Particularities of the restaurant manager’s competence: the experience of the empirical research

The theoretical analysis of the psychological particularities of the managers’ professional training. The analysis results of research that revealed the ackmeological particularities of the development of the restaurant manager’s psychological competence.

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Particularities of the restaurant manager's competence: the experience of the empirical research

Tambieva B.P.

In order to be successful the modern specialist should constantly improve his skills in the field of the professional activity, he has to renew basic competences in correspondence with those innovations, which appear almost everyday. Only the complete information about the innovations, which appear in the professional activity, let the man to create something new, to achieve the new level of the labour efficiency, to be more interesting for the employer and to receive the greatest benefits in the cruel battle at the market of the specialists' vacancies.

however the specialists who are occupied in the professions which are based on the interaction with the people, mustn't only have the exhaustive competence in the particularities of the produced goods or services. The success of the specialist at the greatest degree is connected to the fact that he can with competence based on skills, being self-confident build relations with different kinds of people - colleagues, friends, partners, suppliers, clients, the representatives of the controlling organizations. The contemporary studies in the field of the psychology showed, that these specialist must have a special skill - psychological competence. Besides the certain level of the psychological competence must be shown from the first steps of the professional activity, it means it should be formed during the high school studies.

The problem of the psychological particularities of the professional training of the managers are largely discussed. Essentially, the new approaches to the professional training of the managers are presented by V.V. Shvetsov and I.К. Iliassov. М.N. Beroulava also addressed to these problems.

Besides the significant attention is attracted by the psychological mechanisms of the managers' professional training. The contents of the psychological support of the manager's activity are revealed by Т.V. Shelomova. The particularities of the self-development of the manager are considered by V.I. Andreev. The development of the stress stability is in the sphere of the interests of O.V. gladilina. The self-confidence as the professionally important quality of the manager and particularities of its formation at high school is the object of O.A. Fedossenko's research. The influence of the motivation of success is revealed by L.g. Ouchadzhe. The particularities of creating managers'selfconscious under conditions of the intensive group training are treated by T.I. Shashkova. In the number of the works the authors address to the studies of the psychological particularities of the manager's professional competence (Derkach А.А., Denissov V.N., Denissova О.P., Doulin U.N., Zazikin V.g., Zimnia I.А., Iogolevich N.I., Milkina Е.V., Miniarov V.М., Panassenko g.V., Tarassov А.К., Utkin E.А., Yakokk L. and others). As social and psychological phenomenon the professional competence of the manager is indicated in the work of D.A. Barchenkova. The questions of the development of the managers' qualities in the process of the professional training are analyzed by E.V. Milkina and g.V. Panassenko. The creation of the psychological readiness to the management activity of the future managers are studied by V.M. Miniarov and O.P. Denissova.

The significant layer of the studies is created by the internal sense of the manager's psychological competence. The psychological and ackmeological characteristics of the communicative competence of the managers of the commercial organizations were distinguished by V.N. Koustov. The researchers have drawn the sketches, characterizing the ackmeological value of the manager's psychological competence. For instance, hR manager's psychological competence is regarded as the factor which has a big influence upon the strategy of recruitment. The influence of the linear managers upon the psychological atmosphere in groups is described by S.A. Bobkin. At present there is some theoretical and empirical material, characterizing the particularities of the managers' psychological competence in the different spheres of the professional activity. Thus, D.N. Nedbaev revealed the particularities of the professional psychological competence of the educational managers. The ackmeological analysis of the individual professional success менеджеров среднего звена of the energy complex is made by V.А. Shapovalova and E.V. Krichenko. Personal determinants of nurseriesmanagers are studied by Е.B. Alexeeva. however some spheres of the managers' professional activity which require psychological competence haven't been embraced by the scientific research. As the example of such a sphere we can cite the professional activity of the managers of the restaurant service.

At the moment they made the first steps, which allow making the general representation about this sphere of the activity (Koucher L.S., Shkouratova L.М., Efimov S.L., goloubeva Т.I.). But this activity puts forward high requirements for the personality of the managers. The development of the psychological competence is on demand.

The aim of the research is to establish restaurant managers' ackmeological particularities of the development of the psychological competence.

We used the following methods: diagnostics of communicative tolerance (Boiko V.V.), test of “communicative skills” (Mikhelson L.), methods “communicative and organizational abilities ” by Siniavskii V.V., Fedorishina B.А., methods of the diagnostics of the interpersonal relations by T. Liry (modified by L.N. Sobchik), the questionnaire of the interpersonal relations of V. Shouts, the questionnaire of the self-attitude (Stolin V.V., Panteleev S.R.), “Diagnostics of the emotions” by В.М. Rousalova. The respondents were: restaurant managers with a number of 126 people, and 84 students, who studied at the restaurant service faculty of South-Russian University of economics and service in the town of Shakhty of Rostov region. 15 people -restaurant keepers played the role of the experts, they have restaurants in Rostov-on-Don. Thus the sample consisted of 225 people.

The studies of restaurant managers' psychological competence have been carried out according to the following algorithm:

1) To work with the exports in order to find the essential characteristics of the successful manager of the restaurant sphere and expert assessment of the level of the professional success of the restaurants managers, who were a part of the sample;

2) To examine managers with different level of the professional success and to find links with the psychological characteristics and the level of their professional success; 3) To find restaurant manager's psychological competence structure.

The work with the experts allowed to establish as the psychological characteristics of the restaurant manager, which allow to achieve the professional success, the following ones were more often referred to: communicative abilities and skills, independence, tolerance to people, dominance in the group, leadership, interest to people, aggressiveness, skepticism, responsibility, self-esteem, self-confidence. These characteristics can be related to the number of the most frequent ones. Together with the above mentioned ones, they named such characteristics as the understanding of their abilities, “vividness of the character” (emotionality of the behavior), the ability to organize himself and other people and etc. content analysis of the group of the most often named qualities of the successful manager by the owners of the restaurants let us distinguish three content and context groups: manager's communicative qualities (communicative competence, interest towards people, communicative skills, tolerance towards people), his organizational and management qualities (dominance in the group, leaders' traits, aggressiveness, responsibility, independence) and relation towards himself (self-esteem, self-confidence).

According to the quantitative analysis, the cited characteristics were nonuniformly distributed. The biggest quantity of the significant characteristics of the successful restaurant can be considered as organizational and management ones, few characteristics - to the communicative qualities, the least ones -to the qualities reflecting self-attitude to the restaurant manager.

The analysis made by the restaurant owners of these qualities from the point of view of their correspondence to the personality of the successful restaurant manager were used to build the hierarchy of their significance for this group of the subjects. It was established that the distinguished qualities received high points, because the average points of these qualities are higher then the average - 5 points.

It is necessary to underline, that the restaurants owners connected the professional success of the restaurant managers with the particularities of the relation with people: the third and the fourth of the descending order of the hierarchy were occupied by the tolerance towards people (6, 4 points) and interest to people (6, 33 points).

According to the described positions, the success of the restaurant manager directly depends upon how he can demonstrate himself in the interpersonal relations with subordinates, colleagues, chiefs, suppliers, closely connected specialists, the representatives of the controlling structures and etc. The most successful professionals are managers able to establish the psychological contact with any person beyond the relationship with the social role and status position. The important is the skill to make people well disposed towards themselves, to achieve the level of the mutual understanding, to show the interest in their problems, to receive the reciprocal reaction. As a consequence of the professional duties, the restaurant managers often face the different problems of the interpersonal interaction - negativism, irritation, cruelty, misunderstanding, conflicts and etc. These difficulties can be caused by the differences of the points of the view upon the same circumstances due to the differences of the individual-psychological, typological, socio-cultural, religious and other particularities of the participants. That's why the success of the restaurant manager at the greatest degree is determined by his ability keep interpersonal contacts, “to introduce the communication” to the positive direction, showing enough of the tolerance and tolerance towards the partner of the interaction.

The next place is shared by two qualities, characterizing the successful restaurant manager, - as leadership traits and responsibility (5, 5 points). The leadership traits according to the restaurant owners must correspond with the restaurant manager's responsibility. The responsibility, in their understanding, is developed not only upon their own activity, but the activity of their subordinates, directed towards the satisfaction of the clients' needs. The correspondence of the average weight of the leadership qualities and responsibility (6, 27 points) reflected the idea mentioned by the restaurant owners about the fact that the manager should realize his responsibility for everything which is happening at the restaurant, starting from his own work and up to the mood of the clients.

The restaurant owners rather highly estimated the self-esteem of the manager (the 7th rank) or (6, 2 points). The respect of the manager towards himself, his skills and abilities according to the restaurant keepers is the guarantee that he is a competent specialist, able to put forward not only the current and ambitious tasks, but also to decide them. Such manager is able to play the role of the efficient leader of the team, improving the quality of the service and functioning of the restaurant. That's why the self-esteem is regarded as one of the important factors of the professional success of the restaurant manager.

The significance of building the efficient interaction with people is also explained by the fact that the restaurant keepers pointed out communicative skills (6, 13 points, the 8th rank) among the personal qualities and communicative abilities (5, 27 points, the 11, 5th rank). These characteristics of the subject of the professional activity is also reflected in particularities of his behavior in the communicative sphere: the ability to solve the conflict fast, to give the support to people, the make people feel disposed to them, to work in the team even if the partners have different skills and positions and etc.

The next rank according to its value (the 10th rank) is the “self-confidence”, characterized by the relation of the manager towards himself as the personality as a specialist (6 points). In the additional conversation the experts stipulated that only the self-confident manager is able to inspire respect of the others, first of all, of his subordinates. Besides confidence helps the manager adequately assess the qualities of their activity, and also plan their future achievements. It let him to be successful in his professional activity.

Among the significant qualities of the manager the independence (5, 27 points, the 11, 5th rank )was signalized. This characteristic is related to the block of the organizational and management qualities. Mostly it is connected to the fact that the manager should have a certain independence, to take decisions and to be responsible for them. The absence of these qualities causes difficulties in the restaurant management and decreases the professional success of the manager.

The analysis of the rank distribution of the manager's qualities according to three groups allows to find out the inequality of their impact into the professional success. According to the received distribution, the place of top-priority is occupied by the qualities, testifying about the importance of organizational and management qualities of the restaurant manager (independence, dominance, leader's traits, aggressiveness, responsibility). The average rank of this group of the qualities is equal to 5, 1.

On the second place according to the meaning in the context of the professional success of the restaurant manager turned to be communicative skills (communicative competence, interest towards people, communicative skills, tolerance towards people). The average weight of this group of the distinguished qualities of the successful manager is 6, 6 points.

The third place according to its significance is occupied by the qualities, reflecting the attitude to himself (self-esteem, self-confidence). The average rank of this group is 8, 5 points.

Thus, while describing the successful manager the restaurant -keepers mention his communicative skills, however when they analyze his most important characteristics they speak about organizational and management skills.

On bases of the results of the research the author has created the ackmeological technology of the development of the restaurant manager's psychological competence. The created integrative course, including the lectures and practical works, and psychological consulting, proved the efficiency of the formulated approaches and chosen forms and methods of the work.

professional psychological particularity manager


1. Andreev V.I. competitiveness. The educational course of the creative self-development of the competitiveness. - Kazan: center of innovative technologies, 2004. - 468 p.

2. gladilina О.V. Ackmeological and psychological particularities of the hR manager in the commercial organizations: Abstract of the dissertation.... of candidate of Psychological Sciences: 19.00.13. - M, 2007.

3. Derkach А.А., Semenov I.N., Balaeva А.F. Reflexive ackmeology of the creative individuality: Textbook. - М.: Publishing house of RASS, 2005. - 196 p.

4. Tarassov А.К. Models of the analysis and optimization of organizational and management structures under conditions of the competition: dissertation.... of candidate of Technical Sciences: 05.13.10. - Moscow, 2006. - 111 p.

5. Shelomova Т.V. Social and psychological supply of the manager's activity: Dissertation... of candidate of Psychological Sciences: 19.00.05. - Moscow, 2001. - 147 p.

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