Psychological features of successfully self-realized managers on sales coping-behavior
Sychological features of successfully self-realized managers on sales coping-behavior. Psychological approaches coping behavior, taking into account specificity of managers on sales professional work. Analys empirical indicators of coping behavior.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 33,4 K |
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Psychological features of successfully self-realized managers on sales coping-behavior
Shipitko O.Yu.
Article is devoted the sychological features of successfully self-realized managers on sales coping-behavior. Psychological approaches to studying coping behavior, taking into account specificity of managers on sales professional work are considered. Empirical indicators of coping behavior are analyzed and generalized. Results of features coping behavior empirical research are offered. Conclusions and practical recommendations on the basis of the conducted research are given. The possibilities of practical application of the received results are shined in the article.
Keywords: professional work, self-realization, success, coping-behavior, coping-strategy, the manager, sales.
sychological manager sale professional
In a modern society the trade choice is defined not only by aspiration to a desirable standard of well-being, but also by internal potential of the person aspiring to development. Managers are representatives of “person-person” professional group, thereupon they especially face the situations subjectively perceived as difficult throughout all professional work. Basically there are situations of stress which miscellaneous yaffect on the person of the manager, influencing not only a break-even sales level, but also on professional development of the person. In this connection psychology faces a problem of revealing of the most effective coping behavior strategy, considering concrete level of professional self-realization of the person, that in turn promotes efficiency of work and satisfaction as a whole. The purpose of our research is studying coping-behavior of managers on sales in professional work in connection with their high level of self-realization.
Now the psychological stress is understood as discrepancy between professional loading and the available resources, accompanied by such emotions as fear, anger and etc. During occurrence of such emotions in the person there is a requirement to use certain strategy of behavior. In foreign psychology this mechanism is called coping-strategy, in russian psychology it is accepted to call such behavior coping.
coping is a dynamic process of interaction of the person and contextually-surrounding factors which has plastic, flexible character, assumes purposefulness (Unlike protection mechanisms) also allows to overcome an internal discord, providing a choice of adaptive and adequate strategy of behavior [4]. The major function of coping is a management of the person external and internal resources. The choice of adaptive and adequate strategy allows managers to use resources so that as much as possible to realize the internal potential in this difficult professional work on sales.
To understand what role plays coping behavior in professional work of manag ers on sales, we will consider a the most significant, in our opinion, psychological approaches.
The cognitive phenomenological approach characterizes stress as the discomfort tested when the person doesn't have balance between individual perception of environment inquiries and the resources accessible to interaction with these inquiries. however frequently, the cognitive situation assessment defines, whether it is for the individual stressful or not [9]. Thereupon it is necessary to notice that professional work of the manager on sales is interfaced to stresses. It is in many respects caused by the fact that their activity is connected with active dialogue. Besides managers quite often should operate in the conditions of a lack of the information, risk and uncertainty. coping-strategy researchers in attempts to systematize and create harmonous classification allocate some the generalized levels of what the individual undertakes to cope with stress: it's coping actions, coping-strategy and coping styles. coping actions (that the individual feels, thinks or does) are often grouped in coping-strategies. Strategies, in turn, are grouped in coping styles (for example, group of strategies which represents conceptually similar actions). For example, the reference to another can be such style. Sometimes terms `'coping actions'' and “coping-strategy” are used as interchangeable. Modern researchers point that coping styles, as a whole, concern to actions or strategies, which are consistently used by the individual to consult with stress. Other similar terms in this respect are coping tactics and coping resources [5]. It is in many respects caused by the fact that in it is possible to find set of classifications in the modern psychological literature coping-strategy.
The ego-focused approach to coping-behavior, developed by N. haan, D. Vejllant and T. Krouber originates in Z. Freud's psychoanalytic concept. The approach essence consists in the additional mechanism of a fragmentation, along with protection and coping. In their opinion the fragmentation is characterized by the terminology used in cases of disorganized behavior [8]. hence, modern researches suggest to understand the coping process as an a specific ego - mechanism which is used by the person for the purpose of recycling the internal pressure and discomfort.
At the heart of the integrated approach to behavior coping there are rather steady personal preconditions predetermining behavior of the person on any stressful factor. R.Mus allocates active and passive ways of reaction to the stress, the first are considered as display of the constructive behavior, the second - not constructive [10]. Thus, within the limits of the given approach, the choice of styles and copingbehavior strategy is defined both by personal features and by the features of the emotionally-significant situations meeting almost daily in labor activity of the manager.
In domestic psychology and akmeology the coping behavior is studied rather recently since 1990 of XX century, despite there is enough works on the given theme. (F.E. Vasiljuk, 1984; L.I. Antsyferova, 1994; L.g. Wild, 1996; S.K. Nartova-Bochaver, 1997;
A.V. Libina, 1998-2008; I.g. Malkina-Pyh, 2003; etc.) the Fundamental basis of modern works in this area is made by V.M. Bekhterev, B.M. Teplov, A.N. Leontev, S.L. Rubinshtejn, etc.
The majority of domestic researchers (N.A. Sirota, V.M. jaltonsky, T.L. Krjukova, E.A. Sergienko, etc.) understand coping behavior as a special kind of the person social behavior providing or ruining its health and well-being. According to a number of psychologists the strategy choice of coping behavior corresponds with an “I” image namely I-concept characteristics are connected with a choice of the main copingstrategies [7]. Thus using positive strategy of coping behavior in professional work leads to formation of the positive I-concept, in turn using coping-strategy with a negative sign leads to an inadequate self-appraisal which directly influences on the level of the manager on sales professional self-realization.
Russian experts suggest to consider coping-strategies as constructive and not constructive. The first group includes the problem decision, the introduction into social contact to colleagues, modernization of the attitude to a situation, changes in system of own stereotypes and installations. Not constructive strategy promote display of aggression, impulsive behavior, avoiding of problems and passivity in whole [2]. According to other experts mentioning a problem in this plane the coping gives possibility to consciously cope with a difficult situation, actively cooperating with surrounding professional environment. This idea finds the reflection in the subject-activity approach [1]. Formation of effective coping behavior style arises in the presence of an active position of the manager, including any activity (purposeful, reformative etc.) and as subject of this activity.
From the point of view of such young as akmeology science the aksiological approach, which opens the possibilities of personal values as a core of a person, is important [6]. The person realizes necessity of a behavior strategy choice on a way to professional growth in professional administrative activity.
Now the conventional classification of coping behavior types doesn't exist, however practically all of them are constructed around two global types of coping with the stress, put forward by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman.
There are various approaches to understanding coping behavior in the professional activity, considering coping-strategy as the specific processes necessary for realization of administrative correctly control function. The planned stages of coping behavior in a difficult situation allow correctly to choose a complex of strategy which will promote development of professional growth taking into account corresponding possibilities and resources most. In turn resource theories tend to a certain complex of the basic possibilities which direct the whole base of personal potential to the necessary professional channel [3]. hence key personal resources are means, organizing distribution of other resources directed on increasing the break-even sales level and on development organizational and communicative propensities.
So efficiency of coping behavior is determined by cognitive resources which allow to understand persons degree of difficulty of any event. however, as modern researches show, the strategy of coping-behavior choice is also influenced by modali ties of mechanisms coping with stress. Along with it, emotional strategies of coping behavior are shown in the form of passive cooperation, the adaptation and experience of various emotions. At the same time there is the position of active cooperation directed on a solution of a problem and search of emotional support, characterized by behavioural coping stress strategies in professional work of the manager. Thereupon studying coping behavior of successfully self-realized managers on sales is of actual interest. A research hypothesis: We assume that one of conditions of successful self-realization in professional work of managers on sales, is using adequate copingbehavior strategy in conflict and stress situations.
240 respondents (134 women and 106 men) at the age from 23 till 50 years have taken part in empirical research. Sample was made by the respondents having higher education and holding post of the manager on sales in the commercial organizations which purpose is expansion of a commodity market and services, and also profit increase. Therefore the duties of such managers include not only sale of the prospective goods, but also conducting business, telephone negotiations, and also control and conducting client base. Features of coping behavior were considered on a material of three groups of the respondents differentiated on level of expressiveness of professional self-realization in activity. however, in given article, we will stop on consideration coping behavior of research participants with high level of professional self-development (44 managers, which middle age of 36 years).
As research methods have acted: testing (the Questionnaire of self-staticized person by E. Shostrom (SAMOAL), the modified by A.V. Lazukin and N.F. Kalina measuring the general level of self-actualization. A scale `'SAcS'' - Strategy of overcoming of stressful situations by S.hobfoll adapted by N.E. Vodopjanova, E.S. Starchenkova, S. Norman's, D.F. Endler's, D.A. james and M.I. Parker's technique in T.A. Krjukova's adaptation `'coping - behavior in stressful situations''. K. Thomas's questionnaire `'The Estimation of features of reaction in conflict situations'' defines personal predisposition to disputed behavior, reveals dominating strategy of behavior in difficult situations); methods of statistical data processing (linear correlation by Pirson is applied to measurement of degree of linear communications between variables).
The results received during corresponding statistical procedures allow to assert that in the group with high level of professional self-realization the certain strategy of coping behavior in difficult professional situations dominates. According to research results it is possible to reduce success of self-realization in professional work of managers to several personal characteristics, namely: `'Orientation in time'', `'Requirement for knowledge'', “creativity” and “contact”. The listed characteristics are interconnected with defined coping-strategy of behavior and reflected in success and development of the manager activity.
At the analysis of correlation communications for all sample, directly proportional dependence between a self-realization condition `'Orientation in time'' and copingbehavior strategy `'careful actions'' (r = 0,4) is found out. The revealed communication shows on orientation to the decision of professional problems. In turn it gives the chance to predict events and to make adequate decisions in professional sphere, operating carefully, taking into account available expertize. Using the given strategy of behavior in aggregate with others coping-strategy in an astable situation, the manager has an opportunity for professional self-development. It proves to be true in some domestic researches (N.E. Vodopjanova, 1998). Further negative communication between a self-realization condition `'Orientation in time'' and coping-strategy of behavior “Emotion” (r = -0,4) is found out highly. It testifies to absence of bright emotional reactions in professional work of managers on sales with high level of self-realization. The person is ready to change the emotional relation to object in a stressful situation that allows to supervise working process. Then positive significant correlation communication between a self-realization condition `'Orientation in time'' and copingstrategy of behavior “cooperation” (r = 0,4) is found out. Being constructive behavior strategy, “cooperation” assumes presence of the manager activity that promotes the decision of a professional problem only in the event that the person is guided by the present purposes of the organization. Further correlation communication between strategy of behavior “cooperation” and the personal characteristic promoting development in activity `'Requirement for knowledge'' (r = 0,5) is revealed. The given requirement is characteristic for the self-actualized person and consequently means a choice of strategy which will provide peak efficiency in professional work. In the activity the successful manager consci aspires to development of professional knowledge and getting to stress situations, uses various manipulative receptions for getting the necessary information, that presence of correlation communication between the personal characteristic the requirement for knowledge and coping-behavior strategy `'Indirect actions'' (r = 0,3) proves to be true.
Indispensable condition of successfully self-realized manager on sales is well developed creative thinking. Possessing it the manager differently copes with stress situations, showing ability to avoid the standard approach to the decision of a professional problem. In the given plane it proves to be true significant correlation communication between a condition of professional self-realization of “creativity” and coping - behavior strategy in stressful situations “Avoiding” (r = 0,4). Then we define significant negative communication between a condition of professional self-realization of “creativity” and coping - behavior strategy in stressful situations of “Assertive of action” (r = -0,3). considering that activity of the manager on sales demands specific reaction in concrete stressful situations for achievement the purposes of the organization there is a requirement in manipulative behavior models. For this reason negative communication also tells about using by the successful manager of several ways of a problem solution including not the standard. In turn the condition of professional self-realization of “contact” is interconnected with coping - behavior strategy `'The problem decision'' (r = 0,3). The success of the organization depends on joint activity both in the company, and with its environment, therefore effectively using communicative and organizing propensities, the manager on sales solves professional prob lems and simultaneously develops the professional abilities promoting its personal development. Then we reveal negative communication between a condition of professional self-realization of “contact” and prosocial strategy of coping behavior `'The introduction into social contact'' (r = -0,4). communication testifies to an orientation of the manager on sales on satisfaction of his own requirements, and also requirements of the organization in which he works. Prosocial strategy of behavior is understood by us as a complex of reactions of the individual, characterizing the acts made in favor of the person. The empirical data obtained by us is authentic (p = 0,000001). On other indicators of significant interrelations in group it is not revealed.
So successfully self-realized managers on sales, use in the professional work a complex of adequate strategy of coping behavior in stressful situations. Successful managers perceive professional difficulties as useful experience, aspiring to development of own career. The preference of constructive strategy of behavior promotes development of the person in the professional environment and raises level of professional self-realization as a whole. The personal features of managers considered by us (`'Orientation in time'', `'Requirement for knowledge'', “creativity” and “contact”) in many respects define a choice of coping behavior strategy, promoting effective activity of the organization.
Results of empirical research of features of successfully self-realized managers on sales coping-behavior are expedient for using at all stages of selection of the personnel. The obtained data can be used at training, development and motivation of managers on sales.
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