Theoretical and psychological analysis of the image "me-professional" as a component of "me-concept" of future socionomic specialists' personality

Theoretical and psychological approaches to the substantiation of psychological peculiarities of understanding the image of "I am a professional" as a component of the "I-concept" of the personality of future specialists in socio-occupational professions.

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Theoretical and psychological analysis of the image «me-professional» as a component of «me-concept» of future socionomic specialists' personality

L.A. Onufriieva

Onufriieva L.A. Theoretical and psychological analysis of the image «Me- professional» as a component of «Me-concept» of future socionomic specialists' personality / L.A. Onufriieva // Problems of Modern Psychology: Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine / edited by S.D.Maksymenko, L.A.Onufriieva. - Issue 25. - Kamianets-Podilsky: Aksioma, 2014. - Р 344-358.

Л.А. Онуфрієва. Теоретико-психологічний аналіз образу «Я-про- фесіонал» як складової «Я-концепції» особистості майбутніх фахівців соціономічних професій. Автор аналізує теоретико-психологічні підходи до обґрунтування й дослідження психологічних особливостей розуміння образу «Я-професіонал» як складової «Я-концепції» особистості майбутніх фахівців соціономічних професій, адже у сучасних умовах європейського розвитку України відкриваються широкі можливості для розвитку вищої освіти, яка набуває рис дедалі більшого гуманістичного спрямування.

Теоретико-методологічний аналіз проблеми образу «Я-професіонал» як складової «Я-концепції» особистості дав можливість визначити її як сукупність уявлень суб'єкта про свою життєву позицію, перспективи і цінності у контексті здійснення обраної професійної діяльності. Доведено, що образ «Я-професіонал» у майбутніх фахівців соціономічних професій формується у процесі дорослішання та професійного самовизначення. Зроблено висновок, що у структуру образу «Я-професіонал» майбутніх фахівців соціономічних професій входить ідеальний образ «Я-професіонал», реальний образ «Я-професіонал», дзеркальний образ «Я-професіонал» та професійна самооцінка. Встановлено, що професійна самооцінка - центральний компонент професійної самосвідомості особистості, який пов'язаний із ціннісним ставленням до власного «Я», до професійних якостей та результатів професійної діяльності.

Доведено, що професійна самооцінка формується під впливом змісту професійної діяльності, результатів, досягнутих в цій діяльності, індивідуальних властивостей особистості, а також властивості якості, яка оцінюється. Основними параметрами професійної самооцінки виступають ступінь адекватності, критичність і міра стійкості особистості.

Ключові слова:теоретико-психологічний аналіз, образ «Я-про- фесіонал», «Я-концепція», особистість, майбутні фахівці соціономіч- них професій,професійна самосвідомість,професійна самооцінка, ціннісне ставлення.

Л.А. Онуфриева. Теоретико-психологический анализ образа «Я-профессионал» как составляющей «Я-концепции» личности будущих специалистов социономических профессий. Автор анализирует теоретико-психологические подходы обоснования и исследования психологических особенностей понимания образа «Я-профессионал» как составляющей «Я-концепции» личности будущих специалистов соци- ономических профессий, ведь в современных условиях европейского развития Украины открываются широкие возможности для развития высшего образования, которое приобретает черты все большего гуманистического направления.

Теоретико-методологический анализ проблемы образа «Я-про- фессионал» как составляющей «Я-концепции» личности позволил определить её как совокупность представлений субъекта о своей жизненной позиции, перспективы и ценности в контексте осуществления избранной профессиональной деятельности. Доказано, что образ «Я-профессионал» у будущих специалистов социономических профессий формируется в процессе взросления и профессионального самоопределения. Сделан вывод, что в структуру образа «Я-профессионал» будущих специалистов социономических профессий входит идеальный образ «Я-профессионал», реальный образ «Я-профессионал», зеркальный образ «Я-профессионал» и профессиональная самооценка. Установлено, что профессиональная самооценка - центральный компонент профессионального самосознания личности, который связан с ценностным отношением к собственному «Я», к профессиональным качествам и результатом профессиональной деятельности.

Доказано, что профессиональная самооценка формируется под влиянием содержания профессиональной деятельности, результатов, достигнутых в этой деятельности, индивидуальных свойств личности, а также свойств качества, которое оценивается. Основными параметрами профессиональной самооценки является степень адекватности, критичность и устойчивость личности.

Ключевые слова: теоретико-психологический анализ, образ «Я-профессионал», «Я-концепция», личность, будущие специалисты социономических профессий, профессиональное самосознание, профессиональная самооценка, ценностное отношение.

professional psychological concept

Actuality of the research. In current conditions of European development of Ukraine there are opened great opportunities for the development of higher education which is increasingly taking on the characteristics of humanistic orientation.

The hinge of present-day education is the formation of a positive «Me-concept» of a personality, which encourages the full development of a personality. On conditions of studying in a higher educational establishment, mastering professional knowledge, abilities and skills, there are formed a new formation of «Me- concept» - the image of «Me-professional» in a personality. This image is formed in the process of overcoming obstacles to the professional development: the right choice of professional direction, overcoming adaptation barriers to studying, correction of personal characteristics that do not correlate with the chosen profession, the need for additional training in a certain speciality, mastering knowledge, abilities and skills, and further search of job. Having overcome all these and many other obstacles, students, graduate students form their own image of «Me-professional» who will influence the further adaptation to work and its subsequent implementation.

The analysis of the latest researches. The study of the image of «Me-professional» or professional «Me» is realized in the context of the problem of professional identity. In psychology a significant contribution to the theoretical and methodological principles of professional identity was made by K.O. Albuhanova-Slavska, R. Burns, V.S. Bibler, B.S. Bratus, I.S. Kohn, K. Levin, O.M. Leontiev, J. Piaget, V.M. Rozin, V.V. Stolin, D. Super, S.N. Chystiakova, V.O. Yadov and others.

Modern Polish researchers B.A. Zieba and M. Paluh note that «There is no need to convince anyone in a huge impact of social and cultural changes on the quality of life.

Especially significant is the phenomenon observed in Poland (and other countries as well), mainly at the turn of XX and XXI centuries, that is the result of systemic transformation after 1989, known as «postmodernism» or «late modern era», which is characterized by excellent conditions of life and inability to adapt to the complex, dynamic and opaque reality dictated by a free market.

The main indicator is labor market crisis and the feeling of danger that affect almost every part of human life, regardless of prosperity, origin and social position of a person.

Another new element of postmodern perception of reality - mainly by means of the social sciences - is pluralism, the starting point of which is the multiplicity of proposals (truth, judgments, decisions, etc.), of which none stands more important or more over, dominating over another. However, in my opinion, a great threat to order, peace, and social security in postmodernism can be made by a significant impact of relativism of moral norms, which appears to harm the fundamental truth and values, and thus rejecting the traditions that eventually lead to the strengthening and cause social pathology.

Social values such as industry, honesty, reliability, loyalty are perceived by some people as naivety, lack of contact with reality, since even in films for children, popular cartoons for kids there are presented heroes of tales, who get more wealth with the help of their cunning, perfidy, slyness. Therefore, there is a danger that avoiding moral education of the youngest generations and without creating appropriate role models of the elders, thus we pave the way for the development of social dysfunction, pathological phenomena that are at odds with the moral aspects of social life and the emergence of deviant behavior, not only in individuals, but even whole groups of various societies, especially minorities» [9,18-19].

Despite the fact that many researchers studied the problem of professional identity or the image of Me-professional, though it is relevant, because it contains many problems that are not sufficiently or completely unexplored.

The aim of the research is to study the theoretical grounds and psychological characteristics of the image of «Me-professional» in future specialists of socionomic professions.

The outlined aim of the research needs to solve a number of problems:

To make a theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of the image of «Me-professional» as a component of «Me- concept» of a personality.

To examine the problem of professional self-appraisal as a reflection of a personality professional formation.

To analyse the features of the image of «Me-professional» formation of future specialists of socionomic professions.

Methodological and theoretical basis of the study is determined by the following scientific and psychological principles: on the image of «Me-professional» as a component of «Me-concept» of a personality (V.P. Andronov, W. James, Y.P. Klubov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, S.D. Maksymenko, Y.M. Pavliutenkov, E.V. Prokopieva, A.A. Rean, Y.K. Strelkov, N.V. Chepelieva); on the professional self-appraisal as a reflection of professional formation of a personality (A.A. Rean, F. Hoppe); on the features of a professional psychologist formation in a higher educational establishment (H.S. Abramova, I. Andriichuk, R.R. Ihnatenko, T.P. Ivanova, K.V. Nediapkova, L.I. Umanets, N.V. Chepelieva and others).

The basic information. Present-day social life that focuses on the humanistic paradigm poses specialists in man-man sphere special requirements. In order to get a job, a young professional must possess not only a standard set of knowledge, but also high moral principles, change a relationship to the society and to himself as a representative of society. A young specialist must treat himself as a person who has common characteristics with this society, and as a special unit of society, which is endowed with unique, nobody inherited characteristics. That is, a person must feel himself a personality. One of the essential characteristics of the personality is a consciousness. Through consciousness the person has personal perception of the world. The perception of the world and of himself is inseparably associated with the interaction with the world - with society. Through interaction with society a person can reflect and absorb social experience on the basis of which it is formed the image of the world that surrounds it, and the image of himself in this world - «Me-concept». Regarding to the development of these standards, which are interiorized by the personality, the personality has various notions of personal direction and methods of self-actualization and self-expression. This new structure of «Me-concept» shows a human identity, its own unique model of the world.

The main body of «Me-concept» of people who actively self- actualize, includes dignity and freedom, the ability to establish and maintain good relations with others, openness to a new experience, rational behavior, personal responsibility, leading cultural and moral way of life [2, 175].

The founder of the issue of «Me-concept» of a personality was William James. He first considered «Me-concept» of a man, which consists of two parts of personal «Me»: «Self» - the very essence of man; «Me» - as an object which includes everything that a person can call their own.

In the structure of «Me» - as an object, William James identified four components that are in strict sequence, namely, the inner «Me», material «Me», social «Me», and physical «Me». James notes that our self-appraisal depends on who we want to be, what position would take in this world. Based on these principles, according to William James, we can evaluate our own success and failure.

In the first decades of the twentieth century the study of «Me- concept» shifted into the field of sociology. This problem was studied by the representatives of symbolic interactionism Charles Cooley and George Mead. They considered «Me-concept» of a personality within social interaction.

The ideas of symbolic interactionism include three main components:

people react to the environment depending on the values they provide these elements of their environment;

these values are the product of social interaction;

the social and cultural values are close to change in the result of individual perception within the interaction [15, 230].

According to this theory, a major target of «Me-concept» of a man is «Me» of another person, that is constant idea that people think about him/her, the manifestation of conformism.

Following the symbolic interactionism the problem of «Me- concept» was studied by the representatives of social and cognitive theory. The representatives of this theory were A. Bandura and W. Mishel. The ideas of this theory have been focused on a man as an interpreter and figure. This man interacts with the social environment by overcoming obstacles that happen on the way. By A. Bandura, «Me» is an aspect that relates to the self-efficiency or a person's notion about his abilities to operate successfully in specific situations [10, 429-436].

R. Burns, the founder of integral and interactional approach, considered «Me-concept» as a set of units directed to myself and identified three components of «Me-concept»: real «Me» is the directives related to how an individual perceives his relevant skills, roles, his status, that is his idea of what he really is; mirror «Me» (social) is the directives related to individual perceptions of how others see him; the perfect «Me» is the directives, associated with individual ideas about what he wanted to be [14].

Another, quite popular, was epistemiologic concept of a personality development by E. Erickson, who considered «Me- concept» through the prism of identity, that meant the product of a certain culture that has arisen on the biological basis.

According to the phenomenonalistic approach by K. Rogers, who comes from the experience of the subject, rather than from the standpoint of an outside observer, the individual perceives himself, perceives the impact of needs on his behavior, feelings, values, beliefs, and forms on the basis of this perception surrounding circumstances. In accordance with this trend, the individual can not change the events that happen, but he can change his attitude to these events [11].

In accordance with the representative of the national psychology V.V. Nurkova, the formation of «Me-concept» is developed not directly in the communication and assessments of others, but based on the autobiographical memoirs of a narrow range of estimates (significant) and personal reactions to them. Another way of forming of «Me-concept» is the analysis and observation of cases recorded in the memory of life on the basis of which it is concluded about existing entities in character traits and personality qualities [7, 175].

In modern notions of researchers the definition of «Me- concept» has two opposing views. The first is that «Me-concept» is a complete image of his own «Me» of a man, the generalization of himself, a system of attitudes about his personality, which is enough stable, more or less conscious [3, 132]. Other authors consider the phenomenon of «Me-concept» as a dynamic, active and able to changes formation. The «Me-concept» of a personality identifies and organizes the activities and experiences of the personality, realizes motivational functions, ensures plans, rules and scenario behavior, determines the adequacy of responses to social changes. The representatives of this notion of «Me-concept» believe that it mediates the major internal personality processes (emotions, information processing, motivation) and most interpersonal interactions (social perception, the situation of partner selection, strategy of interactions with him) [5].

In our opinion, the most complete and comprehensive definition of «Me-concept» is reflected by V.S. Ahapov: «Me-concept» is a systemic, integrated and so that self-organized formation of psyche, complex, dynamic, multi-level and multi-component system of personality attitude to himself and the environment, that means the assessing activities of consciousness. It is the sanctioning mechanism concerning himself and the environment, partly exists in the unconscious sphere, connects personality traits with respect to himself and the environment in the past, present and future. It is coordinated with the feelings and emotions, actions and behavior, psychological health, hope and success in the practice of the personality. It is found to be in the unity of the «We-concept» [1, 40].

If we accept the view according to which our «Me-concept» has the ability to form and change during life, it is necessary to establish the sources of its development and formation.

Among the most important sources influencing our «Me- concept» there are distinguished the following:

The vision of the body (corporal «Me»). It includes our knowledge of height, weight, build, color of eyes, hair, body proportions. This knowledge and attitude towards this knowledge influence the formation of attitudes about himself, acceptance of himself, and is the most influenced by the environment, social assessments. On the basis of the attitude to the body and appearance in general, the perfect «Me-concept» of a personality is formed.

The correlation between the perfect «Me-concept» and real «Me- concept» has an impact on the level of the development of «Me- concept» by a man.

Language and speech. By means of speech a person can identify himself, his own «Me» in the world. The language gives the first impetus to the development of «Me-concept». Also, the language helps people to get feedback from significant other people who surround him.

Sex-role identification. Firstly, the child identifies him/ herself with the representatives of his/her sex, and then forms a typical, culturally approved behavior, which is inherent to the representative of his gender in his culture.

The style of a child's upbringing in the family. Most psychologists believe that the foundation of a «Me-concept» is formed in the first five years of a person's life. So the influence is important that is exercised on the individual from his inner circle - family. All relations, the system of behavior, communication, that filled the child in the family, in the future will actively be used in the further life by the child [6, 156].

As stated above, the «Me-concept» is formed by means of various external influences that an individual considers. What are the functions of our «Me-concept»? Among these functions there are three main ones, namely: the promotion of the internal consistency of the individual, the determination of the experience interpretation, and is an irreplaceable source of expectations.

The first function (the achievement in internal consistency) is provided through the desire of the individual to ensure maximum internal consistency. In order to avoid internal psychological discomfort, internal disharmony he uses a variety of means. In providing this internal consistency it is very important that a person thinks about him, how he perceives and sees himself. On condition that new information that comes to a person does not contradict his «Me-concept», this information is readily accepted and adopted to the general concept of «Me». If such information is contrary to human notions about himself, the protective defense mechanisms are achieved. They draw a boundary between the «Me-concept» of a personality and «harmful» information, thus ensuring consistency of the existing «Me-concept».

The second function (experience interpretation) is related to the means of human explanation of his behavior features. So, different people can react differently and evaluate different situations. The fact that is completely normal for one person might be unacceptable in any circumstances for another. This different assessment is provided by our «Me-concept», because of holding a personal life experience inside that is unique to each person.

The third function (the determination of expectations) helps a person to plan, predict the facts that can happen in certain situations on the basis of his behavior, experience, knowledge. For example, a punctual person will expect the same punctuality from others [12, 235].

The functions of «Me-concept» are: the achievement of internal consistency of a personality, interpretation of life experience, the determination of person's expectations in relation to his future. The achievement of the same internal consistency of a personality: the clash of opposing notions, feelings and ideas that are related to the personal notions of a man; causes a feeling of psychological discomfort. The man in any ways seeks to avoid applying certain measures which will promote lost balance achieving, try to avoid internal disharmony. Therefore, when one is confronted with a new experience for him, knowledge about himself, he:

accepts, assimilates the experience, if it is not contrary to individual perceptions about himself;

refuses to see things like they are, according to people who say anything about themselves;

aims to change himself and others in any way.

Thus, the «Me-concept» can act as a kind of shield that protects a coordinated image of «Self» of the impact that could damage this image. Inconsistency of «Me-concept» is not absolute. Human behavior is different depending on the situation it is located, on the adopted psychological or social role. In each situation, a person has patterns of behavior that are used in appropriate situations. It explains the difference between the human behavior at home and at work.

The «Me-concept» is divided into the real and the ideal forms.

The real «Me-concept» reflects the notion of the person what he really is, at the moment. The ideal «Me-concept» is the notion of the person what he wants to be in the future, which ideal he seeks to achieve [2, 189-190].

On the basis of the general «Me-concept», in the process of growing up and professional self-determination there is formed a new kind of personal «Me» in a person - the image of «Me- professional».

Famous modern domestic psychologist N.V. Chepeleva called this authority the «professional identity» and determined its structure, namely: the presence of professional values (thesaurus) and professional meanings (personal professional knowledge, professional attitude to clients, professional ideals, norms and values, sense motives of professional activity) [16, 113].

The study of «Me-concept» or «Me-image» of the personality, as we can observe, was quite intensively conducted over the past, and this century, however, there are quite few researches concerning the professional image «Me» or the image of «Me-professional».

By A.A. Rean, the professional «Me-concept» or the image of «Me-professional» is the personality notion about himself as a professional [13, 221]. The structure of this concept, according to researcher, includes four components:

an ideal image of «Me-professional» that includes an idea of a true professional, in our case it is a real psychologist. Such notions are formed mainly at the stage of the chosen profession introducing. They are also formed in the process of personal identification with another significant professional who can be one of a parent, or relatives, teachers, celebrities, trainers and others who can for a person as a model of a professional in his chosen profession;

the real image of «Me-professional» includes the notions about real qualities, personality traits necessary for the achievement of the required ideal image of «Me-professional». Here is a rating of the fact which of such qualities are developed enough to meet the conditions of the ideal image, and which of these features one need to develop to a higher level;

mirror image of «Me-professional» which includes the future psychologist's assessment of the fact how he is estimated by other professionals in his field. In this regard, there may be the desire to meet the expectations of significant professionals, and this loss of their identity and uniqueness in a professional sphere.

Professional self-appraisal of a future specialist. This component we will consider in the second question of this section [13].

The difference between the real and ideal «Me-concept» may have different, both negative and positive effects. On the one hand, the difference between the real and the ideal «Me» can be a source of serious internal personal conflicts. On the other hand, the discrepancy of the real and ideal «Me-concept» is a source of selfdevelopment and self-perfection of the personality. Much of this is determined by the extent of the differences, as well as its internal interpretation.

The researchers V.P. Andronov, Y.P. Klubov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, Y.M. Pavliutenkov, Y.K. Strelkov and others develop the problem of the image of «Me-professional» as a set of subject's notions about his attitude to life, perspectives and values in the context of the chosen profession.

Taking into consideration the studies of these authors we distinguish the structure of the professional «Me-concept» of the personality. The components of this structure consist of the same components as in the part of the general «Me-concept», which have been described above and as follows:

cognitive component includes the personality notion about his professional skills and abilities, self-identification with the representatives of professional groups and professional activities;

emotional and evaluative component includes personality relations to himself as a professional, emotional identification with a professional environment;

behavioral (realizational) component includes individual desire to be perspicuous by others, the formation of his own style of activities, the desire to improve his professional status, establishing professional contacts with different partners in professional communication.

Since the image of «Me-professional» is a component of the general «Me-concept» of a personality, it raises the question of how they relate to each other. The researcher Y.V. Prokopieva suggested a possible classification of concepts «Me-professional» based on the correlation between different options of professional and general «Me-concept» of a personality and received three main principles:

A man is «wider» than his profession; his professional «Me- concept» is close to the general «Me-concept».

A man is «equal» to his profession; his general «Me-concept» is narrowed to a professional «Me-concept».

A man is «already» in his profession; in his general professional «Me-concept» there are only certain aspects of the profession.

An important part of the professional «Me-concept» is a professional self-consciousness. This psychological structure condition the personality self-regulation of their actions in a professional sphere based on the cognition of professional capabilities and emotional value attitude to himself as a subject of specific professional activities [8].

In the study A.K. Markova considers the structure of professional self-consciousness as a set of human ideas about himself as a professional, as a complete image of himself as a professional, a system of relations and attitudes about himself as a professional.

Based on this integrative characteristics, we distinguish the following steps: the personality realization of rules, norms, models of his profession, standards for his qualities realization; there are formed the basis of a professional outlook and personal concept of work; the realization of these qualities in others, the comparison of himself with some professional of a secondary qualification; records of expectations and assessment of himself as a professional from other people's point of view; personality self-appraisal of his individual aspects according to cognitive, emotional and behavioral criteria; positive personality appraisal of himself in whole, the determination of his positive qualities, the prospects of «Me- professional» formation.

The conclusion

The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of the image of «Me-professional» as a component of personality «Me-concept» has made it possible to determine it as a set of the subject's entity representations about his attitude to life, perspectives and values in the context of the chosen profession. It is proved that the image of «Me-professional» in the future specialists of socionomic professions is formed in the process of growing up and professional self-determination. It is concluded that the structure of the image of «Me-professional» of future specialists of socionomic professions includes the ideal image of «Me-professional», the real image of «Me-professional», and the mirror image of «Me- professional» and professional self-appraisal. The professional selfappraisal is established to be the central component of a personality professional self-consciousness that is connected with a valuable attitude to the personal «Me», to the professional qualities and the results of professional activities.

The professional self-appraisal is proved to be influenced by the content of professional activities, the results achieved in this work, individual personality traits and properties being assessed. The main parameters of professional self-appraisal are the degree of professional adequacy, criticalness and measure of personality stability.

Список використаних джерел

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