Socio-psychological principles of supporting personality’s subjective well-being in contemporary society

An analysis of the principles of the construction and functioning of an integrated socio-psychological program supporting the subjective well-being of an individual in marriage. Methods of psychological help: role play, psycho-technical exercises.

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Дата добавления 12.05.2018
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Socio-psychological principles of supporting personality's subjective well-being in contemporary society

Vadym Zavatskyi, PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 59A, Tsentralnyi Avenue, Severodonetsk, Ukraine ,

Anatoliy Tkach, Dr hab., professor, Department of Theoretical Economics, Rzeszow University of Technology, 12, Powstahcow Warszawy Str., 35-959, Rzeszow, Poland,

Andrii Fedorov, Vice-rector, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 59-a, Zentralnyi avenue, Severodonetsk, Ukraine


psychological support marriage

The paper aims to analyse the principles of the development andfunctioning of the integrated socio-psychological programme ofsupporing subjective well-being ofa married person. Psychocorrection involved 52 participants (26 married couples) who formed the experimental group (EG) and 54 participants (27 couples) who formed the control one (CG). The participants of the study were divided into the groups on a voluntary basis. The participants of the control group did not undergo any psychocorrectional treatment. The participants of the experimental group were divided into 5 subgroups, each of them consisting of 8-12 people. During 6 months, each subgroup attended psychocorrectional sessions twice a week; after that, the sessions were conducted once a weekfor 6 months more. The programme was being implemented in three successive stages, each of them included thematic, organisational and reflexive substages and was represented by a set of sessions targeted at achieving a certain goal. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained after formative impact makes it possible to conclude that the chosen methods ofpsychological aid in socio-psychological support ofsubjective well-being ofa married person are effective for solving the following problems: increasing the level of emotional comfort; self-fulfilment in marriage at the operational level, the level ofvalues and role sets; optimism; moral motivation; development of reflexion, internality, self-analysis skills, the ability to differentiate and express one's emotions; expanding the experience in conflict-free communication in the system of interpersonal familial role-based interaction of spouses, orientation at self-actualisation; increasing the general integrated index of satisfaction with marriage.

Keywords: a personality, subjective well-being, counselling, psychocorrection, psychotherapy.


Вадим Юрійович Завацький,

кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри практичної психології і соціальної роботи,

Східноукраїнський національний університет імені В. Даля, просп. Центральний, 59 А, м. Сєвєподонецьк. Україна, Анатолій Апсентійович Ткач, доктор хабілітований, професор кафедри економічної теопії факультету управління,

Політехнічний університет імені Ігнація Лукашевича, вул. Варшавського повстання, 12 35-959, м. Жешув, Польща,

Андрій Юрійович Федоров, проректор, Східноукраїнський національний університет ім. В. Даля, просп. Центральний, 59А, м. Сєвєродонецьк, Україна

Соціально-психологічні засади підтримки суб'єктивного благополуччя особистості в умовах сучасного соціуму

Актуальність вивчення проблеми соціально-психологічних особливостей підтримки суб'єктивного благополуччя особистості розглядається в умовах проблемогенного спектру сучасного трансформаційного соціуму. Метою дослідження є аналіз принципів побудови та функціонування інтегрованої' соціально-психологічної програми підтримки суб'єктивного благополуччя особистості в шлюбі. Основним завданням наукового пошуку є визначення змісту й ефективності впровадження інтегрованої соціально-психологічної програми підтримки суб'єктивного благополуччя особистості в шлюбі. Під час реалізації розробленої психокорекційної програми ефективними виявилися такі методи: рольова гра, психотехнічні вправи, зокрема, вправи на самопізнання з арсеналу технік психосинтезу, візуалізація, проективний малюнок, інтегративна психотерапія, системна сімейна психотерапія, індивідуальні та групові форми роботи. Проведений якісний та кількісний аналіз отриманих даних дозволяє стверджувати, що обрані методи психологічної допомоги у соціально-психологічній підтримці суб'єктивного благополуччя особистості в шлюбі виконують такі завдання: підвищення ступеня емоційного комфорту; самореалізації в шлюбі на операциональному рівні, рівні цінностей та рольових установок; оптимізму, моральної мотивації, розвитку рефлексії, інтернальності, навичок самоаналізу, вміння диференціювання й виразу своїх почуттів, розширення досвіду безконфліктного спілкування в системі міжособистісної сімейно- рольової взаємодії подружжя, спрямованості на самоактуалізацію, зростання загального інтегрального показника задоволеності шлюбом. Таким чином, отримані результати формувального етапу дослідження підтвердили ефективність інтегрованої' програми соціально-психологічної підтримки суб'єктивного благополуччя особистості в шлюбі, її спроможність підвищувати рівень задоволеності шлюбом у досліджуваних та можливість долати наслідки переживання суб'єктивного неблагополучия особистості в системі міжособистісної взаємодії подружжя.

Ключові слова: особистість, суб'єктивне благополуччя, психологічне консультування, психокорекція, психотерапія.

Under conditions of the reforming of all life spheres and rapid social changes taking place in contemporary society, the study of subjective well-being is gaining relevance, which is caused by the need for finding the basis for maintaining personality's inner balance, the structure of subjective well-being and its components as well as distinguishing methods of psychological aid in supporting personality's subjective well-being. The issue of subjective well-being has not been studied until recent years; so far, it has been investigated mostly by foreign scientists.

Interpersonal interaction in marriage is the prerequisite for subjective well-being of a married person, which, in its turn, is associated with the place of a family in the life of the society and individual person. Psychological well-being in a family becomes difficult because of each spouse's ambition to satisfy, first of all, his/her own needs and lack of coordination of actions in intrafamilial activities, which leads to destabilisation of marital relations and dissatisfaction with them. Therefore, the issues of socio-psychological peculiarities of supporting personality's subjective well-being under conditions of problems existing in today's transformational society are worth investigating.

Researchers note that the quality of marital relations depends greatly on spouses' compatibility, their social and psy chophysical suitability, shared outlook, attitudes and habitual forms of reaction in their parents' families (I. Horbal, E. Diner, Yu. Dmytruk, M. Yeleiko, R. Inglehart, O. Kliapets, E. Ko- lohryvova, H. Puchkova). Marital well-being is determined, in particular, by the feeling of subjective satisfaction of married couple with their marital relations (Yu. Aloshina, V. Bocheliuk, L. Hozman, T. Hovorun, H. Dubchak, O. Ka- minska, L. Moroz, I. Khitrina, N. Khloponina, T. Trapezniko- va, P. Yakobson and others).

Besides, the issue of creating an integrated socio- psychological programme of supporting subjective wellbeing in marriage has not been investigated in social psychology as the subject of a special study.

The paper aims to analyse the principles of development and functioning of the integrated socio- psychological programme of supporing subjective wellbeing of a married person. The key task of the research is to specify the content and efficiency of implementing the integrated socio-psychological programme of supporting subjective well-being of a married person.

Research methods

The principal theoretical and methodological approaches to the issue of personality's subjective well-being are the following: targeted approach that associates subjective well-being with orientation at the final target or sub ject of the need; axiological approach, according to which activity motives determine correlation between certain values and activity results instead of the motive of aiming for well-being; cognitive approach, in which experiencing subjective well-being is explained by means of cognitive principles or properties of events taking place in ones' life; socio-psychological approach based on studying the impact of socio-psychological factors on personality's subjective well-being (the determining factor is social standard - model of social comparison); personal approach, in which subjective well-being is considered as a trait or propensity of a personality; and situational approach, according to which subjective well-being is considered as a temporary state that depends on a certain situation.


Psychocorrection involved 52 participants (26 married couples) who formed the experimental group (EG) and 54 participants (27 couples) who formed the control one (CG). The participants of the study were divided into the groups on a voluntary basis. Participants of the control group did not undergo any psychocorrectional treatment. Participants of the experimental group were divided into 5 subgroups, each of them consisting of 8-12 people. During 6 months, each subgroup attended psychocorrectional sessions twice a week; after that, the sessions were conducted once a week for 6 months more.

The programme was being implemented in three successive stages, each of them included thematic, organisational and reflexive substages and was represented by a set of sessions targeted at achieving a certain goal. At the same time, these stages were parts of the integrated programme, and every next step continued the previous ones and as a result made it possible to provide continuous, systematic socio-psychological support of subjective well-being for the participants of the experimental group. The logic of the programme structure involved its gradual complication, taking into account the participants' capabilities and dynamics of the group progress. Complication of the programme appeared as a factor stimulating the participants' self-fulfilment and development of skills required for their intrafamilial interaction.

The first stage involved evaluation of the initial level along with development of subjective well-being, value orientations and life meanings of the participants as well as development of such a system of spouses' interpersonal relationships that would facilitate their interaction, mutual understanding and respect. The second stage was directed at emotional concentration on value and meaning features of their marital life, activation of self-cognition, self- actualisation, development of personal communicative abilities, nonverbal communication skills, effective listening and understanding of the spouse. This stage was focused on value and meaning components of self-consciousness, beliefs and feelings developed before aimed at the formation of adaptive models of behaviour. The purpose of the third stage was to form unbiased assessment of a conflict situation, the ability to defuse tension in familial interaction of a married couple, which contributed to the overcoming of egocentrism, the formation of social reflexion, the development of motivational orientation at spouse's interests and mutual interaction.

The following methods appeared to be efficient for implementing the tasks of the psychocorrectional programme: group discussion, role playing, psychotechnic exercises including self-cognition exercises taken from psychosynthesis techniques, visualisation, projective drawing, “arete psychotherapy” developed by A. Yarotskyi (applied for treating various somatic diseases by means of enriching patients' lives with spiritual ideals), integrative psychotherapy, comprehensive marriage and family therapy, individual and group work, and work in pairs.

Efficiency of the programme procedures was assessed by comparing the data obtained at the formative stage of the experiment with the results of its summative stage. The analysis has shown that after the formative impact there has been observed statistically significant positive dynamics in the experimental group according to all the parameters of subjective well-being of a married person. In particular, the indexes of the scales “Adaptedness” (U=263; p=0.006), “Self-acceptance” (U=266; p=0.007), “Acceptance of others” (U=252; p=0.004), “Emotional Comfort” (U=216; p=0.003), “Internality (U=259; p=0.004) have increased, while the indexes of the scales “Satisfaction with Current Life” (U=314; p=0.034), “Optimism” (U=584; 0.045), and “Hope for the Future” (U=596; p=0.042) have increased noticeably.

A statistically significant positive dynamics has been observed according to the scales of “Moral Motivation” (U=641; p=0.005), “Positive Estimation of one's Health” (U=677; p=0.001), self-fulfilment scales at the operational level, the level of values and role sets. There has been found a statistically significant increase of the level of satisfaction with marriage when comparing the results of the first and second diagnostic assessment (ф=1.56; р<0.05). The number of the study participants with the low level of satisfaction with marriage reduced by 26.4%, while the number of people with medium and high levels of satisfaction with marriage increased by 10.6% and 15.8% respectively. The number of interpersonal conflicts in marriage reduced significantly (ф=2.14; р<0.01). No statistically significant changes of the above-mentioned indexes in the control group have been found. The results of comparative analysis are represented in the Table 1.

The results of the formative stage of the study have confirmed the effectiveness of the integrated programme of socio-psychological support of subjective well-being of a married person and its capability to increase the level of satisfaction with marriage among the study participants, overcome the consequences of experiencing subjective ill- being by a personality in the system of interpersonal interaction in marriage.

Efficiency of the programme implementation was provided by the principles of its organisation (integrity and self-sufficiency, modularity, flexibility, differentiation, orientation at personal acceptance) and functioning (openness, consistency, controllability, dialogic character, phasing; orientations at self-development, conscious solving of the problems related to experiencing subjective ill-being in marriage, correspondence of forms and methods of counselling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy).

Table 1. Comparison of the basic parameters of subjective well-being of married people under study before and after_ the formative impact






Self-fulfilment in marriage at the operational level





Self-fulfilment in marriage at the level of values





Self-fulfilment in marriage at the level of role sets















Acceptance of others





Emotional comfort










Internal control





External control










Satisfaction with current life










Hope for the future





Positive assessment of one's own health





Conflict proneness





Moral motivation





Satisfaction with marriage (according to CSM)





Satisfaction with marriage (according to IFC)





Note: CSM - Checklist of Satisfaction with Marriage; IFC - Interpersonal Family Conflict (questionnaire)


Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained after formative impact makes it possible to conclude that the chosen methods of psychological aid in socio-psychological support of subjective well-being of a married person are effective for solving the following problems: increasing the level of emotional comfort; selffulfilment in marriage at the operational level, the level of values and role sets; optimism; moral motivation; devel-


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Submitted on February, 10, 2017

Reviewed by Doctor of Psychology, prof. O. Sheviakov

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    дипломная работа [71,5 K], добавлен 20.11.2004

  • Consideration of sovereignty as a basic constitutional principles of state law (for example, the countries - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States). Legislative support in Ukraine national development in the socio-cultural (spiritual) sphere.

    реферат [20,1 K], добавлен 13.02.2015

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