Psychological principles of foreign-language communicative competence formation belonging to future specialists in socionomic professions
Development of the criteria for the formation of a communicative competence of the socionic professions that are of another language as an important component of professional activity. Formation of a communicative culture in a foreign language course.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 15,5 K |
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Psychological principles of foreign-language communicative competence formation belonging to future specialists in socionomic professions
Formulation of the problem
communicative competence language
A large-scale European integration, the mobility of modern people, the environment are changing every day, therefore, the requirements for qualitative training of future specialists, in particular, specialists in socionomic professions, in the foreign-language communicative competence, are constantly increasing. Nowadays there have been great changes in the Ukrainian language education system both in organizational and content aspects, and the sociocultural context of the foreign language study has been changed considerably. Economic, communication, social and technological changes in the country and the world have embraced a sufficiently large number of people of different professions, age and outlook. Consequently, the need for foreign language communication has grown. A multilevel approach to mastering a foreign language, intersubject integration, the professional orientation of education are required for the development of foreign communication, both at the school level and at the level of higher education. The tasks require some changes to the level of mastering a foreign language and the peculiarities of teaching foreign-language communication students of non-native specialties. As we see, the actual problem of assimilation and ways of mastering a foreign language appears as an extremely complex and multidimensional process, the main components of which consist of the substantive, as well as operational and motivational sides. The organization of this process needs a more thorough detail of didactic principles at the expense of theoretical and methodological developments that are aimed at optimizing and improving the process of mastering foreign language competence at the initial stage of training future specialists of socionomic professions.
The purpose of our work is theoretical and methodological research of psychological principles of formation of the foreign competence of future specialists in socionomic professions.
The analysis of recent researches. The attempts to bring the learning process closer to the communication process have been carried out repeatedly and for a long time. They were important because they developed interest in communicative learning. Many scholars worked in this communicative direction, including I. L. Bim, P. B. Hurvich, I. O. Zymnia, H. A. Kytaihorodska, I. V. Kovalchuk, I. V. Koval, O. O. Leontiev, O. D. Mitrofanova, V. L. Skalkin and others. An increased interest in communicative issues, in particular in the field of teaching foreign language communication, was stimulated by Y. I. Pasov [5; 6], who established the priority in formulating its basic principles.
It is advisable to consider, first of all, the methodological projections of each principle, and hence their abilities to perform the function of the basic foundations of educational foreign language activities. As you know, the action of the principle is limited to certain spheres, it is logical to start an analysis of the prediction of the principles in accordance with their hierarchy. From this point of view, the following classification can be considered acceptable: general-didactic: consciousness, visibility, scientific, connection between theory and practice; general methodological: complexity (interconnected learning for all types of linguistic activities), oral basis of learning; special methodological: teaching to speak.
Therefore, referring to the scientists dealing with the problems of foreign language education within the framework of the communicative-cognitive approach (I. L. Bim, N. D. Halskova, T. Y. Sakharov, I. O. Zymnia), we consider that the foreign-language communicative competence belonging to future specialists in socionomic professions in the teaching a foreign language should be considered in the context of knowledge, on the one hand, and skills and abilities, on the other. We consider the allocation of knowledge, skills and abilities to be the components of various components of a foreign language communicative culture [3].
The main material research
The foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions ensures the readiness of the personality for the life self-determination and it is a means of a personality's inner world creation, the wealth of its content, reflecting the life's ideals, the orientation of the personality, culture, and his life self-determination [3].
The foreign-language communicative competence of the personality of future specialists in socionomic professions can be characterized as the expression of maturity and development of the whole system of socially important qualities, productively implemented in individual activities (socio-political, professional, scientific, communicative). It is the result of qualitative development of knowledge, interests, beliefs, norms of activities and behavior, abilities and social feelings [3].
Foreign language is an element of the culture of one or another people - the bearers of this language and means of transferring it to others. It provides access to the enormous spiritual wealth of this people and serves as an additional window to the world, an important means of mutual understanding and interaction of people.
Particular attention in modern psychological and pedagogical literature is devoted to foreign-language culture, which is considered in different ways, depending on the choice of the basis of various scientific approaches (culture-based, personality and activi- ties-based, communicative) in the context of solvable tasks. Many authors consider foreign-language culture as a personality-based quality of a person, which is expressed in readiness and ability to communicate in other languages.
Y. I. Pasov believes that foreign-language culture is the content of foreign language education and introduces its model of foreign- language culture, which can include the following components: cultural studies, psychological, pedagogical, and social [3; 6]. Y. I. Pasov emphasizes that mastering the language will make the person not only educated, but also cultural, will teach to think, and to apply the knowledge, and creativity. The main way of mastering a foreign language can be reflected in the formula proposed by Y. I. Pasov: culture through language and language through culture, that is, assimilation of cultural facts in the process of using language as a means of intercourse and mastering language as a means of communication on the basis of learning cultural facts. This interaction with the facts of culture is communicating with them in the dialogue of cultures, both foreign and native [3; 6].
The process of mastering the foreign-language communicative competence by future specialists in socionomic professions in the higher educational institutions should become the process of selfdevelopment of the personality. The foreign-language culture mastering takes place as the student develops and envisages the active position of the teacher. The researchers consider the formation of a foreign-language communicative competence as the formation of a conscious attitude of students towards raising their level of foreign- language communication culture, a set of students' knowledge on the identified problem in the intercultural aspect, a complex of communicative skills in various spheres of intercourse [3].
Having analyzed the research on the problem of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in sociono- mic professions, we tried to determine the foreign language communication culture of students of language specialties in the process of vocational training.
The foreign language communicative culture of students in the process of professional training is a system of knowledge about the culture of communication; a set of skills and abilities to solve communicative tasks, as well as tolerant attitude and empathy to partners of foreign communication in the process of intercultural communication. It is worth considering the following structure of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions: cognitive component, activities-based and emotional-value component [3].
The cognitive component of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions includes knowledge about the culture of foreign communication, the knowledge of a foreign language as a system, knowledge of foreign language etiquette. As a part of our study, this knowledge is considered from the position of the person's secondary linguistic personality, which promotes adequate interaction with representatives of other cultures [3].
According to I. I. Khalieieva, the secondary linguistic personality is the perceptual and conceptual knowledge of the personality about the object of the real world for his mental existence. In addition, such knowledge can be obtained based on the level of language proficiency. The higher level of language proficiency is, the higher level of understanding foreign mentality will be [3].
An authentic linguistic personality operates, is developing, functioning in a specific linguistic society. In turn, each linguistic society has its own conceptual system - «the image of the world», «the picture of the world», which corresponds to the orientational and existential (physical, spiritual, technological, ethical, aesthetic, etc.) needs. The picture of the world is changed from one culture to another, so there are no identical national cultures, moreover - there are no identical images of consciousness that reflect the same or even one and the same cultural object [3].
The characteristics of the secondary linguistic personality are the secondary linguistic consciousness of the personality (verbal- semantic level of the linguistic personality) and the secondary cognitive consciousness of the personality, as a result of joining the cognitive, thesaurus level [3]. Secondary linguistic personality is a multilayered and multicomponent set of language abilities, skills, readiness for speech actions of various degrees of complexity, actions that are classified, on the one hand, by types of speech activities (speaking, listening, writing and reading), and on the other - by levels of language (phonetics, grammar and vocabulary). A man in his speech development gradually moves from a lower level of linguistic personality to higher one.
The communicative method is based on special methodological methods, and this makes it possible to avoid «universality» and ensure its differentiation. Although each of the types of speech activities serves as a separate subject of study, it does not exclude the possibility of their joint or variation application: oral and written language, speaking and listening, reading and writing. As we see, the successful formation of each type of speech activities (SA) is possible considering the educational process construction on the basis of the communicative orientation principle in learning, which involves mastering the communicative function of the language: understanding, perception of speech on hearing, ability to conduct the conversation, preparing small messages, letters of a certain communicative nature.
The orientation of the communicative approach to the information function of the organization of the process of foreign language communication, which is limited exclusively to the scope of speech acts (topics), aimed at the implementation of the function of messaging [7]. The emphasis on personal dimension led to the emergence of more generalized concepts and analysis schemes, where the speech component took the place of one of the structural elements. Such a generalized characteristic presenting the corresponding system of qualities, properties and abilities of a person to effective interaction, first of all pedagogical, became the notion of competence, communicative and pedagogical, in particular [5].
Psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue doesn't give an exhaustive answer to the nature and structure of this psychological formation, however, there is a variety of data that give a sufficient empirical basis for possible theoretical generalizations.
In this regard, it is important to notice the list of qualities that are most often included in the scope of the concept of communicative and pedagogical competence. In the absence of hierarchical classifications, or value of qualities (peculiarities, properties, abilities), presented in the context of the phenomenon under study, we will reproduce a list of qualities based on the frequency of references to them in the special literature.
Thus, according to the source data, the achievement of the appropriate level of pedagogical interaction, and, consequently, the performance of pedagogical activities, is conditioned by the presence of a teacher's ability to establish and maintain contact with pupils (class, group) in the process of organizing the educational process, the ability to create the climate of mutual empathy in a group, the prediction of the emergence of conflict situations, as well as the ability to solve them, the ability (tolerance) to tactical expedient critique, benevolence, social orientation, organizational skills, readiness for communication, propensity to analyze interpersonal relations, etc. [5].
In the process of foreign-language communication, the following lists of qualities of the personality that underlie in the basis of the effectiveness of communication as a professionally important, integrative entity of the subject of communication are taken into account: sense of humor, charm, modesty, self-criticism, psychic, initiative, trust, restraint, confidence, goodwill, honesty, justice, courtesy, responsiveness, communicativeness. In the mentioned generalized construction on the basis of source and personal observations there is a noticeable lack of professionally significant qualities of the subject of pedagogical activities (communication) concerning the speech level. This gap was filled in a special work devoted to the problem of developing a «speech standard» as a component of communicativeness, the optimal variant of which consists of two blocks ensuring the qualitative character of speech: mastering the speech technique, the logical expression, intonation variability, speech etiquette, as well as interaction, emotional and expressive influence, prediction of communicative behavior, and that appears to be a modulator of pedagogical influences: the formation of the purpose of communication, the initiation of the speech process, the realization of speech types, adaptation of speech skills, implementation of speech control. Consequently, the blocks of speech actions can be placed in the program of diagnosis of students' readiness for foreign-language speech activities and as a compulsory component in the vocational and pedagogical structure.
Speech interaction as a form of behavior that manifests the character, the attitude of man to others, his social and life positions, in other words - an attempt to separate in the material of the peculiarities of speech communication (speech actions, influences) the speech type of personality - the second psychological perspective of the problem initiated by T. N. Ushakova. The basis of the research is the generalized scheme of the communicative structure of speech communication, consisting of three blocks: 1) the basic elements of the structure of speech communication; 2) parameters that determine the nature of partnerships in the communication process; 3) parameters that reflect the generalized characteristics of speech communication. Separated speech characteristics are manifested both in the process of free and regulated foreign language communication. The scheme was used both in the study of dialogical and polylogical communication. It is noted that the given model, accordingly, and the approach in general, still requires additional verification and formalization [8]. The search by the researchers of the generalized (integrative) unit of the research analysis of the process of foreign communication does not exclude the necessity of studying the specifics of the use of certain types of speech activities by the subject of activities, which function in the real process of correlation. It is important to keep in mind the difference between final products of each type of speech activities. They are different in their statement of expression for speaking and writing, and for listening it is understanding of the message. The interconnection and interdependence of different types of speech activities in the rational learning of foreign-language communication involves the obligatory consideration of the special, specific, correlated with the essential characteristics of each individual type of speech activities.
Consequently, in the process of learning foreign-language communication, the development of all kinds of speech activities takes place: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Therefore, the essential disadvantage of modern learning foreign languages is the attempt to restrict the formation of individually taken abilities in isolation from other communicative skills. In the real communication four types of speech activities are connected, and in the educational process one or another type of speech activities must be integrative.
At the initial stage of university training, the amount of foreign language knowledge for students of the first year of non-language faculties is extremely low. Their understanding the meaning of new words and expressions is only through external or internal translation. The internal translation into the native language impedes the formation of auditory-motor stereotypes of the language, and also violates the weak associations between the auditory and the motive representations. Accordingly, one of the tasks of rapid and durable creation of students' productive skills in foreign language mastering was to reduce the cases of internal translation.
The formation of new skills takes place in the process of perceiving and reproducing linguistic units, so it is expedient to use training exercises. For example, the task was to make these exercises to be the units of a real process of communication. Achieving this goal becomes important if there is a certain subject or verbal support. Such support should be subject-transformative actions. During the operation of substitution, transformation, etc. the students acquire at the same time the skills and abilities necessary for productive communication.
In order for practical use of vocabulary it is necessary to form students' abilities to select the necessary words automatically. The accumulation of linguistic units is the first step towards mastering foreign language vocabulary. More active work in mastering lexical material takes place in the process of forming such language skills as speaking, listening, and reading. The vocabulary is the verbal material that students need to learn quickly and easily in the process of foreign-language communication.
At the empirical level, the subject-subject paradigm is specified at the level of dyadic interaction, which appears to be a separate problem of communication. Dialogue, as an object of psychological and psycholinguistic research, took place an exclusive place in the general problem of communication, and speech - in particular. At the same time, in the understanding of the meaning of the concept of dialogue the range of points of view is quite significant. Without dwelling on the analysis of the arguments of the adherents of one or another view on the interpretation of the dialogue, we join to identify the dialogue as a form of interaction of partners, which includes as a compulsory component, not only the targeting of the latter, but also the installation of a partner in a communicative response- response, or intent to obtain an expected response from the partner. After all, «not only the development of speech interaction in ontogenesis, but all the actual deployment of the speech activities of the speaker, is conditioned by his communicative needs, his inten- tions...». Consequently, the corresponding organization of classes in a foreign language not only provides a higher level of future so- cionomic specialists' mastering a foreign language communicative competence at the initial stage of studying in universities with the abilities and skills of foreign communication, but also the conditions for independent learning are made. The process of teaching a foreign-language communication becomes much more effective if the content of the program provides an opportunity for creative freedom and expression, enables to realize the dialogue of the native culture and culture of the country whose language is studied, that is, it provides an opportunity to enter intercultural communication in order to prepare highly skilled and competent future specialists of socionomic professions.
An analysis of the approaches to the problem of determining the criteria for the formation of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions showed that they all reflect the component composition of the foreign-language communicative culture and is characterized by several indicators that we have highlighted in the process of forming the foreign- language communicative culture of future specialists of socionomic professions in the process of vocational training [3].
We have identified three levels of the formation of a foreign- language communicative competence of future specialists in socio- nomic professions: low, medium, high. The low level of formation of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions is characterized by a weak level of knowledge of the language; the lack of activities-based and communicative needs; rejection, misunderstanding, non-recognition of a communication partner; weak communicative skills. The medium level of foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions is characterized by the presence of an average level of proficiency in phonetic and grammatical skills; assumption of the presence of «other» in the situation of communication; non-sufficient psychological intimacy and trust; availability of reproductive language proficiency level. The high level of formation of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions is characterized by the presence of a good level of language proficiency; stable knowledge of the world; a high degree of readiness to divide the experience of another by easing the boundaries of his own «Self»; the origin of discourse, the use of verbal and non-verbal communication strategy, the high level of mastering language etiquette.
The formation of the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists of socionomic professions and its development from the low level through medium to high one indicates the possibility to affect the foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions in the process of their professional training.
Consequently, a foreign-language communicative competence is an important component in the process of training future specialists in socionomic professions and it is a complex integrated concept, which includes cognitive, emotional and value, and activities-based components. The foreign-language communicative competence of future specialists in socionomic professions may be the object of purposeful influence of the educational process in order to improve the quality of a future specialist's training, and the ways of its formation will be largely determined by the chosen speciality. It is found out that the relevant organization of foreign language lessons provides a higher level of future socionomic specialists' mastering the foreign-language communicative competence at the initial stage of studying at higher educational institutions with the abilities and skills of foreign communication. It is summarized that the process of learning the foreign-language communication becomes much more effective if the content of the program corresponds to the professional orientation and promotes a higher level of students' mastering the means of foreign language communication, provides the opportunity for creative freedom and self-expression, enables to realize the dialogue of the native culture and the culture of the country, which language is studied, that is, it provides an opportunity to engage into the intercultural intercourse in order to prepare highly skilled and competent future specialists in socionomic professions.
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