Psychological aspects of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students
Occupational self-determination of adolescent school students. Correlation between indicators of realistic personality type and internal individually significant motives. Indicators of social personality type and motive of social significance of a job.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 581,0 K |
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Размещено на
Viktoriia Synyshyna,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Department of Psychology, State University “Uzhhorod National University “, 14, Universytetska Str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine
The choice of profession plays a significant role in the process of life decisions making by individuals, thus causing the scientific interest in the issue of occupational self-determination of senior school students. The study of individual's self-determination is urgent in the context of solving the problems of motivation and needs spheres. The paper aims to reveal psychological aspects of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students. 80 school graduates took part in the experiment. The hypothesis, that there is a correlation between the motives of choosing a profession and types of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students, has been tested by the Student t-test on the significance of the correlation coefficient. Having applied Holland's, Klimov's, Golomshtok's, Ovcharova's, and Vereshchagina's diagnostic questionnaires, it has been concluded that investigative (individuals who choose scientific professions, are focused on solving intellectual creative tasks and possess the developed nonverbal and verbal intelligence) and artistic types (with originality of thoughts and extraordinary view of life) are peculiar to the majority of the respondents; the of “individual - individual” type is peculiar to the majority of the respondents, who choose communication-related professions; most of the respondents manifest interest in pedagogy; internal socially significant motives (professions that bring pleasure), the motive of social significance prevail in choosing a future profession. There is a positive correlation between the indicators of realistic personality type and internal individually significant motives; there is a positive correlation between the indicators of social personality type and the motive of social significance of a job; there is a negative correlation between the conventional personality type and the motive of professional proficiency; there is a negative correlation between the social personality type and the motive of own work.
Keywords: adolescent school students, occupational self-determination, motivation of choice, types ofprofessions, external motivation, internal motivation, interests.
Вибір професії посідає значиме місце у процесі прийняття особистістю життєво важливих рішень, що викликає науковий інтерес до проблеми професійного самовизначення старшокласників. Вивчення особистого самовизначення є актуальним у контексті вирішення проблем мотивації та сфери потреб. Метою статті є виявлення психологічних особливостей професійного самовизначення старшокласників. В експерименті взяли участь 80 випускників школи. Було здійснено кореляційний аналіз з використанням коефіцієнта кореляції Спір- мена за допомогою програмного забезпечення “Статистика 10”, а також проведено перевірку гіпотези (існує взаємозв'язок між мотивами вибору професії та типами професійного самовизначення учнів старших класів) за критерієм Ст'юдента про значущість коефіцієнта кореляції. Для емпіричного дослідження було використано такі діагностичні методики: методика “Визначення професійних типів особистості Голланда”, методика “Диференційовано-діагностичний опитувальник інтересів - ДДО (за Є. Клімовим)”, методика “Карта інтересів” (за ред. Голомштока), методика “Мотиви вибору професії” (за Р. Овчаровою), методика “Мотив вибору” (Л. Верещагіною). За результатами виявлено, що інтелектуальний (обирають наукові професії, орієнтуються на вирішення інтелектуальних творчих завдань і володіють розвиненим невербальним і вербальним інтелектом) і артистичний типи (з оригінальністю мислень та неординарним поглядом на життя) властиві більшості респондентів; тип “людина - людина” властивий більшості респондентів, які обирають професії, пов'язані з спілкуванням; інтерес до педагогіки властивий більшості випускників; внутрішні соціально значимі мотиви (професії, що приносять задоволення) переважають у більшості респондентів у виборі майбутньої професії; мотив соціальної значимості праці переважає у виборі майбутньої професії; існує пряма кореляція між показниками реалістичного типу особистості та внутрішніми індивідуально значимими мотивами; існує пряма кореляція між показниками соціального типу особи та мотивом соціальної значимості праці; існує зворотна кореляція між звичайним типом особи та мотивом професійної майстерності; існує зворотна кореляція між соціальним типом особи та мотивом власної праці.
Ключові слова: старшокласники, професійне самовизначення, мотивація вибору, типи професій, зовнішня мотивація, внутрішня мотивація, інтереси.
social personality motive adolescent
Consideration of the issue of occupational selfdetermination give reasons to state that it has been in the centre of many scientists' attention. There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that the scientific interest in this problem is conditioned by the fact that the choosing of a profession has a significant place in the process of life decisions taking by any individual.
Occupational self-determination of adolescent school students is not only about choosing a profession, it is the choice of the whole life, because a job gives a person the sense of completeness of life, contributes to the impact on well-being (Maksymenko, 1996; Pryazhnikov, 1996). It should be regarded as a complex continuous process resulting in the formed association between personal characteristics and professional requirements (Shysh- kina, 2012). Occupational self-determination is formed gradually throughout a person's life. However, according to Y. Klimov, early adolescence is the most significant period in this case (Klimov, 1996).
Scientists note that occupational self-determination can be considered only in connection with the involvement in the society and civilization in general, and not in relation to an individual solely (Klimov, 1996; Ko- kun, 2012, p. 15-16). Thus, besides profession, an individual chooses something more meaningful, i.e. something that this profession provides for the more complete sense of life. A well-chosen profession increases the level of self-esteem and forms positive person' s selfperception, increases satisfaction with life, reduces the frequency of psychological problems and their impact on physical health.
The data obtained as a result of the psychological literature review on the issue of occupational selfdetermination demonstrate that in scientific researches the emphasis is put mainly on the study of abilities of an individual, their correlation with the requirements of a future profession, which is necessary at all stages of occupational self-determination. The main contradiction here is that, despite the fact that there are many methods for identifying abilities for one or another profession, work on vocational guidance is often carried out in isolation from the analysis of other factors of choosing the profession. Althoug the attitude of an individual to work is not just psycho-physiological, but also a psychosocial phenomenon. Among the main factors of profession choosing, the psychologists also differentiate between: (i) interests (cognitive, vocational, interest in the profession); (ii) abilities (as psychological mechanisms necessary for success in a certain type of activity); (iii) temperament; (iiii) character (as a dynamic characteristic of mental activity of an individual). Therefore, variety of factors influence the choice of occupation.
Based on the foregoing discussion, we highlight the main concepts of scholars regarding the professional selfdetermination of an individual. First of all, we can distinguish between those that determine individual's abilities as the prevailing determinant of self-determination in the profession.
According to N. Miloradova, F. Parsons is the founder of the scientific-psychological approach to the solving of problems of individual occupational selfdetermination (Miloradova, 2017, p. 162). F. Parsons has developed a three-factor model on choosing an occupation. There is the concept of matching at the centre of Parsons' theory. He states that occupational decisionmaking occurs when people have achieved: (i) an accurate understanding of their individual traits (aptitudes, interests, personal abilities); (ii) a knowledge of jobs and the labour market; (iii) rational and objective judgement about the relationship between their individual traits, and the labour market. This three-part theory still governs most current practice. The trait and factor theory operates under the premise that it is possible to measure both individual talents and the attributes required in particular jobs. It also assumes that people may be matched to an occupation. Parsons suggests that when individuals are in jobs best suited to their abilities they perform best and their productivity is highest. That is, the choice of a profession provides individual' “meeting” with professional requirements.
According to scientific researches, career choices are largely a function of personal factors (e.g., personality traits, self-knowledge, and occupational knowledge) and environmental factors (e.g., family, school). In making career choices, individuals seek the type of environment that matches, or is congruent with their personality type (Roe, 1956). J. H. Holland speaks of six personality types, thus defining six basic types of work environments: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (Holland, 1975).
Among the scientific approaches to professional selfdetermination, D. Super shares an important premise that vocational maturity is first and foremost awareness about the occupational preferences at the stage of career choice, the need for a profession, the awareness of the links between education and further occupational activities, a sufficient amount of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, awareness of the determinants for the successful career development. One of D. Super's greatest contributions to career development is his emphasis on the importance of the development of self-concept. According to D. Super, self-concept changes over time and develops in consequence of experience. As such, career development is lifelong (Daws, 1970; Super, 1963).
D. Super's scientific position is in favour of A. Roe, which rests on the assumption that the following social- economic factors influence the successful career development: status, ethnicity, intelligence, special abilities, the profession of parents, as well as the family, which supports certain professional careers and becomes the model of a certain lifestyle, becomes the source of formation of vital values and motivations (Roe, 1956).
We take a middle-ground position as to the above- mentioned concepts of J. H. Holland, F. Parsons, D. Super, and A. Roe, as here the choice of profession is considered rather schematic: the search for the correspondence between the requirements of profession and an individual. This approach, also known as “diagnostic”, absolutes the influence of abilities in the process of choosing a profession and ignores the fact that in new socio-economic conditions, the world of modern professions is very dynamic, the type of personality also constantly changes, as well as the needs, motives, and desires. Therefore, the study of self-determination of an individual is necessary above all in the context of the problem of motivation and needs sphere.
In our opinion, there is an appropriate scientific approach to the professional self-determination of domestic scholars. They consider the following factors that influence the self-determination of adolescent schoolchildren:
(i) cognitive component (the ability to self-analysis, the ability to analyse occupations, the availability of occupational knowledge, and adequate self-esteem);
(ii) motivational component (the formation of a hierarchy of motives for profession choosing, the availability of stable interest in a particular profession, and formed professional intentions); (iii) practical (the availability of substantiated personal occupational plan and the implementation of practical steps for its implementation) (Ma- chuska, 2013, p. 477; Maksymenko & Osyodlo, 2010).
It should be noted that the choice of profession is always accompanied by certain motives (very diverse nowadays) and affects human actions. Y. Pavlyutenkov argues that the conscious choice of a profession can only take place when: (i) it is deeply motivated; (ii) school graduates realise the social significance of work in the profession chosen; (iii) school graduates correctly evaluate their psycho-physiological abilities and the content of profession chosen for the future (Pavlyutenkov, 1980). Thus, while profession choosing, motives of interest, professional growth, prestige, high wages, demand for the profession on the labour market, etc. guide an individual (Korolenko & Kalachikova, 2016, p. 150).
Among similar lines, L. Abdalina and E. Gavrilova argue that the choice of profession can be influenced by situational, often accidental, causes like fascination with the outer side of the profession and the wrong idea about the content of the future work. If social status is the main cause for an individual, thus profession is chosen based on the existing fashion, by the degree of profession prestige in a society. Young people often choose profession that can provide their material well-being or their choice is conditioned by the romanticity. It happens that such a choice, based on external prestige or supported by an advice of parents and friends, is successful. However, the romanticity of profession disappears very quickly and routine remains, for which an individual is not ready both physically and mentally. Then the work becomes a burden (Abdalina, & Gavrilova, 2004).
This view is supported by S. Maksymenko and S. Osyodlo: “...the basis for effective professional activity of an individual makes it possible to realise oneself in creative work. However, unfortunately, the desire to satisfy one's biogenic and sociogenic needs of a lower order often becomes the motive of human labour instead of desire for self-realisation through creative work. Therefore, it is very important to identify the psychological conditions of occupational self-realisation of an individual, i.e. how formed value orientations interrelate with the profession choosing; how far an individual sees the personal sense in one's own professional activity” (Maksy- menko & Osyodlo, 2010, p. 4).
This point of view fully confirms the approaches of O. Leontyev, S. Rubinstein, L. Vygotskiy, who substantiated the important regularity: the development of an individual takes place in the activity, and only in that activity, which is full of elements of creativity and causes an individual's positive attitude to this type of work (Leontyev, 1983; Rubinshteyn, 2000; Vygotskiy, 2006).
In our study, we rely on the approach of K. Zamfir, whose argument is in favour of debates that with the successful profession choosing, internal motivation is generated from the needs of an individual, so he/she works with pleasure, without external pressure on understanding the social significance of work (Zamfir, 1983). The structure of motives for profession choosing involves the following components: internal motivation, external positive motivation and external negative motivation. In particular, we understand internal motives as pleasure obtained by work; external motives involve earnings, fear of condemnation, desire for prestige, etc.; external positive motivation - material stimulation, prestige, that is, those stimuli an individual feels necessary to put own efforts to; external negative motivation involves punishment, criticism, condemnation, fines, etc. For the high efficiency of labour, the predominance of internal motives is most conducive with the simultaneous use of external positive motives and the esclusion or, if possible, limitation of external negative motives. High satisfaction with labour is possible, mainly when internal motivation prevails. If external motivation prevails, then labour becomes just a means to achieve the benefits that an individual needs. External motivation does not stimulate professional development sufficiently, transforms labour into a heavy burden. The random profession choosing leads to negative consequences: conflict, low productivity, mistakes in the work performed, depression, apathy, hypochondria.
The further reflection on the motives of profession choosing is required. After all, the motives for profession choosing can suggest how successful the occupation will be, how productively and effectively an individual will work, how stable the professional interest will be in choosing a future profession. Therefore, the problem of motives for profession choosing has not yet received sufficient theoretical justification and methodological support and has influenced the choice of our research.
Aim and Tasks
The paper aims to reveal psychological peculiarities of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students. The hypothesis of the research implies that there is a correlation between the motives of choosing a profession and types of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students.
The following tasks have been defined to be solved: 1) to define and analyse psychological peculiarities of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students; 2) to check the hypothesis of the research conducting mathematical and statistical analysis of correlation between personality type of adolescent school students and their occupational motivation.
Research Methods
Research organisation. We assumed that adolescent school students, choosing a profession, vary by changes in the formation of the motivational sphere, and have an active life position. The experiment has been conducted on the basis of Uzhhorod Multiprofile Lyceum “Intelekt” of the Secondary School № 11 (Ukraine).
Participants. The experiment involved 80 school graduate pupils, including 42 girls and 38 boys.
Techniques. The following techniques have been applied in the research: diagnostic questionnaire on defining vocational types of personality by J. Holland; differentiat- ed-diagnostic questionnaire of interests by Y. Klimov, diagnostic questionnaire on the map of interests by A. Golomshtok; diagnostic questionnaire on the motives of choosing an occupation by R. Ovcharova; diagnostic questionnaire on the motives of choice by L. Vereshchagina.
At the first stage the study was conducted using the technique of J. Holland, which is intended to define the professional type of a personality. The method determines the degree of connection of an individual type with the area of professional activity, to which an individual has inclinations. For the measurement of professional selfdetermination, which is by its nature a phenomenon that cannot be quantified in the technique of J. Holland, we have singled out the indicators of inclination to occupations. After the summing of the points scored the priority type of an individual has been determined. In our case, the standard matrix has the form of: R I S C E A. Six types of personality are the indicators: realistic, investigative, social, conventional, enterprising, artistic, e.g.: the subject belongs to enterprising type of personality with pronounced qualities of artistic and investigative types = E A I index.
At the second stage the study was conducted by the technique of Y. Klimov. In this method, the idea of grouping labour types is implemented, taking into account four classification features: objects, goals, tools and working conditions. An assessment of the level of an individual's inclination to one or another type of profession has been made by selecting of 20 pairs of questions. The choice is to be made from two most suitable variants or alternatives for oneself, by choosing “a” or “b”, or putting “+” or “-” sign, which corresponds to “yes” or “no”). After answers to all questions received in each of five vertical columns, the number of “+” is counted. In the lower row of the table amounts are displayed, which are the indicators of expression of interest in a particular area of activity. The maximum amount of the indicator in each column is 8. The largest sum of points in one of the columns indicates the dominance of interests, and possibility of inclination to a certain type of professions, to one or another sphere of activity. In our study, the indicators correspond to the professions: 1) individual-nature; 2) individual-technics; 3) individual-artistic image; 4) individual-semiotic system; 5) individual-individual.
At the third stage the study was conducted applying the technique of A. Golomshtok. On the basis of the quantitative data obtained, the conclusion is to be made at what level and to what extent there is an interest in a certain sphere of work. In the response letter in every of the 29 lines we have calculated the amount of pluses and minuses. Then the algebraic sum of these indicators was calculated. The test results were considered as follows: 10-12 points - interests are developed at a high level; 7-9 points - interests are developed at the average level; 4-6 points - interests are developed at a low level; 0-3 points - there are no interests at all in this activity. Interests are considered broad if 7 or more areas of activity have scored more than 4 points; latitude-average interests are considered when more than 4 points are noted in 4-6 spheres, and narrow ones - when interests appear only to 1-3 spheres of activities.
Statistical analysis
The processing of the received data has been carried out using statistical software Statistica v. 10, using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The hypothesis of the research has been tested by the Student t-test on the significance of the correlation coefficient.
Research Results and their Discussion
In accordance with the justification of the expediency of choosing diagnostic techniques, the first aspect of the study has been carried out using the vocational types of personality questionnaire (J. Holland). The results have revealed that the investigative and artistic types are peculiar to the majority of the respondents (see figure 1).
Representatives of the investigative personality type, with analytical type of thinking and originality of judgments, most often choose scientific professions, are focused on solving intellectual creative tasks and possess the developed nonverbal and verbal intelligence. Mathematics, geography, geology, creative professions are recommended spheres of activity for these individuals.
Representatives of the artistic personality type possess the originality of thoughts and extraordinary view of life. They have a high level of extraversion and verbal abilities dominating in the structure of intelligence. Philology, history, art are desirable spheres of activity for these individuals. Their professional inclination is associated with actor-stage, musical, and visual activity.
The next aspect of the study was carried out with the aim to determine the preferable types of occupational activity using the differentiated-diagnostic questionnaire of interests (by Y. Klimov), required for assessing professional orientation on the basis of preferences for different types of activities (helps identify a certain type of profession that a senior pupil belongs to). The results have revealed that the “individual - individual” type is peculiar to the majority of the respondents (see figure 2).
The representatives of occupational activity of “individual - individual” type choose professions related to communication: seller, psychologist, teacher, waiter, educator, lawyer, doctor, or sociologist.
The representatives of occupational activity of “individual - artistic image” type choose creative professions (artistic images, their elements and specificity are objects of work): photographer, artist, poet, writer, artist, musician, jeweller, composer, designer, etc.
The next stage of the study was carried out using the diagnostic questionnaire on the map of interests (A. Golomshtok) with the aim to identify the occupational interests of the adolescents. The results have revealed that the interest in pedagogy is peculiar to the majority of the respondents (see figure 3).
The next aspect of the study involved using the diagnostic questionnaire on the motives of choosing an occupation (R. Ovcharova) with the aim to identify the leading type of motivation. The results have revealed that internal socially significant motives prevail in choosing a future profession (see figure 4).
Thus, it has been confirmed that senior school students choose in most cases (52%) future professions that will bring pleasure due to their creative nature. 38% choose occupations of social significance, i.e., professions required by modern labour market. 10% displayed external negative motives - actions performed because of condemnation, punishment, pressure, criticism and other negative sanctions. In our study, there were no respondents found with external positive motives (earnings, striving for prestige, fear of condemnation and / or failure, etc.).
The next stage of the study has been carried out using the diagnostic questionnaire on the motives of choice by L. Vereshchagina. The results have revealed that the motive of social significance of labour prevails in choosing a future profession (see figure 5). Thus, awareness of social importance of the chosen profession (socially significant motives) and the use of personal abilities in professional activities (motives for self-affirmation in labour) are the most important motives in choosing a profession.
To solve the second task of the research the pro- statistical software Statistica v. 10, using the Spearman's cessing of the received data has been carried out using correlation coefficient.
The hypothesis implying that there is a correlation between the motives of choosing a profession and the types of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students, has been tested by the Student t-test on the significance of the correlation coefficient. Based on empirical data, we have obtained the summary protocols of the study of the group according to different techniques. The data obtained in the study were subjected to the standard procedure of mathematical and statistical processing, namely, a correlation analysis of data and testing of statistical hypotheses regarding the parameters of the revealed correlation between the indicators has been carried out.
The results of calculating the correlation coefficients between the indicators of the motives of profession choosing and the indicators of the types of occupational selfdetermination are given in the Table 1.
Considering the value of indicators in general, we can see the correlation between the indicators of the types of occupational self-determination themselves. However, when studying every particular indicator of the types of occupational self-determination in connection with indicators of the motives for choosing a profession, (i) the positive correlation has been found between the indicators of realistic type and internal individually significant motives (r = 0,304545) (marked by colour in the table); (ii) the negative correlation has been found between indicators of artistic type and external positive and negative motives (r = - 0.348402, r = -0.363434) (all marked by the colour in the table).
The next step was to test the value of these coefficients correlation, and thus to test the hypothesis on significance of this correlation (see Table. 2).
Using the Student's t-test to verify the relevance of ria calculated based on statistical measurements) has been the correlation coefficient and the Microsoft Excel soft- obtained. The values in this table at the level of signifi- ware product, a table of observed values (values of crite- cance p<0,05 confirm the initial hypothesis, namely, that there is no reason to deny the assumption of positive correlation between the indicators of the realistic type and the internal individually significant motives (as the observed value of the criterion exceeds the critical one:
0. 3045>0.2664). The hypothesis about the negative correlation between the indicators of artistic type and the indicators of external negative and external positive motives is rejected, since, when checking the significance of correlation coefficient, it has been found that such it is insignificant (|-0.3693|<0.3737), |-0.3484|<0.3709).
The values given in Table 3 at the level of significance p<0.05 also confirm the initial hypothesis implying that (i) the positive correlation between the indicators of social type and the motive of social significance of labour (since the observed value of the criterion exceeds the critical one: 0.4755>0.2313) and (ii) negative correlation between indicators of social type, the motive of one's work and between indicators of conventional type and the motive of professional proficiency (|-0.4129|>0.3796; |- 0.4191|>0.3805).
The hypothesis about the significance of correlation between the indicators of intellectual type and the motives of social significance is rejected (as the observed value of criterion is less than the critical one: |-0.3628|<0.3728).
While considering the values of indicators from Table 3 based on the obtained correlation coefficients, we note the correlation between (i) the indicators of social type and the indicators of the motive of one's work and the motive of social significance of labour (r = -0.4129, r = 0.4755); (ii) the indicators of investigative type and the indicator of the motive of social significance of labour (r = -0.3628); (iii) the indicators of conventional type and the indicators of the motive of professional proficiency (r = -0.4191).
The conducted research helped to determine the psychological aspects of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students, the motives of profession choosing and the vocational types of personality. The chosen methodology has shown that all the respondents have chosen a future profession.
Thus, based on the empirical data obtained as a result of the conducted survey we can conclude that:
(1) the investigative (individuals choose scientific professions, are focused on solving intellectual creative tasks and possess the developed nonverbal and verbal intelligence) and artistic types (with originality of thoughts and extraordinary view of life) are peculiar to the majority of the respondents; these types are orientated towards spiritual objects and mental work.
(2) internal socially significant motives prevail in the majority of adolescent school students in choosing a future profession, i.e. they choose professions that will bring satisfaction in the future due to creative nature;
(3) external negative motives are among the least prevailing motives defined in the majority of the adolescents in choosing a future profession, which can be explained by their awareness of particular personal charac- terological features (e.g., displays of laziness or low selfesteem);
(4) external positive motives (prestige of profession, high wages, fear of condemnation, failure) have not been observed; thus money in this case is a rather weak motivator; they seek motives of interest, creativity, love for people, self-affirmation, self-improvement, desire to develop and satisfy spiritual needs (e.g., cognitive), desire to participate in socially useful work. High satisfaction with work is possible, mainly when internal motivation prevails. If external motivation prevails, then labour becomes just a means to achieve the benefits necessary to an individual. This conclusion from research conducted on motives contradicts the tendency of spreading pragmatism among the contemporary Ukrainian young people in profession choosing.
Most senior students tend to think that the chosen profession of investigative type will automatically provide a high level of income, a certain social status, allow them to achieve well-being. Therefore, for the stability of the result of self-determination of senior pupils, it is necessary to ensure that the salary of the profession chosen is at a level sufficient for normal living. In such conditions, the possibility of dynamics of the defined motives will diminish considerably, because the motivational component has a complex dynamic structure, motives for choosing a profession in young people are not always sustainable, they often change due to the level of distinction between specialties and their subdivision into prestigious and less prestigious ones.
(5) internal individually significant motives are the second most influencing motives in choosing a future profession by senior school students, i.e. they choose professions that have social and personal significance, meeting the requirements of the modern labour market;
(6) there is a positive correlation between the indicators of realistic type of an individual and internal individually significant motives. This means that senior school students, who choose to engage in specific objects and their practical use, when choosing a profession, are primarily guided by the fact that it should correspond to their interests and abilities, mental and physical development,
i. e. their needs. Therefore, they work with pleasure, without external pressure;
(7) there is a positive correlation between the indicators of social type of an individual and the motive of social significance of labour. This means that the category of senior school students, who easily establish contacts
(8) there is a negative correlation at the p<0.05 level of significance between the conventional type of an individual and the motive of professional proficiency. This proves that a high orientation towards structured, stereotyped and concrete activities leads to a low level of application of knowledge for improving the quality of work, obtaining additional professional knowledge, skills, abilities;
(9) there is a negative correlation between the social type of an individual and the motive of work (motive which is related to the content of labour). Therefore, we assume that graduates of general educational establishments can make contacts with other people quickly and easily through the display of their emotions, feelings, ability to communicate, and openness. It will be more difficult for them to adhere to specific labour discipline, the performance of specific tasks.
Consequently, our hypothesis, that there is a correlation between the motives of choosing a profession and the types of occupational self-determination of adolescent school students, is confirmed by the results obtained during the empirical research. However, one should not forget that the development of vocation orientation and motives for choosing a profession is influenced by a number of other factors that were not the subject of our research (the system of values of an individual, the development of special abilities, etc.). This aspect as well as the necessity of effective vocational guidance work for senior school students, taking into account the state of the modern labour market and the individual characteristics of an individual may become the prospect for the further research.
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