Social and psychological features of the personality's professional mobility in the conditions of a crisis

Types of personal crises and exit strategies. Research of professional mobility as a psychological phenomenon. Search for ways of professional-personal adaptation of the subject in a changing environment. Successful adaptation of personality in society.

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УДК: 316.6. 316.477

social and psychological features of the personality's professional mobility in the conditions of a crisis

Lyubomyra Piletska

В статті розглянуто соціально-психологічні особливості професійної мобільності особистості в умовах кризи. Автором проаналізовано види особистісних криз та стратегій виходу з них. Автор зазначає, що дослідження професійної мобільності як психологічного феномена, який має певні детермінанти формування і динаміки, дозволяє акцентувати увагу на особистісному компоненті означеної проблеми і зробити більш успішним пошук шляхів професійно-особистісної адаптації суб'єкта у змінному середовищі. На сучасному етапі професійна мобільність стає характеристикою, яка необхідна для успішної адаптації особистості в суспільстві.

Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, професіоналізація, професійна криза.

psychological mobility adaptation personality

In the article the social and psychological features of the personality's professional mobility in the conditions of a crisis are considered. The author analysed types of personal crises and strategy of the ways out of them. The author notes that the research of the professional mobility as a psychological phenomenon which has certain determinants of forming and dynamics allows to focus attention on a personal component of the designated problem and to make more successful search of ways of the professional and personal adaptation of the subject in the changing environment. At the present stage professional mobility becomes the characteristic which is necessary for the successful adaptation of the personality in society.

Keywords: professional mobility, professionalization, professional crisis.

The formulation of the problem. The process of personality's professionalization happens inseparably from his vital life in which the stable and crisis periods alternate. The main feature of the personality's vital world is that "world in itself' and "the world around you" personality transforms into "the world for him". The person, being born as potentially infinite being, for the rest of his life moves on opposite directed vector from stability to changes and novelty. This divergence is resulted by the main problem of the person - a problem of excessive freedom in a situation of choices variety (objects, identity, values, cultural currents, etc.), but not as a problem of adaptive survival in the conditions of the mode and standardization.

Mobility is a key concept most of which precisely reflects the features of modern development of the personality and society. The research of the professional mobility as a psychological phenomenon which has certain determinants of forming and dynamics allows to focus attention on a personal component of this problem and to make more successful search of ways of the professional and personal adaptation of the subject in the changing environment of "the clashing realities" (E. O. Klimov). At the present stage the professional mobility becomes the characteristic which is necessary for successful adaptation of the personality in society.

The purpose of the article: to make a theoretical analysis of the problem of the personality's professional mobility in the conditions of a crisis.

The theoretical analysis of the problem. The term " personality's professional mobility" is conformable to the concept "professionalization" which is understood as complete continuous process of the formation of the specialist's identity which begins with the moment profession choice, proceeds during all professional life and comes to the end with the termination of the professional activity. In the context of our research the analysis of psychological problems of students' professionalization as successful assimilation of positive models and roles at the specified stage promotes further career is important. In particular, V. A. Fokin [8] allocates basic reasons of students' refusal from professional self-realization. The author specifies that in training process among students their idea as for two types conditionally called "successful" and "unsuccessful" dynamics change. Successful dynamics is shown in expansion of a circle of adequate ideas of a profession (knowledge of spheres where it is possible to use the professional forces, real places of employment, difficulties and problems, conditions of career development, etc.). As the main indicator of successful dynamics readiness for the professional self-realization in the existing vital conditions acts. Unsuccessful dynamics is shown that in the absence of high-quality changes in structure of professional motivation at the student the social desirability of answers grows, tabooed discussion of such problem industries of professionalizing as the salary level, prestigiousness, career development, etc.

At different stages of the professionalization the personality repeatedly appears in the crisis situations demanding the choice of a new trajectory of the professional and life way. Also the specialist's professional mobility will change respectively. Numerous economical and political and social changes substantially influence the professional sphere that leads to the development of large-scale sociogenic and professional crises. The crises of the professional formation are connected also with the age periodization. Scientists have allocated vital crises for each age which got various definitions: crisis of an implementation failure, exinanition, hopelessness, experience acquiring, the research of borders, sobering up and hiring, emancipation from parents, the maximum achievements, the correction of vital plans, the middle of life, etc.

In case of the characteristic of vital crises difficulties of personality's professionalization, a collision of career and discrepancy of professional life are, as a rule, analyzed. It is well-known that as the basic in the professional development of the personality the factor of interaction between the subject and object of professional activity acts. At the same time such questions as the developing characteristics of the subject of professional activity (focus, orientation, professionally important qualities, knowledge, skills, professional competence, line items, etc.) developing integrated characteristics of the personality are studied (interests, an orientation, emotional and behavioral flexibility similar to that); stages of age mental development of the person as subject of work from the point of view of its dominating vital or professional tasks; stages of the professional formation of the personality (professional preparation, professional adaptation, etc.); forms of professional formation of the personality (individual, personal, individual and personal) according to forms of mental regulation of activities; dynamics of professional functioning (adaptation, formation, stagnation) and stages of psychological reorganization of the personality (self- determination, self-expression, self-realization) in connection with adaptive behavior or development of the personality in a profession [4].

In the course of professionalization the personality endures a number of the crisis moments which can change the direction of the professional development. The researches of foreign and domestic psychologists are devoted to the problem of the crisis phenomena in human life: K. O. Abulkhanova-Slavska, L. I. Antsiferova, E. Erikson, E. F. Zeyer, I. S. Коїш, V. P. Larichev, S. D. Maksimenko, L. E. Orban-Lembryk, Т. М. Titarenko, Е. Fromm. N. V. Chepeleva, G. Shi kb і. L. В. Schneider, etc. The crises are described by scientists, endured in the course of the professional activity; standard crises of actually professional formation (crisis of educational professional orientation, crisis of audit and correction (change) of the professional choice, crisis of professional expectation, crisis of professional growth, crisis of professional prospect, crisis of social and professional self-updating, crisis of the profession loss) substandard crisis as a result of individual activity of the personality (crisis of discredit of all value system in connection with a special form of the personality formation), biographic career crises, etc. [2; 7, 9].

T. M. Titarenko [7] considers crisis as a driving force of the personality development. According to the author, any crisis is always identity crisis, time of crisis experiences, possibilities of constructive or destructive recovery from the crisis are substantially caused by feature the relation to this phenomenon such as ignoring, exaggerating, demonstrative, forcible, productive. Not only the "immature" personality can endure crisis, but also the "mature", creative person at a certain stage of the development can endure sharp, painful, crisis conditions. However, unlike "immature", the creative person can turn by means of semantic correction local, situational crisis into crises of self-improvement, personal growth. Depending on the individual and psychological identity of originality and life story various styles of way out of a crisis are possible. In particular, the productive option of cognitive style of recovery from the crisis consists in the identification of the reasons of real situations, the hidden motives, the forced-out desires. The productive option of behavioral style assumes the expressed desire to search the way out of the created situation, the formulation of the new purposes, identification of the hidden reserves, modification of the way of life.

G. Shikhi [9] highlights the main of crisis of the adult:

1. The crisis of "pulling out the roots" (18-22 years). The position of the young man is often expressed through the motto: "I know what I want!". Young men and girls quite often fall into imaginations in the course of check of these beliefs. One part of the young man tries to become the individual, and another - to ensure the safety and comfort (on this basis appears the main contradiction).

2. "Searches when being twenty years old" (23 years). The young man seeks to do more and more that "has to". But this "has to" strongly depends on the model of family, influence of culture and prejudices of society. A typical mistake of the twenty-year-olds is the conviction that the choice which they had made, is final. Two main impulses during such crisis: a) to create comfort and safety on a ready sample; b) the desire to experiment.

3. The attempt "to realize being thirty" (30 years). Quite often there is an understanding that the choice (choices) when being twenty years old was unsuccessful, and, as a result, the desire to accuse of it "all and all". Main criticism of former choices: there was no place for career, too fantastic choices (like "I want to become a President"). Often there is a desire "to start everything from start". There is a serious desire to make a family, to build a house.

4. The crisis of "the middle of life" (35-37 years), according to G. Shikhi is the most difficult period. The loss of feeling of youth, fading of physical forces, changing of habitual roles promote the appearance of crisis during this period. The feeling amplifies that regardless of the fact that became still, what was suppressed is and now it is torn outside.

5. The recovery or humility ("the problem of being 45 years old"). If the person showed an active position and successfully overcame the previous crises, then up to 45 years the sense of stability and satisfaction appears. If the person reconciled to his state, then the feeling of humility appears: children grow up and leave; friends become strangers; the career turns into regular work... New crisis will appear about 50 years. But if the person finds for himself the new purpose, then these years can become one of the best in his life.

Researching the influence of a certain stage of lifecycle of the personality on success of its socialization taking into account the stability fact - the instability of the development of society, L. E. Orban-Lembric [6] proved such features of socialization of the personality as socialization of the personality who is in the condition of activity, creativity during the stable periods of development of society; socialization of the personality who is in the crisis stage during the stable periods of the society development; the socialization of the personality who is in a stage of activity, creativity during the unstable periods of the society development; socialization of the personality who is in a crisis stage during the unstable periods of development of society. The combination of the society stability with the individual raising of the personality gives in most cases such examples of social behavior as positive - socially active, weighed position; professional growth; achievement of high rates; preservation of the available social relations and contacts; group level of identity; mutual understanding in communication, the desire to solve problems by discussion, the analysis, studying, dialogue; reflexive behavior; activity of the personality in search of the necessary information and so forth; negative - continuous operation of potential opportunities, including communicative as stable society (a stage of stagnation of a particular) not always offers various options of manifestation of activity and creativity; against the background of operation of potentialities there are psychoneurotic failures, activity falls; the habit to "social cosiness" slows down creativity; inability to adapt quickly to changes and so forth. The combination of stability of society development with the individual crisis can give such examples of social behavior of the personality as positive - "soft" passing of the crisis period of development of the person due to social protection of the person; social stability prevents to fatal manifestations of individual problems and so forth; negative - the deepening of public apathy; the insufficient quantity of options in society for manifestation of identity tightens crisis "the period of development of the personality; personal stagnation, stagnation and so forth.. The combination of instability of the society development with the individual activity gives such examples of social behavior: positive - acquisition of new experience (including socially psychological) updating of communicative and other potential; reorganization of status and role line items; preference to the group; if during the stable periods of development of society the people not quite realized the opportunities or was among social outsiders, then socialization happens rather productively, in crisis conditions its mature identity was necessary; negative - search of "external" enemies; sharp social changes can enter a certain disharmony into the system of the relations which developed to cause crash of ideals, apathy, a suicide, etc.; the most gifted individuals fall into a condition of the psychosocial moratorium that is shown in unacceptance of a value system of society and forming own; conflictual behavior; complexity of adaptation to new living conditions; experiences deep personal crisis (the is more complete there is an implementation of potential of the personality during the stable periods of society development, the crisis will be deeper individual), etc. The combination of instability of the society development with the individual crisis can give such examples of social behavior as positive - crisis in society can reduce individual crisis on type " fight fire with fire ", give an impetus to new mobilization; spiritual, creative, psychoemotional splash; instability of society can be a propitious moment for revaluation of values, rest, for a necessary stop to consider, adapt and make the relevant decision and so forth; negative "deepening in the past"; "Short circuit in"; complexity of adaptation; apathy, immoral, antisocial acts.

Psychological crisis can be a symptom of physical and mental sufferings, on the one hand, and a symptom of transformation, development and personal body height - on another hand. Any crisis is a special stage in the development of the person when process of association of internal subsystems material, social and spiritual "I" in uniform integrated space is initiated. During crisis process of revaluation of all values begins and in this process the person begins to reinterpret the place in life. A full- fledged becoming of the person assumes overcoming that stage of the development during life which puts the person in unique conditions and causes problems of material, social and spiritual contents which the person has to solve to develop further. Staying in crisis state can lead to change of the perception and experience of life and itself, to change of vital strategy, positions, beliefs, etc.

G. Shikhi [9], concretizing psychological bases of experience by the identity of professional crises, notices that it is necessary to distinguish four strategy of an exit from crisis situations: protective, passive, depressive and affective and aggressive.

The passive strategy is peculiar to adaptive persons who aren't sure of the professional competence, show a rigidity in the development of new methods of self- realization and submit to external circumstances in the form of accomplishment of social requirements, expectations, regulations. Protective strategy is characterized by persistent self-realization in the non-professional sphere. To many persons who choose such strategy of overcoming crisis, the underestimated self-assessment, professional stagnation and indifference are inherent. Leaving or flight from the solution of a difficult situation can be carried out not only in practical, but also in a psychological format due to alienation from a situation or oppression of thoughts of it. Depressive strategy is typical for people who have failed in professional activity, the condition of depression, pessimistic forecasts are peculiar to them. In general they discontent with life and as a result - a depression and apathy which cause a certain disorganization of professional activity; the personality appears incapable to perform the professional functions, doesn't worry concerning assessment of own professionalism and completely loses interest in activity. The inadequate understanding of the professional situations leads to the choice of the destructive way of overcoming crisis of professional formation by the personality that sometimes causes professional stagnation. Affective and aggressive strategy is peculiar typical persons. Such people usually differ by ambition, aggression, tendency to opposition to others. Events are perceived by them one-sidedly, flexibility is absent that leads to the development of a destructive way of overcoming crisis. The low level of the professional consciousness doesn't allow them to go beyond a continuous stream of daily activity, to be exempted from own egoistical installations. Aggression increases due to accumulation of negative emotions and becomes means of fight and uncertainty in which danger can disappear.

E. Zeer and E. Simanyuk [3] specify two possible options of crisis:

• constructive shown in the activization of efforts to as much as possible faster adaptation and the acquiring of work experience;

• destructive - inadequate, low-quality and unproductive accomplishment of the professional functions that leads to hiring.

A. K. Markova [5] on the basis of generalization of researches of violations of the professional development of the personality has allocated and has described such tendencies of professional destructions as lag, delay of the professional development in comparison with age and social norms; the disintegration of the professional development, the disintegration of professional consciousness and as a result -unreal purposes, the professional conflicts; low professional mobility, inability to adapt to new working conditions and disadaptation; emergence of deformations of the personality (emotional exhaustion, burning out) the termination of professional development through occupational diseases or disabilities. The specified factors slow down the process of professional mobility of a specialist.


The crisis phenomena are the integral attribute of the specialist's dynamic development. At different stages of the professionalization the personality repeatedly appears in the crisis situations demanding a new trajectory professional and life way. And, of course, a positive psychological new growth of the crisis period is the accumulated new experience, reconsideration of a situation, desire to professional mobility in the new direction. The way out of the crisis is rather individual as it substantially depends on the features of the previous period, on personality's personal professional experience and is closely connected with circumstances of life in general.


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