Interrelation of professional identity and self-trust in psychology students

The essence and features of the formation of professional identity and its relationship with self-trust of future psychologists. The interrelation of the degree of awareness of belonging to the profession and community with the level of self-confidence.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 11.10.2018
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Interrelation of professional identity and self-trust in psychology students

Heorhii Lozhkin

The relevance of the study is explained by transformations taking place in economic and social spheres of life, which put forward new demands for specialists ' professionalism and stimulate the improvement of the training of specialists to meet modern requirements. In the light of the recent changes one should understand that the training ofpro- fessionals must meet not only the requirements of the present but also the person's ability to find himself/herself in the structure of professional relations, which are constantly changing. The paper aims to characterize the features of the formation of professional identity and its relationship with self-trust offuture psychologists. The article deals with the essence of the identity phenomenon, which for a long time has been the subject of research ofpsychologists of various areas of science. As a result of the conducted research, six clusters have been identified empirically, depending on the level of maturity ofprofessional identity and self-trust. Most of the respondents have a high level ofprofessional identity. The wave-like character of the development ofprofessional identity in future psychologists in the process ofprofessional training has been noticed. The degree of awareness of belonging to the profession and professional community depends on the level of self-confidence.

Keywords: professional identity, trust in oneself, interconnection, future psychologist, professional training.


Актуальність дослідження зумовлена глибокими змінами в сучасному суспільстві, на ринку праці, перетворенням та реформуванням багатьох областей суспільних та професійних відносин, у тому числі і тих, задачею яких є підготовка фахівців. Трансформації в економічній та соціальній сферах стимулюють до вдосконалення системи підготовки фахівців, що відповідають вимогам суспільства, а також можливостям самої людини знаходити себе в структурі професійних відносин, що постійно змінюється, та для якісної інтеграції в суспільне життя. Метою статті є емпіричне дослідження сформованості професійної ідентичності та її взаємозв'язку із довірою до себе у майбутніх психологів. Проаналізовано феномен ідентичності, що тривалий час є предметом дослідження психологів різних наукових шкіл та напрямів. Традиційно у психологічних дослідженнях виділяють різноманітні типи ідентичності, а саме: ядерну, статеву, рольову, особистісну, соціальну, тендерну, релігійну. Виокремлення професійної ідентичності є закономірним процесом послідовної диференціації поняття «ідентичність». Сформована професійна ідентичність є результатом процесів самовизначення, персоналізації і самоорганізації. Методи та результати дослідження: емпіричним шляхом виявлено шість кластерів залежно від співвідношення рівня сформованості професійної ідентичності і довіри до себе. У переважної більшості майбутніх психологів зафіксовано високий рівень професійної ідентичності. У процесі фахової підготовки майбутніх психологів зафіксовано хвилеподібний характер розвитку професійної ідентичності. Пік її розвитку у досліджуваних припадає на п'ятий курс. Міра усвідомлення майбутнім психологом своєї приналежності до професії і професійної спільноти залежить від рівня довіри до себе.

Ключові слова: професійна ідентичність, довіра до себе, взаємозв'язок, майбутній психолог, професійна підготовка.


The main challenge of a modern worker is not finding the way to form the chosen identity and make it recognized by other people, but the choice of identity and getting prepared for its change, if it turns out to be ineffective under certain socio-economic conditions (Voliani- uk, 2006; Povarenkov, 2007; Ponomarenko, 1997). The use of “identity” term in psychology is associated with the name of E. Erickson (Ericson, 1982), who introduced the category of “personal identity” into the psychological thesaurus. Personal identity was considered by him as inner continuity, self-identity of the individual, which is being developing at all stages of human life.

The analysis of identity theories makes it possible to conclude that the main components of identity are individual or self-identity (involving role identities) and collective or we-identity (combining group identities and social categories). Summarizing the views of D. Marsia (Marsia, 1967), G. Mead (Mead, 1994), J. Turner (Turner, 1994) and others, it can be argued that personal identity is formed on the basis of the identification of physical, intellectual and moral qualities, and social identity is a result of identifying a person with a specific community, ethnos, professional group. The concept of personal identity reflects the idea of the uniqueness of every individual, the presence of specific features that distinguish him/her from others (Korostelina, 2003; Lozhkin, 2007). The analytical review of literature on this topic provides grounds for arguing that the leading mechanism for identity formation is identification. Sigmund Freud was first who introduced this concept into the scientific thesaurus (Freud, 2009).

It should be noted that the psychological meaning of identification lies in the comparison with the subject of the system of own values and those ones which must be followed, and the refusal of unnecessary ones, and ultimately in identifying oneself with someone and something. The implementation of this mechanism will be modified depending on the type of identity formed: social or personal. In the first case, the subject identifies the changes that have taken place with him/her so far, and in the second one he/she compares them with certain social patterns or ideas about them (Bauman, 2002; Butler, 1990).

The carried out analysis of the social and personal identity phenomenon makes it possible to review the concept of professional identity, which is the subject of consideration in the present research. Professional identity is considered as a complicated psychic reality, which forms a peculiar core of the personality of a professional. Narrow and broad interpretations of professional identity can be identified. In the narrow sense, professional identity is considered as self-consciousness, a system of person's representations of himself/herself as a subject of life. In a broad sense, professional identity refers to the concepts in which conceptual representations of a person about his/her place in a professional group or community are presented (Muchinski, 2004; Ponomarenko, 1997).

Professional identity is one of the leading criteria for becoming a professional. It is a certain state of personality that a person himself/herself strives for. The professionalism of a specialist is closely interconnected with his/her attitude to himself/herself as a professional, to professional activity as a form of self-realization, to the values and traditions of the professional community as a whole (Vo- lianiuk, 2006; Ermolaeva, 2011; Lozhkin, 2007; Povaren- kov, 2007). Realizing the need for the formation of professional identity, the expert decides to what extent it is worth taking this form of activity, this way of professional interaction and himself/herself as a professional. Only those professionals who have the transforming psychological potential can be considered to be identical. Observations of active professionals show the existence of a phenomenon of self-perception on the periphery of the professional space, which is essentially a sign of marginalism. Psychologically, this is manifested in the loss of professional identity, indifference to professional norms, duties, substitution of professional values (Lozhkin, 2008). One should take into account a noteworthy fact according to which professional identity is characteristic only of the category of people whose identification core is occupational activity, which acts as a factor in their psychological well-being (Ponomarenko, 1997; Tolochek, 2005).

Aim and Tasks

The paper aims to investigate the maturity of professional identity and its relationship with self-trust in future psychologists.

The following tasks are set: 1) to develop a program for the study of the relationship of professional identity and self-trust of future psychologists; 2) empirically identify and analyze the nature and levels of professional identity maturity and its dependence on the level of selftrust in future psychologists; 3) to find out main tendencies of professional identity development of future psychologists depending on the year of study.

Research Methods

To address the tasks, a program was developed, the implementation of which included the use of a set of methods adequate to the subject of the research. In the process of developing a study program, the following provisions were taken into account. First, self-trust has a certain empirical optimum, relatively stable for a certain future psychologist. It is formed throughout life and promotes the preservation of the relative integrity of the individual and depends on many internal and external determinants (Kupreichenko, 2005). Secondly, there is an empirical optimum that acquires relative stability in psychology students who can fully take responsibility for their actions, for the content of their activities and life (Skripkina, 2000; Skripkina, 2002). That is why, the mature relatively constant level of self-trust in a future psychologist can be considered an indicator of the development of his/her professional identity.

Besides, we applied the following psychodiagnostic research methods: Self-Trust Inventory by N. B. Astanina (Astanina, 2010) and Identity / Marginalism Test by O. P. Yermolayeva (Yermolayeva, 2011).

The application of Self-Trust Inventory makes it possible to assess the attitude of the individual towards himself/herself and his/her life as a subjective and objective value. The method is developed according to the semantic differential method: each item is represented by two opposite statements; participants in the study should choose one of the statements and assess the degree of confidence in their choice on a tribal scale or choose “zero” if the opposite situations happen in their lives. The test consists of 15 items, every of which contains statements presented in three different ways: in the form of conclusions that make up the content of the cognitive component of self-trust; in the form of a description of emotional experiences; in the form of the description of behavior in significant situations and situations of uncertainty. The latter two variants of statements are associated with the emotional and conative components of self-trust. The general indicator is calculated by summing up the scores obtained according to all statements. Self-trust manifests itself first of all in those human actions that correspond to their own values and do not contradict them. At the empirical level, it manifests itself in the fact that a person attributes certain qualities and believes they are true.

For the assessment of the degree of identification of a future psychologist with the chosen occupation, the Identity / Marginalism Test by O. P. Yermolayeva was applied. It is based on a questionnaire that contains 56 questions. Every question involves the choice of only one of the three suggested answers, which are arranged in order of decreasing the emotional strength and the degree of identification with the statement formulated in the question.

The first response indicates a subject's emotionally colored positive identification. The second one reflects pragmatic, rational or normative identification. The third answer reflects a neutral or negative identification. In the study, these answers and the questions themselves were mixed up and presented in a random manner, in order to exclude the “obsessiveness” of the choice. Each of the three responses is assigned a weighting factor. In order to establish the level of the identity, the first answer is evaluated by three points, the second by two, the third by one point. The results were summed up, as well as normalized, which gives a general index of identity.

In order to determine the degree of marginalism, weighting factors were distributed in reverse order: 3 points - for the third answer, 2 points - for the second one, and 1 point for the first one. There are three levels of identity / marginality: high (112-168), medium (55-111), and low (0-54).

We used the following methods of mathematical statistics in order to process the research outcomes: verification of differences (one-dimensional dispersion analysis) and multidimensional statistics (cluster and factor analysis). Statistical data processing and graphical presentation of the results were carried out using the SPSS 20.0 statistical software package.

The study involved 83 students (aged from 18 to 35, 1-5 years of study) of University of Education Management of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine majoring in Psychology.

Research Results

The theoretical base for the empirical study of the peculiarities of the formation of various aspects of future psychologists' professional identity is O.P. Yermolayeva' ideas (Yermolayeva, 2011). She considers professional identity as the acquired psychological conformity and consistent self-identification of the person with the profession. The suggested understanding of the concept in general is consistent with modern trends in foreign psychology, within which this definition is interpreted as a component of personal identity, which ensures successful professional adaptation.

It is indisputable that the profession of psychologist, like every occupation, has 3 functions, 3 components, 3 identification points: instrumental, individual, and social (Yermolayeva, 2011). Professions differ in the degree of expressiveness of one of the components. The trinitarian character of professional identity is due to the existence of different levels of professional reflection of the profession: at the level of the individual; at the level of the professional community; at the level of the society as a consumer of professional services. The combination of functional and instrumental aspects with social and personality-psychological ones creates more chances for the future psychologist for self-realization and creative mastering, and subsequently transformation of professional activity.

In accordance with the above mentioned arguments, 3 groups of characteristics were selected as the principle position for assessing the norm, pathology, identity, marginalization of future psychologists, which are associated with the person, profession, society as the system components: the moral and motivational guidelines of the subject, the internal identifying requirements of the profession of practicing psychologist, and social queries. These are conceptualized signs by which a person and the society comprehend the profession, and the professional identifies himself/herself with it. If these features completely coincide in a person as a consumer of the profession, the society as a customer and a professional as an executor, one can speak of identity if there are differences in the identification of one or another form and degree of marginalism (Lozhkin, 2008).

Signs according to which one can assess a future psychologist, both directly and indirectly, find out not only the causal-consequence logics of professional actions, but also their internal, more deep, motivational- value sense, are as follows:

• focus on professional self-fulfillment;

• faith in the rightfulness of the occupational choice;

• focus on a socially beneficial outcome;

• fair remuneration, adequate assessment of the results of work by the society;

• faith in the interest of the society and the state in one's work;

• appreciating the factor of time, the pace of work, the speed of solving professional tasks;

• the desire to occupy an independent position in the professional hierarchy, which helps fully realize one's own potential;

• the willingness to defend one's opinion, to fight for one's own decisions;

• striving for self-improvement, obtaining new knowledge and exchanging information with specialists from related industries;

• the desire to share the acquired experience and moral orientations.

The professional identity in its essence reflects the degree of awareness of the future psychologist of belonging to the profession and professional community.

The results of research on various aspects of professional identity are given in Table. 1.

Table 1.

Quasi-Quantitative Analysis of Future Psychologists' Professional Identity Aspects

Various aspects of professional identity

Mean value ± mean square deviation

Degree of expressiveness, %

Low -

Negative identity

Medium - Normal identity

High - positive identity

A professional and the society





Society and profession





Person and profession: professional status and dynamics





Person and profession: professional motivation





Person and profession: professional deed





Person and profession: career

10.29± 1.41




Person and profession: morality

10.15± 1.47




Person and profession: an alternative choice





Person and profession: to be or just to seem





The results presented in Table 1 show that most of the future psychologists have mature professional identity, are fully aware of themselves as representatives of the chosen profession and professional community, and are subjectively ready for work.

It should be noted that the least-controlled, spontaneously formed aspects of future psychologists' professional identity, which reflect the value-moral and moral and ethical life attitudes are as follows: a professional in the society, society and profession, person and profession: professional status and dynamics. The social behavior of a future professional depends on the maturity of the identified aspects of professional identity.

The data presented in Table 1 reflect a really high level and subjectively high status of the social identity of future psychologists. It can be concluded that in a situation that requires future psychologists to make a socially important decision, they are guided by the priority of social consequences.

According to the “professional in the society” indicator, the overwhelming majority of future psychologists (51.9%) have positive identification. Emotionally colored subject positive identification confirms the actual existence of objective compliance with social requirements and adjustment of inadequate subjective models of this correspondence by the future psychologist. A sense of identity arises from the corporate background of all parties to the process of training (norms, requirements, traditions) by identifying with the way of performing future professional activities by elite professional groups.

We have empirical arguments to conclude that the mature identity provides future psychologists with: a) the invariance to the socio-cultural environment, conditions and means of work; b) social, motivational and operational independence; c) reliability as an achievement of a high professional result; d) systematic coverage of professional tasks in the interconnection of components; e) balanced stability and flexibility of professional stereotypes of a future psychologist under different socio-economic conditions.

46.9% of the respondents according to the “professional in the society” aspect can be characterized by a rational, pragmatic or normative identification that reflects the gradual acquisition of social pragmatism in the process of training, which justifies any means to achieve “personal benefit”. This pragmatism results in the amputation of personality, social conformism as the main dominant behavior, which limits the development of the potential self-realization of a future psychologist (Yermolayeva, 2011).

1.2% of the respondents are characterized by a low level of social identity. Neutral or negative identification points to the risk of ignoring a social function of the profession in the presence of professional knowledge and skills of future psychologists. Accordingly, in this case, social identity is focused on avoiding teacher's or supervisor's criticism for wrong actions. Future psychologists with negative identity tend to proceed from traditions, generally accepted norms of behavior; they are dependent on others and tend to make standard decisions.

Further analysis of the results presented in Table 1 shows that according to “professional motivation” indicator, 78.4% of students have a high level of internal motives actualization, generated by the interest in the profession and the desire to solve the problems that may arise.

The analysis of the results obtained according to the “professional deed” indicator shows that, as a result of purposeful professional training, most (77.2%) of future psychologists form an instrumental identity, as a certain normative “model” of professional behavior.

There is no doubt that in the process of professional development, future psychologists undergo a series of stages of identity transformation. For career growth, the most important thing is the successful passage of two stages. The obtained data on the “career” indicator show that most (98.8%) of the future psychologists successfully passed two stages of changing the leading basis of identification - from normative to creative, and from creative to social. Career resource of the professional identity of future psychologists lies in the value-moral strategies of its implementation.

It has been found that 97.6% of future psychologists lack proper interest in the external attribute of social and professional roles, and the dominance of the “to be” strategy over the desire “to seem” is observed, which provides them with a display of active work, rather than its simulation.

Further analysis of the empirical study provides the identification of the main trends in the development of professional identity in future psychologists depending on the year of study. The results were analyzed using onedimensional dispersion analysis. The main purpose of the dispersion analysis, the fundamental concept of which was proposed by Fisher, is to study the significance of the differences between the mean values of several data groups or variables. The use of a one-dimensional dispersion analysis made it possible to identify the influence of a certain factor (year of study), on the change of the investigated random variable (professional identity).

For a more convenient perception and further content analysis, the maturity of the main aspects of the future psychologists' professional identity depending on the year of study is presented in table 2 and in figure 1.

As a result of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data, the dependence on the year of study of only one aspect of professional identity, namely “a professional in the society”, is observed (F = 4.944; P = 0.001).

Data presented in Fig. 1. prove the fact that professional identity is a result of the processes of selfdetermination, personalization and self-organization. The professional identity reflects the degree of future psychologists' awareness of their belonging to the profession and professional community. The professional identity gets fully mature during the fifth year of study

Table 2.

One-Way ANOVA Test according to Identity/Marginalism Test by O. Yermolayeva


Type of dispersion

Sum of deviation squares

Number of degrees of freedom

Mean square (assessment of dispersion)



A professional in the society

Between groups













Society and profession

Between groups













Professional status and dynamics

Between groups













Professional motivation

Between groups













Professional deed

Between groups














Between groups














Between groups













Alternative choice

Between groups













To be or to seem

Between groups













Total result

Between groups













Future psychologists of the fifth year of study as compared to those of the third and fourth years have a spike f social and business expansion. The mature identity helps a person adapt as much as possible to the educa- Science and reality, adoption of professional norms and values, features and style of communication of social environment.

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It is indicative that for the students of the third and fourth years of study the general level of professional identity in comparison with the results of the fist-year students is the least mature. A typical and rather common problem of third- and fourth-year students is the incomplete understanding of the need for mastering the general theoretical disciplines, which sometimes leads to low concentration, active protest and neglect of important academic disciplines. The students feel the need for highly specialized knowledge, without realizing their objective unpreparedness for their mastering.

It should be noted that the concern of third- and fourth-year students of the impossibility of application of the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice increases, which affects the formation of professional identity. Third-year students have a crisis of mid-learning, accompanied by the awareness of the contradiction between the abstract nature of the subject of academic activity and the real subject of future work, internal conflict and selfdoubts.

In our opinion, the fourth year of study is one of the most important periods in the process of future psychologists' professional identity development, because on the one hand, the student's personality is already mature, the level of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities is significant, motivation is high, and on the other hand, the problem of the lack of time is not yet acute. Therefore, we consider it to be an optimal term for the implementation ence or practical work, they do not realize their capabilities, they have not mature critical attitude towards themselves.

The next step of the empirical study involved identifying groups according to the level of maturity of professional identity and self-trust. To accomplish this task, the cluster analysis procedure, which is a method of multidimensional statistical research that includes the collection of data containing information on sample objects and their arrangement in relatively homogeneous, similar groups, was used. Unlike other methods, this kind of analysis makes it possible to classify objects not by one sign, but by several ones simultaneously. For this purpose, appropriate indicators are introduced that characterize a degree of proximity to all classification parameters. At the same time, its effect lies in introducing the structure into the objects under study. This means that the clustering method is necessary to identify the structure in the data, which is not easy to find in a visual inspection or with the help of experts.

The main result of applying a hierarchical cluster analysis is a dendrogram, a graphic representation of the sequence of the association of objects into clusters. Results of cluster analysis are shown in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2. Distribution of the Respondents According to the Level of Maturity of Professional Identity and Self-Trust Science and Education, 2018, Issue 1 94

It has been found that these respondents, despite the positive attitude to the profession, have a fear of “not coping with tasks”, which is generated by a high level of responsibility for their actions. Self-doubts, excessively critical self-attitude generate self-distrust.

The cluster 2 includes 20.5% of the subjects, who have a high level of identity and an average level of self-trust. In point of fact, future psychologists have a personality-mental identification of themselves with the profession as a sphere of realization of their life mission on the basis of understanding the social function of the profession as their own destiny. The mature level of self-trust helps them to set realistic goals, to feel their own needs and realize their capabilities, without contradicting their values. They are characterized by the desire for self-understanding in a situation of uncertainty. This group can be conventionally attributed to the type “identical professional”.

The cluster 3 included 14.5% of the respondents with an average level of identity and average self-trust level. They identify themselves with the profession as an expedient area of application of their efforts to perform professional functions in order to ensure career growth and material well-being. Those who belong to this cluster are characterized by confident behavior on the way of achieving the goal, which is based on the belief in the correctness of the path chosen.

The cluster 4 included 26.5% of future psychologists with the average level of identity and below average selftrust level. Rather high values according to the general index of identity means they are characterized by identification with the content and ideological orientation of future work as an area of self-affirmation or psychological compensation of others, unrealized spheres of selffulfillment of the individual. Below the average self-trust level shows extra focus on achieving positive results, high the goal, the possibility of denying their own contribution to success and failure, combined with an overly critical or negative self-attitude.

The cluster 5 included future psychologists with a medium level of identity and above the average self-trust level (13.3%). A positive professional image is supported by confidence in their knowledge and abilities. Above average self-trust level provides future psychologists with an independent choice of purpose, building a strategy for achieving it in accordance with their own values.

The cluster 6 included 3.6% of the respondents with a low level of professional identity and an average level of self-trust. They are characterized by an immature identity and a medium level of self-trust. Typical psychological peculiarities of these students are mental rejection of the future profession, pragmatic attitude towards it as a means of satisfying personal needs.

The results of the cluster analysis make it possible to conclude that professional identity and self-trust are interrelated characteristics.

In order to compress the number of information features to a small number of generalized factor characteristics, a factor analysis was used. Its main tasks are formal- mathematical and scientific content ones. These two tasks are closely interconnected: for the solution of the second one, it is necessary to solve the first one. In the matrix analysis, the factor weight of 0.50 was chosen as the boundary criterion.

The graphical method for determining the number of factors is the scree-test. It is aimed at finding a point where the reduction of eigenvalues slows down most strongly. There is only a “factor scree” to the right of this point. Thus, the number of distinguished factors should not exceed the number of factors located to the left of this point. Based on the scree plot, three factors were identified (Fig. 3).

When conducting the factor analysis of the structure of the future psychologists' professional identity, 3 signif icant factors were identified that reflect the interinfluence of the indicators of the hypothetical construct (Table 3).

Factor Structure of the Respondents' Professional Identity






A professional in the society


Society and profession


Profession and person: professional status and dynamics


Profession and person: professional motivation


Profession and person: professional deed


Profession and person: career

Profession and person: morality


Profession and person: alternative choice


Profession and person: to be or to seem


Total result of identity


Trust according to Astanina


In total, the factor model explains 57.5% of the original matrix of data. The first factor covers 27.2% of the dispersion of the output data matrix; the second one explains 15.2% of the dispersion of the output data matrix; the third factor covers 15.1% of the original matrix of data.

The first factor “Social Realization of the Future Professional” included indicators “general result of identity” (0.811), “society and profession” (0.728), “profession and a person: professional deed” (0.711), “profession and a person: a professional in the society” (0.682) and “profession and a person: professional motivation” (0.601). The content of this factor reflects close relationship and interinfluence of these aspects of professional identity, and therefore there are grounds for concluding that they are the ones that ensure the harmonious development of the personality of the future professional psychologist and act as a psychological precondition for entry into the profession. Fundamental theoretical and practical training not only provides a future psychologist with knowledge and skills necessary for the effective performance of professional functions, but also actualizes the perception of professional norms and values, prepares for the entry into the professional society.

The second factor, “Professional Authenticity”, with a significant load and the same sign, includes: “profession and a person: to be or seem” (0.844) and “profession and a person: professional status and dynamics” (0.628). This factor characterizes the high social and psychological identity of future psychologists to all features and requirements of the profession.

The third factor, “Valuable realization of personality in a profession”, consists of “profession and a person: alternative choice” (0.699), “self-trust” (0.703) and “profession and a person: morality” (0.544) indicators. This shows that the The obtained results of the factor analysis are logical and expected based on the main characteristics of the sample in our study. First of all, altruistic values are traditionally dominant for future psychologists.

professional identity self trust


The phenomenon of identity for a long time has been the subject of research of psychologists of various scientific schools and directions. Traditionally, in psychological studies, various types of identity are distinguished, namely: sexual, role, personal, social, gender, religious, professional, etc.

In order to study the relationship of professional identity and self-trust in future psychologists we have designed a program. In the process of its implementation the following facts have been empirically established: most of future psychologists have a high level of professional identity; the mature professional identity is a result of self-determination, personalization and selforganization.

Six clusters have been distinguished depending on the level of the maturity of professional identity and selftrust. Thus, professional identity and self-trust are interrelated characteristics. The degree of awareness of a future psychologist of his/her belonging to the profession and professional community depends on the level of self-trust.

In the process of professional training of future psychologists there is a wave-like character of the development of professional identity. Most fully it is developed during the fifth year of study.


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