Efficiency estimation of activity of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in youth environment
The content of the program of studying the effectiveness of universities, media and the Internet as components of the system of combating the ideology of terrorism among young people. Socio-demographic characteristics of the focus groups studied.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 23,3 K |
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Efficiency estimation of activity of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in youth environment
Gridneva S.V.
Tashcheva A.I.
In the article the authors state the content and principles of the program of studying the efficiency estimation of the activity of institutes of higher education, research centers, mass media and the Internet as components of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in youth environment (SCIT). In 2011 they have carried out a monitoring in three regions of the Russian Federation: Rostov and Tomsk regions, the Chechen republic. The authors describe the procedure of the humanitarian-sense examination of the empirical material, methods, methodological tools and results of the monitoring of the modern life's current problem.
The sample was simple, non-repeated, and random. The sample included 1968 people (representatives of marginal population groups who openly negate the policy of the state and the society or are estranged from it). The regional indication was a criterion for dividing the sample on equal groups according to the size and socio-demographic characteristics. Each regional sample was divided into equal groups according to sex.
Research methods: monographic, questionnaire, focus groups, testing, quantity and quality estimation, and statistical processing of the results.
Keywords: SCIT efficiency, institute of higher education, SCIT component, humanitarian-sense examination, monitoring program, efficiency criteria.
Psychologists of our country note that “modern forms of manifestation of radicalism, xenophobia, extremism in the south of Russia are various; these are ethnonationalism, migranophobia, religious extremism, chauvinism, and racism” [3, p. 11]. The system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism (SCIT) (I.V. Abakumova, P.N. Ermakov, 2010) was offered as an effective factor of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism [4]. The research which we have carried out in 2011, which have had a comparative character and have enabled us to compare manifestations of the ideology of counteraction to terrorism in the Rostov and Tomsk regions, the Chechen republic was devoted to studying the efficiency of this system in the youth environment.
The conceptual novelty of this research was in the use of humanitarian-sense examination of the empirical material which, unlike other examinations established in the humanitarian and social practice (legal, financial and economic, medical, in particular, psychiatric and so forth) and having a specific character of professional tasks and purposes of a certain sphere of social practice, for example, criminological, etc., owing to the multilevelness, complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the regularities governing the processes of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism (SCIT) in the youth environment, is not reduced. I.V. Abakumova, P.N. Ermakov (2010) have developed and approved the algorithm of the procedure in relation to this subject [1, 2].
In this regard humanitarian-sense examination, unlike the listed types of branch examinations, resist algorithmization in traditional interpretation.
The research object is the monitoring of functioning of elements of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in the youth environment.
The analysis of literature, public opinion poll, testing, the method of comparison of groups, the method of statistical processing of results were methods of the study [5].
The public opinion poll was carried out by means of questioning and interviewing of various population groups that made it possible to reveal in the obtained material indices which indicate the level of realization of certain functions by subjects of assessment (system elements).
The content analysis and intent-analysis were methods of a qualitative processing of research results. The first one, as we know, is a traditional method of the assessment of the intensional contents (it means “the contents analysis” word for word) used for overcoming of experts' subjectivity and identification of reliable information, its rather exact registration. In our case these were texts of questionings (questionnaires, interviews) and the mass media focused on the diagnostics of the activity of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism.
We used the intent-analysis as an additional method of data processing that made it possible to fix the quantity of mentions of categories of the analysis, and also to reveal the intensions present in texts which are connected with a concrete category, i.e. in fact, to retrace what initiated the person's activity in certain conditions.
It is known that the general methodical organization of the procedure of the intent-analysis consists in the group of experts' consecutive estimation of author's statements of the chosen text from a set and steady point of view. What is the cause of this statement? What is its goal orientation? Why does the speaker (the answering a question of the questionnaire, interview, the author of the text in the published media or providing information in the Internet) need it.
Methods of studying of sense-of-life orientations which enable us to establish deep reasons of value attitudes of respondents were used as standardized psychometric techniques (tests).
The method of focus groups is a qualitative method carried out by means of a group deep interview. Revealing of the relation of participants to the studied problem and the reasons of such relation and reasons of actions of various age and social groups became the purpose of carrying out focus groups.
The sample was simple, non-repetitive, random, and included1968 persons; the regional sign was a criterion of the division of the sample into equal groups by the volume and socio-demographic characteristics; thus for convenience each regional sample was divided into equal groups according to sex. Therefore the empirical research was carried out in three regions (subjects) of the Russian Federation: Rostov and Tomsk regions, the Chechen republic.
The sample included representatives of marginal population groups who openly negate the state and social policy or are estranged from it [6, 7].
The work was carried out by authorized experts or the authorized organizations in five stages in January-September, 2011.
The first stage implied the initial analysis of theoretical, historical and practical materials on a problem of carrying out the monitoring of the system of counteraction to terrorism in native and foreign sources; then the base of the analyzed data should be renewed periodically at least once a year. Either one of the authorized organizations or a special expert can renew it on the instructions of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee; the obtained data should be provided to all experts (organizations).
The second stage stipulated the definition of forms and methods which have to be applied in construction and implementation of the monitoring program. The humanitarian-sense examination was a priority form demanded its mastering by experts.
The third stage consisted in direct collection of empirical materials which was carried out independently by each expert and the authorized organizations with involvement of the experts who are not experts, but are able to use methods of sociological poll and carryout focus groups etc.
At the fourth evaluation stage experts analyze the received empirical information by means of distinguishing in each element of the system of indices of calculation of the efficiency of work of the SCIT certain elements according to the earlier proved formula. If there were the most atypical criteria in quantitative or qualitative variants of estimates, they were described in addition from the point of view of productivity, i. e. with use of key elements of efficiency. Further the examination of materials on the work of SCIT as a whole was carried out; expert's reports were prepared.
At the fifth stage we revealed most data-intensive indices (indices and categories) of efficiency of functioning of elements of the system of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism; we estimated the efficiency by levels and developed recommendations and suggestions on further improvement of the system of formation of the anti-terrorist ideology.
Let us present the criteria of the estimation of elements of the system of counteraction of the ideology of terrorism in the youth environment which we used in the work:
1) the qualitative criterion of estimation makes it possible to reveal in what degree each element of the system realizes the functions delegated to this element by the system of counteraction and the state;
2) the quantitative criterion of estimation considers the degree of variety of arrangements of counteraction to the ideology of terrorism and realization of corresponding functions;
3) the criterion (coefficient) of efficiency reveals the degree of fullness of realization of the functions delegated to the subject of the federation on counteraction to terrorism among youth; also the degree of a variety of methods and forms of work on achievement of the named purposes. This criterion is calculated by means of a special formula;
4) the criterion of productivity is understood as a system of estimation which helps experts to determine the degree of expressiveness of achievement of strategic objectives by each element of the system of counteraction through the analysis of the revealed criteria by means of their relative quantitative estimation (high, average, low).
When carrying out the analysis of adequacy of the used criteria and methods we have used the following criteria: expenditure of time; the level of the professional development of the expert or tester (qualification); the volume of a statistical sample which is covered by the technique; possibilities for the intensional analysis; the possibility of revealing of value-motivational factors and risk zones.
Let us characterize each criterion according to three levels.
1. Expenditure of time:
? small (it is possible to process a huge volume of information, to analyze and estimate it in a short period of time. A small amount of people may perform this kind of work);
? average (it is possible to process a huge volume of information in a longer interval of time; for its analysis and estimation they need additional information, involvement of new participants of research);
? high (prolonged time stage or attraction of a large number of the processing the results of research is necessary for processing the results).
2. Experts' qualification:
? high (the professional with the experience of the expert work);
? average (the professional with the experience of carrying out statistical and psychodiagnostic researches);
? low (the participant of research handles the technology of estimation of a criterion or a method in which realization he/she is involved).
3. Sample volume:
? low (it is possible examine several tens, no more than 200 participating people for a specified period of time);
? average (few hundred participants);
? high (the necessary number of participants is several thousands).
4. Levels of the intensional analysis:
? low (a criterion or a method provides a statistical material only and does not contain the technology of estimation of the quality of realization of a certain function secured by a subject of the SCIT);
? average (a criterion or a method makes it possible to receive a material, but its intensional interpretation is limited);
? high (a criterion or a method provides the material which enables the expert or the expert not only to reveal the fact of realization of a certain function of the SCIT element, but also to estimate features of its realization in a real practice of socio-political normative-legal relations).
5. Levels of the identification of risk zones:
? low - providing statistical information without estimated component;
? average - the provided positive or negative information may be estimated by the expert, but it is impossible to establish the reason of unrealization of certain functions;
? the high - the obtained data are focused on the assessment of success of realization of certain functions of the SCIT elements and make it possible to reveal main reasons of their realization/not realization in a real practice of socio-political normative-legal relations (Table 1).
Table 1
The comparative analysis of the adequacy of the used criteria and the technique of estimation
Method name |
Criteria of the analysis of techniques of the estimation of the system of counteraction |
Expenditure of time |
Experts' qualification |
Sample volume |
Intensional analysis |
Motivation and risk zones |
Qualitative estimation |
average |
low |
high |
low |
low |
Quality estimation |
average |
low |
high |
average |
low |
Efficiency |
low |
low |
high |
high |
average |
Effectiveness |
low |
average |
high |
average |
average |
Humanitariansense examination |
high |
high |
average |
high |
high |
Questionnaire survey |
low |
low |
high |
average |
average |
Content analysis |
high |
average |
average |
high |
high |
Intent-analysis |
high |
high |
low |
high |
high |
Tests |
average |
average |
average |
high |
average |
Focus groups |
high |
high |
low |
high |
high |
It follows from Table 1 that each of the suggested methods of the estimate of efficiency has its obvious merits and demerits. For example, the method of questioning enables inclusion of large groups of people, revealing opinions and features of estimation of various social, ages, territorial and other groups. However, it does not establish the reason of negative estimates of activity of various subjects of the SCIT by different national groups. This may be done by other methods (for example, focus group). The comparative analysis of criteria and methods of the estimation of results shows the necessity of use of the principle of complementarity, application of a complex of the techniques not duplicating each other, but revealing estimates of various aspects. There is a necessity of formation of a strict sequence of the monitoring procedures that as a result will make it possible to obtain the complex estimation focused on the diagnostics of various aspects of the SCIT work. social demographic youth terrorism
The fourth stage of the procedure includes the analysis of obtained information by experts and distinguishing of quantitative and qualitative criteria for formula evaluation of the efficiency of work of a component.
The fifth, final stage of the procedure presupposes making recommendations for optimization of the SCIT activity. This is strengthening of any certain forms of the SCIT activity, correction of the possible errors reflected in recommendations for each concrete component of the SCIT.
In a word, the logic of the accepted order of carrying out the estimation should implement the consecutive steps systemically connected with each other.
The analysis of the content and forms of the carried-out monitoring may be realized according to two aspects:
? the first is a compliance with standards (certain indices and criteria);
? the second is an estimation of various components of the SCIT according to expectations of various national groups.
We have revealed a certain deficiency of the material, appeared inaccessible to the analysis. The program of the carried-out monitoring substantially represents a complex of operational activities for data acquisition - to wide extent the internal structure of the program should be divided into three main levels according to the degree of the efficiency of work of each subject of the SCIT and demands experts of various qualification. It is expedient to carry out it in the form of comparative analytics. Three regions of the Russian Federation took part in this research: Rostov region, Tomsk region, the Chechen republic.
The conclusions concerning the results of approbation of the program of the SCIT estimation.
1. We have chosen Southern federal university (Rostov region) as a basic structure of the SCIT system. The list of the arrangements of SFedU focused on counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in January-September, 2011 was recognized as the greatest and the total resultant on indices for each element (with 10 points highest possible) became quantitative criterion for the calculation of the efficiency of functioning of SFedU as an element of the system of formation of the anti-terrorist ideology in the youth environment; the qualitative criterion of the work of SFedU have had 9 points. Experts recognized the qualitative criterion of this component of the SCIT as a variable changing at introduction of additional functions of the component; the quantitative criterion was the degree of the variety of the made arrangements, their systemacy and so forth.
The productivity coefficient for SFedU may be revealed only at the subsequent estimation stages, since now there is not enough data for comparison of work by years, or with another federal university of Russia.
2. When calculating the effectiveness ratio of the activity of research establishments, institutes of higher education as the SCIT subjects in regions we have revealed errors of empirical data gathering: some indices of the diagnostic tests which have been carried out in relation to national groups differed from the results of humanitarian-sense examination.
The monitoring researches with use of the corresponding indexes at institutes and scientific centers of Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog are recognized important for further antiterrorist activity in the youth environment, however these results did not receive significant social representation: only a narrow circle of experts known them.
There was no special work on counteraction to the ideology of terrorism in the youth environment in the Tomsk region during the studied period; however they have had increased the partner relationships of educational, scientific, cultural, creative, charitable, sports character of young residents of Tomsk with contemporaries from the countries of the near and far abroad which were initiated by youth authorities, educational institutions, youth public associations. These were estimated by experts as indirect indicators of prevention of religious and racial intolerance in the youth environment.
Today there is no mechanism of such data acquisition at the centralized level; this significantly complicates the complex analysis on the work of higher educational institutions and scientific centers as the SCIT subjects.
There is no data on similar work in the Chechen republic.
Table 2
The summary table in three regions of the Russian Federation
The SCIT components |
Indices of efficiency of activity in regions |
Rostov region |
Tomsk region |
Chechen republic |
The higher schools |
244 |
150 |
0 |
Research establishments |
14 |
0 |
0 |
3. It is obvious that the SCIT subjects most fully realize only a part of their functions, which makes it impossible to estimate, for example the index of coordination of the activity of regional and municipal public authorities on counteraction to the ideology of terrorism. Table 2 demonstrates the comparison of indices of the efficiency of the activity of the SCIT components in three regions of the Russian Federation.
4. The content- and intent-analyses of materials of mass media and the Internet-contents have had the greatest information capacity. The comparative analysis showed that in June-August, 2011 the anti-terrorist subject in mass media and the Internet is generally presented by the relation to the terrorist activity as a whole, i.e. statements, opinions, estimates about terrorism as about the phenomenon, about terrorist groups and certain terrorists. The subject connected with the state policy, acting as an initiator of counteraction is on the second place: resolutions, acts and projects of human rights organizations, public agents, and public actions of a social level. 10-12% of information has an ideological anti-terrorist orientation in the mass media and Internet sites; up to 80% of information has a news character and is broadcast from places of events. Authors of these articles, living in these regions, provide a negative data concerning terrorism and anti-terrorist policy in the mass media. There is an obvious deficiency of the publications connected with the assessment of the reasons of the terrorist thinking extrapolation.
Table 3 demonstrates the existence/absence of the strategy of newsmaking in the mass media materials of the propaganda of values of the anti-terrorist ideology.
Table 3
The data concerning the existence/absence of the strategy of newsmaking in the mass media materials of the propaganda of values of the anti-terrorist ideology
The character of the journalistic senses |
Region |
Rostov region |
Tomsk region |
Chechen republic |
Support |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Negation |
+ |
- |
No information |
Absence of the relation |
- |
- |
No information |
Reasoning, information translation |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Journalistic investigation |
+ |
- |
- |
5. We have grounded a sufficient adequacy of the used criteria and methods, in particular, due to the competent realization of the principle of complementarity of the research methods and techniques. We have done all necessary amendments.
1. Abakumova I.V. Lichnostno-smyslovaia ekspertiza kak metod otsenki urovnia gumanizatsii obrazovaniia // Sistema upravleniia kachestvom obrazovaniia v RGU. [Sensepersonal examination as a method for estimation of the level of humanization of education //The system of the quality management of education in Rostov State University]. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov State University Publ., 2003, pp. 178-181.
2. Abakumova I.V. Lichnostno-smyslovaia ekspertiza kak metod otsenki osnovnykh komponentov obrazovaniia v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniiakh [Sense-personal examination as a method for estimation of main components of education in institutes of higher education]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Proceedings of Research and Practical Conference]. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov State University Publ., 2005, pp. 197-199.
3. Abakumova I.V., Ermakov P.N. Molodezh' protiv terrora (o rabote antiterroristicheskogo molodezhnogo festivalia) [Youth against terror (about the work of the anti-terrorist youth festival)]. Rossiiskii psikhologicheskii zhurnal [Russian Psychological Journal], 2012, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 11-15.
4. Abakumova I.V., Ermakov P.N. Tekhnologii napravlennogo vozdeistviia po profilaktike ideologii ekstremizma I terrorizma [Directed influence technologies of prevention of the ideology of extremism and terrorism]. Sbornik materialov 6-i mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii po problemam bezopasnosti I protivodeistviia terrorizmu [Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Problems of Safety and Counteraction to Terrorism]. (November, 11-13, 2010, Moscow State University, Moscow). Moscow, Moscow State University Publ., pp. 181-194.
5. Andreyeva G.M. Psikhologiia sotsialnogo poznaniia: ucheb. posobie dlia vuzov. [Psychology of social cognition: textbook for institutes of higher education]. Moscow, Aspekt-press Publ., 2004. 288 p.
6. Gridneva S.V., Tashcheva A.I. Fear as a coping in children. The 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, July, 04-08, 2011. Poster abstracts. pp. 176.
7. Gridneva S.V., Tashcheva A.I. Patterns of adolescent coping with domestic violence. Abstracts XXX International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa: published under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), 2012. pp. 386.
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