Age differences of self-esteem of physical self at school. Gender aspects

Differences between self-esteem of physical development of the youth of different age, who are engaged and aren’t engaged in physical activities and connection between the level of self-esteem of respondents and their belonging to the psychological type.

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Дата добавления 26.10.2020
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National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine


Tetyana Krutsevych, Oksana Marchenko

Doctor of Science in Physical

Education and Sports, Professor


physical psychological youth activity

Actuality. This article contains reviews of various aspects of gender problems and gender approach in pupils physical education. Task of the article. Our research is devoted to scrutinize the differences between self-esteem of physical development of the youth of different age, who are engaged and aren't engaged in physical activities and reveal the connection between the general level of self-esteem of the respondents and their belonging to the psychological type of personality. Methods. For examining the physical self-esteem level was used questionary «Selfdescription of physical development». Results. It is proved, that self-esteem of physical development has high and overstated level and composes 80-85 % from highest point. Based on the results of cluster analysis it was diagnosed, that among young males, who have overstated self-esteem level of physical development most of respondents belong to masculine type. Conclusions. Revived results let us assert that the essential gender distinction are exist among the own characteristic of the girls of different age. This fact has a direct influence on the level of general self-esteem. The differences between sportsmen and respondents who don't go on for sport were identified. Thus, received data could be used as a base for further gender researches in the field of physicals culture and sport, the results of which will be used as a theoretic ground for conception of gender approach in physical education of pupils.

Key words: pupils, gender differences, physical self, physical education, physical culture, juveniles, girls, selfesteem of physical development.


Тетяна Круцевич, Оксана Марченко. Вікові відмінності самооцінки фізичного «Я» школярів. Гендерний аспект. Актуальність. У статті розглянуто різноманітні аспекти тендерної проблематики та гендерного підходу у фізичному вихованні школярів. Завдання роботи -- вивчення тендерних відмінностей самооцінки фізичного розвитку юнаків та дівчат різного віку, які займаються й не займаються спортивною діяльністю, та виявлення взаємозв'язку між загальним рівнем самооцінки респондентів і їх приналежністю до психологічного типу особистості. Методи. Для вивчення рівня самооцінки фізичного розвитку школярів використано тест-опитувальник «Самоопис фізичного розвитку». Результати роботи. Доведено, що самооцінка фізичного розвитку школярів має високий та завищений рівень і складає 80-85 % від максимального бала. За результатами кластерного аналізу виявлено, що серед юнаків та дівчат, які мають завищений рівень самооцінки фізичного розвитку, більшість респондентів маскулінного типу. Середній рівень самооцінки мають переважно досліджувані андрогінного типу. Висновки. Визначено гендерні відмінності показників самоопису фізичного розвитку респондентів різних вікових груп, котрі мають безпосередній вплив на рівень їхньої загальної самооцінки. Простежено різницю між вибірками спортсменів і школярів, які не займаються спортом. Отже, отримані дані є підставою для подальших поглиблених гендерних досліджень у сфері фізичної культури й спорту, результати яких стануть теоретичною основою концепції гендерного підходу у фізичному вихованні школярів.

Ключові слова: школярі, гендерні відмінності, фізичне виховання, фізична культура, юнаки, дівчата, самооцінка фізичного розвитку.


Татьяна Круцевич, Оксана Марченко. Возрастные различия самооценки физического «Я» школьников. Гендерный аспект. Актуальность. В статье рассмотрены различные аспекты гендерной проблематики и гендерного подхода в физическом воспитании школьников. Задачи работы. Наше исследование раскрывает изучение гендерных различий самооценки физического развития юношей и девушек разного возраста, которые занимаются и не занимаются спортивной деятельностью, выявлению взаимосвязи между общим уровнем самооценки респондентов и их принадлежностью к психологическому типу личности. В исследовании приняли участие школьники 5-11 классов (587 человек). Методы. Для изучения уровня самооценки физического развития школьников использован тест-опросник «Самоописание физического развития», сделан корреляционный и кластерный анализы показателей самоописания. Результаты работы. Доказано, что самооценка физического развития школьников имеет высокий и завышеный уровень и составляет 80-85 % от максимального балла. В результате кластерного анализа выявлено, что среди юношей и девушек, которые имеют завышенный уровень самооценки физического развития, большинство респондентов маскулинного типа. Средний уровень самооценки имеют преимущественно респонденты андрогинного типа. Выводы. Полученные результаты дают нам право утверждать о существовании гендерных отличий между показателями самоописания респондентов различных возрастных групп, что имеет непосредственное влияние на уровень общей самооценки. Определены различия между выборками спортсменов и школьников, которые не занимаются спортом. Таким образом, полученные данные являются основанием для дальнейших углубленных гендерных исследований в сфере физической культуры и спорта, результаты которых станут теоретической основой концепции гендерного подхода в физическом воспитании школьников.

Ключевые слова: школьники, гендерные различаи, физическое воспитание, физическая культура, юноши, девушки, самооценка физического развития.


Among the challenges facing the secondary school becomes an urgent problem of the formation of values of physical culture, conscious attitude to sports and recreation and sports activities. It is a means of preserving and strengthening health. Relevance of gender approach (by gender - sociocultural gender) and activity in the field of modern physical culture is undeniable. It allows a new perspective to look at the features of the human person associated with it [4]. The term «gender» (gender) is used in modern domestic and Western humanitarian studies to determine the gender as a social phenomenon and the term as opposed to biological sex (sex). Sex is a biological definition and gender are the cultural and symbolic definition of sex. Scientists have expressed different views regarding the consideration of age and gender peculiarities of physical education and sports training of young people [1; 4; 5; 7; 10]. Supporters of the gender approach believe that the child is born male or female, but becomes masculine or feminine as a result of education and the identification process of gender role [1]. Numerous studies in the field of sports focus on the sexual dimorphism, studying the characteristics of the manifestations of women in sports and the differences in evaluating the sporting achievements of men and women, as representatives of various psychological sex (S. Soha, 1999; T. Soha, 1991; M. Messner, 2000; L. Shahlyna, 2006, 2010). Also, scientists examined the number of women with masculine characteristics enrolled on sports departments [5]. Gender studies of foreign scientists in the field of physical culture and sports designed to address gender equality issues and study how sports contribute to the formation of gender personality traits [9; 11; 12; 13; 14]. However, we found no fundamental works that have studied gender features of physical development of selfesteem and relationship between students belonging to their psychological type of personality that proves the relevance of our research. The scientific work is carried out under the theme adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, cipher 1.2 F. «Historical and organizational - methodical principles of forming gender approach in physical education of children, adolescents and young people» 0117U002386 number UDC 796.011.3 - 053.2 / - 53.7: 159.922.7.

The aim - to examine gender features of boys and girls self physical development based on their psychological type.

Material and Methods

analysis of scientific literature, test - questionnaire «physical self-description of», test of Sandra Byem, methods of mathematical statistics.

In a scientific experiment students grades 5-11 CEI in number of 587 persons (boys - 282, girls - 305) took part among them 126 respondents (97 boys and 29 girls) were engaged in some sport (swimming, basketball, volleyball, athletic gymnastics, wrestling, taekwondo). Other students attend regular classes in physical education. To study the physical profile of the individual «I» personality the questionnaire by E. V. Bochenkova «physical self-development» was used in our test. It is a modified version of the well- known technique of A. M. Prikhozhan [2].

Research Results

Discussion. Self-esteem- an element of identity, which is characterized by emotionall intense estimation of themselves as individuals, their ability, integrity and behavior [3]. Self-esteem of person is influenced by various factors. And whether judgments underlying self-esteem, their own or others, it is always subjective. [3] In the self-assessment of students physical development internal and external factors are affected. External factors related to fashion (imitation) on the exterior, build, clothing, physical qualities (strength, agility, stamina, grace, etc.) and popular types of motor activity [6]. Analysis of the study results indicate the presence and characteristics of gender differences in young people's physical development.

Girls 10-13 years, estimating the actual physical «I», the highest score given the following physical qualities: «endurance» (92 % of the maximum score), «global physical «I» (83,12 %), «harmony» (83,88 %) and «self-esteem» (83,46 %). Thus there is a low level of physical activity (78,14 %) and lowered estimate physical properties of these «flexibility» (74,18 %) and «power» (71,70 %).

Analysis of the physical qualities of self-esteem with physical self «I» of 5-7 form boys (10-13 years) indicates the low level of physical fitness. The worst performance was marked on the scales «physical activity» (77,09 %), «power» (75,95 %) and «appearance» (74,43 %). Thus, the total «self-esteem» has one of the highest results (83,91 %). In such a range «slender body» (86,61 %) and «health» (83,72 %) are marked. Comparing the results of self-esteem of boys and girls of 5-7 forms (10-13 years), we found that for ten of the eleven indicators of boys physical development of self-esteem have higher scores than girls.

The results of the physical self-esteem, «I», which we received for testing young people aged 14-15 years (8-9 Form) show that boys raised the highest marks on the scale that characterize health (84,4 %) self-esteem and overall (81,9 %). Among physical and athletic abilities which boys appreciate as worse are «endurance» (58,8 %), «flexibility» (63,7 %) and «physical activity» (69,6 %). Boys are inadequate (inflated) self-esteem physical «I» at a low level of physical activity and a low level of development of physical qualities. The highest values girls attributed as the scales of «health» (77,3 %), «self-esteem» (76,3 %) and «coordination» (77,6 %).

«Athletic ability» (66,9 %) is evaluated no less restrictive than «force» (66,5 %) and «endurance» (47,2 %). So, all with 11 scales of self-description, boys' indicators also higher than girls'.

The overall level of self-esteem of high school students (16-17 years) is more realistic. In the boys selfesteem physical «I» subjectively has the highest score. Less points are given to their own health, while most developed qualities of a young man determined «coordination» (81,9%) and «physical activity» (80,3 %). Senior high school students rated «slender body» (84,3 %). Girls come up to their self-esteem of their constitution more demanding and have a scale «slender body» with a lower mark (79,0 %). Almost it is the same percentage of boys and girls with their self-care (79,2 % and 79,6 %). Boys have higher self-esteem of physical «I» on the scales «strength» and «endurance». The girls have the worst performance scales and their own «appearance». Girls of senior classes are rated higher (79,2 %). Assessment of health declined and became more realistic in comparison to boys and girls of younger age. Our own self-esteem among high school students has high scores: boys - 80,7 %, girls - 80,4 %.

Preliminary studies of gender characteristics of individual pupils, with the help of Sandra Bem, allowed us to determine the gender identity of students (femininity, masculinity, androgyny) [8]. Cluster analysis of parameter IS of C. Boehm allowed us to distribute the respondents into groups according to the affiliation to psychological sex. For this, a variable clustering was taken as a value parameter IS. As a measure of the distance between the centers of clusters - Euclidean distance is calculated as follows:

Thus, the first cluster includes all respondents who are setting IS test ranges from - 0,35 to 0,46. According to the classification Sandra Bem test - a psycho androgynous respondents (-1 <IS <1). The proportion of the total number of respondents was 51,03 %. The second cluster includes masculine respondents (IS <-1) and psycho androgynous features of masculinity (-1 <IS <-0,46), which have the option IS ranging from - 1,97 to - 0,36 (15,72 %). The third cluster includes respondents of feminine psycho (IS> 1) and androgynous psycho with signs of femininity (0,58 <IS <1,86), who have the option IS ranging from 0,47 to 1,86 (33,26 %).

In order to identify relationships between the general level of self-esteem of respondents and their attachment to the psychological sex, we conducted a comparative analysis of self-description and parameter IS of respondents. Groups of respondents were considered with the level of self-respect (table 1, 2). The most interesting, was the distribution of respondents of psychological type of young people 14-15 years (8-9 class).

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents According to the General Type of Psychological Self-esteem (Boys 8-9 Classes)

The Overall Level of Self-esteem

Cluster 1 (Androgynous)

Cluster 2 (Masculine)

Cluster 3 (Feminine)














- overestimated






27, 8







44, 4

- average







- low














In boys with high self-esteem has the representatives of masculine (13 person) and androgynous (18 people) psycho types. The girls have high self-esteem are more representative of androgynous psycho types (8 people). Boys and girls who are classified as feminine psycho types, have a high self-esteem or underestimate their own abilities. This may be due to such psychological characteristics as the «need for achievement», which directly affects the motivation to work. This aspect requires further research.

Table 2

Distribution of Respondents According to the General Type of Psychological Self-esteem (Girls 8-9 classes)

The Overall Level of Self-esteem

Cluster 1 (Androgynous)

Cluster 2 (Masculine)

Cluster 3 (Feminine)







- overestimated














- average







- low














Conclusions and Perpectives for Further Research

The results of scientific experiments give us the right to assert the existence of significant gender differences between indicators of self-description of respondents of different ages, which have a direct impact on the overall self-esteem. Boys self-esteem is directly associated with his strength and physical activity, girls - with the appearance and coordination. Selfesteem of physical development of pupils is inflated of nature and is on average 80-85 % of the maximum rate. Established that on a total self-esteem of boys affects more performance than girls. According to the study was detached the effect of psychological sex on overall self-esteem of students. Given the above, we consider it appropriate that further gender studies in the field of physical culture and sports, the results of which will be the theoretical basis of the concept of gender approach in physical education students.

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