The types of resourcefulness orientation of a person
Self-determination of a person in relationships and humanistic attitude towards others - the main aspects of resource. A person's knowledge of own capabilities and ability to update, use their reserves - the factors of psychological resourcefulness.
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Дата добавления | 30.10.2020 |
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The types of resourcefulness orientation of a person
O.S. Shtepa
While characterizing the notion of resource scholars most frequently reveal its essence through notions of potential, ability, reserve and chance. For a better definition of correlation between notions of resource and potential, ability, reserve, and chance, we suggest distinguishing the criteria of resource. The main aspects of resource may be defined as self-determination of a person in relationships and humanistic attitude towards others. Distinguished aspects of resource are analogous to directions in which personal orientation is defined. Based on the data of multi-factor and cluster analysis, as well as on the method of principal components, the types of psychological resourcefulness have been established: (the manner of appropriateness of allocation of the following resourcefulness types has been empirically grounded) «resource as an ability», «resource as a potentiality», «resource as a reserve», «resource as a chance». It has been established that the principal components of psychological resourcefulness characterize the following personal-existential resources: «helping others», «kindness to people», «belief in good», «pursuit of wisdom». It has been determined that the main factors of psychological resourcefulness are the knowledge of a person's own resources and the ability to renovate and use these resources, as well as individual- existential resources «belief in good» and «helping others». The results of the empirical research have allowed identifying the types of psychological resourcefulness in vectors of the types «actualization» and «actualizing the resources of self-development».
Key words: aspects of the resource, types of psychological resourcefulness, self- fulfilled, «self-realization - self-transcending», «conservation- actualization of resources».
У статті наведено результати теоретичного аналізу тезаурусу ресурсу. Зауважено, що, характеризуючи поняття ресурсу, його зміст найчастіше розкривають через поняття потенціалу, можливості, резерву, шансу. Водночас нерідко зміст указаних понять накладається, що створює неточності в тлумаченні характеристик феномену ресурсу. Для чіткішого визначення співвідношення понять ресурсу та потенціалу, можливості, резерву, шансу було вирішено виокремити критерії ресурсу. Результатом узагальнень даних літератури стало означення ресурсів як духовних сил людини, служіння іншим. Відтак головними аспектами ресурсу можна допускати самовизначення особи у взаєминах та її гуманістичне ставлення до інших.
Привертає увагу те, що виокремлені аспекти ресурсу аналогічні до напрямів, у яких визначують спрямованість особистості. На основі даних багатофакторного й кластерного аналізу, а також методу головних компонентів, емпірично аргументовано доцільність виокремлення таких типів психологічної ресурсності: «ресурс як можливість», «ресурс як потенційність», «ресурс як резерв», «ресурс як шанс». Установлено, що головні компоненти психологічної ресурсності - це такі особистісно-екзистенційні ресурси, як: «допомога іншим», «доброта до людей», «віра у добро», «прагнення до мудрості». Визначено, що головними чинниками психологічної ресурсності є знання особою власних ресурсів та її уміння оновлювати і використовувати власні ресурси, а також особистісно-екзистенційні ресурси «віра в добро» й «допомога іншим». Результати емпіричного дослідження дали змогу виокремити типи психологічної ресурсності у векторах «тип самоздійснення» та «актуалізованість саморозвитку». У кожному із чотирьох типів ресурсності теоретично окреслено домінування прагнення особистості, головна категорія її саморозвитку, особливості самоздійснення, а також схарактеризовано структуру особистісно -екзистенційних ресурсів.
Ключові слова: аспекти ресурсу, типи психологічної ресурсності, тип самоздійснення, «самовираження - самотрансцендування», «законсервованість - актуалізованість ресурсів».
В статье приведены результаты теоретического анализа тезауруса ресурса. Указано, что, характеризуя понятие ресурса, его содержание чаще всего раскрывают через понятия потенциала, возможности, резерва, шанса. В то же время нередко содержание указанных понятий так накладывается, что создает неточности в пояснении характеристик феномена ресурса. С целью более четкого определения соотношения понятий ресурса и потенциала, возможности, резерва, шанса установлено критерии ресурса. Результатом обобщений данных литературы стало определение ресурса как духовных сил человека, служения другим. Таким образом, главными аспектами ресурса можно считать самоопределение личности во взаимоотношениях и ее гуманистическое отношение к другим. Обращает на себя внимание то, что выделенные аспекты ресурса аналогичны направлениям, в которых определяют направленность личности. На основе данных многофакторного и кластерного анализа, а также метода главных компонентов эмпирически аргументирована целесообразность выделения таких типов психологической ресурсности, как: «ресурс как возможность», «ресурс как потенциальность», «ресурс как резерв», «ресурс как шанс». Установлено, что главными детерминантами психологической ресурсности являются знание человеком своих ресурсов и его умение обновлять и использовать свои ресурсы, а также личностно - экзистенциальные ресурсы «вера в добро» и «помощь другим». Результаты эмпирического исследования дали возможность выделить типы психологической ресурсности в векторах «тип самоосуществления» и «актуализированность саморазвития». В каждом из четырех типов ресурсности указано доминирующее стремление личности, главная категория ее саморазвития, а также охарактеризовано структуру личностно-экзистенциальных ресурсов.
Ключевые слова: аспекти ресурса, типы психологической ресурсности, тип самореализации, «самовыражение - самотрансцендированность», «самоконсервированость - актиализованость ресурсов».
The problem. In our opinion, modem theories of the phenomenon of resource include: 1) definition of «external» and «internal» resources of a human; 2) phenomenological analysis of personal resources; 3) distinguishing kinds of resources: social, individual, personal, psychological. Simultaneously, some scholarly sources also use the notions of «ability», «potential», «reserve» as identical to the term «resource». It seems appropriate to clarify the character of correlation between the notions «resource» and «reserve», «potential», and «ability», in order to indicate whether these notions are kinds, types or features of resource.
The aim of the research is to conduct theoretical analysis of the discourse of the notion «resource» and to provide empirical classification of the types of personality resourcefulness.
Literature review. Traditionally, resources of a human being include personal qualities and abilities, which are valuable for a person and which help adapt to stressful situations and overcome them (self-respect, professional skills, self-control, life values) (S. Hobfoll as cited in Vodopyanova [2, p. 304-305]). At the same time, resource is also defined as a condition characterized by feeling happy and self-confident, which is necessary for solving problems, and also for feeling free [9]. Scholars tend to define resources as inner forces necessary for constructive overcoming of life crises by a person. Therefore, it is usually considered that the main attributes of resourcefulness are initiative, responsibility and aspiring for sense [13].
Measure of personal resources for successful life is defined as personal potential [7]. Distinguishing resource as potentiality is based on its comparison with a multitude of values which enables a person to develop the attitude towards the world and towards themselves [11]. Ability is interpreted as a spiritual dimension opened for a personality on a stage of their personal development characterized by realizing measures of freedom and responsibility. Interpreters of resource as an ability emphasize that they mean spiritual abilities of a person, which, when mobilized, provide ways of behavior for preventing or coping with stress (V. Bodrov as cited by Kalashnikova [4]). Describing stress as a reserve means interpreting it as a fund which can be used for resolving a certain task, achieving the aim [10] and also defining it as a manifestation of professional self-realization [10]. Characterizing resource as a chance attention is focused on the opportunity of personal development resulting from experiencing a critical life period [12] and its ability to enable a person to change a complicated situation [1]. Chance is interpreted as a guarantee for experiencing the feeling of existential realizability, that is, feeling of realizing the plan and person's confidence for asserting values [5].
It may be concluded that characterizing resource scholars most frequently present its essence through notions of potential, ability, reserve and chance. However, often the contents of these notions overlap, which leads to inaccuracies in interpreting characteristics of the phenomenon of resource. For clearer definition of correlation between notions of resource and potential, ability, reserve and chance, we suggest distinguishing the criteria of resource.
Main material. The paradigm of this research is humanistic, its main principles that define the identity: integrity of a person, its ability to self-determination, proactive personality, nonlinear development. The main condition for the development of personality is to allow the human need to be understood and accepted by the others, and her need for a meaningful life and realization of personal potential.
The relevance of the study lies in the selection and characterization of types of psychological resourcefulness. Scientific novelty of the research is the empirical support for types of psychological resourcefulness. The theoretical significance of the research results is a meaningful distinction between the concepts of «chance», «potential», «opportunity», «reserve» in the discourse of the resource.
The analysis of literature [9, p. 15-16], [15, p. 868] allows characterizing resource as an «inner fund» of a personality, that is, spiritual abilities, which are experienced as a measure of realizability of a person's needs. In a way of generalization, resources may be defined as spiritual forces of a person for serving others. Thus, the main aspects of resource may be defined as selfdetermination of a person in relationships and humanistic attitude towards others.
Our attention was attracted by the fact that the distinguished aspects of resource are analogous to directions in which personal orientation is defined. In particular, attitude towards oneself and the others are categories of constructing types of personal orientation according to D. Feldshtein and I. Yegorycheva (as cited in Ye. Ilyin [3, p.175], the main aspects in a model of types of personal orientation on interaction by J. Bowlby - K. Bartholomew (as cited in O. Lishyn), vectors of distinguishing types of life positions in the model of orientation by E. Berne and F. Ernst (as cited in O. Lishyn [8]), and also directions of distinguishing the types of personal orientation by the criterion of life principle by I. Kulagina and V. Kolyutskiy (6, p. 79-110).
Therefore, we developed the hypothesis that characterizing features of resource in vectors «attitude towards oneself - attitude towards others» will enable positioning potential, ability, reserve and chance as its aspects. As positioning will be realized in vectors of orientation, it is expected to result in the typology of resource. The content of the term «personal orientation» is understood as Ye. Ilyin defined it: «stable domination of the interest which determines the vector of behavior» [3, p. 375]. Since we discuss the dynamic feature of personal attitude towards oneself and others, it seems appropriate to shift from characterizing aspects of resource as inner spiritual fund to psychological resourcefulness, which we understand as a person's ability to actualize and operate own resources with the aim of self-development, self-expression in relationships and giving support to the others.
On theoretical level, vectors of typifying psychological resourcefulness were established, namely: we trace attitude towards others in the direction of self-realization of a personality, which is highlighted on the continuum - «self- realization (individualism, striving for self-realization) - self-transcending (altruism, devotion to serving the others)»; while the direction of attitude towards oneself - in actualizing resources of self-development, defined on the continuum «conservation (inability to operate own resources and striving not to use them) - actualization of resources (ability to actualize and use own resources)».
With the aim of empirical constructing of an anticipated typology of structure of psychological resourcefulness we have defined principal components of psychological resourcefulness and distinguished descriptors of its directions on the basis of author's questionnaire of psychological resourcefulness. Personal-existential resources we define as the disposition intentionality that are actualized in situations of moral self-determination as an opportunity and a way to make life meaningful and predetermine the result of the transposition of accommodation of difficult situations in a person's unique life experience. Resourcefulness we define as the ability of a person to self-actualize his/her own personal-existential resources and know them and be able to use and update.
In our opinion, the resources that are disclosed in person's spiritual forces to serve others are appropriate to be characterized as personal-existential. The following personal-existential resources can be distinguished: the disposition of intentionality that actualizes in situations of moral self-determination as a possibility and a way of providing life sense and cause the transposition of the result of a person's experiencing complicated situations within unique life experience.
Personal-existential resources may be determined as following: confidence, kindness to people, helping others, success, love, creativity and faith in goodness, aspiration for wisdom, work upon oneself, self-realization in the profession, responsibility. The ability of a person to actualize his/her own resources, operating them with the aim of self-development and support of others, we consider to be their psychological resourcefulness.
There were 315 respondents aged 17-76. The correspondence of the data with the natural distribution was established according to the scales «age» and «sex».
Using multi-factor hierarchical analysis it has been established that the main factors of general level of psychological resourcefulness are: 1) knowledge and ability to renovate own resources; 2) belief in good, helping others, kindness, responsibility; 3) success. Using the method of principal components it has been established that these are helping others, belief in good, and striving for wisdom. On the basis of the received data we have decided to define empirical indicator of «conservation - actualization of resources» distinguish correspondingly low and high level of formation of knowledge and ability to renovate resources; indicator «self-expression - self-transcending» - accordingly low and high level of formation of personal-existential resources of belief in good and helping others. The levels of distinguished indicators were verified with the help of descriptive statistics. On the basis of distinguished indicators of constructing construing types of psychological resourcefulness it became possible to empirically verify peculiarities of its structure.
Using cluster analysis (K-means clustering/Cases) it has been established that on the level of statistical significance it is appropriate to distinguish 4 types of clusters out of 14 types analyzed. (Figure 1). The results of comparing means by the general level of psychological resourcefulness, and also contrasting levels of formation of personal-existential resources by Scheffe's test verified the appropriateness of distinguishing four types of structuring psychological resourcefulness.
It is important that using Scheffe's test the existence of differences has been established between all four types of psychological resourcefulness according to the indicators «belief in good», «helping others», «knowledge, ability to renovate and use own resources» and «general level of psychological resourcefulness».
Figure 1. Main types of psychological resourcefulness in vectors «conservation - actualization of resources» and «self-expression - self-transcending»: Var 1 - self-confidence, Var 2 - kindness others, Var 3 - helping others, Var 4 - success, Var 5-love, Var 6- creativity, Var 7 - belief in good, Var 8- aspiration for wisdom, Var 9 -- helping others, Var 10 - self-realization in profession, Var 11 - responsibility, Var 12- knowledge about resources, Var 13 - ability to restore resources, Var 14 - ability to use resources
psychological resourcefulness humanistic
Discriminant functional analysis has shown that the correctness of distinguishing high level of psychological resourcefulness is 98 %; medium level of a-type psychological resourcefulness - 87 %; medium level of b-type psychological resourcefulness - 75 %; low level of psychological resourcefulness - 65 %.
Using the method of principal components peculiarities of each of the four types of psychological resourcefulness have been defined. Since the basis of constructing types was the same - certain existing level of actualization of resources and self-transcending, the found peculiarities concerned deflexion of low level of formation of certain personal-existential resources. (Figure 2). It has been established that the structure of psychological resourcefulness of type 1 is characterized by a low level of formation of personal-existential resource «responsibility»; structure of psychological resourcefulness of type 2 - a low level of formation of personal-existential resource «self-confidence», «self- realization in profession» and low level of knowledge and ability to renovate own resources; structure of psychological resourcefulness of type 3 - low level of formation of personal-existential resource «helping others» and «belief in good»; structure of psychological resourcefulness of type 4 - low level of formation of personal-existential resource «striving for wisdom» and low level of knowledge and ability to renovate own resources.
Figure 2. Types of psychological resourcefulness
On the basis of the results of multi-factor hierarchical analysis and method of principal components we have decided upon aspects of psychological resourcefulness, by which its types should be distinguished.
Distinguishing the types of psychological resourcefulness - «resource as an ability», «resource as a potentiality», «resource as a chance» and «resource as a reserve» enables a psychologist to predict the level of resource capacity of a personality in correlation with possible critical life situations, what a person have to experience and also determine as exactly as possible directions and indicators of actualization of a client's resourcefulness.
We can state that the notions such as «ability», «potential», «reserve», «chance» may be viewed as aspects of psychological orientation. We defined resource orientation of a human being as a spiritual aspect of a personality's subjectness which presents striving for sense by a person as choosing their way of self-realization through choosing values of mercifulness.
Conclusions and perspectives of research. The article raises the problem of theoretical analysis of thesaurus of resource. Using the data of mathematical- statistical analysis the necessity for distinguishing several types of psychological resourcefulness has been empirically grounded: «resource as an ability», «resource as a potentiality», «resource as a reserve», and «resource as a chance».
It has been determined that the main factors of psychological resourcefulness are the knowledge of a person's own resources and the ability to renovate and use these resources, as well as personal-existential resources «belief in good» and «helping others». The results of the empirical research have allowed identifying the types of psychological resourcefulness in vectors of the type «actualization» and «actualizing the resources of self-development». We defined resource orientation of a human being as a spiritual aspect of a personality's subjectness which presents striving for sense by a person as choosing their way of self-realization through choosing values of mercifulness.
Forthcoming empirical research should be directed onto verifying empirical filed of typology of psychological resourcefulness and types of personality's orientation by the criterion of life position.
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курсовая работа [50,7 K], добавлен 26.04.2013The problem of evaluation, self-assessment of personality as a psychological category. Factors of formation evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age. An experimental study of characteristics evaluation and self-esteem of junior pupils.
курсовая работа [28,6 K], добавлен 19.05.2011This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motivation and satisfaction. Fostering personal relationships with students. Motivating students to work. Handling interpersonal issues.
статья [18,6 K], добавлен 10.05.2014What is conflict. As there is a conflict. Main components of the conflict. The conflict is a dispute over what. How to resolve the conflict. Negotiations search consent of a compromise. Subject of the dispute. The decision brought. Suppressed discontent.
презентация [50,7 K], добавлен 21.03.2014Confucianism as the creation of a harmonious society in the ancient pattern, in which every person has a function. Creativity and the ability of a person to self-renew as a guarantee of human constancy. Methods of constructing harmonious society.
эссе [14,0 K], добавлен 10.01.2014The major constitutional principle, considering the person, his rights and freedoms. Law of the subject of the Russian Federation. Rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, their protection as the basic contents of activity of the democratic state.
реферат [15,5 K], добавлен 07.01.2015Citizenship is as the condition of possession the rights in the antique policy. The Roman jurisprudence about the place and role of the person in the society. Guarantees of the rights and duties of the citizens in the constitutions of states of the world.
реферат [62,5 K], добавлен 14.02.2015A person who signs a document with another person and shares the obligations. Documents which prove that I own a particular piece of real property. The questions that the manager asks. The conclusion of the bank manager. The first rule of any banker.
презентация [1,9 M], добавлен 20.02.2013Analysis of factors affecting the health and human disease. Determination of the risk factors for health (Genetic Factors, State of the Environment, Medical care, living conditions). A healthy lifestyle is seen as the basis for disease prevention.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 24.05.2012Process of accumulation of profit and abundance during the early Middle Ages. The attitude of the person to conditions of creation and reproduction of the property. Fomy Akvinsky's theory about use of money. Reasonings on Christian morals and profit.
эссе [14,1 K], добавлен 19.07.2010Bread is more than just a food. Just think of how the word is used: A person's "bread and butter" is his or her main source of sustenance, while bread or dough can be cash, plain and simple. When people "break bread" they share more than just a meal.
топик [7,4 K], добавлен 15.11.2003Concept of development basic law. Protection of freedom through the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity. Analysis of the humanitarian aspects of the legal status of a person. Systematic review of articles of the constitution of Russia.
реферат [21,2 K], добавлен 14.02.2015The system of executive authorities. Legislation of Ukraine as sources of social protection. The mechanism and contents of social protection tax. Benefits as the main element of the special legal status of a person. Certain features of protection.
реферат [18,9 K], добавлен 30.09.2012The subject of the sentence in two grammatical categories: number and person. Grammatical categories of the verbals. Morphological classification of verbs. The main difference between the strong and weak verbs. The principal forms and minor groups.
презентация [200,7 K], добавлен 20.10.2013Example of "simple linear progression". Additive. adversative. temporal textual connector. Anaphoric relations and their use in fairy tales. Major types of deictic markers: person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, textual deixis, social deixis.
творческая работа [300,8 K], добавлен 05.07.2011Select the right person for the right job in the first рlасе. Your rights and duties as an employer. Discrimination: what to watch out for. Pregnant employees, married or unmarried, have several rights. A safe and healthy working environment, a pay.
контрольная работа [20,2 K], добавлен 28.04.2010The term, culture shock, was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment. The symptoms of cultural shock can appear at different times.
топик [6,4 K], добавлен 25.08.2006Character is the most important thing in a person which attracts or repulses other people. Each of us has his or hers good and bad features of character.
реферат [17,7 K], добавлен 11.06.2007Recent studies conducted by psychologists, philosophers and religious leaders worldwide. The depth of love. The influence of behavior on feelings. Biological models of sex. Psychology depicts love. Caring about another person. Features teenage love.
реферат [59,9 K], добавлен 20.01.2015Literary formation of children. A book role in development of the person. Value of the historical, educational and interesting literature for mankind. Famous authors and poets. Reflection of cultural values of the different countries in the literature.
презентация [5,0 M], добавлен 14.12.2011