The personality’s professional self-identification issue in modern psychology

The basic mechanisms of professional identity of the personality. Studying the process of self-determination, which implies a conscious career choice based on activation of the internal potential of the personality. The indicators of self-identification.

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Дата добавления 12.04.2018
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УДК 159.9.07

The personality's professional self-identification issue in modern psychology

L.A. Afanasenko


The basic mechanisms of professional identity of the personality are presented. It is studied that the problem form the basis for the process of professional self-determination, which implies a conscious career choice based on activation of the internal potential of the personality. It is found that the professional self-determination is conditioned by the formation of personality's professional orientations, the modeling of his future in the form of professional image standards construction, the correlation between obtained information about the future profession and personal capabilities. It is concluded that the rationality of professional self-determination depends on the formation of future profession image which correlates with the image of «Me».

The professional self-identity is discovered as a semantic condition of professionalism formation that reflects the level of human mastering the psychological structure of professional activities and providing of personality's natural quality in self-realization. The notion is defined by serving an indicator of the internal maturity of the individual as a manifestation of professional self-identification, providing some stabilizing functions of socialization and integration of subject-object relations in professional activities.

It is studied that the indicators of professional self-identification are the professional «Me»-image (image of oneself as a specialist), the image of profession (image of the profession, its contents, tasks, functions, value) and awareness by the subject of the correlation system of functioning of these concepts as a basis for further self-identity in professional activities.

Key words: professional self-identification, professional self-determination, professionalism, professional image of «Me», the image of the profession, professional self-realization.

Представлено основні механізми професійної самоідентифікації особистості. Досліджено, що ця проблему покладено в основу процесу професійного самовизначення, який передбачає усвідомлений акт вибору професії на основі активізації внутрішнього потенціалу особистості. З'ясовано, що професійне самовизначення зумовлюється формуванням професійних орієнтацій особистості, моделюванням власного майбутнього у вигляді побудови еталонів професійного образу, співвідношенням отриманої інформації про майбутню професію з власними можливостями. Зроблено висновок про те, що раціональність професійного самовизначення залежить від формування образу майбутньої професії, який співвідноситься з образом «Я».

Виявлено професійну самоідентифікацію як семантичну умову формування професіоналізму, що відображає рівень оволодіння людиною психологічною структурою професійної діяльності та забезпечення природної якості особистості в самореалізації. Визначено дане поняття показником внутрішньої зрілості особистості як прояву професійної са- моідентифікації, що забезпечує стабілізаційну функцію соціалізації та інтеграцію суб'єктно-об'єктних відносин у професійній діяльності.

Досліджено, що показниками професійної самоідентифікації є професійний образ «Я» (уявлення про себе як фахівця), образ професії (уявлення про професію, її зміст, задачі, функції, значення) та усвідомлення суб'єктом кореляційної системи функціонування цих понять як основ для подальшої самореалізації особистості в професійній діяльності.

Ключові слова: професійна самоідентифікація, професійне самовизначення, професіоналізм, професійний образ «Я», образ професії, професійна самореалізація.

Представлены основные механизмы профессиональной самоидентификации личности. Исследовано, что эта проблема положена в основу процесса профессионального самоопределения, который предусматривает осознанный акт выбора профессии на основе активизации внутреннего потенциала личности. Выяснено, что профессиональное самоопределение обусловлено формированием профессиональных ориентаций личности, моделированием собственного будущего посредством построения эталонов профессионального образа, соотношением полученной информации о будущей профессии со своими возможностями. Сделан вывод о том, что рациональность профессионального самоопределения зависит от формирования образа будущей профессии, который соотносится с образом «Я».

Выявлена профессиональная самоидентификация как семантическое условие формирования профессионализма, который отображает уровень овладения человеком психологической структурой профессиональной деятельности и обеспечения естественного качества личности в самореализации. Определено это понятие показателем внутренней зрелости личности как проявления профессиональной самоидентификации, что обеспечивает стабилизационную функцию социализации и интеграции субъектно-объектных отношений в профессиональной деятельности.

Исследовано, что показателями профессиональной самоидентификации определены профессиональный образ «Я» (представление о себе как о специалисте), образ профессии (представление о профессии, ее содержании, задачах, функциях, значениях) и осознания субъектом корреляционной системы функционирования этих понятий как основ для дальнейшей самореализации личности в профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная самоидентификация, профессиональное самоопределение, профессионализм, профессиональный образ «Я», образ профессии, профессиональная самореализация.


The formulation of the problem. In the psychological literature, the problem of the professional self-identification is defined as one of the key components of personal development, which consists in the organization and integration of man's inner world. The modern trend of psychological thought development is associated with the transition from the structural study of personality to the analysis of its functioning as a dynamic system [2; 3; 9]. Strengthening of personal approach in psychology led to the enrichment of the language by concepts that reflect the aspects of personal development areas that had previously not been subjected to psychological analysis.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The concept of professional identity of individual refers to the problems that are actively studied by philosophers (O.Stoiano) [13], sociologists (T.Fomina) [14], psychologists. In the context of philosophical teachings this concept is seen as the identification of the individual with a certain type of people from different groups and separation from others, which differ in language, culture, status, interests [13]. The sociological approach of professional identity analysis is understood as a dynamic, multifaceted process of self-detection compliance of the members of professional group, their belonging to those objects which in concrete historical situations are the highest priority for them, while maintaining the perceptions of integrity and uniqueness of the individual «Me» [14]. The psychological direction defines this concept as the need of the individual to express himself/ herself through personalization choosing the conscious professional development vector, which corresponds to its value orientations [15]. However, analysis of the literature shows that the mechanism of professional identity is complex and poorly understood in scientific achievement.

Therefore, the purpose of the article is to examine and make theoretical grounding of the concept of professional self-identification as an activating constant for further self-fulfillment of individual in professional activities.

Statement of the principal material of research

The mechanism of professional self-identification as a psychological phenomenon has not received a clear definition in the scientific circulation. According to O.Yermolaieva, an internal impulse of a person in professional development is his/her desire to integration in the socio- psychological context based on the identification with professionally significant group [6, p. 84].

Professional identity is considered by the scientist as the subject of a continued personal and professional development, which appears in the process of professional activities and in the acquisition of professional experience. Individual professional development involves the formation of reflective personality being capable to implement professional functions independently, efficiently and timely with optimal psychological outgoings [10, p. 101].

Herewith, the professional identity occurs by achieving professionalism and serves as a stable coordination of the main elements of professional process. The scheme of professional self-identification is the notion to organize and manage the individual's sense according to professional subjectivity [6]. Another approach to the problem of professional identity is represented in the works of L.Schneider [16]. The author considers that professional self-identification cannot be viewed as a phenomenon of professionalism.

If defining professionalism as the human motivational sphere expressing, it must be considered as a part of professional self-identification, but if interpreted in the context of professional self-determination and personal life prospects, then the notion of «professionalism» and «professional self-identification» is quite correlated.

The above considerations provide grounds to define the professional self-identification as a semantic condition for professionalism formation that reflects the level of mastering by human of the psychological structure of professional activity and meets social standards and objective requirements. This concept is considered as an integral characteristic of a specialist (individual, individuality, personality and subject of activities), manifested in social activities and communication. Professionalism of human involves not only the achievement of high production performance, but also features of professional motivation, system of aspirations, values, professional self-determination [1; 4; 5; 12].

Therefore, understanding of the process of professional development of the individual within the structural and dynamic approach encourage to the need to analyze the relationship between the concepts of professional self-determination and professional self-identification.

The professional self-determination is a dynamic process that involves a conscious act of activating internal potential of the individual in the professional achievements of mankind.

The choice of profession performing by a person as the result of analysis of internal resources and by their relationship to the requirements of profession is the basis of its self-affirmation in social and professional life.

The writings of K.Abulkhanova-Slavska state that the central point of professional self-appreciation is self-determination, that is, personal activity of individual as a conscious desire to occupy a certain socio-professional position [1]. The researcher stresses that the system of relations (to a professional team, to own place in the team and among other members) influences the self-determination and professional activity of the personality.

Thus, the professional self-identification is conditioned by the formation of professional orientations of the personality, the modeling of his own future in the form of professional image standards construction, the correlation between obtained information about the future profession and own capabilities as an active search for alternatives for own professional development.

The rationality of professional self-determination depends on the formation of future profession image (availability of knowledge about the features of professional work and its requirements to the specialist's individuality), which correlates with the image of «Me» (presence of knowledge about individual psychological characteristics and their own capabilities) [11].

Thus, the process of professional self-identification of the personality is the transformation mechanism of professional identity.

Therefore the development of professional self-identification in the professional preparation is a part of professional self-determination as an active determination of individual position regarding socially produced values.

According to M.Hrebeniuk, the formation of the professional self-identification of the personality runs the following stages [5]:

- Preparatory stage - the professional self-determination of the personality takes place.

- Stage of the profession acceptance - a student's readiness to perform professional functions.

- Self-improvement - transition to the necessity of self-diagnosis, self-knowledge, professional self-esteem etc.

- Self-realization - leaving the reproductive performance of professional activities to the socially useful one.

The humanistic approach in psychology allows to interpret the concept of self-realization as human desire to identify and develop his own personal capabilities.

The demand for self-realization is a source of individual activity that determines the activities in which this need is met. This process involves the formation of psychological characteristics of the individual in terms of introspective mechanism.

Thus, the personality puts personal goal, turns it into a vital task, herewith restructuring his own inner world.

Genetic-psychological approach enables its founder S. Maksymenko to make clarifications on the issue of self-realization and consider it as a natural quality of the personality [8]. Success of professional activities depends on the activity of the personality as a product of intuitive reproductive experience of the individual and the prevailing sense of responsibility for approving decisions [8].

Thus, self-realization serves as an indicator of the internal maturity of the personality, as a manifestation of professional selfidentification, providing stabilizing functions of socialization and integration of subject-object relations in professional activities.

The professional self-identification is the basis for further selfrealization of the personality in the professional area and is determined by a number of factors, which include [4]:

1. Professional orientation is determined by the development of skills in the implemention of professional activities, past experience, a system of ideas about the profession.

2. Individual psychological characteristics (traits, temperament, features of nervous system, professional characteristics of specialist model).

3. Professional level of training (ideology, success in vocational training, professional skills).

4. Peculiarities of physical development of the personality.

5. Social factors (place of residence, content and nature of professional activity) etc.

Thus, in contradistinction to the process of identification where a person compares himself with others, in the process of selfidentification there is the correlation of himself with himself.

As a result of passing the main stages of the professional self-identification there is formed the image of oneself as self-identical, unique personality in terms of professional self-realization.

Summaring results of the research made it possible to draw the following conclusions.

1. Professional self-identification assumes fusion of personality with professional activities, when the acquired typical features begin to appear in all other spheres of life and define its ratio to reality. This is the conscious sense of authenticity of oneself and own professional trajectory.

2. Professional self-identification includes professional image of «Me» (perception of oneself as a specialist), the image of the profession (perception of the profession, its content, tasks, functions, values) and understanding the functioning of these concepts as a basis for further self-realization of the personality in a professional activity.

The prospects for further scientific researches are seen in the study of the specifics of planning and construction of the individual's own professional trajectory, criteria and conditions of selfrealization depending on educational and professional level of the personality.

professional identity personality career

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  • Traditions and customs of different nations. Story of The Beatles. Things of importance in our life: money, health, science. Personality of Abraham Lincoln, Peter the Great, A. Pushkin. Mass media in my life. The ways of spending time. Freedom of choice.

    топик [26,7 K], добавлен 17.01.2010

  • A role of job is in everyday life of everybody. The successfully done choice in behalf of good job is a mortgage of success. Professional Resume Samples. Start search for work what to do. Interviewing is not an exam, it is familiarity future colleagues.

    презентация [374,9 K], добавлен 19.12.2010

  • Features market forms of managing in the conditions of a rigid competition. Analysis a problem of internal diagnostics of the company and definition her strong and weaknesses, as well as the general characteristics of stages and role of his carrying out.

    реферат [17,4 K], добавлен 13.09.2010

  • Development of harmonious and competent personality - one of main tasks in the process of teaching of future teachers. Theoretical aspects of education and competence of teacher of foreign language are in the context of General European Structure.

    контрольная работа [12,2 K], добавлен 16.05.2009

  • Consideration of a systematic approach to the identification of the organization's processes for improving management efficiency. Approaches to the identification of business processes. Architecture of an Integrated Information Systems methodology.

    реферат [195,5 K], добавлен 12.02.2016

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