The influence of the professional activity of the teacher of the preschool educational organization on the development of professional deformations
The influence of pedagogical activity on the development of professional and personal deformations in teachers of preschool educational institutions. The choice of strategies of behavior in resolving conflict situations, the use of psychological defenses.
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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ | 06.02.2019 |
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà | 23,5 K |
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The influence of the professional activity of the teacher of the preschool educational organization on the development of professional deformations
Selezneva Yu.V.
The article deals with the problem of the development of professional deformations among teachers of preschool educational organizations (PEO); the author substantiates the influence of the professional activity of the teacher of PEO on formation of specific variants of professional deformations. Teachers of PEO having 1-5 and 10-15 years' experience were examinees in the research. Results of this research have made it possible to describe the type of professional deformations among teachers of PEO. As the length of teaching experience increases, under the influence of features of the professional activity, the tension in using psychological defenses increases and their representation changes qualitatively among teachers of PEO; the choice of behavior strategies in settling conflict situations also changes; accentuations of personality traits are sharpened.
Keywords: professional development, professional deformations, trust, psychological defense, character accentuations.
Addressing to the “profession” concept, E.A. Klimov notes that “profession” is a destiny, a person's course of life, way of life, way of thinking, stereotypes of perception of the world, and a person's social type [5, p. 372]. According to the object of work, the profession of “educator” is a sociological profession; concerning purposes it is a transforming one; in relation to the conditions of work the educator's work is a work under the increased responsibility for people's life and health. The factor of the increased responsibility attributes it to the most stressful professions which determine the nature of changes occurring with the teacher of PEO when the experience of teaching increases. Now the analysis of features of the educator's professional activity makes it possible to speak about rather complicated destabilizing working conditions: the general decline in prestige of preschool education, lack of clearness in planning and labor organization; existence of professional conflicts and not always favorable psychological atmosphere of professional activity; features of the management style (the excessively authoritative style blocks the teacher's independence, sense making in decision-making; on the contrary, the soft style of management can give rise to anxiety, decrease in initiative and so forth); parents' steep demands and the impossibility to solve a number of problems in own teaching practice because of absence of necessary knowledge among teachers of PEO. Thus, for example, the number of children with “special” educational needs increases now. Proceeding from the teachers of PEO purposes (creation of conditions for successful socialization of children, creation of the content of education taking into account the age and standard models of development), there is a necessity of providing norms of development for different categories of children. However it is often impossible in practice because of absence of the teacher's special knowledge in the field of support of a “special” child. This situation involves decrease in the quality of work, change of the teacher's professional self-appraisal and natural growth of discontent of parents. The teacher's long-term staying in a situation of excessive psycho-emotional tension can promote the development of unconstructive forms of interaction with stress when instead of active actions which allow to cope with a situation adequately the teacher shows a high degree of adaptation to adverse conditions that is often accompanied by use of a large number of psychological defenses.
According to researchers (E.F. Zeyer, A.K. Markova, etc.) one of variants of the development of professional deformations consists sharpening of professionally significant qualities necessary for a profession which, developing in a mode of professional activity, “are exploited” and get to the category of the undesirable with the years. Concerning pedagogical profession the solution of professional problems always means the teacher's inclusion in various situations of professional communication. Providing the success of professional activity, the excessive development of skills of pedagogical communication at the level of emergence of professional deformations can be presented as the increased talkativeness and disregard of others (in this case communication gains great, sometimes unjustified expressiveness in a mode of professional activity and out of the professional environment); the excessive attention to forming technologically correct dialogues can turn speech into a complex of speech stamps with the years, depriving communication of spontaneity and openness. Besides, pedagogical communication in a teaching practice mode has some features: dogmatism, teaching manner of speech, it's simplified to the level of child understands character. The constant aspiration to information simplification, which is peculiar to educators and widely presented in teaching practice, can gradually bring to narrowing of the teacher's perception, to aspiration to estimate professional situations more simply, and also events arising in the expert's life, and as a result - development of so-called “infantile picture of the world”.
Dominance is a professionally determined characteristic connected with the need to manage children's collective, solving professional problems. The increase in the number of children in groups, presence of the so-called “difficult” contingent demands the teachers of PEO high professionalism in the field of establishment of relationship. Not having certain knowledge in the field of psychology, the teacher, organizing children's collective, is often inclined to use more rigid methods of influence. This leads to formation of excessive authoritativeness, categoriality, aspiration to impose own self-image to pupils and surrounding adults. According to a number of scientists, some types of professions which representatives possess hardly controlled power and feel that destinies, lives of other people depend on them, can predispose to professional deformations, to development of such qualities, as hard-heartedness, authoritativeness, callousness, isolation from feelings of another person. Considering a factor of influence of power on the person in a profession, E.A. Klimov noted that under the influence of power there can be “a command style of communication, reckless relation to own opinion, as to a unique, intolerance towards “otherness”, a habit to point out mistakes offensively in an offensive manner, to call to order, to criticize” [6, p. 32].
Describing variants of professional deformations of the teacher of PEO, the analysis of the object of work which in any profession determines the nature of professional deformations is of special interest. In the most general view a child - his/her character, world outlook, habits, features of his/her psychophysiology and anatomy, specificity of his/her inner world is the teacher's object of work. Constantly fixing manifestations of the child, the teacher lives a certain time in Another's logic which creates prerequisites for the development of professional deformations. It is possible to assume that orientation to the object of work leads to that working with little children the educator has to simplify his/her behavior, to change manners of verbal and nonverbal communication, adjusting to features of children's types of reaction. Openness of the emotional sphere, ingenuousness and spontaneity of reactions, emotional impressionability, aspiration to behave affectedly, aspiration to recognition, demonstrativeness of behavior, the weak self-control, peculiar to a preschool child, can be shown among teachers of PEO in result of excessive immersion in a profession.
The purpose of our research has consisted in studying features of manifestation of professional deformations among teachers of PEO depending on different models of confidential relations. We have assumed that as the working life increases under the influence of features of professional activity there appear negative personal constructs among teachers of PEO which are transformed into steady qualities of personality that speaks about forming professional deformations distorting a professional and personal profile. The profile of professional deformations will be connected with the balance between the level of self-trust and the level of trust in the world.
In the psychology of our country T.P. Skripkina has distinguished the phenomenon of trust as an independent object of research for the first time; she has defined trust as a “separate and rather independent form of belief with an act of relation in its heart”. In T.P. Skripkina's works trust is considered through a prism of the person's simultaneous orientation towards self and towards the world, “when the person aspires to correspond to him/her and the world at the same time and thus remains a sovereign subject of activity”. The trust as the “mechanism creating the integrity of life” for the person and influencing all spheres of his/her life, can significantly affect the character and results of professional development of the teacher of PEO. The optimum relationship of the level of self-trust and the trust in the world enables the person to construct the interaction with society more productively, without losing own identity and showing the necessary degree of activity. When the level of self-trust decreases and the level of trust in the world increases, the teacher's initiative is lost, goal-setting process finds difficulty; possibilities of reflection (as the main mechanism) become minimum, which makes it possible to prevent the development of professional deformations. The person with excessive exclusive orientation to society gradually loses the ability to be the subject of his/her own life. And on the contrary, increase in the level of self-trust not considering features of an external situation, its critical judgment and acceptance, are risky in terms of adequate interaction with social reality.
Within this plan we have made an attempt to investigate the general nature of personal changes among teachers of PEO, occurring under the influence of features of professional activity without presented models of confidential relations.
Teachers of PEO having 1-5 and 10-15 years' experience were examinees in the research. The main signs of professional deformations among teachers of PEO are: change of expressiveness and representation of psychological defenses with a shift from more immature strategies of defense to more mature type of defense; aggravation of accentuations of personal traits; changes in the used strategy of behavior in conflict situations that makes it possible to speak about their professional conditionality.
The empirical part is presented by techniques: “Estimation of Self-Trust” (T.P. Skripkina), the “Scale of Interpersonal Trust” (J.B. Rotter), the “Life Style Index” questionnaire (Kellerman-Plutchik), “Character Accentuations” (K. Leonhard), “Behavior Strategies in Conflict Situations” (K. Thomas).
The generalized analysis of data enabled us to fix prevalence of immature types of psychological defense which is characteristic for teachers-beginners (with 1-5 years' experience), and the general poorness of protective repertoire is typical. Thus, the psychological defense of “Denial” as an immature variant of protective mechanisms is presented in this sample at most and reflects, first of all, a characteristic manifestation of carelessness to various situations in the professional sphere, ignoring of information potentially anxious for the teacher. Risks in use of this type of psychological defense are connected with the aspiration of teachers-beginners to cut themselves off situations in teaching practice which are fraught with failure experience. In this case, without getting necessary professional experience and without using own professional resources in solving difficult professional problems, the worker can experience considerable difficulties in assessing pedagogical phenomena adequately (underestimating risks of a number of events).
As the obtained data has shown, the teachers entering the profession are characterized by sharpening of some accentuations of personal traits, thus “Pedantic” and “Demonstrative” character accentuation are dominating. In our opinion, in many respects it is connected with the period of adaptation to a profession and primary individualization of the teacher in a professional group when along with adoption of rules, norms the teacher aspires to introduce everything that makes his individual professional hand into a professional community.
Concerning teachers with 10-15 years' experience they are characterized by the increase in the general repertoire of psychological defense which include not only immature types of defense, but also more mature variants of psychological defenses (“Intellectualization”, “Compensation”). In the analysis of choosing the strategy of behavior in the conflict lack of variability is of special interest: teachers with 10-15 years' experience are inclined to use the strategy of “Rivalry” to a smaller degree, limiting their own behavioral repertoire by use of strategies of “Compromise”, “Avoiding” and “Adaptation”.
As the work experience increases, the total quantity and the degree of expressiveness of character accentuation also increases, and accentuations presented among teachers with 1-5 years' experience remain and increase under the influence of professional activity. It is possible to assume that experts with some equally expressed features which under the influence of the profession subsequently increase and become professionally determined enter the pedagogical profession.
For the purpose of designation of the factors explaining communications between variables we have carried out the factorial analysis. Using the “Varimax-Rotation” procedure, in result of the carried-out factorial analysis for teachers with 1-5 years' experience we have distinguished 4 factors: “Trust”, “Behavior”, “Personality” and “World Picture”. We should note that among examinees with 10-15 years' experience other factors were major factors; they were “Trust”, “Personality”, “Trust in the World”, “Overcompensation”. It should be noted that concerning teachers with 10-15 years' experience the sign “Trust” and its components have entered each factor. It speaks about that the balance between the level of self-trust and the level of trust in the World among teachers of this group significantly influences expressiveness of psychological defense, accentuations of character, strategies of behavior in a conflict (in all the described factors there are scales reflecting the level of self-trust and trust in the World as the integrated indices influencing representation and the nature of professional deformations are presented). The results of the factorial analysis are offered in tab. 1 and to tab. 2.
The analysis of tables makes it possible to fix factors in the development of professional deformations among teachers with different work experience. Thus, under the influence of special character features (tendency to apathy sense of justice, the expressed responsibility and so forth) teachers with 1-5 years' experience (the “Personality” factor) of a distimic type have a hypertrophied relation to order, inability to making independent decisions, uncertainty (“Pedantic” accentuation) that in many respects is caused by the beginning of professional activity when attention to details, pedantry in many respects provides the success of professional activity. It is interesting that the distimic type of accentuation is interconnected with the decrease in intensity of psychological defenses: “Substitution” - (-0,580); “Denial” - (-0,384) and strengthening of psychological defense “Compensation” - (0,444).
Table 1
Distribution of factors in the study of professional deformations among teachers with 1-5 years' experience
The Factor of “Trust”, Self-Trust - (0,986), The Strategy of “Adaptation” - (0,423) |
The “Behavior” Factor The Strategy of “Cooperation” (0,596) Accentuations: “Demonstrative” - (0,307) “Exalted” - (0,329) Defense: “Reaction Formations” - (-0,438) Self-Trust in the Professional Sphere - (0,396) |
The “Personality” Factor “Distimical” Accentuation - (0,623) The Strategy of “Compromise” - (0,313) Accentuations: “Pedantic” - (0,486) “Getting Stuck” - (0,491) Defense: “Repression” - (-0,580) “Negation” - (-0,384) “Compensation” - (0,444) |
The “World Picture” Factor Defense “Projection” - (-0,518) “Regression” - (-0,324) Accentuations: “Anxious” - (0,315) “Cyclothimic” - (0,422) “Excitable” - (0,364) “Exalted” - (0,443) Strategy “Competition” - (-0,400) “Compromise” - (0,416) |
professional personality deformation teacher
Table 2
Distribution of factors in the study of professional deformations among teachers with 10-15 years' experience
The Factor of “Trust” (Self-Trust - 0,965), Trust in the World - (-0,331); “Adaptation” - (0,322); “Compromise” - (-0,326); “Emotive” Accentuation - (0,374). |
The “Personality” Factor Accentuation “Cyclothymic” - (0,650) “Excitable “ - (0,444); “Distimic” - (0,585); “Exalted” - (0,570); “Anxious” - (0,368); “Hyperthymic” - (0,359); “Getting Stuck” - (0,557); Defenses: “Displacement” - (0,371); “Regression” - (0,457); Trust in the World - (-0,372) |
The “Trust in the World” Factor” - (-0,502) Defenses: “Iintellectualization” - (0,453); “Reaction Formations” - (0,413); Accentuations: “Hyperthymic” - (0,438); “Excitable” - (-0,444); Strategies: «Compromise» - (0,478). |
The “Overcompensation” Factor Compensation - (0,577) Defenses: “Reaction formations” - (0,432); “Substitution” - (0,445); “Projection” - (0,449); “Trust in the higher” - (0,347); Trust in the Intellectual Sphere - (-0,479); |
The variables which have entered the “Behaviour” factor make it possible to note that teachers with 1-5 years' experience focused on cooperation (“Cooperation” strategy - 0,596) when solving conflicts trust themselves in the professional sphere (0,396) which is an important factor of their professional development. The “Cooperation” strategy is one of the most complex and constructive forms of behavior in the conflict; it assumes consideration of interests of the opponent, recognition of the value of interpersonal relations, possibility to solve arising problems more productively. The efficiency in achievement of a number of aims involves the natural increase in self-trust in the professional sphere that provides further success in professional activity. It is interesting that in this factor there are no significant positive communications with psychological defenses. This testifies to the effect that psychological defenses, being personal formations, mainly enter the “Personality” factor.
The psychological defense of “Projection” (-0,518) has the greatest negative value in the “World Picture” factor. Significant positive communications are fixed with manifestation of accentuations: “Anxious” - (0,315); “Cyclothymic” - (0,422); “Excitable” - (0,364); “Excited” - (0,443); with behavior strategies in the conflict “Rivalry” - (-0,400), “Compromise” - (0,416). The variables entering this factor, testify to the effect that young teachers perceive the World through a prism of their own personality and, in particular, through a prism of their character accentuations. Thus the lack of experience among this group of examinees prevents from using psychological defenses adequately. The revealed communications between the variables enable us to note that teachers-beginners can't cooperate; however they are ready to compromises when resolving conflict situations for adapting to conditions of professional activity.
The “Trust” factor includes the scale “Self-Trust” - (0,986) with the greatest factorial weight and the “Adaptation” behavior strategy in the conflict - (0,423). Thus, teachers of PEO with 1-5 years' experience are characterized by the expressed need to trust themselves, but the obtained data make it possible to say that the attempt to feel himself/herself assured is mainly connected with adaptive behavior.
There is another picture concerning teachers with 10-15 years' experience. Analyzing the “Trust” factor (0,965), it is possible to note that teachers with a high level of trust in themselves have the expressed tendency not to trust in the World (-0,331). In the teaching practice the disbalance of self-trust and trust in the World towards decrease in the trust in the World is often presented as manifestation of the teacher's authoritative position, intolerance towards another opinion, conviction in the rightness, refusal of the deep analysis of situations. Against the background of a high level of self-trust (in the intellectual sphere (0,578) and in professional activity (0,555)) and a low level of trust in the World teachers with a long teaching experience are also inclined to use the “Adaptation” strategy when settling conflicts. What is the danger of this situation in the professional pedagogical activity? Getting tough on a number of pedagogical phenomena, the teacher with boundless trust in himself/herself uses adaptation tactics when solving conflict situations, not always going into the heart of the matter, showing thus a “seeming” refusal of his/her own interests for preservation of friendly relations with the opponent. This position is confirmed by existence of an unspoken rule that the parent “is always right” and in case of a conflict, the teacher, first of all, should avoid confrontation. For this reason, unfortunately, the worker not always can adequately resolve problems, fixing his/her attention not on a source of contradiction, but on the necessity of keeping friendly relations with the pupil's parents.
At the heart of the “Personality” factor the “Cyclothymic” type accentuation (0,650) is fixed at the level of significant communications with accentuations: “Excitable” - (0,444); “Distimic” - (0,585); “Excited” - (0,570); “Anxious” - (0,368); “Hyperthymic” - (0,359); “Getting stuck” - (0,557); psychological defence “Substitution” - (0,371); “Regression” - 0,457 and the “Trust in the World” scale - (-0,372). “Cyclothyms” are people with extremely unstable mood. When they have excited mood they are similar to the “Hyperthimic” type, when they have impaired mood they are similar to the “Distimic” type. Thus, we deal with an insufficiently balanced person moreover, with a huge number of the most opposite accentuations of character.
The “Trust in the World” factor is presented by the parameters “Trust in the World” - (-0,502) in combination with psychological defences: “Intellectualization” - (0,453); “Reaction Formations” - (0,413); “Hyperthimic” - (0,438); “Excitable” - (-0,444) types of accentuations and the “Compromise” behavior strategy in the conflict - (0,478). Thus, teachers with 10-15 years' experience at a low level of trust in the World are characterized by strengthening the intensity of psychological defense “Intellectualization” and the teacher even in the most difficult situations of professional behavior, leaning only on his/her partly thought-up logic can successfully explain his/her behavior to himself/herself. According to E.F. Zeyer, “Intellectualization” promotes formation of social hypocrisy of teachers. Thus the level of trust in the World influences representation and expressiveness of accentuations (strengthening the value of “Hyperthimic” and reducing the value of “Excitable” accentuation). Thus, teachers with 10-15 years' experience stay within adaptive behavior and show a low level of trust in the World that is partly connected with use of the psychological defense of intellectualization.
The last factor of “Overcompensation” with the expressed parameter of psychological defense - “Compensation” (0,577) is interesting. It has united the following characteristics: psychological defenses “Reaction Formations” - (0,432); “Substitution” - (0,445); “Projection” - (0,449); “Excitable” accentuations - (-0,328); the scale “Self-trust in the Sphere of Establishment of Relationship with the Higher” - (0,347) and “Self-trust in the intellectual sphere” - (-0,479). The psychological defense of “Compensation” most often joins in situations of insufficiently high self-assessment as a fight against inferiority feelings. A negative communication with the scale “Self-Trust in the Intellectual Sphere” (-0,479) is explained by this. Great achievements in various spheres of life are positive result of the compensatory work, since “Compensation” is developed and used consciously when reflection is possible. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that here we have fixed a positive correlation with a scale “Self-Trust in the Sphere of Establishment of Relationship with the Higher” (0,347). It is possible to assume that the rigid control system, which is characteristic for some PEO, can significantly influence the teacher's self-assessment and his/her perception of a profession. For the system of preschool education it is often convenient to develop such characteristics as the teacher's obedience, sense of duty versus his/her initiative, creativity, activity in solving a number of problems. In this situation there can be a decrease in the level of self-trust with simultaneous increase in trust in the higher. Thus, carrying out various instructions, the teacher, trusting more to the head, does not lean on his/her own professional position and often makes various decisions formally. It should be noted that unfortunately the profession of “educator” is not focused on developing reflection as an important mechanism providing success of professional activity and prevention of professional deformations. For this reason at the level of the educational organization it is important to consider these results when managing the educational process and developing the professional potential of each participant of the educational process. In practice we see strengthening of adaptive reactions and we can say that teachers with 10-15 years' experience acquire self-trust not by creative self-realization, but by the adaptive activity.
Thus, it is possible to assert that features of the developed administrative stereotypes in the professional activity of the teacher of PEO are important determinants of emergence and development of professional deformations. Carrying out the same professional functions, a specific object of work, excessive development of certain professionally important qualities define a profile of professional deformations of the teacher of PEO. However specific features of the person, initial inclinations and attitudes of personality with which the person enters a profession influence the development of professional deformations in no small measure.
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êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [88,5 K], äîáàâëåí 23.04.2012Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [683,5 K], äîáàâëåí 06.03.2012Acquisition of skills of oral and written speech in sphere of professional sea English language. Communication at sea. The basic classes of ships. Parts of a ship and her measurement. Pilotage and pilots. Buoys and beacons. Tides and tidal streams.
ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå [4,9 M], äîáàâëåí 20.02.2012Russian Revolution and its influence on communist party of Australia. Association of communist organization of Australia and United States of America. Activity of the American students. Activity of group of commissions on a maintainance and access.
ýññå [39,2 K], äîáàâëåí 23.06.2010The history of translation studies in ancient times, and it's development in the Middle Ages. Principles of translation into Greek, the texts of world's religions. Professional associations of translators. The technology and terminology translation.
äèïëîìíàÿ ðàáîòà [640,7 K], äîáàâëåí 13.06.2013