Intrapersonal conflicts during the socialization process of students
The presence of stress, contradictions and conflicts as an integral part of the development, self-improvement and student socialization process. Intrapersonal conflict as a psychological mechanism of personality transformation in a social situation.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 20,9 K |
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UDK 159.923.35:159.953.5
Intrapersonal conflicts during the socialization process of students
Chulovsky V.E.
stress conflict socialization psychological
This paper presents a theoretic generalization and an empirical research of the role of intrapersonal conflicts in the professional development and socialization of students.
Keywords: intrapersonal conflict, contradictions, socialization, social maturity, students.
Чуловський В.Е.
Внутрішньоособистісні конфлікти в період соціалізації студентів
У статті представлено теоретичне узагальнення і емпіричне дослідження ролі внутрішньоособистісних конфліктів у професійному розвитку та соціалізації студентів.
Ключові слова: внутрішньоособистісний конфлікт, протиріччя, соціалізація, соціальна зрілість, студенти.
Чуловский В.Е.
Внутриличностные конфликты во время социализации студентов
В настоящей статье представлено теоретическое обобщение и эмпирическое исследование роли внутриличностных конфликтов в профессиональном развитии и социализации студентов.
Ключевые слова: внутриличностный конфликт, противоречия,
социализация, социальная зрелость, студенты.
Problem definition. Socialization is a multifaceted process in which an individual acquires certain knowledge, norms, values; actively learns social reality; involves into the social relations system and gains social experience. Socialization is an important factor of training of future professionals. Features of the socialization process of students greatly depend on the specific of an educational institution, the requirements of the profession for professionally relevant and personal qualities of future specialists. The adaptation process of students to the learning environment in higher education institutions, as a part of socialization, is accompanied by changes in interests, attitudes, values, life plans, ideals, dominant motives, and rather often in the beginning of interpersonal conflicts.
Analysis of the recent researches and publications. Conflictological analysis of socialization problems was made in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, E.Durkheim, N.E. Zavatska, G.S. Kostyuk, V.S. Merlin, V.N. Myasishchev, K. Rogers, R. Spencer, S. Freud, E. Fromm, K. Horney etc. The issue of intrapersonal conflicts is thoroughly developed by such scholars as K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavska, L.I. Bozovich, Ph.Yu. Vasylyuk, O.M.Leontiev, G.V. Lozhkin, V.S. Merlin, L.E. Orban - Lembryk, M.I. Pyrene etc [3 ].
The aim of the article -is to reveal the features of intrapersonal conflicts during the process of socialization of students.
Presentation of the basic material. Our research interest is focused on a personality of a future professional, because the success of their professionalization depends on the way they relate to others, to themselves, to the future profession, professional community, solve a series of conflicts that arise in the process of socialization. The study was conducted with students of 1-6 courses of the special field "Medical Psychology" of Bukovina State Medical University.
Intrapersonal conflict is seen in a number of studies as a psychological phenomenon that signals about a serious disorders in social and psychological adjustment of an individual. However, in modern psychology the idea of appropriateness and necessity of phase of internal conflict and disintegration to pass to a new level of personal development is actively considered. Their transformative and developmental functions are in the spotlight within approaches that focus on the positive potential of psychological conflicts. We share the opinion of T.M. Titarenko, who sees a conflict as a subjective reflection of unevenness of a human's development process.
Self-esteem and the level of claims are the components of the regulation system of a person's behavior, professional activity, relationships. Life claims are considered by T.M. Tytarenko as a complex of requirements, expectations, desires and hopes of an individual in relation concerning one's life, future; future expectations of such self-realization that would satisfy both individual plans and needs of the community, would provide a stable self-respect and the recognition of significant environment [4]. This definition of claims, in our opinion, can be applied to professional claims as a part of life claims. K. Abulkhanova -Slavska emphasizes that claims are correlated not only with the expected result, but also with the way to achieve it. The way to achieve a certain professional level, firstly, requires from a young person to begin planning future activity and, secondly, to organize those professional skills that are necessary to achieve the intended level of career claims [1]. Dembo - Rubinstein methods, modified by G.M. Prikhozhan was taken as a base in order to study the level of self-esteem, the level of claims and the level of difference between them, which often determines the occurrence of intrapersonal conflicts. It is worth noting that we adapted the rating scale of these methods to the studied student's groups, because the rating scale of G.M. Prikhozhan's methods is designed for studied schoolchildren.
The methods "Correlation level of "valuable" and "available" (CLVA) in various spheres of life" (O.B. Fantalova) were used for diagnostic values and internal conflict. The methodology uses the concepts denoting "terminal values” once described by M. Rokich. It is known that values are an internal factor, which determines the orientation of an individual, serves as a basis for the selection of goals and means of actions. A significant difference between the indexes "valuable" and "available" indicates the presence of "internal vacuum" and internal conflict, associated with frustration of needs.
The problem of motivation is extremely important in professional activity. It is known that productivity of any activity is largely influenced by the nature of motivation. Internal positive motivation increases productivity of an activity, helps a person to get pleasure, but a negative and an external ones reduce. Then any activity is perceived as coercion. Motives of work activity are not original; their formation in the process of its assimilation is a special challenge.
Studying at a higher education institution is influenced by inputs, desires and motivations that encourage students to act and form the motivational sphere. It is their influence, with which the achievement of a goal and academic excellence are connected. Academic motivation is one of the factors influencing the level of educational and learning activities of future specialists [2].
According to the terms of a systematic approach, motivation is seen as a multidimensional within the meaning personality's system, unity of subordinate components. Educational and professional motives are one of the leading in a multi-component motivational sphere of learning's subject. Being an innovation of learning activity, they are products of mutual transformation and contribute to the further mutual development. The problem of transforming of cognitive motives into professional ones may arise in the process of mastering of features of future career. That is why the educational process at higher education institution should be focused not only on learning, but also on personal development and above all on studying and consideration of one's motivational sphere. The subjects were proposed the method for the diagnosis of academic motivation for this purpose (A.O. Rean, V.O. Yakunin , modification of N.C. Badmaeva).
Analyzing the results obtained by the method of Dembo- Rubinstein, modified by G.M. Prikhozhan, we should mention, first of all, that the vast majority of students show an average level of self-esteem for most of the parameters with an average level of claims, except for the 1st and the 3rd years, where the situation is significantly different (a high level of claims prevails in the 1st year, while in the third - a low one).
Let us focus on self-esteem and the level of claims for the index "professional". In the first year an average self-esteem of one's own professional skills is seen with a high level of claims. It can be explained by less objective assessment of professional capabilities and confidence in their own abilities to achieve higher results. In our opinion, this divergence between self-esteem and the level of claims at this stage of training has not a stressful, but catalytic and stimulant function, encouraging students to reveal their capabilities freer and wider, to engage in the rival boldly, to focus efforts on self-development and self-improvement.
Low and very low level of self-esteem in all other years indicates, on the one hand, the occurrence of criticality in relation to oneself as a professional, and therefore, forming realistic ideas about profession and professional opportunities at this stage, though with a conflict. On the other hand, such a situation can have more negative than positive effects, as low, especially very low self-esteem can lead to the occurrence of self-distrust, loss of clear understanding of purposes and prospects for their own professional development, reduce academic motivation and cause loss of interest for the future profession. Very low self-esteem level at the undergraduate, including the 5th and 6th years, seems to us particularly unfavorable.
At that the level of claims for students of all years except the 3rd remains medium and high, fixing a well-known sense of students' "inferiority" towards existing professionals in this way. In passing, we note that in most cases such a subjective sense of self-imperfection is not traumatic and does not cause special psychological problems in most cases, but serves as a powerful motivator of studying activity, personal development and gaining of practical experience, except the cases where self-esteem is very low.
The results obtained from the students in the 3rd year are of particular interest, because low indexes prevail in both self-esteem, and the level of claims. In our point of view, it is a striking evidence of the crisis of this training phase that deserves a separate study. It is a well-known fact that the 3rd year students (i.e., having reached the mid-term of studies), often suffer from a lack of confidence concerning the correctness of occupational choice, discouragement in learning, loss of interest and enthusiasm, increased anxiety, emotional stress etc.
The results on the differences in terms of "sociable" look similar.
Analysis of statistically significant differences between the years concerning the rest of the parameters showed that the most statistically significant differences are between the 1st and the 2nd years and between the 3rd and 4th ones.
The highest level of self-esteem in the 1st year is considered as an evidence of already mentioned unreality and exaggeration of ideas about the possibilities. The same pattern is observed concerning the level of claims, which is higher in the 1st year than in the 2nd, and, respectively, higher in the 2nd than in the 3rd. The third year can be seen as a turning point in some way in this context, because lowering of self-esteem, which had been lasted from the 1st till the 3rd year, stopped and self-esteem grew in the 4th year for most parameters. In the 5th year it is about at the same level as in the 4th. It's growing again in the 6th year (without statistically significant differences). "Cruciality" of the 3rd year is confirmed by the presence of a statistically significant difference between the indexes of the 3rd and the 4th year students. A similar situation is concerning the level of claims, which is growing in the 4th year compared to the 3rd , is at almost the same level in the 5th as in the 4th (with the exception of a statistically significant increase in the parameter "responsibility") and is slightly increasing in the 6th year.
The location of "health" on top of the value hierarchy is a bit untypical, but very positive. Usually boys and young men perceived good health and absence of diseases as a required life background, which is supposedly not a special value. The second rank (on average) was quite natural for this age group was divided between "love" and "happy family life" for only one exception: the 5th year students gave the second rank to self-confidence. Obviously, it can be explained by the peculiarities of this age, including the transition from adolescence to early adulthood, when self-confidence is a kind of indicator of maturity, independence and so on. The third place is occupied by such values as "freedom", "love", "happy family life", "self-confidence" at an average. The last place was taken by the value of "beauty of nature and art", which is, in our opinion, connected with the specificity of the choice: students of medical schools are less concerned about meeting their aesthetic needs, are less informed in the art and literature and often mistakenly believe that this sphere of an individual's development is optional.
We should note the presence of statistically significant differences in the results obtained in various years. Thus, the importance of such values as "well-being" and "knowledge" is increasing from the 1st to the 2nd year. The first one is, apparently, explained by partial or complete separation from parents and the natural for this age desire to become independent of their financial support. The second one can, probably, testify the forming of more conscious and responsible attitude to learning. The importance of such values as "self-confidence", "knowledge" and "creativity" is growing from the 4th to the 5th year. The first one, we believe, is connected with transition from adolescence to early adulthood, when self-confidence becomes a necessary attribute for considering oneself to be an adult, as had been mentioned above. The second and the third can be explained by the formation of a qualitatively new attitude to learning activity as a result of the successful passage through the crisis of the middle of training. A statistically significant increase of the importance of such values as "health", "well-being", "freedom", "happy family life" in the 6th year can be, probably, explained by the fact that a large part of students at this time is less dependent on parents than before, have their own families and recognize the inevitability of the beginning of one's own work activity soon.
Concerning the availability of the implementation of life values, the top three in various combinations for all the years were "active exciting life", "knowledge", "health", "love”, "good friends", "freedom". In our point of view, it is quite logical and it fits into the typical picture of this age development in all aspects. Instead, the fact that such value as "confidence" was included into top three draws attention the 5th year students. We have given the explanation above and can only add that family situation and living conditions in this aspect in the majority of respondents are, probably, favorable, which help them to realize the given life value without any conflicts.
A statistically significant increase of availability of value "knowledge" in the second year comparing to the first one, is, apparently, explained by successful completion of adaptation to learning conditions at higher education institution and more complete mastering of practical skills of their training activity. Statistically significant differences are observed between the respondents of the 2nd and 3rd year: in the 3rd year the availability of implementation of such values as "interesting job", "beauty of nature and art", "well-being" and "creativity" is decreasing, and the availability of a happy family life and freedom is increasing instead (the latter is explained by the age of the respondents that provides an easier implementation of these values). Availability of interesting job and beauty of nature and art is increasing in the 4th year in comparison with the 3rd one. It's interesting that decreasing of availability of freedom in the 4th year is also statistically significant. We can assume that it is a consequence of connected with growing up, more complete and therefore conformal adoption of rules, regulations and frameworks offered by the society. It is a well-known fact that social norms and frameworks often come into conflict with an individual's desires and needs, and if a teenager or a young person tends to neglect social approval for realization of one's own freedom, the adults are more conformal in this sense, avoiding tension and conflicts in such a way. In the 5th year, compared with the 4th one, availability of interesting job, love, self-confidence and a happy family life significantly increases, which, as we can assume, indicates more favorable conditions for an individual's development and corresponds to typical characteristics of this age period. At the same time availability of health significantly decreases. Obviously, it is connected with occurrence of certain diseases or disorders in some cases, but it can be mostly explained by the specificity of the sample (medical students, expanding their luggage of clinical knowledge are naturally aware of all the difficulties and problems associated with the preservation of physical and mental health). In the 6th year, compared to the 5th, availability of freedom, creativity and health significantly increases, and availability of interesting job and a happy family life decreases. Reducing of availability of such value as "interesting job" can be explained, in our point of view, on the one hand, by clearer understanding the situation in the labor market by the 6th year students, on the other hand, by typical of the final stage of learning fear of the possibility to find an adequate working place and satisfy the requirements of the profession.
The results that we have obtained by this method revealed the presence of a frustration stress in students, arising from the unavailability of implementing meaningful values for an individual. Frustration is associated with low availability of realization of such values as "interesting job” and "well-being" for most students, which may be explained by the situation on the labor market and features of the crisis period of economic development. In addition, strain is observed because of lack of availability to health and creativity. Statistically significant differences are observed between the 1st and the 2nd years (strain for implementation of such values as "active exciting life", "health", "well-being" is increasing), between the 2nd and the 3rd years (strain concerning an interesting job and creativity is increasing, and, naturally, concerning freedom is decreasing), between the 3rd and the 4th years (strain concerning an interesting job is decreasing), between the 4th and the 5th years (strain concerning love, well-being and a happy family life is decreasing), between the 5th and the 6th years (frustration strain concerning the implementation of such values as "love", "well-being", "confidence" and "a happy family life" is increasing).
So we got another proof of the fact that most students are experiencing stress, caused by unavailability of implementing important values concerning interesting job and well-being. Impossibility for successful implementation of professional values often calls in question the correctness of a professional choice and adopted professional role. It can lead to deprecation of the profession and occurrence of rejection as a source of negative emotions, dissatisfaction and so on in some cases. Taking into account the results, obtained by the method of Dembo-Rubinstein and modified by G.M.Prykhozhan, almost all the respondents demonstrate a high and a very high level of claims. We believe that the presence of a certain frustration tension, caused by incompleteness of implementation accessibility of significant life values, can perform a motivating function in the process of professional development and socialization in the whole.
Analysis of the diagnostic results of learning motivation of students, obtained by the methods of A. Rean and V. Yakunin in the modification of N. Badmaeva indicate that dominant motives of learning activity of students are professional motives, training and educational ones during all six years.It shows, on the one hand, a relatively favorable learning situation, on the other hand - truth and adequacy of a motivation.
Professional motives turned out to be the most effective, the second place on importance was taken by academic motives in students of 1 st-4th years. In our opinion, this situation seems to be very conducive for mastering any specialty, because the driving force of training activity is not "learning for learning", but a desire to acquire the necessary professional "tools". In other words, such motivation indicates a transfer of emphasis from the procedural component of education to its specific result. Attention is drawn to the fact that the importance of the motive "avoidance" is increasing in the second year comparing to the first (the difference is statistically significant). We believe that it can be explained by a "traumatic" experience of the first year of studying, when many students have to get used to the role in the educational team, which is different from the school, and by the completion of the adaptation process, which is accompanied by a clear understanding of possible dangers and causes of problematic situations and by subjective division of subjects and forms of work into significant and insignificant (motivation of avoidance takes effect in the latter case).
Situation changes in two final years (the fifth and the sixth ones) - educationally- cognitive motives are becoming dominant. Moreover, the importance of professional motives on a statistically significant level decreases in the sixth year students compared to the fifth.
As for the difference between professional, educational and cognitive motivation, it is slight and accompanied by a natural for senior students importance of increasing of the professional motivation for the fifth-year students, and for the sixth year students it becomes statistically significant towards increasing, compared with the 5th year. This phenomenon can be explained by several reasons: first of all senior students are more clearly aware of their actual social role (a student, whose main occupation is learning activity) and the challenges, provided by it. It contributes to a greater focus on the learning process, increasing of responsibility, and therefor - dominance of educational and learning motivation. In addition, prevalence of this group of motives can be explained by fear (often unconscious) before the beginning of one's own working activity. Finally, typical subjective feeling of lack of time (training period is over, but not all the knowledge, skills and habits are learned properly) for senior students can be another reason.
It should be mentioned that self-actualization motives turned out to be the least important for all the years. We assume that it is the result of traditional formalization, standardization and conservatism of the medical community. Taking into account the age of the respondents and the nature of the chosen profession, it was naturally, that social motives for respondents of all years turned out to be on the same third on the importance place.
So, the presence of stress, contradictions, and intrapersonal conflicts is an integral part of development, self-improvement and general process of socialization of students. Intrapersonal conflict is an important psychological mechanism of transformation of an individual in a social situation of growing up and it represents a subjective form of displaying the contradictions between the requirements and conditions of socio -cultural reality and personal needs and potentialities of the youth.
Educational process of a higher education institution should be focused on the formation of such competences of students that would ensure realization of personal and professional potential. We believe that organic combination of theoretical and practical components of professional education under integrative learning environment will promote professional development of a highly skilled and competitive professional.
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