Psychological context of the idea of understanding (analyzing derived abstract nouns in "The adventure of Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens)

A fundamental difference in facilities of the analysis of presentations. Analyze the understanding paying attention to the usage of derived abstract nouns in "The Adventures of Oliver Twist". Abstraction as an important part of quasi-communication.

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Psychological context of the idea of understanding (analyzing derived abstract nouns in «The adventure of Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens)

N.O. Mykhalchuk


understanding twist abstraction communication

Mykhalchuk N. O. Psychological context of the idea of understanding (analyzing derived abstract nouns in «The adventure of Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens) / N. O. Mykhalchuk // Problems of Modern Psychology: Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine / scientific editing by S. D. Maksymenko, L. A. Onufriieva. - Issue 39. - Kamianets-Podilskyi: Aksioma, 2018. - P 167-175.

N. O. Mykhalchuk. Psychological context of the idea of understanding (analyzing derived abstract nouns in «The adventure of Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens). In the article it was shown that a fundamental difference in facilities of the analysis of presentations stipulated interpretation of thinking of a person, and, in particular, in that there was a process of understanding. For philosophy the understanding is important because the last is the certain method of cognition of the reality by a person, while for logic science the understanding presents the form of judgement only, by transition different facilities from one idea to the others.

It was proved that with the purpose to understand the texts written in English (we mean novels or stories), it was necessary to analyze the understanding paying attention to the usage of derived abstract nouns in «The Adventures of Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens. It was shown that abstraction was an important part of quasi-communication. These nouns name things that can't be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched, but allow us to express information by defining them on some level. An important precaution for the writers, however, is that there is the danger of the being misunderstood when using abstract forms in writing. Furthermore it did not happen to Charles Dickens, whose novels are full of abstract nouns which make his writings more lively. To sum up, there are two chief divisions of abstract nouns: a) verbal nouns, expressing state, condition, or action; b) attribute nouns, expressing attributes or qualities.

Also in the article it was described that if you were reconstructing a sentence it was possible not to understand it (as an example, we'd point the usage of some lingual structural models by people but they could not use them in concrete situations of cooperation and communication: the deep understanding often meant deep understanding of this structural model and it was not quite necessary for us to use it in the situations of intermingling with a native speaker). On the other hand, logic examines any understanding in such a way, that it is organically related to personal factors, also with the subjective options of a person. In this case the process of understanding is preceded by the process of formulation hypotheses in this structural model and it is not quite necessary for its usage in the situations of intermingling with native speakers.

Key words: understanding, cognition, quasi-communication, verbal nouns, attribute nouns, abstract nouns, formulation of hypotheses.


Н. О. Михальчук. Психологічний контекст ідеї розуміння (аналіз розуміння з акцентуванням уваги читача на авторських абстрактних іменниках у «Пригодах Олівера Твіста» Чарльза Діккенса). У статті показано, що принципова різниця в засобах аналізу висловлювань зумовлює особливості тлумачення мислєння людини, зокрема того, як саме відбувається процес розуміння. Для філософії розуміння це важливо, оскільки останнє є певним способом пізнання людиною дійсності, тоді як для логіки розуміння є лише формою судження, шляхом переходу різних можливостей від однієї ідеї до інших.

Доведено, що з метою розуміння текстів, написаних англійською мовою (маються на увазі романи чи інші літературні твори), слід проаналізувати процес розуміння з акцентуванням уваги читача на авторських абстрактних іменниках у «Пригодах Олівера Твіста» Чарльза Діккенса. Показано, що абстракція є важливою частиною квазіспілкування. Ці іменники називають речі, які не можна побачити, почути, посмакувати, яких не можна торкнутися, але вони дають змогу нам висловлювати стосовно останніх певну інформацію, що актуалізуватиме названі речі. Однак важливим для письменників є те, що існує небезпека неадекватного розуміння за умови використання автором письмових абстрактних форм. Зокрема, романи Чарльза Діккенса насичені абстрактними іменниками, які роблять його творіння більш яскравими та живими. У статті проаналізовано два види абстрактних іменників: а) словесні іменники, що виражають стани або дії; б) атрибутивні іменники, що експлікують характеристики або якості.

Зазначено, що якщо читач реконструює висловлювання, то його неможливо не зрозуміти (зокрема, у статті наголошено, що навіть якщо автор тексту використовує деякі лінгвістичні структурні моделі, зовсім не обов'язковим є їхнє використання у конкретних ситуаціях взаємодії та спілкування: глибоке розуміння часто означає глибоке розуміння саме цієї структурної моделі, проте зовсім не обов'язково використовувати її в ситуаціях, коли ми спілкуємося з носіями мови). З іншого боку, логіка вивчає будь-яке розуміння таким чином, що розуміння постає органічно пов'язаним з осоБистісними чинниками, а також із суб'єктивними можливостями людини. У цьому випадку процесу розуміння передує процес формулювання гіпотез у межах заданої структурної моделі, і це не є цілковито необхідним для використання останніх у ситуаціях, що стосуються безпосереднього процесу спілкування з носіями мови.

Ключові слова: розуміння, пізнання, квазіспілкування, вербальні іменники, атрибутивні іменники, абстрактні іменники, формулювання гіпотез.

The topicality of the research

The range of problems of correlation of real and ideal that helps us to answer all questions and forms of philosophical idea of understanding, puts a classic question about the truth of knowledge of a man and his presentations in relations to surrounding reality. For the paradigm of philosophy the establishment of truth of presentations of the idea of understanding has direct connection with the reflection in relations to the method of cognition, that contains ideas about surrounding reality. Then for logic truth of presentations is always correlated with the analysis of reflection, that helps us consistently to line up ideas taking into account a certain sequence, sometimes it helps us to design a separate structural model on their basis. Thus, truth of conclusion has a great interest for logic, first of all, while establishment of truth of outside data goes out of its subject.

The review of recent researches

The phenomenology of understanding in the paradigm of logic in details was described by V. S. Bibler in his book «Thinking as the creativity». In basis of reasoning V. S. Bibler puts the idea, that theoretical work came true for logical thinking in the whole human consciousness. Also, if creation of new ideas, invention of new idealizing object takes place out of logic (in particular, at the intuitional level), then it means that there can be only logical tautologies in logic, and only those «concepts are clear», only the ideas are known to the researcher. For this reason, V. S. Bibler said, that in logic there could not be «I» and «Alter-ego». In the sphere of leading to the «man it is known and clear only that it is known and clear», and a dialogue in such a case will be identical. But V. S. Bibler assumes that in logic can exist «I», that knows, and «I», that also does not know at all, «I», that understands, and «I» that does not understand, «I» that thinks after the certain set of logic, and «I» that criticizes and grounds this logic, and the same goes beyond his/her mind. Then such a dialogue shows a center of the logical form of a dialogue of «I» and «You», and that makes a background for logic that creates possibilities for understanding a man himself [1, p. 68-69].

So, the tasks of our research are:

1. To analyze the difference between the interpretation and thinking of a person.

2. To study the algorithm of understanding the text, proposed by V. S. Bibler.

3. To analyze the usage of derived abstract nouns in «The Adventures of Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens and to characterize the idea of understanding in such a way.

The main material of the research

A fundamental difference in facilities of the analysis of presentations stipulates a difference and the interpretation of thinking of a person, and, in particular, in that there is a process of understanding. For philosophy the understanding is important because the last is the certain method of cognition of the reality by a person, while for logic the understanding presents the form of Judgement only, by transition different facilities from one idea to the others. If to analyze history of the development of logic and philosophy, it is not difficult to notice circumstances that make a lot off possibilities to study the conformities to apply law because the process of understanding arose up recently, but reason of it is exactly in raising of the problem of correlation between real and ideal, that it was carried out within the limits of German classic philosophy.

For I. Kant [3] understanding was fixed on the area of ideal, that is why the origin of presentations as a result of understanding of a certain sense was explained or by the cases of correlation of individual experience, or by the ability involuntary to direct the «natural world of the mind» and find a truth, for example, by distribution of «effective substance and effective spirit» (R. Decart). Exactly in German classic philosophy realization of that philosophical knowledge that belongs to the area of presentations must be explained by ideal as a moment of the reality which took place at first, as an objective side of understanding must be explained by ideal as a moment of a reality, but not only as its thoughtful character or a character of perception.

The possibility of quality transformation of philosophy and logic arises out of this moment, and predominates main relations between them. In philosophy after Gegel there was appeared the possibility of studying of cultural and historical laws of thinking and the activity of man, in which there was a maintenance of different presentations of a man, that was a product of understanding, not only influences on his/her materially-practical activity but also it appears as determined publicly by historical facilities of the theory of understanding.

In logic also there is a clear realization of inherent method and there are positive possibilities for the analysis, for presentations in general. From the one side, there is a possibility of formalization of different principles and researches' facilities (G. Freg), and, from the other, the expansion of the field of the usage takes place with the aim having been included into the paradigm of philosophy. The last allowed B. Rassel to talk that formal logic from middle of the nineteenth century every ten years creates more than it was created for all period from Aristotle to Leybnitc [4]. The application especially of logical facilities and methods of the analysis in philosophy was resulted in the origin of new direction of it, what L. Vit- genshtein called the background of clear understanding named the «most personal touch of philosophy of the XX-th century» [2], and that is related to the names of G. Frege, L. Vitgenshtein, M. Shlyka, R. Karnapa and others. Also it is quite another idea concerning understanding.

V. S. Bibler offers the algorithm of understanding the text, pushing off from the idea of logic. Understanding is the internal form of the text and it is possible to understand a text as the motion of concepts. The method of reading the text (after expression of V. S. Bibler, by its «theoretical structures») in its internal form was offered earlier by Dekart and Leybnitc, by Spinoza and Edging. But only Gegel gave readers a shoot by means of the development of logical technology to see the author in the text that helps a reader within the limits of a traditional structure of the text to understand ideas after internal motion, submitting to logic of «dialogue of capabilities» [1, p. 139]. In such a way Gegel suggests to read any text twice. At first the text for the reader seems the simple system of sentences (accordingly as so called Judgments, conclusions). In basis of such reading there is a «subjectively predicative structure of sentences». As a result of the second reading the text is understood by this or that concept being formulated. In this case «subject-attributive structure» of the text disappears [1, p. 145-146]. Therefore for Gegel a «logical subject» (the piece of thinking) coincides in an eventual account with the «subject of logic» (by the absolute subject of thinking). A logical subject (so called «absolute spirit») remains in unchanging form, the author of the text recognizes only himself/ herself, and every «intermediate logical subject» is only the attribute of absolute subject, that is not included into the sphere of logic.

Therefore the chart of understanding has not only a «subject that is a subject in its character», and, rather, it is «predicative-predictable subject»: one predicate shows a context of logical subject, then there is converting into another logical predicate, that, as well as the first one, acts as a part of the «subject», and so «to the end, from which everything was beginning» [1, p. 151-152]. Such motion is on the chart of any text, in opinion of V. S. Bibler, and it will assist understanding of the text's logical form and helps to understand the construction of subject-subject structure of the concept. In such a way a reader by means of so-called «motion of concepts» comes to complete, deep understanding of a certain text.

With the purpose to understand the texts written in English (we mean novels or stories) we'll tell about the usage of derived abstract nouns in «The Adventures of Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens. We know that abstraction is an important part of communication. These nouns name things that can't be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched, but allow us to express information by defining them on some level. An important precaution for the writers, however, is that there is the danger of the being misunderstood when using abstract forms in writing. Furthermore it did not happen to Charles Dickens, whose novels are full of abstract nouns which make his writings more lively. To sum up, there are two chief divisions of abstract nouns:

1. verbal nouns, expressing state, condition, or action;

2. attribute nouns, expressing attributes or qualities.

Thus, the following examples taken from «Oliver Twist» by Charles Dickens demonstrate the first type of abstract nouns:

«Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and <...>» [5, p. 1].

«<...> but one which custom has rendered necessary to our easy existence» [5, p. 1].

«There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman, who was rendered rather misty by an unwonted allowance of beer» [5, p. 1].

«You needn't mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse», said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation» [5, p. 3].

«This was no very great consolation to the child» [5, p. 9].

«The fact is, that there was considerable difficulty in inducing Oliver to take upon himself the office of respiration <...>» [5, p. 9].

«But now that he was enveloped in the old calico robes which had grown yellow in the same service, he was badged and ticketed, and fell into his place at once a parish child <.>» [5, p. 4].

«As Oliver gave this first proof of the free and proper action of his lungs, the patchwork coverlet which was carelessly flung over the iron bedstead, <...>» [5, p. 2].

«Master Bates saw something so exquisitely ludicrous in this reply, that he burst into another laugh; which laughed, meeting the coffee he was drinking, and carrying it down some wrong channel, very nearly terminated in his premature suffocation».

«<...> he had sense enough to make a feint of feeling great regret at going away» [5, p. 9].

«<...> who received the culprits at and for the consideration of sevenpence-halfpenny per small head per week?» [5, p. 4].

«<...> and consigned the rising parochial generation to even a shorter allowance than was originally provided for them» [5, p. 4].

«<...> we have never been able to discover who is his father, or what was his mother's settlement, name, or condition» [5, p. 9].

«<...> the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter» [5, p. 1].

«Oliver breathed, sneezed <...> by setting up as loud a cry as could reasonably have been expected from a male infant who had not been possessed of that very useful appendage <...>» [5, p. 2].

«Lor bless her dear heart, no!» interposed the nurse, hastily depositing in her pocket a green glass bottle, the contents of which she had been tasting in a corner with evident satisfaction» [5, p. 3].

«Oh, you must not talk about dying yet» [5, p. 2].

«<...> who had a great theory about a horse being able to live without eating <...>» [5, p. 5].

«<...> or the parishioners would rebelliously affix their signatures to a remonstrance» [5, p. 6].

«Now, Mr. Bumble was a fat man, and a choleric; so, instead of responding to this open-hearted salutation in a kindred spirit <...>» [5, p. 6].

«But nature or inheritance had implanted a good sturdy spirit in Oliver's breast, thanks to the spare diet of the establishment; and perhaps to this circumstance may be attributed his having any ninth birthday at all» [5, p. 6].

«<...> replied Mrs. Mann with great humility» [5, p. 6].

«Mr. Bumble wiped from his forehead the perspiration which his walk had engendered, <...>» [5, p. 7].

«<...> and had scarcely completed the demolition of a second slice of bread <...>» [5, p. 9].

«<...> there's no denying that, since the new system of feeding has come in <...>» [5, p. 9].

«Stand a little away from him, Beadle», said the other magistrate: laying aside the paper, and leaning forward with an expression of interest» [5, p. 19].

«<...> and was shaking her fist at him with a furious countenance» [5, p. 9].

«Oliver was precisely in this condition» [5, p. 49].

«<...> inquired Bumble, following with this eyes the interesting process of mixing» [5, p. 7].

«Oliver, having had by this time as much of the outer coat of dirt which encrusted his face and hands, removed, as could be scrubbed off in one washing, was led into the room by his benevolent protectress» [5, p. 8].

«It was a regular place of public entertainment for the poorer classes; a tavern where there was nothing to pay» [5, p. 10].

«With this view, they contracted with the water-works to lay on an unlimited supply of water» [5, p. 19].

«<...>-except on occasions of great public rejoicing, when he had two ounces and a quarter of bread besides» [5, p. 15].

«Oliver Twist and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starvation for three months <...>» [5, p. 10].

«The bowls never wanted washing» [5, p. 11].

«Horror was depicted on every countenance» [5, p. 12].

«As I purpose to show in the sequel whether the white waist coated gentleman was right or not, I should perhaps mar the interest of this narrative <...>, if I ventured to hint Just yet, whether the life of Oliver Twist had this violent termination or no» [5, p. 13].


The examples concerning the verbal abstract nouns originate in verbs, as their name implies. They may be - of the same form as the simple verb. The verb, by altering its function, is used as a noun; as in the expressions, «mode of surmounting», derived from verbs by changing the ending or adding a suffix: conception from concept, action from act, service from serve. In addition to this, in English there are many abstract nouns which are formed by adding noun-forming suffixes (-ness, -ity, -tion) to adjectives or verbs.

Also, from our point of view, if you are reconstructing a sentence it is possible not to understand it (as an example, we will point the usage some lingual structural models by people but they can not use them in concrete situations of cooperation and communication: the deep understanding often means deep understanding of this structural model and it is quite not necessary for us to use it in the situations of intermingling with a native speaker). On the other hand, logic examines any understanding in such a way, that it is organically related to personal factors, also with the subjective options of a person. In this case the process of understanding is preceded the process of formulation hypotheses in this structural model and it is not quite necessary for its usage in the situations of intermingling with native speakers.


1. Библер В. С. Мышление как творчество: Введение в логику мысленного диалога / Владимир Соломонович Библер. М.: Политиздат, 1975. 399 с.

2. Витгенштейн Л. Логико-философский трактат / Людвиг Витгенштейн. М., 1958. С. 132-199.

3. Кант И. Критика способности суждения / Иммануил Кант / [пер. Н. М. Соколова, М. В. Попова]. София: НаБан, 1980. 429 с.

4. Рассел Б. Человеческое познание: его сфера и границы / Бертран Рассел / [пер. с англ.]. М.: Изд-во иностр. лит-ры, 1957. 555 с.

5. Dickens Ch. The Adventures of Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens. London: Random House, 1991. 334 p.

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