Psychological syimptomatology of the phenomenon "emotional burnout" of teenagers: empiric researches

The article presents the main results of an empirical study of the psychological symptomatology of the phenomenon of "emotional burnout" in adolescents. The main external factors provoking emotional burnout of adolescents are determined and analyzed.

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Psychological syimptomatology of the phenomenon «emotional burnout» of teenagers: empiric researches

V. Vashchenko, L.V. Kondratska, D.A. Nishkur,

Vashchenko I.V. Psychological symptomatology of the phenomenon «emotional burnout» of teenagers: empiric researches / I.V. Vashchenko, L.V. Kondratska, D.A. Nishkur // Problems of Modern Psychology : Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine / scientific editing by S.D. Maksymenko, L.A. Onufriieva. - Issue 35. - Kamianets-Podilskyi : Aksioma, 2017. - Р. 28-43.

I.V. Vashchenko, L.V. Kondratska, D.A. Nishkur. Psychological symptomatology of the phenomenon «emotional burnout» of teenagers: empiric researches. The article presents the results of empirical research of psychological symptoms of «emotional burnout» phenomenon of teenagers. There have been identified and analyzed the external factors that provoke emotional burnout of teenagers such as: chronically tense psycho-emotional activity; destabilizing organization of learning activities; increased responsibility for the performed functions; adverse psychological atmosphere in the school; psychologically heavy contingent, with which teenager communicates; adverse psychological atmosphere at home. There have been empirically determined internal factors that contribute to emotional burnout: emotional tendency to rigidity; intense interiorization (perception and experience) circumstances of training activities; moral defects and personality disorientation. It is shown that emotional burnout of teenagers as a syndrome is characterized by following features: behavior change; thinking change; feelings change; health change. It was identified direct dependence between high levels of anxiety and conflict of teenagers' father and mother; frequency of conflicts in the family; the depth of the conflict; reconciliation with parents. «Obstacles» in the development of emotional contact with teenagers were concretized: inability to control emotions, I.V. Vashchenko - the scientific contribution of the co-author is 40%, L.V. Kondratska - the scientific contribution of the co-author is 30%, D.A. Nishkur - the scientific contribution of the co-author is 30%.

Nishkurtheir dose, inflexibility, lack, opacity emotions and reluctance to contact with people. The features of young individual, which leads him to deformation, are those: emotional instability, characterized by mood instability, high personal anxiety, tendency to events dramatization, demonstrativeness, self-centeredness; psychasthenic traits, impulsiveness, conflictness, inadequate self-esteem.

Key words: emotional sphere, emotional exhaustion, family conflicts, teenage crisis, self-rating, uneasiness, conflictness, aggression.

Received November 14, 2016 Revised December 15, 2016 Accepted January 11, 2017

И.В. Ващенко, Л.В. Кондрацкая, Д.А. Нишкур. Психологическая симптоматика феномена «эмоциональное выгорание» у подростков: эмпирические исследования. В статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования психологической симптоматики феномена «эмоциональное выгорание» у подростков. Определены и проанализированы внешние факторы, провоцирующие эмоциональное выгорание подростков: хроническая напряженная психоэмоциональная деятельность; дестабилизирующая организация учебной деятельности; повышенная ответственность за исполняемые функции; неблагополучная психологическая атмосфера в школе; психологически тяжёлый контингент, с которым имеет дело подросток в сфере общения; неблагополучная психологическая атмосфера дома. Эмпирически определены внутренние факторы, обуславливающие эмоциональное выгорание: склонность к эмоциональной ригидности; интенсивная интериоризации (восприятие и переживание) обстоятельств учебной деятельности; нравственные дефекты и дезориентация личности. Результаты исследования показали, что эмоциональному выгоранию подростков как симптомокомплексу характерны следующие признаки: изменения в поведении; изменения в мышлении; изменения в чувствах; изменения в здоровье. Существует прямая зависимость между высоким уровнем тревоги у подростка и конфликтностью отца и матери; частотой конфликтов в семье; глубиной конфликта; примирением с родителями. Конкретизировано «препятствия» в установлении эмоциональных контактов у подростков: неумение управлять эмоциями, дозировать их, негибкость, неразвитость, невыразительность эмоций и нежелание сближаться с людьми. Выявлены особенности личности подростка, которые ведут её к деформации - это эмоциональная нестабильность, характеризующаяся неустойчивостью настроения, высокой личностной тревожностью, склонностью к драматизации событий, демонстративность, эгоцентризм; психоастенические черты характера, а также самоимпульсивность, конфликтность, неадекватная самооценка.

Ключевые слова: эмоциональная сфера, эмоциональное выгорание, семейные конфликты, подростковый кризис, самооценка, конфликтность, тревожность, агрессивность.

emotional burnout psychological adolescent

І.В. Ващенко, Л.В. Кондрацька, Д.А. Нішкур. Психологічна симптоматика феномену «емоційне вигорання» у підлітків: емпіричні дослідження. У статті представлено результати емпіричного дослідження психологічної симптоматики феномену «емоційне вигорання» у підлітків. Визначено та проаналізовано зовнішні фактори, що провокують емоційне вигорання підлітків: хронічно напружена психоемоційна діяльність; дестабілізуюча організація навчальної діяльності; підвищена відповідальність за виконувані функції; несприятлива психологічна атмосфера в школі; психологічно важкий контингент, з яким має справу підліток у сфері спілкування; несприятлива психологічна атмосфера вдома. Емпірично визначено внутрішні фактори, котрі зумовлюють емоційне вигорання: схильність до емоційної ригідності; інтенсивна інтеріоризація (сприйняття та переживання) обставин навчальної діяльності; моральні дефекти та дезорієнтація особистості. Показано, що емоційному вигоранню підлітків як симптомокомплексу характерні наступні ознаки: зміни у поведінці; зміни у мисленні; зміни у почуттях; зміни у здоров'ї. Виявлено пряму залежність між високим рівнем тривоги у підлітка і конфліктністю батька та матері; частотою конфліктів у сім'ї; глибиною конфлікту; примиренням із батьками. Конкретизовано «перешкоди» у становленні емоційних контактів у підлітків: невміння управляти емоціями, дозувати їх, негнучкість, нерозвиненість, невиразність емоцій і небажання зближуватися з людьми. Виявлено особливості особистості підлітка, котрі приводять її до деформації - це емоційна нестабільність, яка характеризується нестійкістю настрою, високою особистісною тривожністю, схильністю до драматизації подій, демонстративність, егоцентризм; психастенічні риси характеру, само- імпульсивність, конфліктність, неадекватна самооцінка.

Ключові слова: емоційна сфера, емоційне вигорання, сімейні конфлікти, підліткова криза, самооцінка, тривожність, конфліктність, агресивність.

Formulation of the problem. In recent years researches confirmed enough wide interest of investigators to «burnout» phenomenon. It was assisted by the necessity of transformation of restless, emotionally tense atmosphere requiring permanent attention and control after people's activity and cooperation that was caused by great number of stressors accumulated in the different spheres of vital functions. When both internal and external requirements constantly prevail above resources (internal and external), the state of man's equilibrium is violated. Continuous, uncontrolled and progressive unbalance inevitably leads to the burnout result.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The theoretical analysis of existent researches and publications found out the ambiguousness of determination of the concept «burnout» by explorers, distinction of approaches to studying and diagnosing. They are widely presented in modern works [3; 5]. Therefore in this article we will concentrate on the definition of obtained empiric data.Presenting of main material. Based on the fact that origin of burnout is caused by different reasons, in the research we dwelled on those that are most catalysts for teenagers. As it turned out during research, exactly domestic conflicts are the source of stimulation of the teenager's emotional burnout. At the same time, we came to the conclusion that emotional burnout should be considered in connection with the stages of its formation and demonstration.

On the basis of analysis of psychological literature and empiric job results we came to the conclusion that the emotional burnout of teenagers is the reflection of their lived states of the physical, emotional or psychical exhaustion caused by protracted plugged in the domestic conflicts of middle intensity.

As an emotional burnout is self-made personality mechanism of psychological defense in the form of complete or partial exception of emotions (lowering of their energy) in reply to select psychotrau-matic influences, then it is possible to assert that the emotional burnout is the form of deformation of personality. This stereotype of emotional perception of reality arises up because of influence of both external and internal factors [1].

According to data of our research it is revealed that among external factors, provoking «burning» down of teenagers, there are such as [2]:

chronic tense psychoemotional activity. Such activity is related to intensive communication, more precisely, with purposeful perception of partners and affecting them. A teenager has constantly to support the different aspects of communication by emotions: to pose and solve problems actively, to perceive attentively, to memorize hardly and to interpret visual, audible and writing information quickly, to think over alternatives and make decision fast. So 56,8 % of polled teenagers mark that they constantly undergo considerable intellectual overloads, with 24,2 % others consider that the intellectual loading is moderate, but permanent. Practically all teenagers specify that their education is associated with psychoemotional overloads, thus 32,6 % mark their permanent character. In addition, 11,4 % of teenagers see in it considerable physical activities;

destabilizing organization of educational activity. Its basic signs are well-known: unclear organization and planning of the activity, diffuse information, presence of contradictions, understating of estimations because of improper behavior, overstating of norms of amount of students in class, lack of textbooks, complex training programs, presence of distracting factors (music, mobile telephone). It should be considered that destabilizing situation causes frequent negative effect: it effects on a teenager, on the subject of communication - friends, parents, teachers and etc., and then on the mutual relations of both sides;

enhanced responsibility for executable functions. Teenagers are usually in the mode of external and internal control. Communicating with peers, friends and parents it is necessary to scrutinize, listen, empathize, sympathize, envisage their words, moods, actions. And the most important thing is that they always have to take on the energy level of the communication partners.

During one educational week self-feedback and self-control for some teenagers are so considerable, that psychical resources practically are not restored to the next week. According to our data a risk and enhancable risk of nervous diseases for teenagers make 37,50 %, and 57,80 % of examinee teenagers have violations of activity of gastrointestinal tract. All somatic pathology is accompanied by the clinic of neurosis-like violations. Actually neurotic disorders appeared in 40-50 % cases. The indicated picture of student's health is conditioned, probably, by many factors. They are psychical tension, anxiety, depression, emotional rigidity and emotional devastation - that is cost of responsibility. With the purpose of economy of energy resources, many teenagers come running to the different mechanisms of psychological defense, including aggressive one. Every teenager is under permanent pressure of parents, teachers propulsive to responsibility for executable functions;

unhappy psychological atmosphere at school. It is determined by two basic circumstances: by a conflict vertically in the system «a student - a teacher», and horizontally in the system «a student - a student». A nervous situation induces some teenagers to waste emotions, and other one - to search the methods of economy of the psychical resources;

psychologically heavy contingent with which a teenager deals in the sphere of communication. They are class-mates with anomalies of character and nervous system and psychical development delaying, teachers with the symptoms of the emotional burnout, neuroses, signs of psychopatization. According to their own supervisions teenagers begin to ignore emotionally: ill-mannered, dissolute, unwise, capricious or immoral. The mechanism of psychological defense is found, but the emotional detachment can be used in inappropriate way, and students are not involved in necessities and requirements of communication with normal partner. There can be misunderstanding and conflicts on this basis - the emotional burnout is demonstrated by its dysfunctional side;

psychologically unhappy house atmosphere. In families, where conflicts often happen, teenagers have a high level of anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,281; р < 0,01), all the time they are in expectant of unfavorable event development. The existence of frequent conflicts in the family leads to the loss of a teenager's stability and security feeling, he is covered by anxiety, and longterm family conflicts lead to more severe mental trauma.

In the mind of a teenager there is assigned the wrong script of conflict behavior as only possible method in the decision of similar situations, that in future is carried on his own relationships and relations with other people that cause difficulties in his future social life. At the same time, under certain circumstances, a teenager, feeling the effects of family conflicts, unwittingly, becomes a source of self-reproduction of these relations in his future family [4].

Besides lasting domestic conflicts are favorable sources for forming such teenager's personality lines, as: emotional instability, lack of confidence, anxiety, tactlessness, indifference to others, isolation, exclusion, failure of self-knowledge.

The internal factors that cause emotional burnout are the following:

propensity to emotional rigidity. According to the research results emotional burnout as means of psychological defense quicker occurs those, who are less reactive and receptive, more emotionally restrained (correlation coefficient is 0,264; р < 0,01). And vice versa, forming of symptoms of «burnout» will pass slower for people impulsive, having movable nervous processes. Increased vulnerability and sensitivity can completely block this mechanism of psychological defense and do not allow it to develop;

intensive interiorization (perception and experiencing) of circumstances of educational activity. This psychological phenomenon occurs in people with high responsibility for assigned work. Every stressor case leaves deep track in the soul. Fate, health, prosperity of activity subject causes intensive participation and empathy, painful reflections and insomnia. Gradually emotionally- power resources are exhausted and there is a necessity to restore them or save, resorting to the different methods of psychological defense. One part of students changes school during educating. But a typical variant of economy of resources is the emotional burnout. Sometimes perception of unfavorable parties of activity is intensified, and then a teenager going through a very stressful situation. The emotional burnout turns into indifference and apathy (coefficient of correlation is 0,450; р < 0,01);

- moral defects and disorientation of personality. Moral teenager defects can occur due to a lack of morale in the process of communication with peers, negative experience of relationships in the family. A moral defect is conditioned by inability to include in collaboration with the dialogue partners such moral categories, as conscience, virtue, respectability, honesty, respect of rights and dignities of other personality.

Moral disorientation is caused by other reasons - lack of ability to distinguish well from bad, benefit from harm caused to person.

However, both in case of moral defect and of presence of moral disorientation, forming of the emotional burnout is simplified. Probability of indifference increases to the subject of activity and apathy to the objects of communication (correlation coefficient is 0,273; р < 0,01).

With the aim of studying forming of the emotional teenagers' «burnout» methodology of «Diagnostician of level of the emotional «burnout» (by V.V. Boiko, adapted for the teenagers by L.V. Kondratskaia) was used. Processing data based on this methodology (see Fig. 1-3) we considered the phases of forming teenagers' «burnout» using such symptoms [1]: a phase of tension - experiencing of psychotraumatic circumstances; dissatisfaction with themselves; driven into a corner; anxiety and depression; resistance phase - inadequate selective emotional response; emotional and moral disorientation; expanding the scope of economy of emotions; reduction of family responsibilities; exhaustion phase - e motional deficits; emotional alienation; personal alienation (depersonalization), psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders, and obtained the following results.

Fig. 1 shows that the teenagers experience symptom of traumatic circumstances, where family relationships and interpersonal relationships are perceived as psychotraumatic, at a formative stage - in 51,00 % of teenagers, and is formed - in 11,80 % of teenagers; a symptom of dissatisfaction with themselves and their relationships with parents is formed in 5,90 % of teenagers, and at the stage of formation is observed in 33,30 %; driven in the corner symptom appears as sense of hopelessness of the situation, the desire to change the family is formed in 7,80 % of tennagers and 33,30 % at a formative stage; a symptom of anxiety in relationships with parents, increasing nervousness is fully formed in 6,90 %, and at the stage of formation - in 28,40 % of adolescents.

Fig. 1. Indicators stages of formation of teenagers' «burnout» symptoms (tension phase)

The second phase of resistance is characterized by excessive emotional exhaustion, that provokes an origin and development of protective reactions, which do a man emotionally closed, aloof, indifferent. On such background any emotional engaging in intercourse and communications causes feeling of excessive overstrain for a teenager.

Fig. 2. Indicators stages of formation of teenagers' «burnout» symptoms (resistance phase)

Fig. 2 shows, that on the stage of forming only 13,70 % of teenagers have such symptoms, as: inadequate electoral emotional reacting that comes out in out-of-control influences of mood on family relations; emotionally-moral disorientation, i.e. development of indifference in relationships with parents; emotional reserve, alienation, desire to stop any communications.

Fig. 3 shows data of formed symptoms of the emotional «burn- out» for teenagers in exhaustion phase, that is characterized by the psychophysical overstrain of man, devastated, leveling of own achievements, violation of communications, by development of cynical attitude toward parents, by development of psychosomatic violations. And only 4,90 % of teenagers are on the stage of forming of symptom of emotional deficit, that occur in development of emotional insensitivity, minimizations of emotional contribution to the mutual relations with parents, automatism.

Fig. 3. Indicators stages of formation of teenagers' «burnout» symptoms (exhaustion phase)

Generalization of the obtained data confirmed our supposition about the existence of connection between experiencing by the teenager of psychotraumatic circumstances and lack of ability to manage emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,297; р < 0,05), personality anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,287; р < 0,05), situation anxiety (correlations coefficient is 0,350; р < 0,01). Connection was found between dissatisfaction and prevailing of negative emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,329; р < 0,01), by an unwillingness to be drawn together with people on emotional basis (correlation coefficient is 0,404; р < 0,01), situation anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,316; р < 0,01). Correlations of irreparableness of situation feeling are determined, it means driven in a corner with prevailing of negative emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,277; р < 0,01), personal anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,316; р < 0,01). Teenagers' anxiety has correlations with the inadequate display of emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,258; р < 0,01), inflexibility of emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,276; р < 0,01), the dominance of negative emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,275; p < 0,01), reconciliation with parents (correlation coefficient is 0,344; p < 0,01).

Many connections were found out between excessive emotional exhaustion and indexes of methodology of «Diagnostician of «hindrances» in establishment of emotional contacts» (V. Boiko). Among them there are direct correlations between the inadequate electoral emotional reacting and inadequate display of emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,256; р < 0,01), by an unwillingness to be drawn together with people on emotional basis (correlation coefficient is 0,608; р < 0,01), self-appraisal (correlation coefficient is 0,288; р < 0,01). Emotionally-moral disorientation for teenagers has correlations with the inadequate display of emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,488; р < 0,01), unwillingness to be drawn together with people on emotional basis (correlation coefficient is 0,433; р < 0,01). There is connection between emotional reserve and desire to stop any communications and by a situation anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,277; р < 0,01), unwillingness to be drawn together with people on emotional basis (correlation coefficient is 0,216; р < 0,05).

It should be noted that the analysis of results on this methodology testifies that among investigated teenagers there are not teenagers with excessive emotional exhaustion, which provokes an origin and development of protective reactions, that do them emotionally closed, indifferent. On such background any emotional engaging in domestic businesses and communication causes feeling of excessive overstrain for them.

Emotional teenager's burnout as a complex of symptoms negatively influences on the emotional sphere of a child. Its display is conditioned by certain factors, in particular, by domestic conflicts, which lead to some changes in behavior, attitude toward other people and self-appraisal. Research results showed that some features characterize teenagers' emotional burnout as a complex of symptoms: changes in behavior; changes in thinking; changes in feelings; changes in health.

So we can hypothesize about existence of dependence between domestic conflicts and stages features of teenagers' emotional burnout. In this connection, teenagers were divided into two groups: teenagers' families of grades 7-8, where additional psychoprophylactic classes (control group) took place - 53 families and teenagers' families of grades 7-8, where special course «Basics of Conflict» was held, training «Conflict - poor communication», training for parents «Parental efficiency training» (the experimental group) - 49 families. Teenagers' age was from 12 to 14 years, and their parents - from 31 to 54 years.

On the ascertaining stage we conducted testing of emotional sphere of teenagers, more specifically, level of personality (human stable characteristics) and situation (reactive anxiety as state) anxiety, on adapted variant of methodology «Scale of self-appraisal and estimation of anxiety» (Ch.D. Spilberg, Y.L. Khanin). Results of testing data are in the table 1.

Table 1 - Rates of teenagers' personal and situational anxiety (%)






Personal (control group)




Personal (experimental group)




Situational (control group)




Situational (experimental group)




The analysis of empiric data showed that both in control group and in experimental group there were teenagers with the high level of anxiety. But in control group the amount of teenagers with a high anxiety exceeded - 24,50 % and 31,40 % as compared to an experimental group - 21,60 % and 28,70 %.

The comparative analysis of quantitative results of two methodologies («Scale of self-appraisal and estimation of anxiety», methodology of «Diagnostics of level of the emotional «burnout») allowed to assert that most teenagers of control group are in state of anxiety (correlation coefficient is 0,215; р < 0,05). The overwhelming majority of students are from those families where there are conflicts and it allows suggesting the existence of the negative impact of family conflict on the level of child's anxiety.

Table 2 - Correlation between rates of high anxiety, conflict level and family conflict components


Pearson correlation coefficient

The level of significance

Father proneness to conflict



Mother proneness to conflict



Conflict frequency



Conflict depth



Parental reconciliation



And although anxiety as a trait displaying in expectation of unfavorable development of events, it is the subjective demonstration of the unhappy state of personality. People with the heightened level of claims or with a too low self-appraisal can have high level of anxiety, that, in its turn, is closely related to the conflict of personality.

In the research we found out that teenagers are most anxious in relationships with class-mates and parents and the least - with extraneous adults and teachers. And among results we have got both in a control and in experimental group (see Table 2) there is direct dependence between the high level of anxiety for a teenager and CF (correlation coefficient is 0,208, р < 0,05); CM (correlation coefficient is 0,340, р < 0,05); by frequency of conflicts in family (correlation coefficient is 0,312, р < 0,01); in conflict depth (correlation coefficient is 0,207, р < 0,05); by reconciliation with parents (correlation coefficient is 0,344, р < 0,01). Senior teenagers found out the high anxiety level comparing to other age-related groups in all spheres of communication, but especially sharply an anxiety increases for them in communication with parents and those adults from whom they depend in some measure.

With the purpose of finding out the level of the emotional burnout we applied the methodology of «Research of «burnout» syndrome».

Research results in the control and experimental groups of teenagers are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - Indicators of teenagers' burnout levels

Burnout levels





81,40 %

77,40 %


18,60 %

22,60 %

Analyzing results, we saw that in control group 18,60 % of students have a medium level of emotional «burnout», 81,40 % of students have a low level, and in experimental group 22,60 % of students have a medium level of emotional «burnout», 77,40 % of students have a low level. The most personal traits of emotional instability, psychoasthenic character traits, such as an anxiety and low self-appraisal are typical for them. They have heightened personal anxiety and moderate level of reactive anxiety.

We used the methodology of «Diagnostics of «hindrances» in establishment of emotional contacts of V.V. Boiko» for detection of «obstacles» in establishment of emotional contacts.

Based on the results, we defined that for teenagers, both experimental and control groups «obstacles» in establishment of emotional contacts are more formed: disability to manage emotions, (41,20 %), inflexibility, underdevelopment, in expression of emotions (34,30 %) and unwillingness to be together with people (31,40 %) (see Table 4).

Table 4 - Indicators of obstacles in making emotional contacts (%)

Obstacles in making emotional contacts

Obstacles formation degree



Inability to control and dose emotions



Inadequate expression of emotions



Domination of negative emotions



Inflexibility, poor, opacity of emotions



Reluctance to interact with people



In addition correlation is determined between the level of the emotional burnout and inadequate display of emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,388, р < 0,01), prevailing of negative emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,371, р < 0,01), inflexibility, in expression of emotions (correlation coefficient is 0,450, р < 0,01), an unwillingness to be together with people (correlation coefficient is 0,273, р < 0,05). These displays affect inadequate emotions economy, a teenager limits an emotional return due to the selective reacting during communication. Principle operates «I want, I do not want»; «If I think it is necessary I will pay attention to communication partner»; «If I have mood I will respond to his state and necessities». Communicating with relatives, friends, a teenager gets tired from contacts, conversations at school, he does not want to converse even with close people, withdraws into himself, it can be said that he is fed up with the human touch. Therefore, if teenagers' «obstacles» in establishment of emotional contacts were formed, that is why they can contribute to the emergence and development of the «emotional burnout» syndrome [1].

For studying the level of self-appraisal of personality and the level of disparity between «Me-real» and «Me-ideal», we used the methodology of research of self-appraisal. The results of research which were made using this methodology are presented in the Table 5.

Table 5 - Level indicators of teenagers' self-appraisal, anxiety and depression (%)

Type of a symptom

Degree of symptom formation

Self-appraisal levels




Anxiety and depression


74,20 %

57,40 %

66,70 %

At formation stage

22,60 %

34,00 %

25,00 %


3,20 %

8,50 %

8,30 %


30,40 %

46,10 %

23,50 %

One of the components of consciousness is a self-appraisal that includes knowledge about oneself, man's estimation of the physical characteristics, capabilities, moral qualities and acts. Character of teenagers' self-appraisal determines forming of one or another quality of personality. At table 5 we can see that 46,10 % of teenagers have the adequate level of self-appraisal, it promotes forming selfconfidence, self-criticism, persistence or excessive self-confidence, but not the criticality. There is also certain connection of character of self-appraisal with anxiety. For teenagers with an adequate selfappraisal the level of anxiety is formed by 57,40 % of students, and on the stage of forming - 34,00 % of teenagers. Teenagers with adequate self-appraisal have higher level of progress, larger circle of interests; their activity is directed on different kinds of action, and also on interpersonal contacts, as moderate and expedient, which are aimed to cognition of others and oneself in the process of communication.

Teenagers with a strong tendency to overestimate the self-assessment (23,50 %) are rather limited of activities and greatly focus on little substance communication. Having considered the related features to burnout, we can see the personal characteristics of teenagers are really internal factors that contribute to the emergence and development of the syndrome of «burnout».

Conclusions. Thus, we can conclude that among the external factors that provoke emotional burnout of teenagers are: chronic stress psycho-emotional activities; destabilizing organization of learning activities; increased responsibility for executive functions; unfavorable psychological atmosphere at school; psychologically heavy contingent, which teenager deals with in the field of communication; unfavorable psychological atmosphere at home.

Among the teenagers under study we couldn't found teens with excessive emotional exhaustion, which provoked the emergence and development of protective reactions, which made them emotionally closed, detached and indifferent.

However, our data indicate that teenagers are the most disturbed in the relationship with parents and the least - with outside adults. They have dominated high and moderate personal and reactive anxiety. There is a direct correlation between high levels of teenager's anxiety and conflict between father and mother; frequency of conflicts in the family; the depth of the conflict; reconciliation with the parents. The most shaped «barriers» to establish emotional contact among adolescents are: inability to control emotions, to dose them, inflexibility, underdevelopment, inconspicuous emotions and reluctance to associate with people. We found a definite connection with the nature of self-esteem anxiety. The majority of teenagers have generated adequate self-esteem level of anxiety.

Thus, the peculiarities of the teenager's personality are identified, which lead it to deformation: emotional instability, characterized by mood instability, high personal anxiety, tendency to dramatization of events, demonstrativeness, self-centeredness; psyhoasthenic traits and self-impulsiveness, conflict, inadequate self-esteem. Every emotional arousal of teenager does not pass without a trace, it is manifested in personality features and finds reflection in future life.

The prospect of further research of the problem is the study of gender and age aspects of emotional burnout of teenagers; study of relationship of family conflicts with age child's develpoment.

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