Gender peculiarities of primary schoolchildren’s critical self-attitude determination

Critical self-control as an attitude based on the discrepancy between the real "I" and the ideal "I". Particularly important factors influencing the development of some aspects of personal attitude. The main gender differences in its definition.

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Дата добавления 06.02.2019
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Gender peculiarities of primary schoolchildren's critical self-attitude determination

The problems of Self, self-consciousness, self-conception have been studied and are being studied both by foreign psychologists and psychologists of our country. Broad interest to this problem is caused by the understanding that these structures are the nuclear foundation of a personality which determines all aspects of life activity. Also they are the key factors of a person's well-being. Therefore it is important to understand the natural laws of self-conception development in ontogenesis as this knowledge allows us to prevent failures in a child's personality development. It also gives the opportunity to work out optimal psycho correctional approaches which suit the basic age goals of development.

Many psychologists make a lot of efforts to determine factors and conditions influencing the formation of a child's self-consciousness and self-conception [5, 11, 13 and others]. But it is still difficult to understand to what extent and how these factors influence the development of a child's self-conception, what the age period is when the influence of some factors is the most significant. We suppose that at different age periods different factors will set up a unique system where some factors will be more significant and the others will be less significant, some will be leading while the others will be subordinate. The unity of the factors which influence the development of personality at different age periods is defined by L.S. Vigotskiy [2] as a social development situation. The social development situation is understood as «…a peculiar, specific for the age, exceptional, sole, unique relationship between a child and reality, first of all social one» [2, p. 258].

In L.S. Vigotskiy's opinion the social development situation is specific for each age period. Apparently, this peculiarity is defined by the hierarchic system of factors and conditions influencing the child's personality development at a certain age period.

A.N Leontiev [7] considers that the system of factors and conditions of a child's development includes the factor of place in the system of social relations and the development of a child's activity both external and internal. According to A.N Leontiev's opinion the factor of place in the system of social relations could be divided into two circles: the first circle consists of people who are in the close relationship with the child i.e. a mother, a father or a person who substitutes parents. The relations with these people determine the child's relations with the rest of the world. The second circle is larger and consists of all the other people the relations with whom are mediated by relations with people of the first intimate circle.

D.B Elkonin [10] in his turn, says that the child's development can be divided into two types of age periods. The first type includes the periods when activities connected with intensive orientation in the basic meanings of human activity and assimilation of goals, motives and norms of relations with other people take place. D.B Elkonin refers these activities to the group of activities in the system «child - social adult».

The second type of age periods according to D.B Elkonin includes the periods when activities in which assimilation of socially produced ways of actions with objects and standards distinguishing some sides of the object take place. These activities are referred to the group of activities in the system «child-social object»

Thus it is evident that the social situations at different age periods will be different depending on what type of activities prevail at the period. O.A. Karabanova [3], summarizing different approaches to the social development situation, confirms that the basis of the social development situation is formed by the variety of available contexts (child-close adult, child-social adult, child-peers). The importance of the social context components changes at different age periods according to the specific character of development aims. The importance of components of the social situation as the source of development changes during childhood. Besides the relations child-adult and child-peers have absolutely different psychological functions. An adult brings an «ideal form» in the child's consciousness, creating objective conditions for the child's reception and assimilation of this form. An adult also forms the normative field of development, while peers create the conditions for acquiring of the new competence within the limits of normative development field.

This approach is scientifically grounded, but we consider that O.A. Karabanova [3] ignored one more important aspect of the social development situation - it is the aspect of success in the leading activity in the periods when the system of relationship «child-social object» is important for the child.

Together with M.I. Lisina [6] we suppose that the child's self-conception is formed under the influence of personal contacts with other people and the child's own practical activity and as we suppose its results.

In our research we suppose that the entire social situation will determine the development of the child's self-conception at different age periods. We also believe the social situation to promote the creation of the age new formations in the self-conception. According to our data, critical self-attitude is a new formation for the primary school period and is completely formed by the end of it[1]. We understand critical self-attitude as the attitude based on the divergence of ideas about the real self and the ideal self. There are two contrary approaches to understanding of self-attitude in psychology. The first approach considers self-attitude to be one of the elements of self-conception equally with cognitive and regulative elements [9]. The second approach considers self-attitude to be very vast [8]. In this case self-attitude includes cognitive and regulative elements so the very notion of «self-conception» becomes unnecessary.

We suppose that these two approaches don't so contradict one another as it seems from the first sight. Apparently we shouldn't consider all the components of self-conception to be separate and not connected to each other. In our opinion it's self-attitude which is the central link of self-conception, supporting its integrity.

The analysis of literature allows us to distinguish three main components of selfattitude (a highly emotional element of self-conception) - self-acceptance, self-respect and self-interest [9]. Previously they were discovered by the empirical way and weren't included in the general understanding of a man's self-conception. We suppose that self-acceptance is not critical, faintly differentiated, much more emotional attitude to self. Self-respect is more rational, critical attitude to self, based on the comparison of self with definite criteria. We suppose that the ideal self is the first of these criteria. Thus critical self-attitude is the type of attitude which is determined by divergence between the real self and the ideal self, and this divergence influences the level of a man's self-respect.

The principle factors of the critical self-attitude formation comprise the entire social situation of development. Our supposition which is based on the opinions of Russian psychologists is that for primary schoolchildren these factors are: school competence, relations between the child and parents (the context child-close adult), relations with the teacher (the context child-social adult), relations with peers. These factors should determine both the development of primary schoolchildren's separate ego-identities and the development of general critical self-attitude based on the divergence between the real self and the ideal self. We would also like to note that the development of boys' and girls' self-conception has its specific features.

I.S Kletsina [4] considers that there is a gender asymmetry in the child's socialization. She says that there are gender stereotypes which have great influence on the process of the child's socialization, determining its direction. According to I.S Kletsina the gender stereotypes are assimilated in the childhood due to the social institutions such as: parents, siblings, peers, school and mass media. In our opinion, gender peculiarities of socialization will affect the factors of boys' and girls' self-concept formation, including their self-attitude.

We have conducted the investigation defining the peculiarities of critical self-attitude determination among primary schoolchildren. In our investigation we tried to define the features of determination both specific for boys and girls and general. The investigation of the social development situation was conducted with the help of the «Relatedness Questionnaire» which was placed at our disposal by M. Lynch by consent of Michael Lynch and Dante Cicchetti who often used this method in their investigations [12]. This method was offered by Wellborn and Connell in 1987. It's intended for studying children's (age 8 and older) relations with close figures. It consists of 17 questions dealing with each relation of interest: relations with friends, a teacher, a caregiver, a mother or a father.

The Relatedness Questionnaire has two subscales that are labeled «psychological proximity seeking» and «emotional quality». The psychological proximity seeking scale consists of items that assess the degree to which children wish they were psychologically closer to the relationship figure. The emotional quality scale consists of items that assess children's feelings of specific positive and negative emotions when they are with specified relationship figures. The Questionnaire allows us to define 5 types of relations: optimal, adequate, deprived, disengaged and confused. The classification of patterns of relatedness is based on combinations of the two scales indices.

gender self control critical

Characteristic of relatedness patterns

Type of relations

Level of positive emotional attitude

Level of psychological proximity seeking
















D. Ciccheti [12] considers that all these types of relations can be divided into secure relations (optimal and adequate types of relations) and insecure relations (deprived, disengaged and confused).

In our investigation we studied the child's relations with classmates, teacher, mother, and father. We suppose that we got the main social contexts, in which the child is included.

According to our approach, the important component of the child's social development situation is school competence, studied by us with the help of school grades. We computed the Grade Point Average (GPA) on the base of the child's grades during the term prior to our investigation.

Critical self-attitude was studied with the help of a method we had worked out.

27 characteristics and peculiarities of the child's behavior were selected. The selection of the characteristics was conducted in several stages. On the first stage the children described themselves in a composition and the topic was «What I'm like». Then we analyzed the content of the compositions and picked out the traits of personality and peculiarities of the child's behavior that the children had described.

Then the list that we got was shown to the primary school pupils and they evaluated the presence of the given characteristics in their personalities. The received data were processed with help of the factor analysis and it allowed us to select 27 characteristics for the primary list. These characteristics went into considerable factors with the most factorial weight and were included in the content of the list. The characteristics showing the strength of character we included in the content of the list (the first factor: firmness or gentleness, being careful, hardworking etc), activity (the second factor: mobility, cheerfulness, being sporty, the ability to protect oneself etc), socially normative characteristics (the third factor: honesty, greediness, steadiness etc), school competence, (the fourth factor: cleverness, presence of capacities, diligence, laziness or its absence etc), also characteristics which make the child attractive for an adult - infantile attractiveness (the fifth factor: affection, care, kindness, politeness, beauty, willingness to do house work). In our investigation we offered this list twice, the first time children estimated themselves, and the second time they described what they wanted to be like. As a result of processing the data we studied both general critical self-attitude, based on divergence between the real self and the ideal self, and criticism in separate fields of content (identities): dealing with strength of character, activity, following social norms, school competence and infantile attractiveness.

143 children took part in our investigation. They were the pupils of the third form, age 9.6-10.6, 72 boys and 71 girl. We selected the children of this age not accidentally. In the previous investigations we found the connection between the child's school grades and mother's appraisal of particular character traits and peculiarities of behavior only among the pupils of the third form, but we didn't find such connection among the pupils of the first form. So we came to the conclusion that the influence of the social development situation can be seen only in the second period of primary school - among children of the third or the fourth forms.

This investigation was conducted in several stages. Primarily we tried to find out what kind of factors could be the determinants of the children's general critical selfattitude and criticism to separate characteristics.

As a result of correlation analysis of indices of boys' and girls' critical self-attitude and indices of their relations with classmates, teacher, mother, father and also analyzing school competence the following connections were found. In the general sample group (without taking sex into account) we found that index of critical self-attitude has significant correlation with such parameter as emotional quality with peers (-0,23), psychological proximity seeking with the teacher (0,24), emotional quality with mother (-0,27). It has been discovered that relations are the most significant for the formation of divergence between the real self and the ideal self for pupils of primary school.

In the boys' selection the following significant coefficients of correlation were found: between the general index of critical self-attitude and GPA (-0,291), the emotional quality scale with mother (-0, 251). Thus general boys' self-dissatisfaction develops in the case of low grades, negative emotional relations with teacher and mother. In the girls' selection only one significant correlation was revealed: between the index of general criticism and emotional quality scale with mother (-0, 289).

The obtained results showed that relations with parents still have significant meaning for children of primary school. The significance of these relations is confirmed by the fact that they influence the formation of a new type of self-attitude - a critical one. New social context of relations - relations with the teacher and also the context of activity have a greater influence on boys than on girls.

Let's analyze the gender peculiarities of determination of critical self-attitude to separate aspects of the child's self - conception content. The first area of content typical for self - conception of primary school children is the characteristic of the strength of character. In the boys' sample group we didn't find significant correlations between criticism of the child to the strength of his character and the enumerated determinants. In the girls' sample group we found the following connections: the correlation of this index with «emotional quality» scale with mother (-0,393), scale «psychological proximity seeking» with father (-0,246). Besides, the analysis of correlations between the level of criticism concerning the strength of character and different indices, factors and conditions of its development, obtained in the general sample group (without taking sex into account) showed that there is significant correlation between the level of criticism and «emotional quality» scale with mother (-0,22). Thus the child's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the strength of character is developing under the influence of parents. The girl's attitude to the present aspect of self is determined both by mother and father, such connections are weaker among boys or not present at all.

The investigation of connection between the indices of criticism concerning physical activity, characteristics of relations and GPA discovered the connections between the enumerated factors in the general sample group and in the sample groups of boys and girls separately. In the general sample group there is a connection between the criticism concerning physical activity and the «emotional quality» scale with classmates (-0.29) and the scale «psychological proximity seeking» with the teacher (0.27). In the boys' sample group some new connections of the criticism index with GPA were found (-0.316), also with the scale «emotional quality» with teacher (-0.26), the scale «emotional quality» with father (-0.28). Some connections that were found in the general sample group were confirmed - with the scale «psychological proximity seeking» with teacher (0.24). In the sample group of girls the connections that were obtained in the general sample group were confirmed: with the scale «emotional quality» with classmates (0.35), with the scale «psychological proximity seeking» with teacher (0.26).

We found out that primary school pupils who are not satisfied with their physical characteristics, which they connect with the ability to protect themselves, are not able to have good relations with classmates. In this case it is difficult to say what will be the cause and what will be the consequence. But the connection of dissatisfaction with oneself concerning physical characteristics and difficulties in relations with classmates is evident

In our opinion the relations with the teacher can be the cause of high criticism concerning this aspect of self. Excessive activity, pugnacity, ability to protect oneself

- these peculiarities of behavior often come to violation of school rules which is not approved by teachers. They can also create tension, misunderstanding in relations. It can cause lowering of the boy's grades. Thus dissatisfaction with physical characteristics is developing under the influence of a new social context - relations with teachers, and it is closely connected with relations with classmates.

Special interest is provoked by the connection of criticism concerning physical characteristics and disturbed relations with father, but not with mother. Evidently it is connected with father's strong demands of discipline and inability of active boys to obey father in full measure.

The next block of primary schoolchildren's self conception content is the ability to follow social norms. Criticism in this area of self-conception content also has different determinants both among boys and girls. In the general selection two important correlations were found: firstly, between criticism to social norm of their behavior index and the scale «emotional quality» with classmates (-0.24) and secondly with the scale «emotional quality» with mother (-0.20). The first connection is proved in boys selection (-0.26) but doesn't reach the level of importance in girls selection. Two other correlations were discovered among boys: one is between criticism to social norm of their behavior index and the scale «emotional quality» with the teacher (-0.43), the other between the same index and the scale «emotional quality» with mother (-0.26). Thus, boys' dissatisfaction connected with the need to follow social norms (they are expected to be honest, physically active etc.) has a complex determination: it is influenced by relationships with mother, the teacher and peers. Positive emotional relationships with these people are the necessary conditions for a boy's desire to follow the existing social rules which leads to the reduction of hyper dissatisfaction with himself. Dissatisfaction of girls is formed only in the case of poor relationships with classmates and mother.

The next construct of primary schoolchildren's self concept is school competence showing the level of a child's identification with the social role of a pupil.

Having analyzed the correlations we have found out that in the general selection there are important correlations between the criticism index regarding school competence and grade point average (GPA) (-0.32), also the scale «psychological proximity seeking» with classmates (0.21) and the scale «psychological proximity seeking» with the teacher (0.32). The child identifies him/herself with the pupil social role if he/she is successful at school and satisfied with the relationship with classmates and the teacher. We analyzed correlations separately in the boys' and girls' selections and only some results were proved. In the boys' selection a major correlation between criticism regarding school competence and school grades was found (-0.33), all the other cor relations were not proved. In the girls' selection we also got a meaningful correlation between the named above criteria. What is more, we have found the correlation between criticism regarding school competence and the scale «emotional quality» with the mother (-0.27). Thus, mother's support is also important for a girl's identification with a pupil's role.

Finally, the last of the typical constructs of primary children self-concept is the construct of infantile attractiveness, most likely showing the level of the child's identification with the social role of a «good child». Important correlations were not found in the general selection, but they were found in the boys' and girls' selections separately. In the boys' selection the meaningful correlations between the level of criticism regarding their attractiveness for adults and the scale «emotional quality» with the teacher (-0.43) and the scale «emotional quality» with the mother (-0.25).For boys positive emotional relationships are important. The degree of closeness with the parents and the teacher does not matter much. In the girls' selection we found the correlation between the level of criticism regarding their attractiveness for adults and the scale «psychological proximity seeking» with mother (-0.29). The character of the found correlation requires attention. The high results on the scale «psychological proximity seeking» tell us that the child is not fully satisfied with the existing relations and he/ she would like to have a closer relationship. Our results show that the girls who consider themselves to be attractive for adults, i.e. satisfied with themselves as a «good girl», are not satisfied with the relationship with the mother, they would like a closer relationship with her. Quite opposite, the girls who are not satisfied with themselves as «good girls» do not aspire to have a closer relationship with mothers.

We can make a conclusion that critical self-attitude of primary schoolchildren is determined by the whole system of social relations, where the child is included, and also by such a factor as successful school performance.

At the same time the input of separate components is not the same. Besides, the hypothesis that there are distinctions in boys' and girls' determination n of critical selfattitude has been proved.

Starting from the fact that critical self-attitude has the system determination, we tried not only to discover the role of particular factors and conditions in the forming of critical self-attitude, but to define those types of the entire social development situations which are most unfavorable or favorable for the child's development of selfattitude. To do this we have tried to determine if there are similar variants of social situations using such a mathematical method of processing data as the cluster analysis. As a result 11 clusters describing different variants of social development situations were found. Table 2 presents their short description.

We have tried to determine it there are gender differences in the frequency of meeting each type of the social development situation. Such method as ANOVA showed the presence of such differences (F=6.61 p=0.00). It was found that the third type of social situation is more often met in the boys' selection while the 4, 7, 8, 9, 10th types are more often met in the girls' selection. It was discovered that nevertheless there are no types of social situation typical only for girls or only for boys. The difference is only in the freqency of meeting some of these types.

Description of clusters characterising the type of social situation of development

Number of the cluster

Grade Point

Average (GPA) max=5

Type of relationship with classmates

Type of relationship with teacher

Type of relationship with mother

Type of relationship with father



Adequate and deprived
































































Then we investigated (using ANOVA again) which of these types of social development situations influence the formation of critical self-attitude most of all.

On the first stage we tried to determine how different types of social development situations influence the general level of primary schoolchildren's critical self-attitude.

The profile of children's critical self-attitude level in different types of social development situations

gender self control critical

It was discovered that there's a connection between the type of the social develop ment situation and the level of critical self-attitude, based on the difference between the real self and the ideal self (F-2.94; p=0,002). The analysis of critical self-attitude profile, depending on the type of social situation, showed that the highest level of general critical self-attitude is found among the children having the 7th type of the social development situations described above. Deprived relations with classmates, teacher, mother and father combined with average grades are typical for these children. A bit higher level of critical self-attitude was found among children with social situation of the 2d type which presents favorable (mostly adequate) relations with adults and confused relations with peers combined with average-high grades. The same level was found among children with social situation of the 11th type which is characterized by mostly confused relations and low grades. The fact drawing our attention is that in all these types of relations there's a desire of primary schoolchildren to have closer relations with people surrounding them. It might be the type of dissatisfaction with relations when there's still a desire to rebuild them and the child thinks that his/her imperfection is the cause of breaking these relations and that idea leads to the growth of critical self-attitude.

We think it's important to note that disengaged types of relations do not lead to the growth of critical self-attitude. The children with social situations of 6th and 10th types which are characterized by disengaged relations do not demonstrate the growth of critical self-attitude.

Low and average level of critical self-attitude can be discovered in the cases when relations are favorable - adequate or optimal.

Let's analyze it there is a connection between the whole social development situation and the critical attitude of the child to separate aspects of his/her self. We were not able to discover this connection in two cases - regarding the level of satisfaction with the strength of character (the first factor of the self-concept structure) and satisfaction with the qualities which are considered to be socially normative (the third factor of the self-concept structure). These characteristics seem to be determined by separate factors in the structure of the whole social situation.

We have discovered that there is a connection between the whole situation of development and the level of the child's satisfaction with his/her physical characteristics, activity in the first place (F=2.83; p=0.03)

The high level of criticism to this aspect of self was found among the children from the 7th cluster: their relations with all people are of deprived type. Physical characteristics seem to be important for the child to feel confident with other people. If physical characteristics create only problems, it leads to the feelings of helplessness, inability to defend oneself which make interpersonal attitudes worse.

The connection between the character of the social development situation and the child's awareness of his/her school competence was also discovered (F=2.03; p=0.04)

The picture shows that the highest dissatisfaction with this area of one's self is typical for the children with the 7th, 11th and the 2d types of the social situations. The 7th type is characterized by deprived relations with all surrounding people accompanied by poor school performance, the 11th - by confused relations with all surrounding people also accompanied by poor school performance, the 2d - by confused relations with classmates and adequate with all adults, grades between «3» and «4». It's absolutely evident that low grades lead to the low level of satisfaction with one's school competence but only in combination with disturbed relations. It's typical that relations with peers are very important for children's evaluation of this area of self. We have also found that low grades might not lead to excess growth of criticism towards self when relations with any of adults are favorable. The examples of it are the children from 5th and the 8th clusters. One more group stands out (the 10th cluster) - with very low grades and relations of the disengaged type. The children from this group do not have the high level of criticism to their school competence. We suppose that this group is the most unfavorable one and this kind of attitude has a defensive character.

We have also found the connection between the type of the social development situation and the critical attitude of the child towards his/her infantile attraction.

(F=2.77; p=0.04).

According to the received data, the children from the 7th cluster (poor grades and deprived relations) consider themselves to be the least attractive for close adults. All the other types of social situations do not lead to the growth of criticism in this area of self to such extent. We believe that there are separate factors in the whole development situation which will determine the development of this aspect.

The data that we got showed that the development of critical self-attitude among primary schoolchildren has the complex system of determination. It was found that there are some leading factors influencing the development of different aspects of self-attitude and at the same time their action is mediated by other components of social development situation. For example, it's been discovered that emotional relations with mother are really important for formation of critical self-attitude for girls and boys equally: positive relations lead to the reduction of self-criticism, negative ones lead to the growth of it. however, it's not always like this. If the child is not satisfied with relations with classmates (even if the relations with adults including mother are favorable) we can observe the average growth of self-criticism level. It's been discovered also that the low level of self-criticism can exist when relations with mother are unfavorable in the case when the child has low need of seeking psychological proximity with her and other people.

We have also defined that relations with father influence to the lesser extent the level of divergence between the real self and the ideal self among primary schoolchil-

dren. Even in father's absence the level of critical self-attitude is quite moderate when relations with classmates and the teacher are favorable and there's a wish to be close to mother. Relations with father determine not the general level of self-attitude but rather its separate characteristics. Father's influence has its peculiarity depending on the sex of the child: it defines the level of satisfaction with the strength of character among girls and the level of satisfaction with the physical activity among boys.

Relations with teacher, according to our data, play an important role in the forma tion of children's critical self-attitude. But the biggest role is played by these relations in the formation of satisfaction with oneself as a pupil.

There is a gender peculiarity of this influence - the role of relations with the teacher is more important for boys' development of critical self-attitude. Evidently, relations with the teacher do not have decisive influence, but in some cases favorable relations with the teacher moderate the child's dissatisfying relations with parents and classmates.

Relations with classmates also play a definite role in the formation of a schoolchild's self-attitude. They determine the level of satisfaction both with separate parts of the personality - the level of physical activity and the ability to follow social norms - and with the general level of self-satisfaction. Relations with classmates become at this period the independent factor influencing children's self-attitude. Even if relations with all adults are unfavorable but the relations with classmates are good, children show low or average level of critical self-attitude. We found how some gender peculiarities of relations with classmates influence the level of self-satisfaction: they mostly determine satisfaction with the ability to follow social norms among girls and the level of satisfaction with physical activity among boys.

School competence is definitely an important determinant of the child's critical self-attitude. The influence of school competence on the identification of the child with a pupil's role is especially strong. But it's evident that the influence of school competence is mediated by the whole system of relations. If the child is satisfied with overall relations the influence of low school competence on the formation of critical self-attitude becomes less, if not - this influence becomes stronger. If the relations are disengaged low school competence can't influence the child's self-attitude formation. Gender peculiarities of school competence influencing the child's self-attitude have also been found. It's more important for boys than for girls. It determines only the level of the girl's identification with the role of a pupil. For boys the general level of self-satisfaction is also determined by this factor.

Thus, the results of our investigation mostly proved our suppositions that the determination of critical self-attitude has systematic character and that some gender differences in the determination of the child's critical self-attitude can be found. At the same time we can't make the conclusion that the decisive factors of critical selfattitude formation are school competence and relations with the teacher. The role of these factors is important but it is mediated by the child's relations with parents and classmates.


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  • This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motivation and satisfaction. Fostering personal relationships with students. Motivating students to work. Handling interpersonal issues.

    статья [18,6 K], добавлен 10.05.2014

  • Definition of Leadership. Trait theory. How this theory works. Origin and Analysis and basics Pre-conditions for effective use of Trait theory. Inborn leadership characteristics. Process of impact and interaction among the leader and his followers.

    реферат [436,9 K], добавлен 24.09.2014

  • Studies by Fischer and his colleagues and Dawson (2006) have investigated development in a wide range of domains, including understanding of social interaction concepts such as "nice" and "mean", skills in mathematics, and understanding "leadership".

    реферат [20,2 K], добавлен 22.12.2009

  • What is conflict. As there is a conflict. Main components of the conflict. The conflict is a dispute over what. How to resolve the conflict. Negotiations search consent of a compromise. Subject of the dispute. The decision brought. Suppressed discontent.

    презентация [50,7 K], добавлен 21.03.2014

  • The study of harm to children from watching American cartoons. Problem of imitating negative or mindless characters from cartoons. Leading role of American cartoon industry in the animation history. First steps in the progress of a child’s development.

    эссе [16,3 K], добавлен 11.04.2013

  • Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid. Historic background of game origin. Psychological value of a role plays. The main function and principles of game organization. Gaming technique. Classification of role plays. Advantages of a game.

    курсовая работа [50,7 K], добавлен 26.04.2013

  • Study of lexical and morphological differences of the women’s and men’s language; grammatical forms of verbs according to the sex of the speaker. Peculiarities of women’s and men’s language and the linguistic behavior of men and women across languages.

    дипломная работа [73,0 K], добавлен 28.01.2014

  • The attitude to veterans. Education of moral and Patriotic feelings in children of preschool age. Let's keep the memory, for veterans, for the future generation. Attitude of my generation to the veterans and the fact that they have done for us.

    презентация [9,8 M], добавлен 19.09.2013

  • The concept and sex, and especially his studies in psychology and sociology at the present stage. The history of the study of the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Gender issues in Russian society. Gender identity and the role of women in America.

    дипломная работа [73,0 K], добавлен 11.11.2013

  • Critical literature review. Apparel industry overview: Porter’s Five Forces framework, PESTLE, competitors analysis, key success factors of the industry. Bershka’s business model. Integration-responsiveness framework. Critical evaluation of chosen issue.

    контрольная работа [29,1 K], добавлен 04.10.2014

  • Theories of discourse as theories of gender: discourse analysis in language and gender studies. Belles-letters style as one of the functional styles of literary standard of the English language. Gender discourse in the tales of the three languages.

    дипломная работа [3,6 M], добавлен 05.12.2013

  • The notion of the grammatical category of gender. The main approaches in investigating the category of gender, the ways of expressing in English and Uzbek. Zoonims as separate lexical units. Generic categorization of zoonims in English and Uzbek.

    курсовая работа [79,3 K], добавлен 05.04.2013

  • From selling to managing. Five critical differences between selling and managing. The cycle of managing. Planning. Developing a plan of action. Implementing the plan. Key accounts. The appraisal process. The control function. Effective communications.

    реферат [29,4 K], добавлен 07.01.2008

  • Методологічна парадигма та особливості розвитку Gender Studies. Гендерна педагогіка в контексті сучасних педагогічних напрямків. Дослідження впливу змісту прихованого навчального плану на процес соціалізації особистості в вітчизняній педагогічній думці.

    дипломная работа [103,1 K], добавлен 09.11.2013

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