System of vital values and characteristic features life-sense orientations of youth
Youth - the demographic group on which the future of the Russian society depends. Characteristics of the main factors of becoming of value system and life-sense orientations. Psychodiagnostic methods which have been applied in the empirical research.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 11,0 K |
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Reforming of the Russian society entails the radical changes connected to instability, imbalance of social, status positions of a person. Transformations in economic, political, moral spheres generate doubts about validity of traditional values, attitudes and aspirations even in psychology adult people. Young people are even in more difficult situation. The modern youth being a part of the society and constantly facing with contradictions of a modern social situation is unable to understand, accept them and to adapt for quickly changing environment. Young men and girls notice instability of life's positions of the adult generation that generates discredit to those values on which it bases. All these weaken social-cultural, moral and ethical interests of young people [2].
Youth is the major demographic group on which the future of the Russian society depends. It is impossible to create a properly progressive society respecting traditions of the previous generations and peoples of which it consists if youth is not interested in it. In this connection studying of life's values as a primary factor of life-sense orientations of modern Russian youth, the basic essential purposes and interests of young men and girls gains extremely urgent character [5].
Problems of youth have always caused a heightened interest. Works by F. Brentano, R. Lottse, N. Gartman, L. Fojera, S. Holl, S. Bjuler made a significant impact on forming a youth problems in their time. Works of domestic authors such as V.T. Lisovsky, I.S. Kon, S.N. Ikonnikova, Z.K. Selivanova, V.I. Tchuprov, E.A. Skriptunova, A.A. Morozov, etc. are important for our research.
Recently the notion of «youth subculture» has been used actively enough. It is used by sociologists, psychologists, criminologists. Mass media frequently addresses to it. Despite of the amplitude of its application of the notion there is no uniform understanding of the given phenomenon till now. Besides, the problems connected to this phenomenon are so various that researchers quite often ask themselves a question whether such a phenomenon really exists or behind this notion there is an opportunity to discard profitably and beautifully all discontent of the senior generation with the young one.
In order to determine the phenomenon of «youth subculture» we will address to the definition which is accordant to our ideas and which we take as a basis. The youth subculture is esoteric, escapist, urbanistic culture which is created by young people for themselves. It can be named a partial cultural subsystem inside the official system of the basic culture of the society which determines a lifestyle, a hierarchy of values, mentality and a state of mind of its supporters [4].
S.V. Aleshchenok, I.A. Baeva, V.A. Bobaho, E.V. Krasavina, S.I. Levikova, V.A. Lukov devoted their works to studying youth subculture and processes taking place in it. The listed researchers and other authors testify that youth has its own subculture which expresses needs of young men and girls as specific social-demographic group. The authors unanimously assert that the youth subculture is a form by means of which young people are integrated into the society, and which allows them to mobilize their latent resources. In conditions of social anomie and cultural-valuable instability, the youth subculture develops their own ways of adaptation and problem-solving, as well as their own specific system of values [7].
It is necessary to note that among the works studying a youth problems both in the context of the whole society and as a special social group the number of works devoted to studying values and value priorities of young people has a primary amount. I.V. Abakumova, O.G. Drobnitsky, A.G. Zdravomyslov, M.S. Kagan, V.P. Tugarinov, etc. [6] addressed to the problem. however within the framework of the given field the problem of forming and dynamics of value and life-sense orientations in modern youth subcultures has still been remaining insufficiently investigated.
Researches mostly concern such problems as: features of value systems of youth of the certain region or ethnic group (S.A. Sergeev, V.V. Orlova, E.A. Samsonova, E.Ju. Efimova, etc.); studying or working youth (V.V. Loginov, I.V. Abaeva, D.S. Ledentsov, G.G. Pavlovets, etc.); youth involved in a criminal subculture (V.D. Pirozhkov, М. Rozin, etc.).
At the same time study of features of sense-value sphere of youth involved in formal and informal associations which are specific, but are not identical to criminal ones is submitted by few works. T.V. Egorova, L.V. Shabanova, N.N. Slusarevsky, G.A. Luks, O.B. Fursova, A.A. Kutyna, A.A. Matveeva can be named among the authors concerning the specified problems.
In our opinion, the problem of sense-value system of the young people involved in various formal and informal associations has a special urgency which can be explained by at least three basic moments:
Firstly, there are features of juvenile age, as one of special stages of development which is connected with an increased inclination for intimate-personal, spontaneous-group communication and self-affirmation (g.S. Abramova, A.A. Rean, I.V. Dubrovina, etc.).
Secondly, there are features of the most important stage of ontogenesis caused by an intensive forming of value orientations' system that influences on building up the character and the personality as a whole (A.A. Bodalev, j.M. Desyatnikov, I.V. Dubrovina, I.S. Kon, etc.);
Thirdly, there is a necessity of timely diagnostics, a psychological estimation, development and carrying out of psycho-correctional procedures when revealing a deformation of the system of life-sense orientations and their preventive measures.
Destruction of habitual notions and developed value orientations which are characteristic for modern Russia demands a special attention to becoming value systems of young people. The former ways of forming value orientations and systems of educational practice have lost their importance for today. Education of youth by means of stereotyped slogans and proclamations when they are not actually accepted by proclaiming people themselves (the senior generation, heads of different levels) has resulted in that fact that not only youth, but also adult generation do not believe in their effectiveness. In life-sense orientations, legal culture and sense of justice of people some transformations have happened which have generated a decrease in respect for noble purposes of a life, a critical negative altitude to the common objective values, to the law. It could not help reflecting in becoming value systems and the life's purposes of youth and caused a maximalist approach, intense uncompromising denying of general moral values and accentuation of attention to inclusion of own value orientations in the personal need-motivational subsystem, based on freedom of their choice. In I.I. Aminov's opinion [1] the result of such alienation from political, legal and moral values is in that fact that the increasing number of young people loses their basic characteristic features, moral and spiritual stereotypes of Russian ethnicity. On this basis we have assumed that specificity of value system of a young man is caused by features of his/her sense of justice.
The important factor of becoming of value system and life-sense orientations is the World Model of a young man. Age becoming of the World Model is originally determined by an influence of the family or the child's environment at early stages of his/her development. In R.M. granovskaya [3] opinion, progress in becoming of the World Model to the juvenile age goes in conditions of an increasing divergence of values proclaimed by adults and norms and values on which contemporaries rely. Disagreement, protest against values proclaimed by adults, and also life's complexities, difficulties in understanding a political, economic situation in the society, transformation of an internal concepts and Self-images lead to a defensive reaction to a great number of problems. Leaving for a virtual world (the Internet «habituйs»), an identification of a young man with role games' heroes (in historical reconstruction clubs), «adult» politics games are becoming variants of a defensive adaptation to the existing World.
The purpose of our research which basic stages are reflected in the present article is studying structural-dynamic characteristics of sense-value sphere of young people who are representatives of various formal and informal youth associations.
The sample of empirical research included three groups of young people who were representatives of various youth subcultures: the first group was made with members of the formal youth organization of «United Russia» party («young guardsmen») in the number of 47 persons; the second group consisted of participants of youth movements of a historical orientation (military-historical reconstruction clubs) in the number of 48 persons; the third one was formed from 50 young people inclined to carrying out their time in a social network («habituйs» of the Internet).
All associations meet those basic characteristic requirements which distinguish communities of young people and give grounds to attribute them to subcultures. Researched young people reckon themselves as this or that named subculture, identify themselves with it. The young people which are included in groups listed by us accept and share norms, ethical rules, a lifestyle and features of perception which are peculiar to the given subcultures.
In total 145 young people of both genders aged 17-24 years old have been investigated, 85 % of which are the learning youth (students of colleges and higher schools), the rests have already got a specialized secondary or a higher education.
The research was carried out online and at personal meetings in the Rostov regional headquarters of political youth association «Young guards of United Russia», in military-historical reconstruction's clubs of Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region, in the social network of the Internet.
Theoretical positions have determined a choice of particular psychodiagnostic methods which have been applied in the empirical research: the Rokeach Value Survey; the Values scales by Shalom h. Schwartz; the «Life-sense orientations» technique by D.A. Leontiev; the «Index of lifestyle» questionnaire developed by R. Plutchik et al., adapted and restandardized by L.R. Grebennikov; the modified «Sense of justice» questionnaire by O.V. Protasova which based on the test-questionnaire developed by the sector of psychological difficulties of struggle against criminality of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation under the direction of professor A.R. Ratinov.
Research work has been carried out in four stages.
The preparatory stage (2008). At the given stage the research had an exploring character and was directed at studying a state of the problem of sources and factors which determined forming of youth subcultures and sense-value sphere of their supporters. It allowed us to formulate the subject, purposes and research tasks, to plan the basic methodological approaches to the solution of the research problem, to determine the research base and the contingent of examinees.
The carried out analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the problem of sense-value orientations in a youth subculture has allowed us to define the exploration degree of the given question at the present time, to find its poorly studied aspects. It was also possible to determine approaches to revealing features of sensevalue sphere of the modern youth, including factors, characterizing forming and dynamics of values in connection with their belonging to this or that youth subculture. It allowed us to formulate hypotheses, to develop research procedures of the raised problem, and also to select diagnostic methods.
The research stage (2009). According to the developed plan the research stage was directed at gathering empirical data. Realization of the part of the research aimed at establishing facts assumed carrying out some diagnostic procedures which were directed at studying:
? value priorities of persons involved in various youth subcultures;
? life-sense orientations of young people;
? intensity and repertory features of psychological defences describing a level of a personal maturity and an adequacy degree of his/her reality perception; ? features of sense of justice.
The analytical stage (2010) included processing of the received data, specifying on their basis features of sense-value sphere of the young people involved in various youth subcultures.
The final stage (2010-2011) includes generalization of the received results, formulating conclusions and their comparison to the conclusions received as a result of previous researches of the investigated problem by other authors.
The solution of tasks of dissertational research was carried out by means of the theoretical analysis and generalization of conceptual works, results and actual data on the problems connected to studying features of sense-value sphere of young people.
The tasks of the preparatory stage demanded application of the method of the theoretical analysis. The theoretical analysis allowed us to distinguish the basic ideas and approaches to studying youth as one of social groups of the society and a subculture phenomenon, to disclose ideas about features of forming of sense-value sphere at a young age, about characteristics of various subcultures and to reveal influence of these features on development and dynamics value and life-sense orientations of supporters of these subcultures.
The works devoted to age features of the researched contingent, to reasons and conditions of appearance of youth subcultures as a whole and to reasons of forming of the youth subcultures investigated by us in particular were also subjected to the theoretical analysis.
We have used two techniques for studying system of values and value orientations: «the Rokeach Value Survey» and created on its basis and essentially modified and expanded technique the Values scales by Professor S. Schwartz. In our opinion application of two techniques having the identical purposes is expedient in our research as the results supplement each other.
Studying of a rank structure of terminal values and instrumental values, values at the level of normative ideals and values at the level of individual preferences in groups of young people who are representatives of various youth subcultures has allowed us to find out tendencies of specificity of value systems which are common for the all surveyed contingent: the similarity of rank structures and differences between proclaimed values and values which are realized in real behaviour.
In view of the fact that each group has doubtless rank variability, that is individual parameters have scattering wide enough, the following research stage assumed a discrimination of subgroups of young people with similar characteristics of value system. The cluster analysis has allowed us to described a number of subgroups having statistically significant distinctions according to parameters of value systems' types distinguished by us s (feature of the values-purposes (terminal values); features of values-means (instrumental values); features of values at the level of normative ideals; features of values at the level of individual preferences) that has allowed us to state about different variants of value orientations of young people. psychodiagnostic youth society
The received new experimental groups were exposed to the further studying. In order to characterize each of the received types of value systems of young people, we investigated «the purpose in life», an integrated parameter of the level of sense of justice and ways by means of which young people carry out their attempts to separate from life's complexities of and to defend their personal idea about the world and about themselves.
1. Aminov I.I. Legal psychology. - М., 2007.
2. Bushmarina N.N. Social problems of youth in the context of transformation of a youth subculture // Actual problems of psychological knowledge. - Issue 2(7). - M.: Moscow Psychological-Social Institute, 2008.
3. granovskaya R.M. Psychological defence. - SPb, 2007.
4. Levikova S.I. Youth subculture. - M., 2004.
5. Lukov V.A. Features of youth subcultures in Russia // Sociological Researches. - 2002. - # 10.
6. Youth culture and values of the future / Edited by A.g. Kozlova, M.S. gavrilova. - SPb., 2001.
7. Sergeev V.K. Youth subculture in a megapolis's environment. - M., 2003.
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