Personnel management in the state authorities: social and psychological determinants
The determinants of personnel management in the state authorities, its particularities at the level of HR departments, leaders and employees. The role of the ackmeological and socio-psychological factors in the improvement of the professional training.
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Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
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Personnel management in the state authorities: social and psychological determinants
Shetinin А.А., Shetinina D.P.
The problem of work with the personnel is one of the most topical directions for increasing activity efficiency in any organization, commercial as well as the state one. Besides in the second case it is necessary to pay the attention to these issues, taking into consideration the particular conditions of the state employees' duties, the specific features of their motivation and functions. The article deals with some determinants of HR management in the state authorities, the particularities of HR management at the level of HR departments, leaders and employees. They draw attention to the role of the ackmeological and socio-psychological factors in the improvement of the professional training of the public sector workers.
Key words: staff management, public sector workers, social and psychological characteristics.
The top managers of the commercial firms have already appreciated the need to work with the personnel; they are ready to pay for the expensive seminars and trainings for human resources management. Today, in many successfully developing and large commercial companies there is a department or at least one employee whose work doesn't only consist in writing the necessary papers, accompanying admission of the new employees and their promotion to the new positions, but taking measures for creating such a climate in the organization that workers have the desire to solve the problems, which they face. This issue is touched upon in the works of many national and foreign authors (Badalov L.М., Zuzin D.I., Mitchell g., Moshkova I.N., Malov S.L., Moshenko А.V., Sigov I.I., Shakhova V.А. and others). however, the questions, dedicated to the hR management in the state organs, are still discussed at the departmental meetings and special courses of the lectures. In the different spheres of the public service they also create departments of hR management, the departments of the educational work, psychological services and etc., the main task of which is the work with the staff, however, their activity is very often built upon the old principles, inserted by the soviet bureaucratic system, and the normative basis of their activity is penetrated by the formalism and demagogy, which is demonstrated by their inefficiency, when the real work with the public employees is replaced by writing the required reports.
On one hand it can be explained by the particularities of the state service, the secret regime in the particular spheres, on the other hand by the fact that the state employees are a part of the society, which is impossible to consider as a particular category, correspondingly, the main laws and principals of the work with the personnel in this sphere are similar to those which are used in the different organizations. Thus, at any public organ there is an hR department, however, for the variety of the reasons of the organizational, technical, personnel, and financial character, its functions are enough limited, though they are in principal called to build the unique system of the personnel management, including employees' training, and the assessment of the results of their work, and measures, directed to the creation of the certain corporate culture of the organization and psychological support of the work at the level of the collective, as well as a particular state employee. We don't speak about the creation and application of the system of the efficient material and non-material stimulation, real creation of the personnel reserve (when they promote really experienced, merited employees, independently of the interrelations with the chief), the work with conflicts in the frame of supporting the optimal socio-psychological climate in the organization. At the soviet time, the ways to have an influence upon the employees are quite few- bonuses (besides the sums of the money rewards look funny enough), non-material rewards (honorary diplomas, messages of thanks) and, correspondingly, critical remarks, reprimands, demotion and different ways of the dismissal (these methods, of course, aren't related to stimulation, they are repressive ones).
As a rule, the decision of all these above mentioned problems lies upon the shoulders of the heads of the structural divisions (departments, administrations). That's why it is of significance that the leader understands the role and the purpose of the personnel department at the administration of the state body, makes his work with the help and regard of the recommendations. So, the personnel service mustn't be the only technical appendix of the managing body, occupied by the organizational and documentary work, they must more actively help to the management of the state authority in determining its politics, to plan staff promotion, to deal with the problems of the interpersonal relations, to improve the style of the employees' work and many other questions.
The complex analysis of the objective, organizational, functional and socio-psychological conditions of the activity of the employees of the state authorities, including force structures testimony, that the state service is the one of the most “deforming”, «marginalizing» and psycho-traumatic types of the professional activity. Due to the impact of the conditions of the state service upon the man the functional and professional factors are of the great importance, the organizational regulation of the activity, and if we speak about law enforcement agencies- at the highest degree «aggressiveness» of the professional environment [5].
All the above mentioned requires the improvement of the emotional, will and motivational components of the activity, and the psychological readiness of the people to counteract and to adapt to these weighing factors at the account of creating the emotional and will stability of each employee being aware of their personnel qualities.
The tense organizational, intellectual and emotional situation permanently аccompanying the activity of the public sector workers, leads to the cases рsychological failures and mental diseases. The need of the timely revelation and prevention of such factors are only possible in the conditions of the constant psycho diagnostic control, especially of those employees who fulfill their duties in the complex, extreme conditions (military men, officers of the law enforcement agencies and others).
Besides, the frames of their duties limit the freedom of the development in the professional and personal plan, which can lead to the transfer from the literate to the competent specialist in other spheres of the activity, what usually happens to people who achieved some mastery. That's why in a number of cases a lot of people only consider the public service as a good stepping-stone for the further career; it is extremely inefficient model for the public service.
The core structural reform of the organs of the personnel management at the state authorities, changes and appendixes of their functions became the tasks of the primary importance at the moment, requiring legal, scientific, methodic and organizational decisions. The important compounds of the personnel management at the public service are formed according to the levels of the management system of the state service of Russian Federation. It is created at the federal level, at the level of the subject of Russian Federation and at the level of the state authority. The key element of this system is hR department of the state authority.
Until the hR policy of the public service isn't exposed to real, informal changes, they won't adjust sufficient organizational and methodic help to hR departments, on the part of Presidential Administration and government of the Russian Federation, - what kind of people manage and work in the concrete department of the public service is of the great significance for the hR work.
In this connection, the training and the advanced training of the public workers come to the foreground with acquiring necessary for the productive management psychological features, which let effectively realize the assigned tasks. The mistake in the orientation of state workers towards getting economic and legal knowledge consists in the fact that it is not enough to have only them in Russia. One of the most important components is the psychological knowledge, the role of which is not taken into consideration in practice. They ignore the particularities of the mental state of the society, the defeat of the considerable parts of the population by mental diseases, without taking into consideration regional particularities of the development: traditions, morals, people's opinions, and their social well-being. This is, in our view, one of the most significant factors which influence public and legal development of Russia.
The employees of the public service have to meet the certain requirements in personal and professional plans: consciousness, social disposition and permanent inclusion into the process of the self-assessment and decision making, achievement motivation and other internal determinants, which determine realization of the man's creative potential.
The particular attention while choosing candidates for the public positions we should pay to the social particularities, which provide their successful interaction with the team, with the population and each person. The studies and regard to the ackmeological and socio-psychological factors are the important sources of improving the professional training of the public sector workers.
In the scientific works and for the man in the street the public sector employees is the particular category of the people who are characterized by certain psychological personality features, the tasks which they put forward the state employees must be realized before the level of the professional training, because just at this very moment they build the perception of the moral values, which occupy the first place when they serve to the state and society, it is related to the group of general civil principles. corresponding researches were carried out by the ackmeological and psychological departments of the professional work of Russian academy of state service under the President of RF in the secondary institutions [2]. The result of the experiment show that the public worker development as the subject of the professional activity is of the primary importance, the mental layers, which build the personality basis, providing the entity and stability of the structure, give social importance to professional attitudes. Among them we can mention Self- concept of the state employee. That's why at the stage of preparing for professional training it is recommended to study the particularities of the development of Self-concept of that personality, whether they suggest in the future professional activity in the system of the public service [5].
Certainly, we aren't dealing with «caste of the state employees », or even about people who do not meet the requirements for the state service, it will contradict to the art. 32 of constitution of RF, which declares the equal access to the state service for all Russian citizens.
But however one of the most important aspects in the system of the psychological preparation of public sector workers is finding out vocational aptitude or its absence of the specialist, put in for the job, and establishing the requirements for the candidates. From the legal point of view, to find such criteria is extremely difficult. For example, the law «About Police» points out, any citizen as able to become the Police officer, who has the required personal and business qualities to fulfill the duties. This formula is rather general; its application is rather difficult. The solution of this problem we see in fixing at the legislative level the need of passing universal psychological tests, what is regulated by the departmental normative legal acts at this moment. It is very important to take into consideration the human factor, whether the specialist is loyal to the profession ideals and competent from the point of view of the professional knowledge.
The starting position of the management is the skill to put forward the goals and involve the workers into their realization. The difficulty consists in the fact that the goals of the public service do not always coincide with the life purposes of the individuals.
At present they noticed the positive tendency in RF, testifying that the specialists have the possibility to make a career at the public service, making some efforts, constantly developing, improving themselves and following the professional principles of the public service. But the conservative traditions of the soviet period, connected to the career promotion by the decision of the higher authority make serious psychological troubles to the contemporary public service workers. Thus, according to the scholars of Russian Academy of Public Service under President of Russian Federation, one of the essential factors of the fruitful activity of the public service workers is their successful career. The most part of the public service workers aren't sure of the possibility of their possible promotion due to their hard work and development of the professional qualities, which places the psychological obstacles for the effective work and professional growth. Besides, the satisfaction of the public sector workers by their social and business position of the expert is determined in the limit of 10-13%. If there is a well-functioning system of the career planning and development in the organization, then it doesn't only provide the achievement of the corporate goals, but simultaneously supports the stability of the employees, which is favorable for the creation of the business atmosphere [7].
Psychological particularities of the public service employees training of RF, are caused by a complicated character and particularities of the state social set-up, exposed to the reforms. Now there are no objective prerequisites of the confidence of the public service employees in their future and specially created conditions for the well-being. The internal (personnel) and external (well-deserved material situation) is able to create the positive image of the chosen profession and ethic principles, which are general civil group of the principles of the work and in total serve as the sound foundation for the efficient fulfillment of their duties in strict adherence to the law.
In the situation of the increased social responsibility and required initiative of the public service workers in Russia, the significance of the ways and forms of the efficient activity management and the public workers behavior is rising.
At that moment the sociological studies show, that the main motives of choosing the public service are the personal factors-- the guarantee of the permanent work, stability of the situation, the desire to realize their professional qualities and improve their financial position, the desire to have large contacts, which can be useful in their life, the desire to occupy the prestigious place in the society [6]. Socially important motives of the professional activity (the desire to bring the benefit to the society and the state) aren't so important for the employees.
The reform of the system of Russian Federation, and first of all the system of hR management, must be designated to reorientation of the public workers' behavior.
In this direction we consider the most effective the socio-cultural model of hR management [4]. The management through the organizational culture let us use the possibilities and advantages of the socio-cultural factors. The concept definition of the state service mission (the main function), improvement of the cultural professional activity of the workers, the use of self-organizing technologies: traditions and rituals, interpersonal communications, ways to have an influence upon the organizational behavior, to support in order to organize work standards for the state employees. The socio-cultural context of the behavior is supported by the indirect methods of the influence, uses resources, abilities and creative potential of each employee. In this case the basis of the staff management is the stiff, tight determinants in the form of the direct influence and the organizational culture as the complex of the institutional and moral norms and regulators, which acquire the particular meaning for the professional activity and the organizational behavior in the public sector. The cultural motivation of the behavior differs by conscious, non-rigid activity style. They take into consideration personal and group particularities, based upon social norms, accepted by the majority of the members of the organization and that's why more effective.
One of the most ineffective aspects of the contemporary hR management of the public authorities is the technology of assessing the effectiveness of the activity. The ways and methods of assessing the results and efficiency of the activity have the final task to support of the workers' positive motivation to work [3]. In the public sector the real achievements and results of the employees' work are very often underestimated, in comparison with unreal far-fetched and falsified reports and indices of statistics, that finally makes resort to law violation in order to create the outward appearance of the positive work dynamics of the department.
The aims of the activity must be determined, keeping in mind - strategic postulates - activity mission, and also taking into consideration technological and resource opportunities.
Summarizing briefly, we can distinguish several goals, their realization will allow significantly increase the efficiency of the personnel work in state authorities and increase the level of the employees' professionalism.
Firstly, in the system of state apparatus they should create the competitive environment introducing the contemporary technologies and highly-innovated management, besides they could attract some commercial firms, able to fulfill some functions. To achieve this they should create an open competition while recruiting the personnel at the public service, by informing broad masses about recruitment companies, прозрачностью процедуры приема на службу, form hR departments inside state authorities, which will be oriented to give the information to young people about the career possibilities of the public service, the recruitment of the talented youth and their inclusion into special educational programs, which will stimulate the public service employees to increase their professionalism.
The first goal may be effective only at the background of enhancing prestige of the public service, creating in the society to go to the public service. This suggests improvement of the public status of the state employee, the possibility to receive the education, which must be given only to those who were accepted to the public service, deserving material reward, stability of the public situation, including the special system of the real social guarantees, applying other ways of stimulation (the system of the state rewards, using the system of the credits, loans and etc).
Thirdly, it is necessary to keep in touch with the civil society, to create the two-way communication and deep involvement of the state authorities and broad masses into forming the normative acts, regulating the public service activity, openness and controllability of the process of state management of the public institutions, introduction of the external opinions while assessing the individual activity of the public sector workers, and also really functioning system of informing the leaders about the subordinates with the help of the appeal, citizens' complaints, «hot lines» and « telephone emergency service ».
We would like to underline in conclusion that the goals and principals of the personnel management in the public authorities require coordination of the work, at the federal level as well as at the level of the subjects of Russian Federation, and also at the level of the concrete state organ.
personnel management state authority
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