The reverse side of the creativity. The role of the creativity in terrorism counteraction

Antisocial and criminal use of the creative abilities, the psychological aspects of applying nonstandard ways of doing terrorism acts, the opportunities of the creative approaches and tactics. Directions to study negative social displays of creativity.

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The reverse side of the creativity. The role of the creativity in terrorism counteraction

Dikaya L.А.


creativity psychological terrorism act

In this article the author considers the antisocial and criminal use of the creative abilities, the psychological aspects of applying nonstandard ways of doing terrorism acts, the opportunities of the creative approaches and tactics are analyzed. The directions to study negative social displays of the creativity are suggested in order to find new approaches to build the new concepts and practical methods for effective counteraction to terrorist threats.

Key words: creativity, counteraction to terrorism, methods of discovering lies.

The main text

The studies of the creativity are mainly concentrated upon the positive sides of this phenomenon, yet its reverse «dark» side at a considerable degree is ignored. however, this side doesn't only limit by the creative potential, of the intentionally directed damage to others, for instance, fraud, felony crime, including terrorism, but the occasional negative unintentional impact committing actions with good intentions [17].

While the creativity as an ability to make something new is often connected by researchers to personality self-realization, and their attention is concentrated upon its internal aspect, we should admit that the external influence of the creativity upon the social processes can be strong enough. Traditionally they believe that the idea of the creativity is certainly positive and socially approved, and the development of the creative potential, thus, is socially desirable. however, those, who want to cause the intentional damage to the others, use their creative potential with the evil intent, resorting to the same ways and the objective laws of searching for the new ideas in the same way when it is a socially-oriented creativity.

The modern scientific researches show, that the criminal «abilities» of many law offenders, without age or sex difference, are connected to the high-grade development of their creative potential. For example, the frauds are known by having well developed intellectual qualities - mental agility, prudence, disingenuity, cunning and etc., but by the creative character of the thinking and behavior; they are dynamic, their actions are constantly changing and renewed [16, 19].

The reverse side of the creativity is not underestimated by the terrorist groups. So, leaders of the terrorist group of «al-Qaeda» in Saudi Arabia emphasize the psychological effect of the «asymmetric» war with the use of non-traditional tactics of the military actions, new types of the weapons and technologies, which suggest nonstandard thinking and imagination, to catch the initiative and to receive the freedom of the actions [see 8].

The independent committee of the USA congress, investigating the reasons of the terrorist attacks on the 11th of September 2001, in their report used the term «new type of the terrorist threats», underlying particular irregular approach of the terrorists for carrying out their criminal acts. This nonstandard approach consists in application of the methods; do not fit into the system of the terrorism counteraction of the USA. Terrorists are searching for a breach in the system of the counteraction and deliver a blow into the most vulnerable spot [14].

Troshev g.N., analyzing the experience of carrying out antiterrorist actions in Daguestan and chechnya, underlines, that the guerillas often take advantage of the nonstandard ways and combat tactics if they want to occupy the key advantageous positions, they use the camouflage security of the fire resources and terrain mining. Terrorists apply the tactics of the active combat actions by the small groups, conducting sniper shooting under the sound cover of mortar and shell firing, nonstandard tactics of the ambushing and sophisticated equipment to protect the operational site, they use the radio communication in order to disinform and etc [15]. In the report of the State-Defense Military Information control committee to the congress of the USA «Tendency of the terrorism: 2006» they denote high creativity of the terrorists in the questions of carrying out attacks and propaganda, and also in the questions of the financial supply of their acts [cited by 5].

The above mentioned conclusions let us make the conclusion that the studies of the psychological mechanisms the reverse “dark” side of the creativity will contribute to discovering into в gist of the terrorists' actions and, understanding their possible plans, ideas and elaborating the same creative solutions for the terrorism counteraction.

In the number of the studies they enumerate the advantages of the creative potential applied in order to prevent terrorist acts [2, 17, 19, 20]. The difficulties linked to the intensification of the international tension, including those due to the terrorist threats, are mostly stipulated by the fact that, they do not almost use creative abilities to solve these problems. The creative approach to forecasting, prevention and counteraction of the terrorist threats must be the starting point for more detailed research [21].

Thus, cropley and al., considering the key ideas of the creativity with antisocial orientation, distinguish a number of the principles, analysis of which may help to develop more effective ways for the terrorism counteraction:

1. The display of the creativity in actions of people with antisocial intentions doesn't depend upon their goal approval by the surrounding people.

2. The creative potential, with the «good», and the «evil» intent, is the competitive way to evade the society rules and laws. Its use can bring the benefit to those whom it is available.

3. Terrorist and antiterrorist steps must be analyzed according to the four essential parameters of the creative product: efficiency, recency, originality and simplicity (accessibility).

4. The more creative the ideas (it means newer, more original and more simple), the more efficient it is.

5. The newer the idea, the least efficient the standard ways of its counteraction.

6. The recency of the solutions decreases with the lapse of the time.

7. Revelation of the gist of the matter forces the decrease of its recency.

8. The decrease of the recency produces the degradation of their efficiency.

9. The creative counteraction to the terrorist solutions will accelerate the attenuation of their recency and efficiency.

10. Immediate pre-emptive antiterrorist decisions - are also creative decisions.

11. high-grade creative preventive antiterrorist solutions must be thoroughly thought about and prepared [17].

The need of the new nonstandard approaches and solutions for the terrorism counteraction is obvious. however, in many countries methods and tactics of the antiterrorist actions are spelled out at the law level, mostly it limits the application of the new nonstandard solutions for the terrorism counteraction. The particularities of the fight with the terrorism require the combination of the most updated and diverse ways, methods of the counteraction, different skills and technical equipment, skills to operationally plan actions and take nonstandard decisions in the quickly changing environment. In order to enlarge the creative field undertaking antiterrorist measures there is a necessity to introduce special amendments to the law, granting broad powers to the representatives of the force authorities in the fight with the terrorism, which will allow using more efficient instruments for the terrorist counteraction.

Surely, the problem of the creative nonstandard thinking is significant because we need to prepare the special antiterrorist riot police detachments. The necessity of preparing small, broadly trained detachments of the riot police for fulfilling nonstandard operations, soldiers of which will differ by the high cohesion and discipline, creative approach for solving different kinds of combat tasks and have abilities to solve independently problems in any situation under any conditions, has appeared long ago before mass terrorist threats. Many intelligence agencies while recruiting and training officers pay attention to their creative abilities. So, for instance, the procedure of the recruitment for the work in Israeli intelligence includes assignments, requiring nonstandard thinking and a quick reaction [10]. Analyzing the system of the officers' training of the riot police detachments, S.V. Kozlov remarks, that the main attention is attracted to the training of the students' combat fervor, and also the skill to think coolly and irregularly [6]. O.Е. Riazanov, considering the particularities of the training and work of the snipers in the military actions, writes about the fact that the skill to think in unstandardized way is one of the essential professional qualities of the sniper which allow them to fulfill the task and survive [12]. In some foreign forces the instructors of the special detachments are obliged to artificially eliminate the «team instinct» in the process of the sniper training, because shooters must learn to think about themselves, to stimulate the choice of the individual characteristics to the weapon and visual security range, simultaneously making the permanent pairs (observer-shooter team), forming extremely cohesive small group [12]. Undoubtedly, in the next years the promising fighters who are universal ones, able to orientate and fight in nonstandard situations.

The application of the creative approach becomes important if we want to find crucially new methods of discovering terrorists, methods of the investigation of the terrorist acts, new approaches to the bomb diagnostics, forensic personality identification, while assessing subversive -terrorist susceptibility of civil objects, methods of getting the information about resources and the character of the terrorist threats while planning measures for their prevention [1, 7, 13]. Like this, the application of the method of the lie detection with the help of the polygraph allows during the three hours with the high fidelity to find people, involved in committing and planning of the terrorist acts, to determine the line-up and roles of the members of the terrorist groups, to clear out the details, tactics and mechanisms of committing a terrorist action [4, 9]. At practice they received the support and new methods of the assessment of the terrorism involvement of the passengers, which include the possibilities of preflight psychological testing («profiling»). They are- established in the large airports security terminals MindReader and SSRM Tek, quickly absorbing data and having crosscultural adaptability due to stimulus-pictures [11].

In connection with the above-enumerated the current task is to make psychological practical programs designed to stimulate the creativity as the integrative feature of the personality, psychological trainings of the creative thinking and behavior for the officers of the antiterrorist detachments. The studies of the psychological, psycho- physiological and neurophysiologic aspects of the creative activity will help to build reliable scientific basis to prepare the program of the trainings with the biological feedback, optimal for the creative functioning of the cortex [3, 18].

Thus, the studies of the nature of the «reverse» side of the creativity and its negative social influence may only contribute to the revealing and comprehension of the mechanisms of this phenomenon, and also will allow to choose the concepts and practical methods of the efficient counteraction to the most sophisticated nonstandard techniques of the people horrification by terrorists, prevention of the terrorist threats.


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4. Dikii I.S. The informative indices of the instrumental detection of the hidden information among people with different particularities of the interhemispheric functional brain asymmetry // Russian psychological journal. 2009. V. 6/ - # 2. P. 43-46.

5. Kogan А. Terror of high creativity // jewish world (Newspaper of Russian-speaking America), dated the 19th of August 2006.

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