The role of motor activity in the social integration of disabled individuals
Research of adaptive physical culture and sports, increasing the level of social integration, well-being, reducing isolation of persons with disabilities by changing public opinion about disability and their psychological attitude to themselves.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 23,4 K |
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The role of motor activity in the social integration of disabled individuals
Yevhen Imas, Olha Borysova , Iryna Kohut
The current relevance of the research.Over a significant period of human development disabled people were considered to be dependent and were regarded as weak, incapable, etc. Frequently, dependence, a result of disability, was exaggerated by teachers, family members and society. Adaptive physical culture and sportscan reduce dependence and social isolation, helping disabled people to become full members of society. Methods of the reseacrh:analysis and generalization of special, scientific and methodical literature, the Internet; standardized documents; comparative method, abstracting, logical and theoretical analysis. The results of the study.The main goal of lessons of adaptive physical culture and sports is to increase the level of social integration, welfare, reduction of the isolation of disabled people by changing public opinion about disability and their psychological attitude to themselves. To achieve this goal, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the level of discrimination which is associated with disability. Secondly, to encourage and stimulate disabled people to realize their own potential and, thirdly, to implement changes in society that promote the full social implementation of this category of people.At the same time, the competitions in adaptive sports, first was regarded as local, have turned into the widespread international sports events for athletes with different forms of disability. The success of the modern Deaflympics, Paralympic Games and World Games of Special Olympics is both a testimony and a factor in changing the attitude of society towards disability. Disabled people are not a burden or an issue of social expenditure, but they are assets of a society that can make a significant contribution to its development and prosperity. It is necessary to create appropriate conditions, eliminating physical and social barriers. Training sessions and competitions contribute to it in terms of creating a barrier-free environment, and changing public attitudes. Conclusions.Motor activity training of disabled people, their participation in competitions, can not only improve their physical, mental, leadership and other qualities, promote the development of communicative abilities, self-confidence, confidence in their own abilities, but also provide the preconditions for maximum full-fledged social integration of disabled people, as well as the humanization of public relations in general.
Key words: motor activity, adaptive physical culture and sport, disabled people.
Актуальність. Протягом значного періоду розвитку людства особи з інвалідністю вважалися залежними і розглядалися як слабкі, недієздатні, невмілі і т. п. Найчастіше, залежність, що виникає внаслідок інвалідності, є перебільшеною педагогами, членами сім'ї і суспільством. Адаптивна фізична культура і спорт здатні зменшити залежність і соціальну ізольованість, допомагаючи особам з інвалідністю стати повноправними членами суспільства. Методи дослідження', аналіз і узагальнення спеціальної та науково-методичної літератури, інформаційних ресурсів мережі Інтернет; програмно-нормативних документів; компаративний метод, абстрагування, логіко- теоретичний аналіз. Результати дослідження. Основною метою занять адаптивною фізичною культурою і спортом є підвищення рівня соціальної інтеграції, добробуту, зменшення ізоляції осіб з інвалідністю шляхом зміни громадської думки про інвалідність і психологічного ставлення їх до самих себе. Для досягнення поставленої мети, в першу чергу, необхідно знизити рівень дискримінації, пов'язаної з інвалідністю. По-друге - заохочувати і стимулювати осіб з інвалідністю, щоб вони усвідомили їх власний потенціал і, по-третє, здійснити зміни в суспільстві, що сприяють повноцінної соціальної реалізації зазначеної категорії осіб. У той же час, змагання в адаптивному спорті, що починалися як локальні, перетворилися в масштабні міжнародні спортивні заходи для спортсменів з різними формами інвалідності. Успіх сучасних Дефлімпійських, Паралімпійських ігор та Всесвітніх ігор Спеціальних Олімпіад є одночасно і свідоцтвом, і фактором зміни ставлення суспільства до інвалідності. Люди з інвалідністю - не тягар і не стаття соціальних витрат, а актив суспільства, який здатний внести вагомий внесок у його розвиток і процвітання. Необхідно лише створити відповідні умови, усуваючи фізичні та соціальні бар'єри. Тренувальні заняття та змагання сприяють цьому як в плані створення безбар'єрного середовища, так і зміни суспільних установок. Висновки. Заняття людей з інвалідністю руховою активністю, залучення їх до участі в змаганнях здатні не тільки вдосконалювати їх фізичні, психічні, розумові, лідерські та інші якості, сприяти розвитку комунікативних здібностей, самовпевненості, віри у власні можливості, а й забезпечити передумови для максимально повноцінної соціальної інтеграції осіб з інвалідністю, а також гуманізації суспільних відносин в цілому. psychological social disability
Ключові слова: рухова активність, адаптивна фізична культура і спорт, особи з інвалідністю.
Актуальность. В течение значительного периода развития человечества люди с инвалидностью считались зависимыми и рассматривались как слабые, недееспособные, неумелые и т. д. Зачастую зависимость, возникающая вследствие инвалидности, является преувеличенной педагогами, членами семьи и обществом. Адаптивная физическая культура и спорт способны уменьшить зависимость и социальную изолированность, помогая лицам с инвалидностью стать полноправными членами общества. Методы исследования - анализ и обобщение специальной и научно-методической литературы, информационных ресурсов сети Интернет, программно-нормативных документов, компаративный метод, абстрагирования, логико-теоретический анализ. Результаты исследования. Основной целью занятий адаптивной физической культурой и спортом является повышение уровня социальной интеграции, благосостояния, уменьшение изоляции людей с инвалидностью путем изменения общественного мнения об инвалидности и их психологического отношения к самим себе. Для достижения поставленной цели, во-первых, необходимо снизить уровень дискриминации, связанной с инвалидностью, во-вторых - поощрять и стимулировать лиц с инвалидностью, чтобы они осознали собственный потенциал, а в- третьих - осуществить изменения в обществе, способствующие полноценной социальной реализации указанной категории лиц. В тоже время соревнования в адаптивном спорте, начинавшиеся как локальные, превратились в масштабные международные спортивные мероприятия для спортсменов с самыми разными формами инвалидности. Успех современных Дефлимпийских, Паралимпийских и Всемирных игр Специальных Олимпиад является одновременно и свидетельством, и фактором изменения отношения общества к инвалидности. Люди с инвалидностью - не обуза и не статья социальных расходов, а актив общества, который способен внести весомый вклад в его развитие и процветание. Необходимо лишь создать соответствующие условия, устраняя физические и социальные барьеры. Тренеровочные занятия и соревнования способствуют этому как в плане создания безбарьерной среды, так и изменения общественных установок. Выводы. Занятия людей с инвалидностью двигательной активностью, их привлечение к участию в соревнованиях способны не только совершенствовать их физические, психические, умственные, лидерские и другие качества, способствовать развитию коммуникативных способностей, самоуверенности, веры в собственные возможности, но и обеспечить предпосылки для максимально полноценной социальной интеграции лиц с инвалидностью, а также гуманизации общественных отношений в целом.
Ключевые слова: двигательная активность, адаптивная физическая культура и спорт, лица с инвалидностью.
Introduction. Over a significant period of human development disabled people were considered to be dependent and were regarded as weak, incapable, etc. Usually, dependence, a result of disability, was exaggerated by teachers, family members and society. In particular cases, the dependence of disabled people is completely created by others who are unable to stimulate them to develop ideas, express their desires and make their own decisions. The society is often not ready to realize the importance of independence of disabled people. Studies showed that young people with developmental disabilities are usually isolated from physical culture and sports, because teachers and coaches are overly cautious and restrict them too much, worrying for their safety [4; 6].
Adaptive physical culture and sportscan reduce dependence and social isolation, helping disabled people to become full members of society [5].
There is a significant amount of scientific work, proving the positive impact of motor activity on people's lives. For example, there are separate studies showing positive changes of disabled people in a result of sports activities. They improve the ability to walk, run, jump, climb the stairs; improved body posture, muscle tone, sedentary balance, coordination, strength, etc [1; 3; 8; 10; 11]. However, within the framework of this study, an attempt to reveal the role of motor activity in the social integration of disabled people was made.
Connection with scientific plans and topics. The work was carried out in accordance with the thematic plan for 2016-2020, issued by Ministry of Education and Science on the topic 1.7. «Organizational and methodological basis for the development of adaptive sports» (state registration number 0116U001613).
The purpose of the study is to analyze the main provisions that reveal the role of motor activity in the social integration of disabled people.
Research materials and methods: analysis and generalization of special, scientific and methodical literature, the Internet; standardized documents; comparative method, abstracting, logical and theoretical analysis, content analysis.
Discussion and the results of the study. The use of physical exercises for health-improving purposes has been known since ancient times, but information about the first sports competit ions for disabled people is dated by the end of the 19th century, when sports clubs for people with hearing impairments were opened in Germany. Since then, adaptive sportshas started its active development and now includes a large number of competitions for athletes from various nosological groups, including the Deaflympic Games (for people with hearing impairments), the Paralympic Games (for persons with musculoskeletal disorders, visual impairments and mental development abnormalities) and the World Games of Special Olympics (for people with mental disabilities) [1; 4; 5; 11].
Competitions in adaptive sports, first was regarded as local, have turned into the widespread international sports events for athletes with different forms of disability. The success of the modern Deaflympics, Paralympic Games and World Games of Special Olympics is both a testimony and a factor in changing the attitude of society towards disability. Disabled people are not a burden or an issue of social expenditure, but they are assets of a society that can make a significant contribution to its development and prosperity. It is necessary to create appropriate conditions, eliminating physical and social barriers. Training sessions and competitions contribute to it in terms of creating a barrier-free environment, and changing public attitudes.
The main goal of lessons of adaptive physical culture and sports is to increase the level of social integration, welfare, reduction of the isolation of disabled people by changing public opinion about disability and their psychological attitude to themselves. To achieve this goal, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the level of discrimination which is associated with disability. Secondly, to encourage and stimulate disabled people to realize their own potential and, thirdly, to implement changes in society that promote the full social implementation of this category of people.
During the motor activity exercises the representation of the society about disabled people changes by shifting attention from the existing handicaps of their abilities. Due to joint motor activity, healthy people meet disabled people in favorable conditions and can assess the real possibilities of this category of people. The gained experience during the joint sessions is transformed into a better way for their representation about the capabilities of disabled people. Therefore, not focusing healthy people attention on the deviations of disabled people is largely ensured by joint participation in training sessions and competitions.
At the same time, motor activity change also disables people who have confidence in their abilities, the opportunity to acquire skills that affect the solution of many life problems, such as getting an education, employment, etc.; Their social skills are developing, the number of friends and acquaintances outside their families is increasing, leadership qualities, self-discipline and responsibility are formed, and the horizon for positive changes in their lives is expanding.
Adaptive physical culture and sportsalso contribute to the social and emotional development of disabled people by forming public consciousness, self-confidence, independence, adequate self-esteem, and also increasing their level of motivation for engaging in motor activity. These skills can be used in employment, because they are associated with increased confidence in their abilities and ensure the acquisition of important social skills necessary for work.
Many people with disabilities have come to terms with isolation and discrimination, because they feel themselves helpless, unable to change their position without role models and information about the lives of others with disabilities, they do not have the knowledge and tools to improve it. If they did not have examples of better living conditions, they would not be able to imagine the possibilities of improving their lives.
Healthy people often do not have enough information on disability issues and examples of positive interactions between people with disabilities. Sometimes even people with sincere intentions to help people with disabilities can ignore or contribute to their isolation, since they do not have enough information and skills necessary for their integration into society.
Achieving the maximum positive effect of physical culture and sports requires finding adequate measures that would create inclusive conditions for the participation of disabled people in sports activities and contribute to the formation of awareness of the characteristics of participants in the sports process, help to develop communication skills, mutual respect and mutual understanding. With appropriate communication, knowledge and skills, physical culture and sportscan become a powerful tool for changing the attitudes of society and empowering disabled people.
The importance of physical culture and sports as means to improve the lives of people with disabilities is reflected in a number of international agreements, policies, and programes: in 1978, UNESCO determined the value of motor activity for disabled people in the International Charter of Physical Education and Sport. In 1982, the United Nations developed the World Program of Action, a global strategy for increasing the level of prevention of disability, rehabilitation and equal opportunities. The Program announced the need to encourage all disabled people to various forms of sporting events by creating new and adapting existing facilities and the correct organization of physical and sports activities. In 1993, the UN adopted the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Disabled People, which also dealt with the rights to engage in sports in this category of people [18; 19]. The UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People is the first legally binding international instrument that addresses the rights of these citizens in the context of physical culture and sports. To ensure the implementation of the rights enshrined in the Convention, worldwide, in January 2006, the International Working Group on Disability in Sportswas established. Its members are representatives of the UN, international organizations, and civil society, academia and sports organizations. The working group monitors and ensures the popularization of physical culture and sports at the global level [2; 7; 9; 13-16].
It should be noted that the worldwide popularity of adaptive sports, its physical, social, humanistic and economic potentials contribute to the formation of a platform for educational and social mobilization, and serve as an ideal tool for reducing the level of isolation associated with disability, and promote socialization, independence, empowerment and the full integration of disabled people into society.
Media coverage of sports events with the participation of disabeled people can play a crucial role in creating a positive and adequate view of these people. For example, the growing popularity of the Paralympic Games has made a significant contribution to the recognition of disabled people and their integration into society. So, according to the organizing committee of the Paralympic Games in London in 2012, the total television audience during the Games was about 4 billion viewers. Only this event significantly increases public awareness about the capabilities of athletes with disabilities.
Physical culture and sports often become an effective factor that facilitates the integration of people with disabilities into the normal daily life of society. So, for example, the Brazilian boy Gabriel Muniz, was born without both feet, but he played football with other children in the yard of his house. Gabriel trained daily, playing his favorite game - football and became the best player and captain of the school team. Gabriel Muniz became the first child with a disability, who for his talent and perseverance was admitted to the junior school of FC Barcelona. The unique boy, who was noticed by the coaches of the Barcelona Academy, was also invited to play a few exhibitions matches in support of the World Cup in Brazil in 2014 [12].
In addition, one of the five innovations of the jubilee World Cup in 2014 in Brazil was his discovery, when the first kick was performed by a teenager with an exoskeleton. The exoskeleton, in which a boy with a disability opened the World Cup, allows you to exercise, not just to get up and walk. Born in Brazil, Professor Miguel Nicolelis, being the coordinator of the exoskeleton project, hopes that the hearts of millions of people who saw the opening of the Championship will open for charity and will be a pledge to reduce the level of social exclusion of people with disabilities.
Social isolation is not only an external barrier preventing access of disabled people to full social, economic, political, cultural realization, as a rule, it is also an internal barrier, as a result of which this category of people calls into question its necessity and importance for society. For example, many Ukrainian football players with amputations, repeated winners of international tournaments, reported that they thought about suicide when they lost limbs in the war in Aghganistan. Based on their own previous, stereotypical ideas about the lives of people with disabilities, they had no hope for a happy future. Participation in sports competitions gave these players the opportunity to understand that they are able to do much more than they could imagine. Their views on the limitations caused by their disability have been radically changed, giving them a more optimistic attitude and restoring faith in their future.
Physical education and sports allow people with disabilities to acquire the skills necessary to implement changes. Awareness, confidence, communication skills that people with disabilities receive in the process of training sessions, often are an incentive for participation in educational activities. Acquired leadership skills and teamwork skills are rapidly evolving and are easily transferred to this new field. A good example is the work of Valery Sushkevych, a Ukrainian politician, authorized by the President of Ukraine on the rights of people with disabilities, the president of the National Sports of Disabled People's Committee of Ukraine, the chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association «National Assembly of Disabled People of Ukraine». Valerii Sushkevych as a child was ill with poliomyelitis was forced to fight for his life and prove to him and others that he can achieve everything without yielding to the healthy people. While swimming, he became the champion of Ukraine, graduated from the physics and mathematics faculty of Dnipropetrovsk University. The political career of Valerii Mikhailovich is also impressive. Thanks to the offered bills, people with disabilities are getting more and more rights to full and equal life in our country. The way from the little boy who had been ill with poliomyelitis and overcame difficulties due to sportsand moral courage - to the Hero of Ukraine and the organizer of one of the best Paralympic and Deaflimpic teams of the world - is his rise to a seemingly unassailable peak.
People, who acquired disability during their lifetime, play a crucial role of connecting link between disabled and healthy people. Many last combatants became disabled because of war, they are considered as heroes. Because of particular circumstances, society is ready to listen to them more often than these people who are disable from their birth. People with acquired disability, as a rule, did not suffer from that social, economic, political restriction, which people with inheritable disability faced. They are able to be leaders, to demonstrate the right model of behaviour, and who stands for the rights of disabled people. The relevant confirmation of the above-mentioned can be Ukrainian athletes, who got hurt in the period of military operation in the east of Ukraine and during the event of Maydan in 2013-2017, they do not lose heart, and stand still for rights of all Ukrainians to the possibility to live in an indivisible, independent, strong and democratical state, where everyone without exception has equal rights and responsibilities for the full realization in society.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Examining the relevant problems which characterize the vital activity of disabled people at the present stage of the development of society, it is established that, despite the considerable efforts of state and public organizations in terms of creating favorable conditions for the social integration of this category of citizens, unfortunately, there is a number of issues that slow the pace of their implementation. One of the important problems that negatively affect the social integration of disabled people in our country is the low awareness of the society about the possibilities of this category of people. Humanization of public relations will help to solve the existing problems of this category of people and as a consequence - positively affect their integration into Ukrainian society.
At the same time, engaging disabled people with motor activity, involving them in participating in competitions, can not only improve their physical, mental, mental, leadership and other qualities, promote the development of communicative abilities, self-confidence, confidence in their own abilities, but also provide the prerequisites for maximum full-fledged social integration of disabled people, as well as humanization of public relations in general.
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15. United Nations, The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access : (дата звернення: 18.12.16).
16. United Nations, World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access : diswpa00.htm (дата звернення: 18.12.16).
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