Psychological assistance to children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere: family-centered approach

Analysis of the influence of relationships within the family, the role of parents in the family in raising the child on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child. The study of the factors of emotional disorders in children.

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Дата добавления 28.02.2019
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Odessa I.I. Mechnikov national university

Psychological assistance to children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere: family-centered approach

Dushka A.L. - Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor


We can state that relations inside of the family, family structure, roles of the parents within the family, direct participation of mother and father in the upbringing of the child as well as the surrounding environment have a dominant influence on the development of emotional and volitional sphere of a child(Thus, it is possible to note that the relations in a family, structure of a family, a part that assignment to parents, direct participation of mother and father in the course of education of the child, and a direct environment have the dominating influence on development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child). Psycho-pedagogical and medico-social programs of correction and adaptation should be directed not only on children but also on the harmonizing of family relationship in general, formation of positive and efficient inner circle of influence.Special programs foresee involving psychologists, teachers, special family therapists, speech pathologists and other professionals in the process of rehabilitation(In special programs are involved psychologists, teachers, special family therapists, speech pathologists and other professionals in the process of rehabilitation). All of them should work in coordination, adjusting the chosen methodology in accordance with the dynamics of the development of emotional -volitional sphere of a child.It should be noted that the factors that lead to the emotional disorders of children (ie, biological, psychological and socio-psychological) have a fairly wide range. Category of children with disorders of emotional and volitional sphere is also extremely heterogeneous. Therefore, complex changes in the social environment of a child can remove the unwanted variations and difficulties in the emotional sphere and help to avoid the affective behavior(For this reason exclusively complex changes in a surrounding social situation of the child allow to remove undesirable deviations and difficulties in the emotional sphere, to avoid affective manifestations in behavior).

Keywords: emotional-volitional sphere of a child, developmental delay (violation of development), psychological help.

Душка А.Л. Психологическая помощь детям с нарушениями эмоционально-волевой сферы: семейно-центрированный подход

Автор констатирует, что отношения внутри семьи, структура семьи, роли родителей в семье, непосредственное участие матери и отца в воспитании ребенка, а также окружающей среды оказывает доминирующее влияние на развитие эмоционально-волевой сферы ребенка. Автор утверждает, что психолого-педагогические и медико-социальные программы коррекции и адаптации должны быть направлены не только на детей, но и на гармонизации семейных отношений в целом, формирование позитивного и эффективного внутреннего круга влияния. Следует отметить, что факторы, которые ведут к эмоциональным расстройствам у детей (например, биологические, психологические и социально-психологические) имеют довольно широкий диапазон. Категория детей с нарушениями эмоционально-волевой сферы, также очень неоднородна. Предложены рекомендации по оптимизации отклонений и трудностей в развитии эмоциональной сферы.

Ключевые слова: эмоционально-волевая сфера ребенка, задержка развития (нарушение развития), психологическая помощь.

Душка А.Л. Психологічна допомога дітям з порушеннями емоційно-вольової сфери: сімейно-центрований підхід

Автор констатує, що відносини всередині сім'ї, структура сім'ї, ролі батьків в сім'ї, безпосередню участь матері і батька у вихованні дитини, а також навколишнього середовища має домінуючий вплив на розвиток емоційно-вольової сфери дитини. Автор стверджує, що психолого-педагогічні та медико-соціальні програми корекції та адаптації повинні бути спрямовані не тільки на дітей, а й на гармонізації сімейних відносин в цілому, формування позитивного та ефективного внутрішнього кола впливу. Слід зазначити, що фактори, які ведуть до емоційних розладів у дітей (наприклад, біологічні, психологічні та соціально-психологічні) мають досить широкий діапазон. Категорія дітей з порушеннями емоційно-вольової сфери, також дуже неоднорідна. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо оптимізації відхилень і труднощів у розвитку емоційно-вольової сфери дітей.

Ключові слова: емоційно-вольова сфера дитини, затримка розвитку (порушення розвитку), психологічна допомога.


Statement of the social problem. In the psychological literature of emotional disorders with children considered as a negative condition, occurring against a background of hard to solve conflicts (Zaporozhets, A. C., Zakharov A. I., [14, 15, and 16]). Traditionally there are three groups of factors leading to the emergence of emotional disorders in children: biological, psychological and social-psychological. Biological prerequisites emotional disorders include:

- genetic factors; - individual-typological characteristics of the child's personality,

- somatic abatements are to common disorders, helps arose of various reactive state and neurotic reactions mainly with asthenic component (Gurevich, K. M., Kovalev V. V., [12, 18]).

Psychological causes: - features of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child;

- namely breach of the adequacy response to the impact from the outside;

- the lack of development of skills of self-control behavior. Disturbances in emotional contact with the child with adults cause her internal discomfort, causing a feeling of inferiority, threatening the stability of his relationship to the world, which ultimately can lead to significant distortions in the development of the child (Breslav G. M., Buyanov M. I., Varga A. Y., Lebedinsky K. S., Zakharov A. I., [6, 7, 8, 20 and 16]). Problem statement. The purpose of the study is to determine the content, methods and techniques of correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children. The study of the emotional-volitional sphere of children of preschool age 5-7 years. Subject of research - particularly the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children. To achieve the purpose, the following objectives:

- to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of violations of the emotional-volitional sphere of children;

- create a program of assistance and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of children;

- to develop methodological recommendations for teachers and psychologists working with children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere.

The author's concept or original idea. In psychological literature widely are available, results of research on issues related to the emotional and volitional preschool children. However, the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children still was not an independent of study subject. But the study of these problems it is necessary to address issues such as the definition of the content, methods, methods of psychological correction and rehabilitation works for the development of therapeutic and educational treatment and correctional programs, which compensate for adverse experiences and life circumstances of children this category. Preschool children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere require special organized psychological help to ensure that age, individual characteristics, right approach to them. The level of professional competence of psychologists and educators who work with such children also requires qualitative changes in the system of training and retraining of specialists. The last researches and publications analysis. Psychological characteristics of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere have become the subject of psychological analysis (Vygotsky L. S., Boћoviж, Lydia I., Lubowsky I. I., [9, 4 and 23]). In studies Leontiev, A. N., Boћoviж L. I., Kotyrlo C. K. are shown that the insufficient level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children can be one of the reasons underlying the failure, inability to comply with the norms and rules of behavior [22, 4 and 19]. Problem correction of deviations in the behavior of preschool children was considered in Abrahamian L. A., Breslav G. M., Dulnev G. M., Lubovsky V. I., Sinev V. M., [1, 6, 13, 23 and 28]. According to their data, changes in the surrounding social environment of the child allow you to remove unwanted deviations and difficulties in the emotional sphere, to avoid affective manifestations in behavior. A number of scientists (Freud, A., Rutter, M., Zakharov, A. I., Spivakovskaya, A. S., [32, 26, 16 and 29]) note that one of the reasons for difficulties in behavior is the presence of acute emotional reactions, leading to the emergence of fear in children and the destruction of the products of their activity. family emotional child

The allocation unsolved parts of the studied problem. We offer a program consisting of the following stages: installation-and-diagnostic, corrective (including the stage of updating, correction-forming and reconstructive stage), establishing and revealing changes in emotional states and behavior of children. Installation-diagnostic stage contributes on the one hand, the actualization of positive feelings and experiences of children and to establish positive contact “psychologist - child”, on the other hand, the gradual unification of the children in the group, the formation of installation in collaboration with peers gaming activities. The correction stage performs diagnostic tasks: allows you to define a conflict situation, the behaviors of children in communicating with peers and adults and features of communication between children in during play activities. This gives children the opportunity to consult their own emotional experience and contributes to the creation of conditions for their expression. The single-stage provides expansion of sphere of realization of feelings and experiencing; reduction of amount is open aggressive behavior, negative attitude toward coevals; increase of playing activity; creation of friendly atmosphere of mutual help and self-awareness their capabilities (on this stage more steady emotional relationships with partners with predominance of positive and mutual elections and declines of negative reactions of child, arising up within the framework of business relationships in the process of games).

Exposition of basic material

Among children with disabilities, that is, those who have a different variance in psychophysical and socio-personal development and require no special camping assistance are children who have come to the fore disorder in the emotional-volitional sphere. The category of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere is extremely heterogeneous. The main feature of such children is violation of or delay in the development of higher socialized forms of behavior, including interaction with another person, his thoughts, feelings, and behavioral reactions. When this activity is mediated by social interaction (game design, fantasy, solving intellectual tasks alone, etc.), may be at a high level.

In home pedagogical science question of forming emotional-volitional sphere investigated in the context of humanizing of education. Wide distribution the idea of development of emotional-volitional sphere got in 20th of the last century in theoretical and practical researches of V. P. Kashchenko, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and other researchers. Out of foreign researchers of this problem are the following scientists: R. Assagioli, Bandura A., Bowlby D., Izard K., Levin K., Lorenz K., Mei R., Rank O., Spielberger Ch., Svancara Y. and. etc.

In 1994-2005 ..., in the domestic literature published on the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere: Oleksandrovskaya E. M., Bryazgunova І. P., Garbuzova V. І., Dubrovina І.V., Іvaschenko F. І., Ilyin E. P., Kolominsky Ya. L, Matyugіn І.Yu., Mikhaylova V. P., Ovcharova R. V., Rogov E. І., Semago M. M., Semago N. Ya, Troshikhin E .G., Chistyakova M. I., and etc. According to the common classification of behavioral disorders in children and adolescents R. Jenkins, we can distinguish the following types of behavior disorders: hyperkinetic reaction, anxiety, avoidance by autistic type, flight, not socialized aggression, group offenses. Sukhareva G. E. [30] considers pathogenesis of violations of development of the personality and allocates three types mental illness: the delay in development, corrupted development and distorted development. According to Ushakov G. K. and Kovalyov V. V. [18], the main clinical type mental illness are:

- retardation, that is delay or steady mental underdevelopment, as the general, and partial;

- inharmonic development, the including signs of a retardation and acceleration. According to Lebedinsky V. V. [21], mental illness it represented by the following options:

- underdevelopment; - the delay in development;

- corrupted development;

- deficit in the development; - abnormal development;

- mental illness.

The basis of this classification by regulations on a mental illness in Sukharevoy G. E. and Kanner's L. theories. Lebedinsky V. V. considered it appropriate to present as independent options - the delay in development, deficit in the development and mental illness. Classification differentiates the various options of anomalies because of a basic quality impairment development. There is a group of anomalies caused by a delay development: distorted and mental illness development, and the group of anomalies caused by damage to, losses of various functions: corrupted development and deficit in the development. Violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, this type of mental illness, different from other types of impaired mental and physical development and from a scientific and from a practical point of view. Types of emotional-volitional sphere are studied not only from the standpoint of correctional pedagogy and psychopathology, but also from the position of general pedagogy, age-related, pedagogic, social and practical psychology. While every branch of science, describing the same phenomena of behavior and feelings of the child, is different categorical apparatus, treats of their nature in different ways (for example, the understanding of the essence of early infantile autism, mental retardation differs in medicine, pedagogy, psychology, and such a phenomenon in the behavior of the child as disinhibition, inability to self-control it has a different name - "The minimal brain dysfunction syndrome", “attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”, "impulsive behavior", "disruption of nervous processes", and so on [21]. Despite fact that, in the defectology there is no unanimity of views concerning classification of types of violations of the emotional and strong-willed sphere and their place among other diseases. So, Semenovich A. V. [29] considers that "adverse neuropsychological effects of ontogensees in general are violations and distortions withing and subcortical-cortical and inter-hemispheric interactions, including dysontogenesis functional specialization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. On the mental level it looks, in particular, as options dysontogenesis of severe speech disorders (SSD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the background of increased epi- availability, the lack of voluntary self-regulation". According to the classification Sinev V. M.:

- child with asthenic, jet states and conflict experiences;

- child with the contiguity disorder of behavior;

- child with early signs of mental illness (epilepsy, schizophrenia).

On modern classification of Semago N. Ya., Semago M. M., [28] allocate to such types of frustration of the emotional-volitional sphere:

- insufficient development - partially not formation of the highest mental functions with prevalence of insufficiency of a regulatory component;

- asynchronous, disharmonious development extra punitive, intro punitive and atypical types;

- asynchronous abnormal development - distortion development primarily emotional-volitional sphere.

In the modern sense of the correctional-educational work is a system of psychological-pedagogical and medical interventions aimed at overcoming or weakening of the deficiencies in mental and physical development of children.

Correctional-educational work characterized such features as

- integrity (all the activities are addressed to the child's personality in General);

- consistency (all events are held in the system, in relation to each other and designed for a long time);

- the complexity of (all used tools provide the ability to provide corrective influence on the physical development of the child, and the development of mental processes and functions, the emotional-volitional sphere of the child's personality in General);

- the relationship with the social environment (the expansion of the boundaries of the conducting correctional-educational work outside of the institution, and the inclusion of the social environment in which brought up the child).

The research of scholars such as Vygotsky L. S., Graborov A. N., Dulnev G. M. [9, 11 and 13] and the existing experience of correctional work show that the basis of such work should be based on the following principles

- the principle of adopting a child (the implementation of the principle involves creating the proper atmosphere in an environment where educated child. Respect for the child, next to reasonable demands, faith in his development opportunities and the desire in the greatest degree to develop his potentialities are fundamental in creating the most child-friendly atmosphere;

- the principle of assistance (this principle is applied to the upbringing of any child, but when working with children with disabilities he has a special significance, because such a child without specially organized assistance will not be able to achieve the optimal level of mental and physical development);

- the principle of individual approach (principle shows that the child has the right to develop in accordance with their mental and physical characteristics. Its implementation provides opportunity to achieve the child's potential level of development through the implementation of content, methods, means, organization of the processes of education and training in accordance with their individual capabilities); - the principle of unity influences medical, psychological and pedagogical (medical activities create favorable conditions for psychological and pedagogical influence and only in combination with them can provide high efficiency correctional-educational work with each child);- the principle of cooperation with the family to create a comfortable atmosphere in the family, the presence of the correct relationship to the child, the unity of the requirements of the child to contribute to a more successful his physical and mental development). The construction of the correctional-educational work with children in accordance with these principles will provide the most complete disclosure of the potential development of each child. We offered system of the correctional program of lessons in optimization of changes of the emotional sphere of the child that instead off:

- initial diagnostic examination of the level of formation and characteristics of the emotional sphere of the child;

- directed corrective influence to optimize disturbed emotional reactions and of these conditions of children;

- recommendations to parents on the implementation of the correctional-educational influences on children;

- final psychodiagnostic testing examination to determine the effect of the intervention. For determination of efficiency of intervention of a psychodiagnostic testing, have be carried out before and after the program. The approach to the causes of disorders implies the type and the sphere of therapeutic impact. One method is nondirective therapy, game theory, developed by Virginia M. Axline based on of which is the setting warm and friendly relations between therapist and child. Fundamentals of nondirective play therapy based on the concept of nondirective therapy of Carl Rogers. In the process of applying this type of therapy the child has the opportunity openly give voice to their feelings and to manage the process of the meeting. Important limitations, such as the prohibition on the destruction of things or an attack on others persons. Nondirective therapy also covers the elements of art therapy (painting, sculpture, collage, etc.), games with different objects and substances. Another method is a psychotherapeutic game, the goal of which is to help the child to reach a state of mental equilibrium. In the process of conducting psychotherapy games, you can:

- To help your child relieve tension; - minimize the manifestation of affective outbreaks, make them controllable;

- to teach the child to express emotions adequately.

For psychotherapeutic games, the following features are characteristic:

1. Psychotherapeutic game is not organized, and occurs spontaneously in connection with the status of the child. Therefore, the psychologist must be prepared to conduct such games if necessary.

2. Psychotherapeutic group conducts and supervises psychologist experimenting with your child certain emotions, commented on the situation, helping the child to understand him own behavior.

3. In psychotherapeutic group is obligatory to eat object, which directed the actions of a child are there can be things and subjects. One of the components of mental child's readiness for school is emotional readiness (availability of cognitive motive, emotional stability, striving to achieve the result of their work, and so on). Feature of children of the older preschool age of 5-6 years is the insufficient formation of differentiation of emotional states and self-control; the small volume of mimic means (expressive movements of face muscles) and pantomimic means (expressive movements of all body), weakness of an articulation and thin motility, - all this reduces communicative opportunities of children. It is necessary to notice that communication with contemporaries becomes more and more attractive to the preschool child, as during this period сензитивен for formation of a situational and business form of communication with other children. The object leading activity at this age is the role-playing game. In this kind of game the identity of the child is improved, develops motivational necessity spheres, randomness in behavioral, mental capacities, the informative and emotional egocentrism is overcome, and by means of expressive actions also the sensual sphere is formed. Children as young as preschool age have problems in terms of emotions associated with the ban adults. It is a ban on loud laughter in an improper situation (on understanding of adults), a ban on tears (especially for boys), a ban on expression of fear, aggression. Control from adults in education of children, of course, is necessary, but control should not pursue only interests of parents. According to Alexander Lowen, excessive prohibitions in expressions of feelings carry along limitation of vitality, spontaneity and charm, which is the loss of the inherent naturalness, grace, owned by the child since birth. Partially the games aimed at the development of the emotional sphere [28] help to cope with this problem. These games can be with children in any free time along one or on several occasions. Basic purposes of games and exercises:

1. Training of recognition of emotions on external manifestations;

2. Formation at children of moral representations;

3. Correction of behavior through role-playing games, performances, games dramatizations;

4. Decrease in an emotional pressure;

5. Training in methods of relaxation for the purpose of ability to distinguish tension and relaxation of muscles. If to consider the family atmosphere in general, it will be possible to understand how these or those conscious or unconscious motivational and emotional structures of the personality refract, expressed, staticized in concrete forms of behavior and interaction with children.

The inattention of parents to feelings and needs of the child interferes with their, to healthy development. People whom ignore, tease, humiliate, whose ridicule he believes that treat him as insignificant person. Such relationships (contacts) between father and child lead to the pathology of the individual. Beating is an extreme form of neglect.

Unlike physical contact, which rarely require these victims from their parents, the ability to think carefully according to R. Campbell [18], it takes time and suggests that parents need to drop the cases and the pleasure that they prefer to deal with at moment. The close attention allows the child to feel the feature. The crucial role in development of a self-assessment of the child, his ability to interact with other people is assignment to this knowledge.

The child deprived of close attention, as a rule, is worse developed, are broken its emotional and mental development. It is more closed, it is more difficult for it to communicate with contemporaries, he copes with any conflict situation worse, completely he depend on the teacher or other adult. At the same time some children, especially girls, are deprived of close attention of parents, on the contrary, speak, are able to manipulate dexterously people, are allocated with the vivacity, they are attractive. Thus, it is possible to note that the relations in a family, structure of a family, a part that assignment to parents, direct participation of mother and father in the course of education of the child, and a direct environment have the dominating influence on development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child.

Conclusions and prospects of further researches

As scientific innovation, it is possible to define testing of the program for development of the emotional and strong-willed sphere and the personality, children with autism. Practical significance of the research is that its results formed the basis for the development and implementation of programs for the correction of the emotional and volitional sphere of children diagnosed with autism, the use of which showed high efficiency of this procedure for psychological assistance and correction of child development. It is necessary to develop methodical recommendations for psychologists and teachers on the organization of work with children of this category for the purpose of prevention and correction of violations in emotional and volitional, and personal spheres.


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    эссе [16,3 K], добавлен 11.04.2013

  • The problem of evaluation, self-assessment of personality as a psychological category. Factors of formation evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age. An experimental study of characteristics evaluation and self-esteem of junior pupils.

    курсовая работа [28,6 K], добавлен 19.05.2011

  • Research of negative influence of computer games with the elements of violence and aggression on psychical development of children and teenagers. Reasons of choice of computer games young people in place of walk and intercourse in the real society.

    доклад [15,3 K], добавлен 10.06.2014

  • Theoretical basis of a role plays as a teaching aid. Historic background of game origin. Psychological value of a role plays. The main function and principles of game organization. Gaming technique. Classification of role plays. Advantages of a game.

    курсовая работа [50,7 K], добавлен 26.04.2013

  • Influence psychology of cognitive activity and cognitive development on student’s learning abilities during study. Cognitive development theory in psychology. Analysis of Jean Piaget's theory. Her place among the other concept of personal development.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 13.04.2016

  • Unhealthy food, lack of sleep, passive lifestyle, related works. Survey, Passive Lifestyle, Lack Of Sleep, Nutrition. How often pupils have negative feelings. Teachers' complaints. Can we do to reduce these negative displays of pupil’s behavior.

    курсовая работа [25,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015

  • This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motivation and satisfaction. Fostering personal relationships with students. Motivating students to work. Handling interpersonal issues.

    статья [18,6 K], добавлен 10.05.2014

  • Основные направления прикладных исследований в социальной психологии. Сравнительная характеристика структурных компонентов программ социально-психологического и социологического исследования. Сценарий фокус-групп по проблеме "Насилие в семье над детьми".

    контрольная работа [31,8 K], добавлен 08.10.2012

  • The definition of stress as the body's way of responding to any kind of stimuli. Consideration of positive and negative emotions, which may cause stress. External and internal causes of stress. The role of consciousness in the assessment of events.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 22.09.2015

  • The definition of conformism as passive acceptance and adaptation to standards of personal conduct, rules and regulations of the cult of absolute power. Study the phenomenon of group pressure. External and internal views of subordination to the group.

    реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 14.05.2011

  • Studies by Fischer and his colleagues and Dawson (2006) have investigated development in a wide range of domains, including understanding of social interaction concepts such as "nice" and "mean", skills in mathematics, and understanding "leadership".

    реферат [20,2 K], добавлен 22.12.2009

  • Definition of Leadership. Trait theory. How this theory works. Origin and Analysis and basics Pre-conditions for effective use of Trait theory. Inborn leadership characteristics. Process of impact and interaction among the leader and his followers.

    реферат [436,9 K], добавлен 24.09.2014

  • The word "family" is connected with warm relations between members. Family relations. Both the husband and the wife create their future together. Children should love and respect the parents. A family role in children's formation of individuality.

    топик [11,2 K], добавлен 04.02.2009

  • Tweens and teens problems. Beating children will be a crime. High-tech and children. Modern family problems and generation gap. Internet as dangerous drugs of present tense. New anti-drugs campaign for young people. Suicide among the teenagers.

    реферат [31,5 K], добавлен 22.02.2011

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • American marriage pattern, its types, statistics and trends among different social groups and ages. The reasons of marriage and divorce and analyzing the statistics of divorce and it’s impact on people. The position of children in American family.

    курсовая работа [48,3 K], добавлен 23.08.2013

  • Charles, Prince of Wales is the child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is the elder son of Charles and Diana. The British Royal Family is the family group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom.

    презентация [2,9 M], добавлен 07.04.2015

  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

  • The topic of the lesson - families and relatives. All people have families, big or small. Why do we really need to have a family? The guests of the lesson tell a lot about family, because one of them has a big family, but another one has no family at all.

    контрольная работа [19,2 K], добавлен 29.01.2010

  • The relationships between man and woman. The conflicts in family and avoiding conflicts. The difference between fast food and homemade food. The communication between two or more people. Distinguishing of international good and bad superstitions.

    сочинение [7,9 K], добавлен 12.12.2010

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