control the flow of the adaptation process and its result in all important areas of life of the individual and at all levels.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the objective and subjective criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social adaptation of an individual in the period of post-traumatic stress.

The main tasks of the article consist in determining the objective criteria of the adaptation at the social level and the subjective criteria that correspond to the psychological aspect of the social adaptation of an individual; to carry a matching degree of the social adaptation (maladaptation) and an investigated contingent to take account of these data in the development of psycho preventive and assistance programs.

A practical experience of the work as well as investigations conducted by the author strongly affirm the necessity in attraction for the valuing of the effectiveness of adaptation and other criteria which are relevant to the social and psychological nature of adaptation and adaptive disorders. The conducted investigation and the content analysis of the literature on the problem of the adaptation allowed to identify the main and the most diagnostic criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation. Table 1 shows the subjective criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social inclusion in the period of post-traumatic stress that meet the psychological aspect of the effectiveness of adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress.

Table 1 - The subjective criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress

The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress

Successful adaptation



An emotional comfort, a high degree of satisfaction with the relationships with other people, a social status, basic forms, the implementation of basic needs, selfactualization, etc.

An emotional discomfort, a low satisfaction with the relationships with other people, a social status, basic forms, the implementation of basic needs.


A low level of the situational and personal anxiety

A high levels of the situational and personal anxiety


A self-acceptance, an adequate self-esteem and level of an aspiration, the minimum dilution of the real I and ideal I, a self-esteem and a level of aspiration

A non-acceptance of yourself, an inadequate self-esteem and level of aspiration, the maximum dilution of the real I and ideal I, a self-esteem and a level of aspiration


The absence of the tendencies toward neuroticism and depression

The expressed depression and neuroticism


The internal locus of control

The external locus of control


The feeling of inclusion in the group

The subjective feeling of loneliness

In order to analyze the current problem better it should be noted that the main point in the structure of an adaptation is the psychological aspect that make the character and peculiarities of the adaptation at other levels indirect; a determining role in assessing the effectiveness of the adaptation as a system process strictly belongs to the psychological criteria.

The objective criteria of the effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post- traumatic stress at the social level are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - The objective criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the social adaptation in the period of post-traumatic stress

Successful adaptation



The high degree of an integration of the individual with the environment, his involvement in the activities of the group

The low degree of an integration (up to the disintegration) of the individual with the environment


A high social and sociometric status, a high emotional expansiveness

A low social and sociometric status, low emotional expansiveness


An independence in making decision, defending of views

A dependence, conformity


The presence of deep personal contacts, a wide circle of friends

A lack of deep personal contacts, a limited social circle


The ability to provide the basic needs

The inability to provide the basic needs


A social activity

A social passivity, isolation


High working capacity and the success of activity, professional growth

The low working capacity and success of activity (sometimes - to the disruption), a lack of the professional development


The sufficient communicational skills to build relationships with other people based on mutual respect, the adequacy of behavioral patterns

The lack of communicational skills, the usage of low adaptive patterns of behavior (conflict, aggression)


The relative stability of the emotional sphere, the adequacy of the affective reactions

The rapid mood chages, emotional instability, an inadequate affective reactions often with the dominance of asthenic and depressive emotional background

social adaptation stress

Thus, all the factors which influence was investigated can be divided into social and psychological factors. Among the social and psychological factors, in turn, can be divided into three groups of factors, each of which describes those aspects of life of subjects:

Micro social conditions, including:

Related to the pecuniary living condition.

Related to the interactions with the micro social environment in the family.Related to the interactions with the micro social environment outside the family.

Behavior, including:

The content of an everyday behavior.

The psychological (social and psychological) parameters of behavior.

Other social and psychological factors (values, localization and intensity of stressful situations, the presence of psychopathological syndromes).

Data analysis of structured interviews, documents, expert opinions, which were provided to the social workers, employment services, inspectors of criminal executive inspection (including the determination of the degree of adaptation of social behavior and the availability of real satisfaction with their social conditions), doctors (for subjects that are in remission of psychotropic substances, including the diagnosis and determination of the mental disorders), family members allowed us to differentiate the degree of social adaptation and identify: the degree of the social adaptation, the degree of a partial social adaptation, total and destructive degree of the social exclusion of the subjects.

In particular, on a basis of the expert assessments such parameters of the degree of the social adaptation as a social activity, high integration with the environment, a wide range of communication, the presence of positive interpersonal communication, interpersonal relationships with other people that are based on a mutual respect were determined. Based on the analysis of documents the social status, professional fulfillment, somatic well-being of patients were defined. The data of the structural conversation allowed to determine such a fact that socially adapted investigated patients mainly characterize themselves with the emotionally positive attitudes as well as provided an opportunity to compare a subjective vision of the patients with the parameters identified by experts: an independence in making decision, defending their ideas, rather high level of communicational skills, the relative stability of the emotional sphere, the adequacy of affective reactions. 155 (29.7%) patients appeared to be such the subjects during the selection.

The patients were divided into three degrees of the social adaptation (maladaptation) in a case of an inconsistency to the indicated parameters.

The studied with the partial social exclusion are characterized with the middle level of an integrating and differentiating reflexivity. Cognitive installations directed to yourself have an emotionally neutral or that is rarer positive meaning. They are distinguishing with an emotional discomfort, low satisfaction with the relationships with the surrounding people, their social status, the basic forms of the activity, the degree of basic needs implementation, the level of self-realization. The manifestations of superiority complex, demonstrative behavior are the most often for such subjects. In the external behavior, cooperation the demonstrative elements, often rivalry are present. The investigated with the total degree of thesocial exclusion are distinguished with the low level of an integrating reflexivity, at the same time the differentiating complication of the image "I" is distinguished mainly with the negative or neutral content. The investigated are law sociable, passive, inert. In addition, they are characterized with the emerging self-control behavior, propensity for aggression, a high degree of conformity and excessive orientation to the standards of their micro social environment. A low level of self-perception, an inadequate or poorly differentiated, unstable self-esteem and level of needs are immanent to such people. The neuroticism and digressional mood are present. The destructive degree of the social exclusion of subjects means a low degree of an integration (even disintegration) with the surroundings, a low social status, lack of deep personal contacts, limited social circle, social passivity, isolation, low working capacity and successfulness (sometimes - to disruption of activities), lack of communicational skills, the usage of maladaptive patterns of behavior (conflict, aggression). The cyclisme, a low emotional stability, an inadequate affective reactions often - the dominance of the depressive emotional background are determined.

The socially adapted investigated people and those who have a part-social adjustment are represented by the identical groups of subjects - men, who are retired or resigned, combatants and subjects who are in remission from an alcohol abuse. The difference in the degree of the social adaptation of these subjects we associate with different levels of adaptive capacity - high or medium level of the socially adapted individuals and middle or low level of the partly adapted people. The total degree of the social exclusion is represented in the sample most of all, which was found in all groups of the investigated, except for the men who are retired or resigned (that, in our opinion, is connected with their high adaptive capacity and fewer adaptive adverse factors that influence the other groups of maladaptive people). The destructive degree of the social exclusion exists among people who returned from prison and people who got rid of drug addiction and are in remission. We consider that the data associated with both low (probably too low) adaptive capacity of subjects and the severe and negative impact of unfavorable factors of adaptation. The received data of the degree of the social adaptation were taken into account by the differentiation of the psycho rehabilitation measures in the system of readaptation.

The results of an empirical study give a reason to think that the risk factor for social exclusion of the people at mature age is a low degree of an integration (up to disintegration) of the individual with the environment, a low social and sociometric status, low emotional effusiveness, the dependency and conformity, the lack of deep personal contacts, a limited range of communication and inability to meet the basic needs as well as the social passivity, isolation, low working capacity and successfulness (sometimes - to the disruption), the lack of the professional growth.

The leading point in the structure of the adaptation is a psychological aspect that mediates the character and peculiarities of adaptation at other levels. The crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of the adaptation process as a system belongs to the psychological criteria. An emotional comfort also belongs to these criteria as well as a high degree of satisfaction with relationships, a social status, basic forms of activitis, the implementation of basic needs, self-realization and a low level of the situational and trait anxiety, self-acceptance, an adequate self-esteem and level of aspiration, the minimum dilution of the real I and the ideal I, the absence of the tendencies to depression and neuroticism, a feeling of inclusion in the activities of the group.

The conducted differentiation of the degree of the social adaptation made it possible to identify the socially adapted subjects among whom is the largest number of men, who are retired or resigned, the degree of the partial social adaptation, that is presented by the combatants, the total degree of social adaptation and the destructive degree of social inclusion which are mostly represented by those subjects who returned from prison and subjects with a history of dependence on psychoactive substances.

Conclusions. So, the empirical study reveled that factors of the social exclusion of people at a mature age in the case of an abrupt change in their life situation are: a low level of integration into the micro-social environment (the lack of deep interpersonal communication, a limited social circle), social passivity, low social status; a lack of professional achievement and a low level of productive activity in general.

The received data about the degree of the social adaptation should be considered while differentiating psycho corrective and preventing measures in the system of the rehabilitation. In addition, the systemic and holistic understanding of the process of reintegration of the individual has a fundamental importance for the theory and practice of the social work, which aims to support personal development, resettlement of individual and social subjectivity of the individual.


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Завацький В.Ю.

Критерії оцінки ефективності соціальної адаптації особистості у посттравматичний стресовий період

В статті наведено об'єктивні критерії ефективності адаптації особистості у посттравматичний стресовий період на соціальному рівні та суб'єктивні критерії, які відповідають психологічному аспекту соціальної адаптації особистості. Проведено співставлення ступеня соціальної адаптації (дезадаптації) з категоріями досліджуваних особистості у посттравматичний стресовий період з метою розробки психопрофілактичних та психокорекційних програм допомоги.

Ключові слова: особистість, соціальна адаптація, посттравматичний стрес, психосоціальна робота.

Завацкий В.Ю.

Критерии оценки эффективности социальной адаптации личности в посттравматический стрессовый период

В статье приведены объективные критерии эффективности адаптации личности в посттравматический стрессовый период на социальном уровне и субъективные критерии, соответствующие психологическому аспекту социальной адаптации личности. Проведено сопоставление степени социальной адаптации (дезадаптации) с категориями испытуемых в посттравматический стрессовый период с целью разработки психопрофилактических и психокоррекционных программ помощи.

Ключевые слова: личность, социальная адаптация, посттравматический стресс, психосоциальная работа.

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