Physical training of the specialists of civil protection service as a self-preservation component

Identification of some problem areas in special physical training of civil protection service specialists. Analysis of existing means of special physical training, introduction of new professional techniques. Effective forms of physical training.

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Дата добавления 10.10.2018
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Physical training of the specialists of civil protection service as a self-preservation component

Yuriy Taymasov

The article presents the problem areas in the special physical training of the specialists of civil protection service, as well as on the development of individual professional qualities and their structural changes in the mental sphere that occur during the assignment tasks. The analysis of existing means of special physical training, revealing and introduction of new professional techniques has been carried out. The model of professional actions, which includes a set of combat tasks, interfering factors and extreme conditions of conducting the educational and professional actions is substantiated, to contribute the development of special physical abilities, formation of professionally important motor skills, increase of psychophysical possibilities that ensure a high level of applied readiness of the civil protection service specialists. The most effective forms of physical trainings by which means are brought up (psychological and emotional stability, courage and determination, persistence and commitment, endurance and self-control, stability of attention, confidence in own forces) are given.

Keywords: the exercises, the researches, modeling, the special physical training, civil protection service.

У статті представлені проблемні місця у спеціальній фізичній підготовці фахівців служби цивільного захисту, щодо розвитку як окремих професійно важливих якостей, так і їх структурних змін в психічній сфері, що відбуваються під час виконання завдань за призначенням. Проведено аналіз існуючих засобів спеціальної фізичної підготовки, виявлення та впровадження нових професійних прийомів. Обґрунтовано модель професійних дій, яка передбачає набір бойових завдань, факторів що заважають та екстремальних умов ведення навчальних та професійних дій сприятимуть розвитку спеціальних фізичних здібностей, формуванню професійно важливих рухових умінь та навичок, підвищенню психофізичних можливостей, які забезпечують високий рівень прикладної готовності фахівців служби цивільного захисту. Наведено найбільш ефективні форми фізичних тренувань, засобами якої виховуються (психологічна та емоційна стійкість, сміливість і рішучість, наполегливість і цілеспрямованість, витримка і самовладання, стійкість уваги, впевненість у власних силах).

Ключові слова: вправи, дослідження, моделювання, спеціальна фізична підготовка, служба цивільного захисту.

Introduction. In the conditions of the present the problem of physical and psychological readiness of SESU staff for performance of tasks to destination, is more developed and embodied in Ukraine as a necessary condition of the effective and safe activity connected with influence of complex extreme factors in professional activity [2].

The specificity of the physical improvement means of the civil protection service specialists is that their influence is directed not to any obj ect, but directly to the person himself on the improvement of his physical condition [6]. These tools include professional techniques and actions that are used to improve the physical state of the civil defense specialists.

Professional receptions and actions are such exercises which train mentality and along with it the person develops physically They represent a complex of movements which are carried out in the conditions of the increased danger (risk) and connected with considerable physical and mental tension [3, 6].

Physical indicators in the conditions of professional activity are largely influenced by the psychic factor [1].

The purpose of the study was to identify problem places in the special training of military personnel.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the existing means of special physical training, to identify and introduce new professional techniques and actions using the simulation of a professional environment to improve the physical and psychological readiness of the civil protection service specialists in accordance with the requirements of a modern specialist.

Research methods: theoretical methods (analysis, studying and generalization) - to reveal the essence of the problem and determine the ways of its solution and empirical methods (questionnaires, pedagogical experiment) - in order to prove the need to improve the program of the civil protection service specialists physical training with the help of professional techniques and actions.

Analysis of the last researches and publications.

The level of the population health, especially young people, is the level indicator of a civilized country. Recent research (I. Efimova, T. Krusevich) shows that the level of health of student youth and graduates of higher educational institutions of the country is alarming. Scientists (N. Zavadovskaya, I. Opolonets) have proved that systematic physical exercises increase nervous and mental resistance to emotional stress, support mental health at the optimal level, and help to increase students' progress. The researches of scientists (M. Bulatova, V Bilogur, A. Vasseba, G. Griban, L. Volkova, V. Platonova) show that the system of physical culture and sports work, which exists in higher military educational institutions, unfortunately, is not gives the opportunity to fully realize the enormous humanistic cultural potential of students.

The main material's content. Survey and questioning of the civil protection service specialists, who were taking part in elimination large-scale emergency situations, about the problem directions of the existing special physical training of the civil protection service specialists in permanent locations for increase in working capacity, formation of moral, strong-willed and psychological qualities of the civil protection service specialists, have been conducted. As a result, it has been established that the means of the existing system of special physical training need to be improved in order to ensure the physical readiness of the civil protection service specialists to professional activity, mastery of skills and their effective use, adaptation to physical activity, nervous psychological stresses in professional activity.

Determination of the special tasks of physical training of the SESU is based on the identification of those indicators of physical condition, which, to a great extent, are necessary for the personnel of one or another type of troops to maintain a high level of professional ability of the civil protection service specialists by simulating conditions that are as close as possible to the real ones [4].

The following tests were carried out: a specialist in the civil protection service overcomes the fire- storming barrier of obstacles without using flammable substances (napalm) and means of fire emitting by measuring the passage time. Then he passed the same band of obstacles, overcoming obstacles in the fire and smoke under the influence of the explosions emission. The time spent in passing bands with the simulation of the combat situation was much larger. All exercises should work for one purpose: to convince you that you are stronger than your own fear. Human possibilities are limitless if he overcomes fear [5].

The simulation of practical actions, which includes a set of combat tasks, interfering factors and extreme conditions for conducting educational and practical actions, will promote the development of special physical abilities, the formation of professionally important motor skills and increase the psychophysical capabilities that ensure high level of readiness of the civil protection service specialists.

The organization and conducting of a training process on specially trained specialists of the civil protection service through simulation of practical activities will substantially improve their physical and psychological readiness and reduce the risk of the tide extinction [7].

When modeling to a real practical situation, it is necessary constantly to teach the civil protection service specialists to overcome fear, to suppress a self-preservation instinct. It is reached by explanatory work and purposeful trainings in the course of which it is necessary to combine exercises from the enhanced complexity (transitions on a rope at height, overcoming a fire obstacle course, etc.) with elements of tactical and technical preparation (performance of special and fighting receptions and actions in actual practice). In the development of psychological and emotional stability, the main efforts should be directed to ensure that any accidents for them become familiar. That the accident becomes a rule, a surprise - a regularity, and sudden change of the situation - a commonplace [8].

In order to improve the special physical training of the civil protection service specialists during the practice, the most effective form should be noted the accompanying physical training, the means of which are raised:

psychological and emotional stability - exercises requiring nervous psychological stress (actions in the unit in the elimination of emergency situations, overcoming obstacles, diving, perform various exercises that have elements of risk, perform techniques and overcome the bar of obstacles in complicated conditions);

courage and determination - exercises containing elements of novelty, complicated conditions for their implementation (movement at a considerable height on a narrow resistance, jumping over wide and deep obstacles, discontinuities from the gymnastic shells, diving, descents from the roofs, exercises on special shells, training sessions);

Persistence and purposefulness - exercises associated with large and prolonged physical and nervous-psychological stresses, especially in the context of large-scale emergency situations (running on medium and long distances, training exercises for the transfer of fire and technical weapons and victims);

Extreme and self-control - exercises related to the need to act accurately and confidently in conditions of physical and nervous psychological stress (overcoming difficult areas of interference bands, swimming in combat clothing with rescue guns, diving, acting on water and under water, during rescue people); - stability of attention - exercises requiring rapid change of operational environment and action in the event of large-scale catastrophes, rapid change of provisions for the extinguishing of fires); physical training protection

Self-confidence - based on the complex implementation of all these exercises.


Simulation of the practical situation will promote the formation of a high level of reliability of professional skills in terms of practical application, the development of complex physical and psychological qualities of specialists in the civil defense service, which determine the adaptive capacity of their bodies to professional activity and avoid mistakes.

The offered approach to the special training of specialists in the civil protection service using the simulation of the practical situation will help future civil protection service specialists be prepared to act in special conditions during the performance of their professional duties and to properly assess the situation in stressful time.

Specialists in the civil protection service, who are not ready for a powerful pressure in the form of unexpected explosions, high physical and psychological loads, may not fulfill the military task and endanger their lives and their comrades.

Prospects of further researches consist in carrying out approbation and improvement of forms and methods of special physical training in the course of the civil protection service specialists training of SESU in specialized educational institutions and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine for the effective performance of vocational training tasks and the system of self-preservation by the specialists of the civil protection service.


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