Motives and factors psychogenic disorders of social mobility personality
Analysis of the problem of social mobility of the individual in terms of vocational crisis. Identification of the main causes of social mobility of the individual and the main groups of respondents by the level of manifestation of social mobility.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 40,3 K |
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Zavatsky Y.A.
The article analyzes the problem of social mobility of the individual in terms of vocational crisis. Based on empirical research identified the main causes of social mobility of the individual and the main groups of respondents by the level of manifestation of social mobility. It is shown that the phenomenon of social mobility is a very complicated complex phenomenon, which has not yet been universally accepted definition. According to the philosophical and anthropological positions accumulating social mobility humanistic ideal of social transformation; sociological - focuses on the adaptive capabilities of individuals, the chances of career goals and motives of social mobility; psychological - is dominated by openness to change, requiring the flexibility of behavior, which lays the need for self-realization; with pedagogical - as a prerequisite for a successful career, the reorientation, the reassessment of the new realities, in particular professional. Disclosed psychogenic reasons and factors of personality disorders of social mobility between professional crises.
Key words: social mobility, professional crisis, hypermobility, the psychological profile of social mobility of the individual.
social mobility individual vocational
Завацький Ю.А.
Психогенні мотиви і чинники порушення соціальної мобільності особистості
В статті аналізується проблема соціальної мобільності особистості в умовах професійної кризи. На підставі емпіричного дослідження виділено основні причини до соціальної мобільності особистості та виокремлено основні групи респондентів за рівнем прояву соціальної мобільності. Показано, що феномен соціальної мобільності є достатньо складним комплексним явищем, яке не має наразі загальноприйнятого визначення. Згідно з філософсько-антропологічними позиціями соціальна мобільність акумулює гуманістичний ідеал суспільних перетворень; із соціологічними - акцентується увага на адаптаційних можливостях індивідів, шансах на кар'єру, меті та мотивах соціальної мобільності; з психологічними - домінуючою є відкритість до змін, що вимагає гнучкості поведінки, де закладається потреба у самореалізації; з педагогічними - як передумова успішної кар'єри, переорієнтування, переоцінка нових реалій, зокрема професійних. Розкрито психогенні мотиви і чинники порушення соціальної мобільності особистості в період професійних криз.
Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, професійна криза, гіпермобільність, психологічний профіль професійно мобільної особистості.
Завацкий Ю.А.
Психогенные мотивы и факторы нарушения социальной мобильности личности
В статье анализируется проблема социальной мобильности личности в условиях профессионального кризиса. На основании эмпирического исследования выделены основные причины социальной мобильности личности и определены основные группы респондентов по уровню проявления социальной мобильности. Показано, что феномен социальной мобильности является достаточно сложным комплексным явлением, которое не имеет пока общепринятого определения. Согласно философско-антропологическим позициям социальная мобильность аккумулирует гуманистический идеал общественных преобразований; социологическим - акцентируется внимание на адаптационных возможностях индивидов, шансах на карьеру, цели и мотивы социальной мобильности; с психологическими - доминирует открытость к изменениям, требующим гибкости поведения, где закладывается потребность в самореализации; с педагогическими - как предпосылка успешной карьеры, переориентация, переоценка новых реалий, в частности профессиональных. Раскрыты психогенные мотивы и факторы нарушения социальной мобильности личности в период профессиональных кризисов.
Ключевые слова: социальная мобильность, профессиональный кризис, гипермобильность, психологический профиль социально мобильной личности.
Statement of the problem
Today's society places new requirements for increased professionalism of the individual. Most are in the process of training a person sees your career realization not by one but by several career scenarios: expansion of the existing to the full range of professional moving beyond the chosen profession. That commitment to professional mobility as dictated by societal demands and individual needs. It is important to Maslow assertion that the people and the future of mobile professional and social change, because "these (mobile) people will surely look to tomorrow, relying on their ability to improvise in a situation that had never occurred. A society that can bring these people survive... "[5, c.61].
Therefore, the formation of the individual occupational mobility is important as a scientific and social problem.
In the scientific context of the category "professional mobility" needs clarification and specification. Essential for us to assert J.Kalynovsky on correlation and distinction between "social mobility", "professional mobility", "professional teacher mobility." Scientist believe that any professional mobility, on the one hand - the social, and the other - its part as professional mobility is inextricably linked with society and education. And that mobility is one of the important qualities of the "expansion of life chances." As a professional teacher mobility, it is by definition the researcher, is the basis for the development of other types of mobility. A valuable approach in J. Kalinowsky to the characteristics of the concept can mark its breadth and diversity. We support his view that mobility is considered as a generic and species concepts as personal characteristics and social phenomenon [2].
Thus, the analysis of general approaches to the category of occupational mobility suggests that the phenomenon is rather the set of complex phenomenon that has no universally accepted definition today. According to the philosophical and anthropological positions mobility accumulates humanistic ideal of social transformation, to sociological - is focused on adaptive capabilities of individuals, the chances of career goals and motives of professional mobility, with psychological - is dominant openness to change, requiring flexibility of behavior, which lays need for self-actualization, from teaching - as a prerequisite for a successful career reorientation, re-evaluation of professional realities. However, in research there is a need to study the mechanisms of internal occupational mobility, namely those reasons are psychological nature of the mobile professional individual.
The main material and research results
Career mobility identity due to both internal and external factors. For internal motives, then each person has his own pace, pace of life, flexible and direction, and the more internal demand, the appropriate level of aspiration, discontent existing contradictions that give rise to the need for change, which is the professional mobility. In this context, the scientific interest of the portfolio scientists to distinguish psychological components of occupational mobility. Namely: openness - the tendency to a whole new, the ability to abandon stereotypes and patterns in the perception of reality and activities (B.M. Ihoshev, M.V.Pazyukova etc..) Activity, which refers to the provision of permanent readiness activities external manifestations of intent, mastering new forms and activities (L.O.Amirova, Z.A.Bahishaev, L.V.Goryunova, B.M. Ihoshev etc..) adaptability as the ability to effectively adapt to the changing professional and social activities, willingness to change his life and work (L.O.Amirova, Z.A.Bahishayev, B.M. Ihoshev etc..) communicative as the ability to install the necessary communication links (B.M. Ihoshev) creativity ( L.O.Amirova, Z.A.Bahishayev, L.V. Goryunova, Ihoshev B.M. et al.). However, professional crisis may be caused by subjective human response to those and other important events (changing jobs, downsizing, moving to a new location, etc.)..
Changing the professional environment has a significant impact on the stance of the individual, the program of its activities and future plans. Experts in the field of psychology maturity pay attention to the need for awareness of specific differences [7; 9]. Available contradiction can be summarized as follows: disparity between the requirements for this specialty and actual level of knowledge, the contradiction between the existing level of knowledge and the necessary social relations, social norms approved behavior, contradiction between the level of knowledge and new problematic cognitive tasks that arise not only because of the requirements of practice, but also because of the very.
E.F. Zeer and E.E. Symanyuk distinguish professional development crisis, referring to "periods of drastic restructuring of personality change vector of professional development" [2]. These crises occur without pronounced changes in professional behavior. However, the restructuring of semantic structures of professional consciousness shift to new targets, correction and revision of social and professional positions prepare change ways of doing business, leading to changes in relationships with others, and in some cases - to change profession. The factors that generate professional crisis, first serve socio-economic conditions. Often the crisis of professional development consistent with age psychological and social changes: deterioration of health, loss of efficiency, the weakening of mental processes, occupational fatigue, intellectual helplessness, a syndrome of "emotional burnout", etc. [8, 9]. Professional crises can occur when taking up a new post contests for vacancies, etc. In adulthood, the stage of professionalism comes a point where further development activities in variable conditions requires a radical break-up of regulatory approval and occupational stereotypes. A person should take professional action, show overtime activity, which can be expressed in the transition to a new educational qualification or a new, innovative level of performance. Another factor that encourages the emergence of professional development crisis may be growing socio-professional activity of the individual. Dissatisfaction with his social and professional educational status often leads to finding new ways to perform professional activities, improvement, and sometimes change of profession, specialization or job. In this situation, the mechanisms of substitution, compensation and sublimation serve as crisis factors.
The crisis may be accompanied by insufficient knowledge of professional competence and helplessness against inflated self-esteem and level of aspiration, formed in previous standards of professionalism. Often crisis accompanied by a feeling of apathy, passivity, lowered efficiency.
In professional development taken to isolate the steps of: vocational education and training, occupational adaptation, primary and secondary professionalism and excellence [1; 7]. The transition from one stage to another is accompanied by a regulatory crisis. On their own professional crisis may not promote professional mobility only create social situation for psychological readiness for social movements. Often during the crisis professional direction of a person can be chaotic, uncontrolled and without a clearly perceived purpose and can not even gain inherent human form hyper mobility. As negative psychological effects may appear increased anxiety, the gap between the existing socio-psychological bonds and have not yet created new, frustration, tension in communication and so on. of students who are pursuing a second degree, we want to consider the crisis secondary professionalism and the transition to the stage of mastery, ie periods when the readjustment by the individual in a profession. Assessing the level of professional commitment to the rights of any activity, according to a number of researchers (V.H.Aseev, M.P.Budyakina, K.M.Hurevych, E.M.Ivanova, E.O.Klymov, A.A.Rusalinova etc.). Should be based on the following criteria: job satisfaction and relationships in the team, success in work, psycho physiological "price" of labor. Also, as a sign of readiness to professional human activities can be considered as forming the main regulators of mental activities, such as subjective image of the profession, identity, image and subjective subject- object relationship (professional identity). The study of these features is the following indicators: level of professional consciousness and self-awareness of functional status. People who get a second degree, a professional come in the secondary stage of professional development. Professional mobility in this period has a positive effect on the development of the whole person. Since excessive stabilization of all aspects of professional life can contribute to professional stagnation of the individual, conformity, passivity, apathy professional. In many cases, the quality and performance of productive activity leads to the fact that people "outgrow" their profession here - increasing dissatisfaction with themselves, their professional situation. Professional identity, formed at the stage of training, primary professionalization may suggest alternative scenarios of future career not only in this profession. The contradiction between the desired and actual career prospects leading to a crisis of professional career. And the best option professional mobile person's behavior is the intention of getting another higher education, immigration sentiment than to seek their professional self-realization. The next stage is characterized by creative and innovative level of performance of professional activities. The driving factor in the further professional development of personality is the need for self-realization in the new environment. The development can be accompanied by social and professional crisis of self-actualization - a dissatisfaction. It is connected with the necessity of learning new social roles and norms of behavior. Productive out of this situation - innovation, creativity, career, creativity, social and professional activity. Destructive solutions to the crisis - behavior deviation, the development of professional deformation.
Content analysis examined studies on internal and external conditions of the individual occupational mobility suggests that mobility of professional identity - is an integrative quality of personality that combines: the current domestic demand in professional mobility, which combines behavioral, cognitive and integrative and personal components, personality and self-awareness of the process of professional mobility. Thus, professional mobility as a complex constructs simultaneously characterizing: a) the quality of the individual, b) human activities, c) the process of converting of himself and the environment.
To study the psychological foundations of occupational mobility personality we offered students the research institute of postgraduate education and distance learning assess the extent to which the severity of the reasons, motives for professional mobility (respondents age 25 to 40 years). After analyzing the reason, motivation for professional mobility among students in a second degree, you can check the following features. Residents of large cities often point to subjective reasons that lead them to a mobile professional behavior: frustration got the profession, the desire to become educated, limit creativity and so on. Also significant is subjective: work without social security, low wages and poor working conditions. Living in small provincial towns feel more stress and tension, high levels of anxiety, unwillingness to innovate. Among the objective reasons dominate: job loss, reorganization of existing structures. Men emphasize the frustration got to the profession, it is impossible to professional realization and consequently - low wages and poor working conditions without social guarantees. Women are encouraged to occupational mobility: the constant stress and tension too high professional requirements, dissatisfaction terms of communication, to objective reasons, they rank: job opportunity for a new profession, working without a safety net. Young professional mobility leads to dissatisfaction with communication range, limiting creativity too high professional requirements. For objective reasons include the opportunity to work on a new specialty, low wages and poor working conditions.
Analysis of responses categories of respondents by age criterion allowed tendency to notice that among the consequences of occupational mobility among young people is important: the presence of the top prospects in life, new possibilities of self-realization, wider circle of friends, the opportunity to learn something new. As respondents and 40 significant are: awareness of own choice, the lack of clear perspective, increased responsibility for the future outcome of anxiety, fear, frustration, desirable results.
A questionnaire allowing to distinguishing three levels of professional mobility of the individual. High levels of occupational mobility characterizes the first group and that includes 129 people (48.9% of the total sample), including 53 women and 76 men. All respondents are included in this group, changed profession is characterized by a high level of guidance by changing professions subject to possess a prestigious profession in the labor market (57.4% of respondents) or obtaining a profession, as previous not satisfy (21.0 % of respondents). Respondents in this group the average for their professional life 2.8 times changed jobs. Thus for 48.0% of them (62 people) motif was changed careers, and for 27.9% (36 respondents) - higher wages. The majority of respondents in this group (68.2% - 88 people) did not feel negative emotions due to change of work (profession), on the contrary, they felt exaltation. Given that 12.4% of this sample reported that even without much experience changed their place of work and profession, stressed the absence of negative emotional reactions to changing professional "vector" and, conversely, if the previous situation lasted longer, it would have experienced negative emotional reactions. Group II was 78 respondents (29.5%) with low levels of occupational mobility, including 51 women (65.4%) and 27 men (34.6%). Among these, only 17 (21.8%) had to change the profession in life, with 14 of them explained it unnecessary professionals in the labor market. 60.0% of respondents in this sample did not change jobs before, so the average profiles for this position is 1.3. These respondents noted that it is difficult to have experienced a change of work (profession) and long specialized to the new activity. Interviewed groups with low occupational mobility have stable installation on continuity profession and employment, and professional mobility is undesirable and is accompanied by negative emotional experiences and a long period of adjustment to a new job or a new professional environment. This group of respondents confirms our view that professional crisis does not always promote professional mobility. Based on substantive analysis of the responses were selected third group, which included 57 individuals (21.6%), including 18 women (31.6%) and 39 men (68.4%). The level of occupational mobility study can be defined as " ". All respondents in this group changed the profession of 4.7 times, with 63.2% of them explained that previous profession is not liked, and 54.4% dreamed about this profession since his youth. A characteristic feature of this group is rather young age of the respondents, on average - 24, 5 years. The reasons for this are: conflict with management (49.1%), higher wages in the new place (36.8%), reduction of positions (14.0%). 77.2% of respondents in group III without any feelings changed profession or job, in fact, by itself, this process is considered as a specific means of self-realization. Thus, for hyper mobility personality conflict with management is the reason for the decision to change jobs, but thinking about the subject of self-employment in the existing situation. In terms of the analysis of dominant emotional beginning, not rational judgment. Research has shown that gender can be distinguished characteristics of mobile professional individual. High professional mobility has no pronounced differences by gender (compared proportion of representation in the group of men and women ф * = 0.29, no difference). At the same time, the group of respondents characterized by reduced mobility, the proportion of women was significantly higher than the proportion of men (with ф * = 2.63 p < 0,003), and the hyper mobility group of respondents, however, significantly predominant proportion of men (with ф * = 2 64 p < 0,003). The results can be used as a basis for further empirical research where empirical sample is divided into three groups that correspond to the three levels of occupational mobility: high (129 pers.), low (78 pers.) and hyper mobility (57 pers.).
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