Demand of the person from positions of the system approach

Analysis of the phenomenon of demand from the standpoint of the system approach. The nature of this system, as well as assessing the demand of a person from the standpoint of different plans: target, structural, component, functional and genetic.

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Demand of the person from positions of the system approach

In connection with the changes which have occurred in our country for last decades, special importance represents deep studying of all complex of the substantial socially-psychological phenomena characterising a modern society. The last, first of all, are understood as the phenomena expressing filled sense the relation of the public individual or group of individuals to world around: values, belief, ideals, social installations, social norms, traditions, etc. [5]. I.g. Dubok underlines, that now overwhelming majority of the domestic empirical researches, concerning private world of people as social beings, is directed on studying of mechanisms of formation and interaction of various socially-psychological phenomena in consciousness of representatives both big, and small groups. The description and the analysis of phenomena as those [5] is thus ignored. One of such phenomena, in our opinion, is the demand of the person.

The carried out analysis of the diverse literature allows to ascertain absence both theoretical working out, and empirical researches of the given phenomenon with application of various methods and approaches. Till now in a science there is no understanding of essence of a demand, its genesis and features of display. Besides, despite wide enough use of concepts the demand - undemend in everyday and a language of science, in the majority the general sensible, philosophical and linguistic dictionaries is absent their definition. comparison of close concepts of an explanatory dictionary of Russian, and also English terms «relevant» (a demand; the relevant; the significant; the essential; important), «essential», «relevant», «important» (claimed) and «dispensable» (unessential, insignificant), has allowed to ascertain the following: to be claimed - means to be to necessary, useful, significant, productive, forces finding application, knowledge and critically directed mind. Accordingly, claimed, or Significant for others, we consider the person estimating and-or others as necessary, useful, valuable, productive.

The expressed interest in sociological researches to a phenomenon of «redundancy», uselessness, non-use (i.e. a demand back) the person underlines scale of the studied phenomenon.

So, according to Z. Bauman, an inevitable by-product of economic progress is «a human waste», not the people necessary to these society - migrants, refugees, etc., i.e. huge weight of the people deprived of adequate means of a survival [25]. In Russia such derelicts - 12 million the normal people, trying to make ends meet, but at the same time being out of a society [24]. To become not demanded everyone can to 25 and after 45 years; by a trade: the teacher, the doctor, the engineer, the science officer, the pensioner. If to speak about not demanded professionals, that, according to respondents, occurrence of those in a society: on the average - 50% (from the point of view, students); 50-70% (from the point of view, respondents mature and advanced age) [18]. More than 55% of businessmen of sphere of the small-scale business, cities working in the markets, consider themselves not claimed both as professionals, and as persons. People of advanced age in 60-70% of cases mark the uselessness «neither native, nor the country». In the first case, it is possible to speak about the mental tearing away of a trade observed in «the standard of the murgeanalism» (E.P. Yermolaev) [8]. Tearing away by the subject of a trade, along with various forms of experience of crisis of a demand as contradictions between objective conditions of «redundancy», uselessness, non-use the person and requirement of the person to be claimed, we have revealed at considerable number of businessmen of sphere of the small-scale business, of Krasnodar working in the markets [19]. For the majority of people of advanced age against professional and personal deidentification «mental tearing away» professional experience and life, in whole [20, 21] is characteristic.

The reference of attention of sociologists to a demand phenomenon as to the social phenomenon expressed in uselessness, non-use the person and its possibilities mismatching requirements which have actually developed in a given society, underlines its macrosocial character.

The analysis of macrosocial factors, are potentialing development of personal crises during the period transformed changes in a society, has sociological character and does not mention personal, a psychological aspect of this phenomenon. That becomes object of steadfast attention of sociologists, deeply roots leaves in the intrapersonal problems, as one of which basic contradictions the mismatch between actual potential of the person and social possibilities of its display acts. During an epoch of global social and economic and cultural changes more and more significant there is a problem of the personal crises caused by changes of the significant parties of system of relations of the person [16]. The researches carried out by us give the basis to assert, that demand crisis is that, and it, in turn, causes importance of the system approach in studying of a phenomenon of a demand of the person.

According to B.F. Lomova the nature of the mental is that, that in the course of its research it is necessary to consider a number relations of the different order: the relation of reflexion to reflected object (reflexion as the image of object understood in a broad sense), the relation of reflexion to its carrier (reflexion as brain function), the relation of reflexion to behaviour (reflexion as a behaviour regulator). All these relations are realised in the uniform process which dynamics depends on concrete conditions of its course. Thus, necessity of a combination of several plans of the analysis follows from the essence of the mental phenomena [11]. The demand as the difficult multilevel mental formation which is under construction hierarchically, possessing dynamics, having communications with others psychological formations (activity, sense, value, an environment, dialogue, professional work, etc.), can act as object of the system analysis.

Research of a demand from positions of the system analysis assumes definition of character of this system. As the bases for classification of systems following criteria act: a kind of displayed object; science branch which frameworks system research is carried out; a kind of the formalized device of representation of system; degree of communication with an environment, level of complexity and organisation degree. On character «the demand of the person» can be defined as difficult, psychologically determined, opened, the system of self-organising, having two plane of display: ekstra - and intropsychical.

The extropsychical plane of a demand is shown by system reflexion «I-others». This objective (real) relation of others to the person as significant for others and-or to the competent professional. characterising social representations as components of individual consciousness of the person in which representations about others and about themselves are already connected, K.A. Abulhanova and E.V. gordienko have included in set of these relations the fourth making - the relation of others to me, its expectation, expectancy [1]. The extropsychical plane of display of a demand is closely connected through reflexion of the objective (real) relation of others to the person and expectancy with intropsychical a plane, in particular intellectual the component includes not only an image of the demanded person, but also according to dialogue character of consciousness [2] - a prediction, a presentiment of opinion of another about the value, the importance.

Defining a demand phenomenon as metasystem of subjective relations to as Significant for others, we, first of all lean against the concept of relations of V.N. Mjasishcheva. As the phenomena close to investigated, it is possible to name reflected I as ideal represenntion and continuation the person in people [13]; the self-affirmation as conviction of the person that it something costs, possesses certain value - its own I, its identity [22], aspiration to the personal importance [23], «feeling of own importance» [14], «self-respect» [15], etc.

The system approach in psychology assumes the analysis from positions of different plans. For us interest was represented, first of all, by genetic, target, structural, componental and functional plans of the analysis.

The genetic analysis assumes phenomenon consideration in development, disclosing of the nature of the subject through set of its relations to the world. In human life various kinds of activity are realised, first of all, in aggregate relations of the person to the nature, and other people.

Only within the limits of joint life there is that allows the subject to exceed level and to pass border of former possibilities, that actually and causes occurrence of activity [17]. Within the limits of psychological knowledge the concept of activity is used in nonspecific and specific values. In nonspecific value concept of activity connect with search and judgement of those characteristics mental which fall outside the limits adaptive, adaptive activity of the individual [7]. In the specific value the activity category appears as special quality, level of the mental phenomenon which reveals through the relation with the contrast - passivity. Under passivity in various areas of modern psychology represent «not easier representations about absence of any activity, or about its smaller intensity, and ideas about qualitative other, lower level of functioning mental more often. In the specific value the psychological maintenance of activity reflects not so much quantitative, how many qualitative characteristics of the mental phenomena» [4].

The analysis of dynamics of display of timeliness of activity of the person in personal development has allowed us to assume, that originally activity display in specific value is accompanied by experience of its demand, being gradually transformed and getting substantial, semantic filling (nonspecific value). having begun the development with experience by the child of the importance for parents the given phenomenon gradually is transformed through unstable, directly caused by an affective condition by the relations, in due course becoming more and more steady and independent of external objects, and further to steady system of relations, system forming as which factor the demand as personal value acts. In process there is a change a determinant, change of the system bases of a demand. Through identification with referential social groups and community value to be demanded becomes personal. Transformation of sense of a demand consists and in revaluation of the importance for the person of separate components of the given phenomenon and in further dynamics of its status as personal value: from creative value through value of experience to value of the relation.

The target analysis. According to the basic definitions of personal value, it is «tinned» relations of the person with the world, reflecting invariant aspects of universal experience [10]; realised, «reflexed» most the general semantic formations [З]. That is the demand represents the complete formation which is a part of the big whole - life experience of the subject. A demand special-purpose designation - to integrate all subjective representations about means and results of activity of the person (whether it be professional, communicative and so forth) In the uniform formation allowing in the further activity to reach of desirable practical or other significant result. This or that component of a demand (intellectual, emotional and motivatsionno-behavioural) anyhow participates in purpose achievement. The system bases, that is levels which underlie functioning of system of a demand of the person, it, first of all what provide its basic functions (that is its primary goals allow system to solve): representation, integration, motivation.

The structural analysis assumes studying of the internal organisation of system at which the object is considered from the various parties. In demand structure as difficult phenomenon it is possible to differentiate following levels: integrity level (actually system level) - socially - psychological demand; level of the separate subsystems included in difficult whole, of its various functional displays formed for maintenance (subsystem level) - personal, social, professional subsystems of a demand; level of structural components - intellectual, emotional and motivatsionno - behavioural. In view of limiting complexity of a subject of studying in psychology.

According to A.V. Karpova, level of structural components is differentiated on actually componental and element level [9].

It is important to notice also, that allocation of personal, social and professional subsystems from complete structure of a demand of the person probably only is conditional. For demonstration of their close interrelation and interosculation ideally approaches modelling construction «bramfatura» - «penetrateny» one subsystem of other subsystem (their real неразд hypocrisy, but conceivable divisibility).

With reference to the structural analysis of a demand D.A. Leonteva's representation about levels of semantic structures [10] is interesting also.

The demand as personal value can concern a highest level of systems of semantic regulation and as a forming sense under the relation to all other structures. The second hierarchical level of semantic regulation is formed by motives, semantic construction and dispositions.

The third level is formed by personal senses and the semantic installations of concrete activity generated both motive of this activity, and steady semantic construction and dispositions of the person.

The componental analysis. According to V.N. Mjasishcheva, in each psychological fact three parties, three aspects, or three components are to some extent included: emotional, informative and strong-willed, thus he underlined, that the concept «relation components» fixes only result of consideration of the relation [12]. The relation is staticized and remedially reveals in acts, thoughts, feelings. Revealing of these components of the relation is reduced to revealing of those changes in emotional, motivatsionno-behavioural and intellectual spheres which are connected with the analyzed relation. Speaking about an emotional component of relations, V.N. Mjasishchev specifies, that emotions are closely connected with the major moment in the basic characteristic of the relation, with its selectivity, positive or negative, and its activity [12]. Thus, experience of the importance for another, passing to understanding level, is accompanied by qualitative change of a direct, emotional estimation, its transformation into a conscious estimation and, further, provides change of level of activity.

The functional analysis. A demand as personal value has functional character in the sense that can represent itself as the powerful motivational block inducing the person to activity, aimed at realisation, use, application of available experience in the professional work and vital practice. And as the adequate regulator of behaviour in the invariable environment and in new, дезадаптирующих conditions of environment can act only not broken system of relations. The demand phenomenon carries out presentation functions, (allowing the person to act as the active subject of dialogue and professional work) and representation (with which formation of figurative generalisations, subjective criteria and estimations, installations, etc. is connected). Thanking representation, the demand provides otsenochno-prognosticheskuju the function which sense consists in «trying on» the subject on itself of new forms of vital, social and professional activity.

Thus, scientific knowledge of a phenomenon of a demand of all its displays probably only at use of system and metasystem approaches. The demand of the person is multilevel, under construction hierarchically, having communications with other psychological formations (activity, sense, value, an environment, dialogue, professional work, etc.) Metasystem of subjective relations of the person to itself as to «Significant for others» and-or to the competent professional. Recognising specificity of system of relations of the person to world around and to itself, V.N. Mjasishchev underlined, that system of public relations in which there is included each person since time of the birth and to death, forms its subjective relations to all parties of the validity [12]. In interaction with considered system the real relation to the person of other people and its own self-relation get new qualitative characteristics, measurements and the parametres forming in aggregate the higher (metasystem) level. Being complete on the psychological essence, the given phenomenon is a part of the big whole - life experience of the subject.

The existential mission of a demand consists in integration of all subjective representations about means and results of activity of the person in the uniform formation allowing in the further activity to reach of desirable practical or other significant result.


demand person genetic

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